Bitumen Price W.E.F. 01.07.2024

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इं िडयन ऑइल काप रे शन िलिमटेड

संबलपुर मंडल कायालय

काइँ सीर रोड
आइं ठापली , संबलपुर – 768004
Kainsir Road,Ainthapali,Sambalpur-768004
(िवपणन भाग)
(Marketing Division)

Ref: SDO/BIT/PRICE Date: 01.07.2024

All Customers

Sub: Price Revision for Bitumen w.e.f. 01.07.2024

Dear Sir,

We furnish hereunder the Bitumen rate as applicable: -

Packed Bitumen Rs per MT Basic Diff.

GST TCS @ previous Rs/MT in
Grade Supply Pt. Basic Total Sub Total
@18% 0.1% rate Basic
VG-10 156.5 Kg Haldia 45822 8247.96 54069.96 54.07 54124.03 46552 -730.00
VG-30 156.5 Kg Haldia 47722 8589.96 56311.96 56.31 56368.27 48452 -730.00
VG-40 156.5 Kg Haldia 49372 8886.96 58258.96 58.26 58317.22 50202 -830.00
VG-10 Haldia 39422 7095.96 46517.96 46.52 46564.48 40152 -730.00
VG-30 Haldia 40222 7239.96 47461.96 47.46 47509.42 40952 -730.00
VG-30 Kakinada 38022 6843.96 44865.96 44.87 44910.83 38752 -730.00
VG-30 Paradeep 38872 6996.96 45868.96 45.87 45914.83 39602 -730.00
VG-40 Haldia 41872 7536.96 49408.96 49.41 49458.37 42702 -830.00
VG-40 Kakinada 39672 7140.96 46812.96 46.81 46859.77 40502 -830.00

Note: -
1. Prices are subject to change and the price prevailing on the date of supply shall be applicable.
2. Statutory Taxes/levies local/central shall also be applicable as per the rate ruling on the date of supply.
3. TCS and TDS shall be applicable as per Section 194 Q for specified ceiling.
4. Submission of declaration is mandatory to avail TDS/TCS.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (MD)

Regd Office: ‘Indian Oil Bhavan,’ G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (E) Mumbai – 400 051 (INDIA)

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