Article - The Effect of Video Blogging
Article - The Effect of Video Blogging
Article - The Effect of Video Blogging
This study aims to find out the extent of the effect of using video blogging for
students’ speaking skills. This research bridges the gap between conventional
language teaching practices and the preferences of today's learners who are
accustomed to using multimedia content. This study used a pre-experimental
method. Speaking tests are the research tool that will be administered to 36 students
as a sample for this study. The results showed that the experimental class's average
pre-test score was 57,3, and its average post-test score was 69,2. A Sig. (2-tailed) value
of 0.000 was found in the independent sample t-test analysis findings, which is less
than the predefined significance limit of 0.05. As a result, the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. These findings indicate
a significant effect of using video blogging as learning media for high school
students' speaking skills.
Keywords: video blogging; learning media; ELT; speaking skills
Article History:
Technology integration has transformed a new teaching technique and opened up new
opportunities for student engagement in today's quickly changing educational scene.
Learning a language, particularly being fluent in English, is essential as international
communication grows more and more important. Nevertheless, traditional methods of
teaching languages sometimes fail to hold the interest and enthusiasm of learners used to
interactive online settings. Though it appears that the usage of modern technology
implemented thus far has not yielded adequate results, all teachers and students have
implemented it in the learning process. Examples of this include using power presentations
to convey the topic and focusing on practices. Not all groups have been able to acquire
proficiency in English, a foreign language, despite efforts to employ current technologies.
Speaking is one of the abilities that someone learning English has to get down pat.
Teachers and students must provide materials utilizing contemporary technology to
help pupils learn to speak, and students must also provide feedback in the form of materials
using contemporary technology. Speaking is essential to learning and communicating in
English since it allows one to express ideas, feelings, thoughts, and experiences.(Linda A.R.,
Meida R.S., 2022) Speaking is a skill that enables us to share concepts and product
knowledge. Speaking is a means of communicating ideas to both oneself and other people
(Syaputri, W., 2020). In the era of globalization, language is crucial for effective
communication in various aspects of life, including business, economy, society, tourism, and
technology. English, an international language, is particularly important for mastering
English due to advancements in technology and science. However, English language
Corresponding Author: Sheline Feranda Lumintang, e-mail: [email protected]
Authors’Contribution: a-Study design; b-Data collection; c-Statistical analysis; d-Manuscript preparation; e-
Funds collection.
© 2021 The Author.This article is licensed CC BY SA 4.0.
visit Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This research uses quantitative techniques. The goal of quantitative research is to
gather information that can be measured and statistically analyzed to either confirm or deny
competing theories of knowledge. In contrast, quantitative research collects data on pre-
defined instruments that yield statistical data through the use of inquiry methods such as
surveys and experiments. This study also makes use of quantitative experiments. Although
experimental research is typically conducted in laboratories, it can also be utilized in social
science research, including educational research (Sukardi, 2018). In other words, pre-
experimental designs are not yet true experiments; the experimental research design that is
being employed is a form of pre-experimental design because there are still external elements
that influence how the dependent variable develops (Creswell, 2015).
This research is targeted to the objectives that must be met in order to comprehend
how to analyze the language norms of negotiation texts with a focus on conditional phrases
and witness the results of a therapy. In this study, the author used the one-group pre-test
post-test design research method. The researcher will use “Thewizardilz” YouTube channel
for this treatment. This YouTube channel was chosen because it provides social conditions or
phenomena that occur in the vlogger. In the post-test, data will be obtained from the results of
the experiment, whether or not there is effect in using video blogging as a learning media in
improving students' speaking skills. This research was conducted at the eleventh grade of
Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Surabaya.
Prior to the experimental group being given the video blogging therapy, the average
score for this group was 57.3. The students' lowest and highest scores were 40 and 80,
respectively. In addition, the experimental group's average score increased to 69.2 after the
treatment, with the students achieving the highest score of 86 and the lowest score of 56. In
order to assist them enhance their speaking ability, video blogging was employed as a
learning medium on analytical exposition content. As a result, the average score on the
pretest and posttest increased by 11.9. The results of the normality test in the study are
shown in the table below:
These findings suggest that the data is normally distributed because the pre-test
Shapiro-Wilk significance value is greater than 0.05 (Mishra,, 2019). The significance
value for the pretest score is 0.140. In the meantime, the post-test score had a significance
value of 0.444. As a result, the researcher came to the conclusion that the results of the
normality test indicated a normal distribution of data among participants' pre- and post-test
answers. The hypothesis test made by researchers regarding the relationships between the
variables in their study are called hypotheses. The purpose of this research hypothesis test is
to ascertain whether the use of video blogging can help high school students' speaking
ability. Therefore, the researcher used a paired sample t-test to compare students' scores
before and after the video blogging treatment to assess the validity of the hypothesis.
The increase in EFL students' mean scores before and after treatment is displayed in
the table. The mean score was 57.3 (SD = 11.25) prior to the treatment, and it was 69.2 (SD =
7.07) following the treatment. There is an average difference between the scores before and
after treatment because the mean score after treatment is higher than it was before treatment.
As a result of using learning media in the form of video blogging in EFL classes, students'
speaking skills have improved. Additionally, we consult the Paired Sample t Test table to
determine the significance of the average difference. The primary table in the output that
displays the test's outcomes is the Paired Samples Test table. The significance value (2-tailed)
in the table illustrates this.
The output table shows that there was an average 11.83 points difference between the
students' pretest and posttest results. The negative t-statistic result, specifically 11.83, implies
it is larger than the normal t table (2.03) with a df of 35, suggesting that the students' average
pretest score is lower than the posttest score. Aside from that, a significance value (2-tailed)
score of 0.000, or a value less than 0.05, is displayed in the output table to indicate significant
differences between student learning outcomes in the pretest and posttest data. so that there
are notable or meaningful differences between the before and after findings. Descriptive
statistics show that the before and after are smaller than the prior. It can be concluded that
although there are differences between before and after treatment, they still have a
significant impact. This also means that the null hypothesis (H 0) is rejected. Meanwhile the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
To determine the influence between two means, the researcher employed Cohen's d, a
sort of measure. The idea that using video blogs as a teaching tool in the classroom can
© 2021 The Author.This article is licensed CC BY SA 4.0.
visit Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
( Mean 2−Mean 1)
d= =.
Pooled SD
Pooled SD =
√ (SD 1 ²+ SD2 ²)
√ (11, 25²+7 , 07²)
= 9,39
69 , 2−57 , 3 1190
d= = =1,267
9 , 39 9 , 39
The participants' effect size test result is 1.267 based on the computations above. The
effect size was deemed large by the researcher based on the treatment group ratings. This
result demonstrates the highly substantial effect that using video blogging as a teaching tool
has on senior high school students' ability to speaking. The researcher found that high school
students, particularly grade eleven, in the experimental group, received learning benefits
from video blogging learning media, specifically on analytical exposition material related to
the Merdeka curriculum. The study revealed a significant difference in students' pre-test and
post-test scores, indicating the effectiveness of video blogging as a learning medium in
improving speaking abilities.
Out of 36 students in a study, 30 had poor pre-test scores, resulting in only six
achieving the highest possible score of 70-80. This suggests students struggled with
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension when speaking. Research
by Rakhmanina and Kusumaningrum (2023) supports this, stating that video blogging can
improve speaking skills and increase student enthusiasm, highlighting the need for further
research on this topic. The study found that students' speaking ability in an experimental
class using video blogs (vlogs) improved significantly after a post-test. The average pre-test
score was 57.3, while the average post-test score was 69.2. The use of YouTube's features,
particularly video blogging, allowed students to discover a wealth of educational content.
The average post-test score was higher than the pre-test score, indicating a significant
improvement in speaking ability. The t-test results showed a significance value of 0.000,
lower than 0.05, indicating a significant improvement in students' speaking abilities.
The researcher concluded that video blogging significantly affects students' speaking
abilities in the eleventh grade of high school, based on the analysis of the results and the
discussion in the previous section. The goal of this study is to determine whether students'
speaking skills are impacted by using YouTube, particularly when it comes to video
blogging on analytical expository content in English classes. According to this pre-
experimental study, students' speaking abilities significantly improved after receiving
treatment, and they enjoyed using video blogging learning resources. The study's findings
indicate that the t value (11.83) that was computed is greater than the t table (2.03). This
bolsters the alternative hypothesis put up by the researcher, which states that students'
speaking abilities are impacted by the use of video blogging, particularly in the eleventh
grade. The researcher anticipates that this research will yield useful information because of
its good findings, particularly for EFL teachers, students, and future researchers.
© 2021 The Author.This article is licensed CC BY SA 4.0.
visit Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To God the Trinity who always guides and enables the author, so that the authors can
go through the study period until this final project is completed properly. The author also
remembers to express gratitude to everyone who made the preparation of this paper go well,
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© 2021 The Author.This article is licensed CC BY SA 4.0.
visit Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.