Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column Based On BIM
Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column Based On BIM
Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column Based On BIM
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Procedia Engineering 00 (2011) 000–000
Procedia Engineering 14 (2011) 2160–2163
The production of structures in construction field is beyond the other industrial efficiency. This seems to be problem
in construction field to solve. The introduction of PLM (Project Lifecycle Management) to construction industry can
be the solution for the problem. There are various tasks and steps in the construction industry, and PLM is a system
that can unify and control them. Under PLM system, analysis and design is the most important issue, and recently
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is clue to solve for the issue. BIM is a 3D based modeling method that
includes information on consecutive work processes; planning, design, construction, and maintenance. In this study,
the system of analysis and design acceptable to PLM and BIM was proposed and this system was applied to a typical
civil structure, RC bridge column.
Keywords: CPLM(Construction Product Lifecycle Management); BIM(Building Information Management); 3D information model;
RC bridge column; Finite element Analysis
A new management system, Project Life-cycle Management (PLM) that performs integrated
management of each process for product manufacture, as part of innovative strategy for product
development and manufacture has been employed in other industries such as automobile and shipbuilding.
Based on 3D space and design information, the efforts to build the system (Construction Product Life-
cycle Management or CPLM) with which the project participants efficiently create, share and manage the
information over the life-cycle of the project have been made in a bid to enhance the competitiveness. So
Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]
Presenter: Email: [email protected]
this study was intended to develop the materialization of parametric modeling of 3D object model,
considering design characteristics of RC bridge column and data use, for the purpose of developing the
civil structure design system, and furthermore, the study was conducted focusing on BIM-base structure
analysis using 3D object model and developing the design process that will produce the structure
calculation which will meet the requirements of current design laws, after implementing structure analysis
and design using 3D object model.
The part model at the lowest level to create the whole models is developed to the model with product
breakdown system (PBS). The reason for modeling is not only for design change, reuse or using as
communication tool but also for using the model over the entire life-cycle of the structure. It is the
required condition for the project participants in the area of planning, designing, construction and
maintenance to communicate and exchange the data through the model.
Viewing the shape of actual bridge, they have similar shape of structure but the dimension and
material are somewhat different depending on topographic condition. It must be inefficient to produce
new model whenever implementing the new project, when producing 3D object model, and thus it is
necessary to seek the way of using existing model. Most of 3D CAD programs provide the environment
to allow to construct the library with part model by classifying the dimension into the parameters. With
such a function, producing the object model of the structure using 3D object model library would be the
way to improve the productivity of the model, eliminating the inefficient element.
To set the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement and hoop steel as design parameter, other elements such
as thickness and width of pier and footing, shall be constrained by shape and dimensional constraint
conditions. Joint necessary for finite modeling varies depending on shape of section(rectangular or
circular) and the design shall determine the conditions to be given to the joint, considering cost efficiency
and safety.
The classical design process has various drawbacks. The error of engineer can be occurred easily and
the efficiency of works is influenced by the error. As a result, time loss is occurred, which spreads to
economy loss. In this study, the weak point of classical design process was made up and the process of
analysis and design based on 3D-information model was constructed. For this, various modules and data
bases is need. Indeed interface program to unify individual module is needed, too. The process of analysis
and design based on 3D-information model is given in Fig. 1.
2162 H.M. SHIN et al. / Procedia Engineering 14 (2011) 2160–2163
Author name / Procedia Engineering 00 (2011) 000–000 3
3D-information model is made up of diverse information. Those are general information, drawing
information, material information, load information, design code information. Description of each item is
given in table 1.
Information List
drawing wind-load width = 0.7m, applied height of car crash load to guardrail = 1.15m
load A rear wheel load = 96kN design velocity = 80km/h, wind velocity = 40m/sec,
drawing bridge length = 160m, bridge width = 33.8m tangent length = infinity, etc...
In this study, 3D object model which incorporates parametric modeling mechanism was adopted as
information model for structure analysis and design process under CPLM environment, thereby
recommending the approach to efficiently deal with the design change. 3D information model provides
the process to store the information used during analysis and design process in 3D model which results in
reducing the error or missing of information, thereby allowing the efficient design process. Results of this
study will provide basic information that can develop unified automation system about design process of
civil structure.
This research was supported by a grant (code#06-E01) from Virtual Construction Research Center
Program funded by Ministry of Construction & Transportation of Korean government.
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