Bitumen Price W.E.F. 01.07.2024
Bitumen Price W.E.F. 01.07.2024
Bitumen Price W.E.F. 01.07.2024
All Customers
Note: -
1. Prices are subject to change and the price prevailing on the date of supply shall be applicable.
2. Statutory Taxes/levies local/central shall also be applicable as per the rate ruling on the date of supply.
3. TCS and TDS shall be applicable as per Section 194 Q for specified ceiling.
4. Submission of declaration is mandatory to avail TDS/TCS.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (MD)
Regd Office: ‘Indian Oil Bhavan,’ G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (E) Mumbai – 400 051 (INDIA)