Course No. AENT - 5311 Course Title - Principles of Integrated Pests and Diseases Management
Course No. AENT - 5311 Course Title - Principles of Integrated Pests and Diseases Management
Course No. AENT - 5311 Course Title - Principles of Integrated Pests and Diseases Management
AENT – 5311
Course Title – Principles of Integrated Pests and Diseases Management
Insects which produce honey, wax, lac, dyes and silk are
commercially beneficial. Some insects are very helpful in
destroying injurious insects. Some are helpful in agriculture like
pollinators soil builders. Many of the insects are decomposers.
Among the well-known insect decomposers are termites
(Isoptera) and cockroaches (Blattodea).
1. Commercial Products:
Apis, the honeybees produce millions of tons of honey every year, it also
gives bees wax from its combs.
Benefits of bees are cosmopolitan, not only in producing honey and wax,
but also in bringing about cross-pollination of many fruits and flowers without
which these plants could not exist.
Tachardia, the lac insect secretes commercial lac produced from
integumentary glands as a protective covering by females, shellac is made from lac
in India.
Dactylopius, the cochineal insect of Mexico is found on cacti, dried bodies
of females of this scale insect are used for making cochineal dyes.
Bombyx and Eupterote are silk moths, they are reared in India, China,
Japan and Europe, their larvae called silk worms spin cocoon of raw silk, the silk
fibre is reeled off and used for making silk.
The larvae of two flies, Lucilla and Phormia are used in healing such
wounds of bones which do not respond to medicines, the larvae are put in wounds
of bones and bone marrow, they clear away suppurating and dead tissues, prevent
bacterial growth and excrete allantoin which heals the wounds
2. Useful Predaceous Insects:
Some insects are predaceous, they feed upon and destroy a
large number of injurious insects. Stagomantis, a mantis is voracious, it
feeds on flies, grasshoppers and caterpillars, some of which are
injurious to crops. The larvae and adults of Chilomenes, a lady-bird
beetle, feed on aphids which infect cotton plants.
Novius, a lady-bird bettle, destroys scale worms which are
pests of orange and lemon trees. Epicauta is a blister beetle, it deposits
eggs where locusts occur, the larvae on hatching enter egg capsules of
locusts and eat up masses of eggs. Calasoma, a ground beetle preys
upon many kinds of lepidopterous larvae which destroy cereals and
3. Beneficial Parasitic Insects:
Some insects parasitise injurious insects, they usually lay
eggs in the bodies of larvae and adults of harmful insects; the young
on hatching from eggs finally kill their hosts. The larvae of Tachina
and related flies are parasites of injurious lepidopterous larvae, such
as army-worms which are injurious to cereals.
Larvae of hymenopteran flies and carnivorous wasps devour
aphids in large numbers. Chalcids and ichneumon flies are parasitic,
laying eggs in cocoon and larvae of phytophagous Lepidoptera.
Apanteles, a hymenopteran fly lays eggs in army-worms and boll
worms, the parasitic larvae gnaw their way through the skin of the
Approximately on third of the world’s crop production
depend directly or indirectly on pollination by insects.
About 80% of the flowering plants on Earth are pollinated by
Examples of crops : coffee, tea cacao (chocolate), vanilla citrus
fruits, nuts (almonds), vegetables, other fruit (figs, cranberries,
cherries, mangos), clover to name a few.
Examples of pollinators:
• bumble bees, solitary bees, squash bees, beetles,
butterflies, flies and ants.
5. Scavengers:
Some insects are scavengers, they eat up dead
animal and vegetable matter, thus, they prevent decay.
Some ants and larvae of some flies can devour entire
animal carcasses.
6. Insects as food:-
Edible insects are insect species used for human
consumption, e.g., whole or as an ingredient in
processed food products such as burger patties, pasta,
or snacks.
Many different kinds of animals eat insects making them essential parts
of the food chain.
Examples: amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, arthropods and other
invertebrates, mammals (primates including humans, insectivores focus
almost exclusively on insect prey (hedgehogs, shrews, tenrecs, moles).
Many different kinds of animals eat insects making them essential parts
of the food chain.
Examples: amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, arthropods and other
invertebrates, mammals (primates including humans, insectivores focus
almost exclusively on insect prey (hedgehogs, shrews, tenrecs, moles).
9. Insects in medicine
Insects have long been used in medicine, both
traditional and modern, sometimes with little evidence
of their effectiveness.
It was discovered that the blister beetles secreted
a substance known as cantharidan which helped
alleviate pain for people experience kidney stones,
urinary tract infections and burns.
The venom that wasp inject is known as MP1 and
scientists have discovered that it has some amazing
properties. The most important being: it kills cancer
Compared with beneficial insects the number of injurious insects is very large.
1. Disease Transmitting Insects:
Many types of mosquitoes, flies, fleas, lice and bugs transmit diseases to man
and domestic animals, they have been described earlier in insects and diseases.
2. Household Insects:
Human food is spoiled by cockroaches, ants, flies and weevils. Tinea, Teniola
and Trichophaga are clothes moths, they lay eggs on warm clothes, the larvae on
hatching eat and destroy clothes, they also feed on furs, carpets and dry fruits.
Anthrenus is a carpet beetle, it is a scavenger eating decaying animal matter, but its
larvae destroy carpets and preserved biological specimens.
Tenebrio is the mealworm beetle, its larvae are mealworms, they eat meal,
flour and stored grains, such as rice. Lepisma, the silver fish and Liposcelis, the book
louse live in and destroy books and old manuscripts. Termites, the white ants cause
untold destruction of books, carpets, furniture and wood-work of buildings.
3. Injurious to Domestic Animals:
Glossina, the tsetse fly transmits Trypanosoma brucei which
causes nagana in horses. Tabanus and Stomoxys, the blood sucking
flies inject Trypanosoma evansi into horses and cattle which causes
surra in India.
The larvae of Hypoderma, the warble fly bore below the skin
of oxen and make holes for breathing, then they pass through the gullet
and again pierce the skin on the sides of the spine to form swellings,
they not only injure the hide but also reduce the meat and milk supply.
Gasterophilus, the bot-fly lays eggs on hair of horse; the larvae
enter the stomach in large numbers. Melophagus, the sheep tick and
Hippobosca, the forest fly of cattle and horses suek blood of their hosts
and often cause haemorrhage. Menopon, the chicken louse sucks blood
and causes destruction of fowls.
4. Injurious to Crops:
Many insects damage forest trees, growing farm
crops, fruits and stored grain, the damage they cause
annually runs into millions of rupees.
The number of such insects is innumerable, they are
mostly Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera.
Many moths, caterpillars and beetle cause a great
deal of damage to stored grains.
Indian agriculture suffers heavily due to insect pest
damage with an estimated 16.8% annual yield loss
amounting to US $36 billion