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class="loading" style="top: calc(50% + 20px);"></div><div id="pc1"><div
style="height: 0px;"></div><div class="pageNumV2">1 / 1</div><div id="p1"
name="p1"><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Good night! <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista
(Amanda):</span></b><span style="direction:ltr;"> Good night! Welcome All Star
hotel. How can I help <span style="direction:ltr;">you?
<br></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth):</span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">
I would like to check in, please. <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista
(Amanda):</span></b><span style="direction:ltr;"> Have you got a reservation?
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth):</span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">
Yes, my name is Elizabeht Peñuela. I have booked a suite. <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista
(Amanda): </span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">Ah yes! You are in room 232. Here
is your key. <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Thank you. Which floor is it on? <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista
(Amanda): </span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">It is on the second. Take the
lift and it is on your left. <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Ok. What time is dinner? <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista
(Amanda): </span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">The dinner is served between
21:00 and 22:00. <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-
top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Right. Oh, is there a karaoke? And the restaurant?
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista (Amanda): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">No, I am afraid there isn’t<b><span style="direction:ltr;">
</span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">karaoke but there is disco on <span
style="direction:ltr;">top floor. And yes, the restaurant is on the first floor.
<br></span></span></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">That is good to know. <br></span></div><div
style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista
(Amanda): </span></b><span style="direction:ltr;">Would you like to help with your
luggage? <br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Cliente (Elisabeth): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Yes, it is very heavy. Thanks for your help.
<br></span></div><div style="direction:ltr;margin-top:5px"><b><span
style="direction:ltr;">Recepcionista (Amanda): </span></b><span
style="direction:ltr;">You are welcome. Enjoy your stay. <br></span></div></div><hr
class="pageHrV2"></div><div id="m_endBuffer" style="height: 200px; display:
spiral.gif" class="loading"></div></div></div></div><div id="m_loadingLayer"
class="layer" style="z-index: 1;
visibility: visible; display: none;"><img
spiral.gif" id="m_loadingImage" class="loading"></div></div>
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