Eternum-0 7 5 - Walkthrough-Rev-1 4 1

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Eternum 0.7.

Walkthrough rev 1.4.1

Written by: MrBubu

By Caribdis

This walkthrough intends to show all the paths through the game in an objective way.
Colors and styles are only meant to highlights elements, not influence your decision.
There isn't a right or wrong way through the game, only you should decide.

Only decisions that have an impact on the story or your character are shown.
There are obviously many scenes that can play differently based on your choices, but "cosmetic" differences
or small alterations in the dialogues are not part of this walkthrough.

The PDF is best viewed on a touch screen where it is easy to drag, zoom in and out with the fingers.

On a PC with Acrobat Reader, make sure to use the "hand" icon to easily drag with the mouse.
Use Control + Mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Caribdis's official walkthrough
Here is what Caribdis says about his walkthrough:
"Select the following options to achieve a harem playthrough with all possible optional scenes.
Keep in mind that this isn’t the only way to complete the game."

To help you choose what Caribdis consider the best path through the game, his choices are highlighted with
this color

Character and game related attributes that can be increased/decreased (i.e.: a number value)
will be represented with an icon followed by the character/description name: Bubu or Bubu

More complex values will be written as text instead:

girls kissed +20

Reference to these values will reuse the same icon or text:

Bubu is at least 5
girls kissed is at least 25

While the game is being developed, decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿Granny ¿
¿grandmas kissed +20¿

: +1 Relationship point : -1 Relationship point

Flow Symbols

Skip until the next section

Decision labels
When something you do can have an impact later on in the game, a label will be visible where it happens like this
decide something #123
In some rare cases decisions can be reversed, to distinguish it more easily the label will look like this
did not decide something #123

References to this label will also include the same number

so it is easy to track it down to where it happened (could be multiple places).
decided something #123

Some decision labels can denote a progression and sometimes we must check if the current value is above or below a
certain threshold. To keep it succinct, all accepted values will be listed in brackets.

For example let's define some karate belts and assign each one to a numerical value:
0 white belt #78, 1 yellow belt #78, 2 orange belt #78
If in the code the condition checks that the value must be at least 1 (karate_belt >= 1)
It will be listed like this: karate belt: [yellow, orange] #78

While the game is being developed, decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿ agree ¿ #55
Reversed decisions that do not impact the story (yet) will be displayed like this:
¿ did not agree ¿ #55

Check the last page of the walkthrough to learn how you can use the developer console to cheat
alter their value for your benefit: (link).

Enjoy the game!

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Version 0.1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Version 0.2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Version 0.3 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Version 0.4 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Version 0.4 - Annie ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Version 0.4 - Part 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Version 0.5 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Version 0.5 - Costume Party ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Version 0.5 - Part 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Version 0.6 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Version 0.6 - Part 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Version 0.7 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Version 0.7 - Werewolves ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Version 0.7 - Vampires ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Version 0.7 - Part 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Cheat without a MOD ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Eternum 0.7.5
Walkthrough rev 1.4.1

The walkthrough tries to be linear and

some sections should be skipped depending
on the listed condition(s).

However sometimes it is necessary to jump Version 0.1 (link)

ahead to a new section completely and
this can make it harder to see the flow.

Refer to this overview page to see the big picture.

Version 0.2 (link)

Version 0.3 (link)

Version 0.4 (link)

Version 0.4 - Annie (link)

Version 0.4 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.5 (link)

Version 0.5 - Costume Party (link)

Version 0.5 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.6 (link)

Version 0.6 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.7 (link)

Version 0.7 - Werewolves (link) Version 0.7 - Vampires (link)

Version 0.7 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.1

on Annie's path # 1
on Nancy's path #2
on Dalia's path #3
on Penelope's path #4
on Alex's path #5
on Luna's path #6
on Nova's path #7

Do you want pregnancy content?

¿ allow pregnancy ¿ # 8


I guess...

Chang Annie: Annie


(It's kinda annoying.)

Pick up the phone

¿ answer ¿ #9

NO! I need to get ahold of my son NOW!

Let it ring

Let her make the call: ¿Nancy¿ Keep her waiting



Ask them to stay Ask for a favor in return Let them go: Dalia, ¿Penelope¿



¿ help ¿ #10

A lock?

That's a good idea

Knocking on the door is enough There's no need for that: ¿Nancy¿
door lock # 11

Outfit Penelope #1


About your body About what you were saying: ¿Penelope¿ About nothing

Way to school

(Dammit, I'm not sure, they're too far away. I can't make her face out clearly.

Be aggressive with the guy: Annie

Be polite to the guy: Annie
¿ speak to Axel¿ #12 Ignore it and go to school
¿ speak to Axel¿ #12 #13
¿ punch Axel¿


It starts at 7:00.

Go: Luna
Don't go
¿ accept ¿ #14



Yes: ¿Nancy¿
clean the bath tub #15

Clean bath tub

(What a drag...)

Clean it thoroughly
Clean it quickly so you can leave
thoroughly #16

(I guess she just came back from her daily run.)

Stay hidden
¿ Dalia naked ¿ #17
did not agree to clean the bath tub #15

Scene #1
Shower Show

Get out of the tub


I fell asleep I didn't hear you I was stunned by your beauty: Dalia


Outfit Luna #1 Outfit Penelope #2

Come on... don’t be shy... Just let me grab a little...

Say something: ¿Penelope¿ Don't interfere

1. Katy Perry: +100
2. 1989: +100
3. Anything
4. 8000 miles (12,900 km): +100
5. 1 month and 14 days: +100
6. Demeter: +100
7. 88 days: +100
8. East Timor: +100
9. William Bardot: +100


Hug her: Luna Give her space


Outfit Nancy #1 Outfit Annie #1 Outfit Dalia #1

cleaned the bath tub thoroughly #16?


(Should I like this photo?)

Give it a like
Don't give it a like
give it a like # 18

did not tell Nancy you want a lock # 11?

Nancy catches you with a boner



Compliment her pen: Alex

Compliment her tattoos Compliment her swimming skills Compliment her hair
¿ compliment her pen ¿ #19


Outfit Annie #2

+1500 eternals


Buy the shovel Buy the pistol Buy the glasses Buy the pendant
buy shovel #20 buy pistol #20 buy glasses #20 buy pendant #20

-300 eternals

(Maybe I could go explore a bit...)

Go explore



Go with Eva: -1200 eternals

fuck Eva #21
Wait for Annie

Scene #2
Blurred Realities

+1200 eternals

bought the pendant from Chop-Chop #20?


Don't lie to me...

Intervene: Annie
Stay out of it
¿ intervene ¿ #22


Outfit Penelope #3

gave Penelope's instagram a like # 18?


You know, I'm going to a photography studio this Sunday. I was supposed to go with a friend of mine, but... If you're interested...

Don't go
Go with her
not on Penelope's path #4

Outfit Nancy #2

Join your yoga class?

Don't go
Go with her
not on Nancy's path #2

Outfit Dalia #2

Click the attack button in the top right corner when Dalia says
"You’re just a fucking moron"

Hit Con at the right time?



Stay: Dalia
Grab Dalia's things and flee
¿ stay ¿ #23


I'm going to the gym tomorrow. What do you say? You in?

Don't go
Go with her
not on Dalia's path #3
Version 0.2

It's not a very crowded server, so odds are we’ll be by ourselves most of the time.

Let Annie come with you: Annie

Don't let her come with you
let her come

Probably bragging about how well your plan to kill Benjamin went!

Punch him
Try to calm him down
punch him #25


Stop looking at my stuff!

That character has his eyes covered too. Is that why you like it? It's cool, I love anime too: ¿Nova¿ Hey, what's that tattoo?


Outfit Luna #2

let Annie come with you and Luna #24?

Outfit Annie #3

-30 eternals


Don't buy any

Buy the goat: -300 eternals Buy the toucan: -300 eternals Buy the cat: -300 eternals
#26 #27
buy the goat buy the toucan buy the cat #28

Buy the goat: -150 eternals Buy the toucan: -150 eternals Buy the cat: -150 eternals
#26 #27 (Insist) Don't buy any
buy the goat buy the toucan buy the cat #28

One of us has to go to her house and grab a picture of her mother. There must be one there.

Go yourself: Luna
Ask Luna to go
go to the Flink's house

Flink's house

Garden know how to find the safe numbers #34
To the corridor Corridor
3 candles
To the hall Hall know how to find the safe numbers #34
18 logs Go back Bedroom Laundry room
To the living room Living room know how to find the safe numbers #34
To the bedroom Bedroom 2 dinosaurs
Go back Corridor
To the hallway Hallway
To the living room Living room Bedroom Bedroom
Bedroom Laundry room Laundry room
Office Office
in the bedroom #30 To the hallway Hallway
Safe room
been in the living room
Living room safe numbers #34
phone is ringing #32 Open the safe
not going to the Flink's house #29 in the living room #31 know about the safe #33 1. 3
has been in the bedroom #30 Safe room Safe room Office 2. 2
3. 18
phone is ringing To the garden Garden phone is ringing #32
To the corridor Corridor
To the hall Hall safe behind the bedroom #33
Bathroom Bathroom
To the garden Garden
Go back Corridor

Fastest route
1. To the hall
2. To the living room
3. To the garden
4. To the Bedroom
5. To the corridor
6. Office
7. Bedroom
8. Safe Room
9. Open the safe (3, 2, 18)


Outfit Luna #3

went to the Flink's house #29

bought the goat #26 or
bought the toucan #27 or
bought the cat #28?


Of course!

Ask her about the gloves

Yes Luna is 3 or less or No Don't ask her

did not go to the Flink's house #29? not on Luna's path #6

not on Luna's path #6 Luna




Send her to her room

not on Annie's path # 1
Let her sleep in your room

Annie is 2 or less?

not on Annie's path # 1

did not let Annie come with you and Luna #24

(Then again, this is a side of her I’ve never seen before. Maybe it’s a sign. Should I...?)

Go further: Annie
thigh job

Stop here

Scene #3
Midnight Comfort

did not have a thigh job with Annie #35?

not on Annie's path # 1

Outfit Nancy #3

Yes No
on Nancy's path #2?

Yes No Yes No
on Dalia's path #3? on Dalia's path #3?

I have to start the laundry and prepare everyone a quick breakfast before I go. ¿Nancy¿ wake up Dalia #36
I'll leave the food on the kitchen counter.

Go wake up Dalia
Offer to make breakfast: ¿Nancy¿ wake up Dalia #36

Outfit Dalia #3

did not wake up Dalia #36?




Flowers A dumbbell A ticket to a show

flowers #37 dumbbell #38 tickets to a show #39

(Maybe I should let it be. She deserves to be happy. Who am I to interfere with her personal life...)

not on Nancy's path #2

Do something

I guess not...
Stay out of Nancy's private life
not on Nancy's path #2

Hire Noah and Raul: -50 eternals, ¿Nancy¿ Forget it

¿ yoga with Nancy ¿ #40 not on Nancy's path #2


(I'm sincerely impressed.)

Pat her head: ¿Nova¿ Just compliment her


Outfit Alex #1

punched Axel at school #25?



Discuss all 4 topics



Say something

I couldn't just stand there and watch how that moron...

Keep quiet Hug her back: Alex Don't hug her back
not on Alex's path

Alex is 1 or less?

not on Alex's path #5



Will you help us?

¿ help2 ¿ #41

(Maybe she knows a way to get access to it.)

Call her: ¿Nova¿

Send her a message

Outfit Nova #1

Photo shoot

Outfit Penelope #4

(Damn, those donuts look so good.)

Get a coffee for Penelope

¿ coffee ¿ #42

(I should get her a coffee to help her stay focused during the shoot.)
Get a donut for Penelope

1 teaspoon of sugar 2 teaspoons of sugar 3 teaspoons of sugar: ¿Penelope¿

¿ 1 teaspoon ¿ #43 ¿ 2 teaspoons ¿ #43 ¿ 3 teaspoons ¿ #43

Ah, okay, now I got it for real.

not on Penelope's path #4 Take the photo with zoom in Take the photo with normal zoom: ¿Penelope¿ Take the photo with zoom out

I’m going to say this one last time, because I really hate repeating myself: tell this bitch to do what I’m telling her.
You know how many girls would kill to be in her shoes right now?

Tell Mr. Valentino to fuck off: ¿Penelope¿

¿ support Penelope ¿
Persuade Penelope to get naked
not on Penelope's path #4

Scene #4
Perfect Shot

Outfit Nova #2

Luckily for you, you just happen to know the best hacker in the country.

Compliment her: ¿Nova¿ Don't waste any time


Outfit Alex #2 Outfit Nova #3

No, no, no. I'll open it. I won't let you die because of me.

Ask Alex to open the box Open the box yourself: ¿Nova¿, Alex Ask Nova to open the box
Version 0.3

I'm sorry. I won't do it again.

Be tough with her Forgive her: ¿Nova¿

At least we managed to teleport right next to an Exit Portal. Use it to go back to your world. Do not worry about your friend, I will help her find her way home.

Go back to the real world

Go rescue Nova
not on Nova's path #7


Scene #5
Devious Games

I want you to destroy me...

Fuck Maat
¿ fuck Maat ¿ #45

Scene #6
Egyptian Plunder


not on Nova's path #7

Leave this place

Push her against the wall Pull her to the ground

Scene variant 1 Scene variant 2


Steal Maat's money: +250 eternals Don't touch the money



Outfit Alex #3

on Dalia's path #3?

Outfit Dalia #4

You're evil.

Dalia's brownies: Dalia Alex's bagels: Alex



Outfit Annie #4

(What should I do now?)

Tell her you like her: Annie

not on Annie's path # 1

*Clears throat* Alright, have fun!

Let this go
not on Annie's path # 1

Don't risk it Kiss her: Annie

Outfit Nova #4 Outfit Penelope #5


¿ black ¿ #46


Outfit Luna #4 Outfit Penelope #6


No Potions
collecting Wenlin's debt for Mandrake #52?
Yes Yes No
collected Wenlin's debt for Mandrake #53?

collected Wenlin's debt for Mandrake #53 No

-200 eternals on Penelope's path #4?
+200 eternals

Warthogs triwizard stamps +1

Because, at the end of the day, that's exactly what I am.
Just a normal girl who has her ups and downs like everybody else.
There's only one sip left from the last batch,
but it should be enough. It’ll cost you 60 eternals though.

Yeah, you're not special You stand out You're special to me: ¿Penelope¿

Try it (-60 eternals): -60 eternals

¿ try polyjuice potion ¿ #49

Go back to the Emporium after you’re done, and then to Potions again one last time

So... who are you going with?

Trust her
¿ Penelope likes you ¿ #51

Luna naked Penelope
#50 Penelope naked
¿ Luna ¿

collect Wenlin's debt for Mandrake #52

Warthogs triwizard stamps +1

Claim prize

Yes No
Warthogs triwizard stamps is 3 or less?

divination #47 Why did we come here? We don't have 4 stamps yet.

Dark arts No
Warthogs triwizard stamps is 5?
I can only pick one of you. Yes
#6 No
on Luna's path ?
Yes +300 eternals
Leave the server
Go back to the castle
Penelope: ¿Penelope¿
Yourself Warthogs triwizard stamps +1

(What should Penny try to learn...?)

Warthogs triwizard stamps +1

Warthogs triwizard stamps +1

Restoration Destruction
¿ grimoire of restoration ¿ ¿ grimoire of destruction ¿ #55


Outfit Dalia #5

Just 1 eternal?

Buy an apple: -1 eternals

Don't buy it
¿ buy an apple ¿ #56

I have a few to sell, if you’re interested. They're only 200 eternals.

Buy a ticket: -200 eternals

Don't buy it
¿ buy a ticket ¿ #57


Give him 6 eternals: -6 eternals

Don't give him anything
¿ give him eternals ¿ #58

Outfit Dalia #6 Outfit Nancy #4

Yes on Dalia's path #3 and No

Dalia is at least 4?

(Am I imagining things, or she's being kinda... "flirty"?) not on Dalia's path #3

Ask for something spicy Don't ask for anything in return

make a bet not on Dalia's path #3

1. Dodge
2. Block
3. Attack

Lost the fight?

lost the fight #60


Spare his life

Only if on Nancy's path
Finish him off
¿ spare his life ¿ #61

on Nancy's path #2?

I only know that you’ve been given an exclusive invitation to the Royal Bath, as a reward for your victory.

Accept the invitation

Let’s say one of my daughters came in here right now and asked you to have sex with them.
No tricks or schemes... they just desired you. Would you say yes?

Don't accept it and go back home

Yes: ¿Nancy¿ No

¿ fun with Nancy ¿ #62

Scene #7
Forbidden Fruit

Planning the heist

Outfit Penelope #7

on Dalia's path #3?

What's my favorite movie, Mr. Know It All?

Rocky The Lord of the Rings: Dalia Fight Club Harry Potter Million Dollar Baby
Version 0.4
Planning the heist


Open the letter

Don't open the letter
¿ open the letter ¿ #63


Outfit Nova #5


Only available if on Nova's path
Far-fetched story Credible story
Stay close to reality: ¿Nova¿

Outfit Penelope #8

on Nova's path #7?

He should be here anytime now. When you start playing, remember to go all-in on the third hand!

Grab her by the shoulder: ¿Nova¿

Focus on the mission
¿ grab her by the shoulder ¿ #64

10 eternals per spin
..17.5% profit..
2.5% chance to win 150 eternals
5% chance to win 30 eternals
10% chance to win 20 eternals
15% even
15% chance to win 10 eternals
..67.5% lose..
67.5% chance to lose

The game will automatically end if

got 470 eternals or less
got 1900 eternals or more

Outfit Luna #5 Outfit Nancy #5 Outfit Dalia #7

on Penelope's path #4?

I'll try not to take too long then...

Sit between them: ¿Penelope¿

Sit on the other sofa
¿ sit between them ¿ #65

Outfit Alex #4


Yes No
lost the rotunda fight #60?

¿Eternum level +2¿ ¿Eternum level +7¿

Or tails...?

¿ tails ¿ #66


-120 eternals Outfit Alex #5

on Alex's path #5?

Thanks for coming by.

Don't tip her Give her a small tip: -5 eternals, Alex Give her a big tip


on Nancy's path #2?

I'll borrow your mom for a while... You don't mind, do you?

Play along: ¿Nancy¿ Correct her

What's the point of participating if I already know I’m gonna lose?

Go back home with her

not on Dalia's path #3
Convince her to participate: Dalia

(Should I say something?)

Tell her about it: Dalia Say nothing

That sounds awesome! And how does it work? Is it just a code or...?

Tell Chang the password

Keep it a secret
tell him the password #67

Outfit Dalia #8

(Where did that come from?)

not on Dalia's path

Kiss her back: Dalia Stand still


Say something to him

Only if Punch him in time Leave
punch Brock


Give her space

¿ don't join her ¿ #69
Go after her

No did not punch Brock #68 or No

told Chang the password #67?
did not make a bet with Dalia #59?
Yes Yes

not on Dalia's path #3 not on Dalia's path #3

¿ Dalia blowjob ¿ #70

Outfit Dalia #9 Scene #8
Still Waters


Do you press the button?

¿ press the button ¿ # 71


The Boyle mansion, Rockefeller server, the masquerade party... remember?

Only available if on Alex's path
Yeah, I know you're all counting on me. No worries, I got this
Of course. How could I forget about our first date, babe?: Alex

on Dalia's path #3?

Holy shit, I just saw an alpaca with your hairstyle on Reddit

Only available if on Dalia's path
or told Chang the password

Funny you should mention that...: Dalia Ha. ha. ha. Very funny, Dalia...

Heyyyy! I need the help of my manager!

What’s up? How can I help my favorite client?

Only available if on Penelope's path

Penelope I need you to help me choose a pic

Don't have time right now, Penny

Option A Option B All photos are great when the girl in them is so stunning: ¿Penelope¿

Default value
¿ 'crushed by the strong'¿ #72

If you had just killed an ancient demon to rescue a girl, what badass quote would you say immediately after?

That's... kind of an oddly specific question to ask

Only available if on Nova's path

Just answer!

That doesn't seem very urgent...

I’ve got things to do, I'll see you later

The only fate of the weak is You sealed your fate the moment
Nothing personal, demon.
to be crushed by the strong. you put your filthy hands on her, demon.
Just taking out the trash.
Know your place, demon. Go to hell... again.
¿ 'taking out the trash'¿ #72
¿ 'crushed by the strong'¿ #72 ¿ 'go to hell'¿ #72

It's okay if you don't feel like it

Really? I'd love to!

Day of the Dead #73


Only available after Alex

and on Luna's path


Not very spicy Thanks! But I prefer not to, it seems like a family thing
¿ extra spicy ¿ #74

I'm sorry about that, he grabbed my phone

Your father is a bit... out there Haha no worries, your dad’s just as awesome as you: Luna

What do you think?

Only available if on Nancy's path

Looks great! I think you’d look better without it: ¿Nancy¿

Only available after Nova

or not on Nova's path What do you need?(after that, pick any of the two first options)

Only if did not accept to celebrate the Day of the Dead with Luna

not on Luna's path #6

Yes No
on Annie's path # 1?

Jump to Version 0.4 - Annie (link) Jump to Version 0.4 - Part 2 (link)
Version 0.4 - Annie

Outfit Annie #5

Like I said to you when we first played Eternum on Ion...

Take the leap of faith!: Annie Let's get this shit done! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Your call!

Interstellar: Annie
Hot Tub Time Machine 2
¿ Interstellar ¿ #76

Outfit Annie #6


About Kredon...: Annie

Yes No
Annie is 8 or less?

not on Annie's path # 1 Oh...

Jump to Version 0.4 - Part 2 (link) Decline and stay as friends

not on Annie's path # 1

Jump to Version 0.4 - Part 2 (link)

¿ finger Annie ¿ #77

Scene #9
Space Odyssey


And that's an audio card next to it. I wonder whom it belonged to...

Grab the audio log device

audio log device #78
Don't touch it
Only if listened to Audio log 1
¿ audio log 1¿

Give me 500 eternals and I'll open the door, yes...

Pay him 500 eternals

Yes No
have 500 eternals?

¿ pay him ¿ #80 Go find the egg Go find the egg

-500 eternals

Go to Canteen

Only if got the audio log device and listened to audio log 42"
# 81
¿ audio log 42 ¿

Just take it and don't ask so many questions.

Take the gun

Don't take it
gun #82

Only if got the audio log device
audio log 43
Only if got the audio log device and listened to audio log 48"
¿ audio log 48 ¿

Help Vasil/Help commander Hasler:

There’s no "right option" here. I’d recommend you to see the different paths and choose the one you prefer.
This decision might have consequences in the future.

That Vasil was totally crazy, I can't trust him. But... can I trust Commander Hasler? I feel like he's hiding something from me...

Help Vasil and go get an egg

¿ help Vasil¿ #84

Help Commander Hasler and place the bomb

Only if got the audio log device
audio log 55
did not take the gun #82?

die #87

Uncuff her Go to Death

Don't uncuff her
¿ free her ¿ #85

Yes No
Caught the creature?
And why the hell are they so big? They look like dinosaur eggs.

die #86
Only if got the audio log device
audio log 67

Take a look inside the open eggs

Grab a closed egg and leave
die #86
Go to Canteen Go to Death

Go to Canteen
Go to Death


It's one of those audio diaries... I've been finding them all over the station...

Listen to his last audio log

Forget about it
¿ last audio log ¿ #89


Yes No
bought the pendant from Chop-Chop #20?

Annie Go to Death

Go to Back home


¿Eternum level ¿ 1

did not die on Andromeda without a gun #87 and No

did not die on Andromeda attacked by a creature #86?
¿ die ¿ #88

Go to Back home

Back home

did not die on Andromeda attacked by a creature #86 and No

did not die on Andromeda without a gun #87?

Back home

Jump to Version 0.4 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.4 - Part 2

Outfit Alex #6

on Alex's path #5?

You know, now that I can look at you properly...

You look incredibly beautiful tonight You look like a high-society gal!: Alex


Mr. Mos

+120 eternals ¿Calypso¿

Why are you here? What did you come here looking for?

The Gems of Doom Women Money and power
¿ answers ¿ #90

Yes on Alex's path #5 and No

Alex is at least 5?

Do you mind if we stay out here for a bit? not on Alex's path #5

Let's focus on our goal first

not on Alex's path #5
Nah, let’s hang out here

Scene #10
Fancy Evening

You’re doing such a good job, I can feel it coming...

Cum in her mouth

Cum on her face
¿ in her mouth ¿ #91

Version 0.5
The founder

Becoming immortal...?

Take the amulet

¿ take the amulet ¿ #92

But if you had to choose one or the other... which choice describes your... ideology?

I fight for myself

Would you sacrifice those you care about for the chance to gain more power?
I fight to protect others
¿ fight for others ¿ #93

¿ fight for others ¿ #93


Outfit Penelope #9

The roof

Outfit Nancy #6 Outfit Nova #6

on Nova's path #7?

I can't help but be intrigued, though...

Look at the drawing: ¿Nova¿

Don't look
look at the drawing

Outfit Annie #7

For this pain to seem purposeful.

Give a mission to Chang

Don't give him any task
give Chang a mission #95

Day of the dead

not on Luna's path #6 or No

on Penelope's path #4?
did not accept to celebrate the Day of the Dead with Luna #73?
Yes Yes

Jump to Version 0.5 - Costume Party (link) T-That sounds dangerous.

Don't risk tomorrow's party

not on Luna's path #6

Get in the car

Jump to Version 0.5 - Costume Party (link)


I prefer to sit in the back anyway.

Sit in the front Sit in the back with Luna: Luna

It can be a fictional person or a real one, and they can be dead or alive.

Play the game

Who it is is random

Question Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

1. Is this person a woman?
question level +1 question level +1 question level +1

2. Is this person famous?

Question 5 available Question 6 available Question 5 available

3. Was this person born in the USA?

Question 4 available Question 4 available question level +1

4. Is this person living in the USA now, though?

question level +1 question level +1

5. Does this person go to our school?

question level +1 question level +1

6. Are they a movie star or a athlete?

question level +1

Only available if question level is at least 1

7.Is this person our age? question level +1 question level +1 question level +1

Only available if question level is at least 2

8. Have I ever seen this person... in Eternum? question level +1 question level +1 question level +1

Only available if question level is at least 3

9. Is this person... pretty? question level +1 question level +1 question level +1 Pass
Don't you think Luna's pretty?
She's perfect: Luna
No opinion
Only available if question level is at least 4

10. Is this person smaller than the average person? Question 11 available Question 11 available Question 12 available

11. Is this person bigger than the average person, then?

question level +1 question level +1

12. Is their hair brown?

question level +1

Only available if question level is at least 5

13. Is this person alive? question level +1 Question 14a available question level +1

14a. This person's eyes are green? ???

Question 14 available

14.Does this person usually have something covering their eyes?

Question 15 available Question 16 available

15. Is this person an AI?

16. Is this person a hacker?
Only available if question level is at least 6 ???
Question 18 available
17. Does this person have a brother or a sister? question level +1 Question 14 available

18. Does this person have a prominent mustache?

Answer Raul Idriel Nova
Good answer you can play again

Win 2 games: Luna

She looks so cute while she sleeps.

Do nothing Put your arm around her: Luna Caress her body

Luna's uncle

I just told them he was your friend. And he's a boy, so... boy-friend, no? Isn't that how it works?

Play along: Luna Correct him

She cares a lot about you, and I just want to make sure that her feelings are in the right place.

I like her
She's just a friend
¿ don't hurt Luna speech ¿ #96

They'll be able to tell if it’s all in my head.

Send a photo to Annie

Send a photo to Chang
to Annie #97

Outfit Luna #6


Only available if asked 2 questions already

"Don't you want to take your gloves off?": Luna

I can't waste this chance. It's now or never.

Kiss her
Back off
kiss her #98

Outfit Luna #7

A last one?

Stay in the same position Hold Luna by the waist: Luna

I'll go myself after you and my father leave later today.

Join the ofrenda

You still live in the hearts of the ones you left behind.


Say something
Remain silent
¿ say something ¿ #99

It's very comfortable and it’s water-resistant, so I usually sunbathe here after a quick swim.

Offer to give her a massage

Happy to hear that...

Don't push it

Luna is at least 11?

¿ Luna's uncle ¿ #100

Scene #11 not on Luna's path #6

Mexican Feast

Get closer to her private parts

¿ Luna leaves ¿ #101

Maybe I can fix it...

Go back inside

Don't go back inside

Only if tried to kiss Luna

Version 0.5 - Costume Party

not on Nova's path #7 and No

not on Penelope's path #4?

Jump to Version 0.5 - Part 2 (link)


Luna chat

I brought all the equipment with me

Sounds awesome! Have fun

not on Luna's path #6

Any server you think she'd like?


Something kinky! Anything with fights and lots of action! A fishing simulator!
#102 #102
¿ something kinky ¿ ¿ fights and lots of action ¿ ¿ fishing simulator ¿ #102

Nova chat

Wait for me, I'm going back!

not on Nova's path #7 or

looked at Nova's drawing #94

I won't move an inch! Ok, but hurry up

Annie chat

Did you ask me if you looked stronger...?

It's ok, no worries

It was just me being silly
did not send your photo to Annie #97
Yes! I took this photo this morning at Luna's

not on Annie's path # 1?

did not send your photo to Annie #97

I mean, YEAH! You look great! Stronger than you were a few months ago! Definitely!

Haha, if you say so

That was all lol, gotta go now
did not send your photo to Annie #97 did not send your photo to Annie #97 Right? I thought so too
Glad you like it

Look at my hair! It's so long already!

Is that from now? Where are you? Wow! I love it

I was with her in a dressing room before. She has a spectacular body I'll let it grow until it's as long as in Eternum!

Yeah, it really grew a lot in such a short time

Oh, that's nice! You have a spectacular body too! Oh, that's nice! Can't wait to see that!
I've gotta go now, but I'll see you and that new mane of yours later! I wish I could have seen more of it in that photo... I've gotta go now, but I'll see you and that new mane of yours later! Now I just wish you'd taken that photo vertically... this?

Oh, nice! Chang's gonna love this! OMG: Annie


You look back at Nova, who stands in front of you eagerly waiting for your final reaction.

not on Nova's path #7 or

looked at Nova's drawing #94
It's not my thing, but... It looks a little amateurish
¿ don't like it ¿ #103 ¿ don't like it ¿ #103 I just love it: ¿Nova¿

not on Penelope's path #4?

Jump to Version 0.5 - Part 2 (link)


Can I come in?

¿ shower in front of Penelope ¿ #104


Outfit Penelope #10

on Nova's path #7?

Nova chat

I'll be waiting for you at the corner of O'connor Bridge

We're on our way! Can't wait to see u: ¿Nova¿ Ok

Outfit Penelope #11

Outside college

on Nova's path #7?

Outfit Nova #7

Party free roam

Locker Rooms
Cafeteria #107
Only if need to find a bra with the largest cup size

Entrance and Penelope had a beer accident

Only if on Nova's path and #110
#110 and did not wait for Penelope to change yet
did not wait for Penelope to change yet
Talk to Judith: -49 eternals Talk to Penelope
Talk to Nova CPU competition
Only if waited for Penelope to change #7 Penelope's bra #108
and helping Penelope find the yearbook Only if on Nova's path and
did not wait for Penelope to change yet
Talk to Penelope Find yearbook with Penelope #108 #110

Will leave the party automatically after and got Penelope's bra Only if waited for Penelope to change '

Talk to Akira CPU competition 2 Join Regina

Left Arrow Left Corridor
join Regina #113
Right Arrow Right Corridor Down Right Arrow Left Corridor
Exit End free roam early Down Left Arrow Right Corridor
¿ leave early ¿ #116

not on Penelope's path #4 Right Corridor

#113 Classroom
Only if joined Regina in the locker room
Leave the party First time
¿ leave early ¿ Penelope had a beer accident #106
Left Corridor Penelope changing clothes #109
not on Penelope's path
Left Arrow Cafeteria Only if Penelope is changing clothes
Right Arrow Entrance Left Arrow Locker Rooms Wait for Penelope Drinking game
Right Arrow Classroom #110
wait for Penelope
Down Arrow Entrance
Down Arrow Right Corridor

Drinking game

Outfit Penelope #12

Truth... or dare?

Truth Dare: ¿Penelope¿

CPU competition

But I don't want to let Nova down either...

What is it gonna be, my boy?

Stop here
Drink another one Dare
find a bra with the largest cup size #107

What would you bet on?

CPU competition 2

Well, I'm not saying this because Nova is my... Tails

¿ tails ¿ #105

Friend Teammate Girl: ¿Nova¿

So... who are you daring?

Scene #12
Outfit Nova #8
Daring Challenge Penelope Regina: ¿Penelope¿ Charlotte

Much easier. And if it's not there... I'm sure I’ll find a clue or something.

That shit was nuts Maat was hot, though Discourage her from doing it
That blowjob was something else: ¿Nova¿
not on Penelope's path #4
Leave the party
Help her

I just had an idea that would make this much easier for both of us.

Try getting distracted and hold on Find yearbook with Penelope

Propose touching yourselves: ¿Nova¿ Skip the action, but scene is already unlocked
¿ Nova fun with the dildo ¿ # 111 ¿ hold off from the dildo ¿ #112
Romantic approach/Rough approach: Player's choice.
It'll affect future scenes of Penelope.

Grab Nova/Let her come: both are good, up to you.

You want it faster? Tell me, Penny...

Rough approach
Romantic approach
¿ rough ¿ #114

¿ titfuck ¿ #115
Scene #13
Honor Mission


Only if on Penelope's path

Version 0.5 - Part 2

Outfit Nancy #7


I was also able to fit two more in this bag.

Thank her for the coffee: ¿Nancy¿ Focus on the mission

on Nancy's path #2?

Roleplay as Nancy’s child/Correct her: Player's choice.

It'll affect the dialogue of future scenes of Nancy ("mommy" talk)

God, does this woman never listen?

Roleplay as Nancy's child

Correct her
¿ roleplay ¿ #117

Or... maybe I could try finding out something else?

Other Gem of Doom owners Next Ulysses' event

# 118 The Founder Leave
¿ gem of doom owners ¿ ¿ next Ulysses' event ¿ #119


What’s gotten into her?

Maybe we should forget about "us" until...

not on Nancy's path #2
I just want what's best for you I know what I want, too: ¿Nancy¿
not on Nancy's path #2

Scene #14
Emergency Stop


Outfit Nova #9
Version 0.6

Outfit Annie #8 Outfit Dalia #10 Outfit Penelope #13 Outfit Nancy #8 Outfit Nova #10 Outfit Luna #8


*Taking a deep breath* Ah, is this Ogygia's forest? This place is beautiful!

"But not as beautiful as the Elven Princess that stands in front of me!" "Why the long face, my Princess?"
"Although a bit cold. Wasn't there somewhere warmer?"
¿Calypso¿ ¿Calypso¿

If that is all, I shall be on my way. Farewell.

Informal farewell Formal farewell: ¿Calypso¿


Outfit Annie #9

on Dalia's path #3 and No

on Penelope's path #4?

What's better, magic or muscle?

Physicals: Dalia Magic: ¿Penelope¿

on Nancy's path #2?

I'll take a shower in the downstairs bathroom, no worries. I don't want to keep you up.

Flirt: ¿Nancy¿ Thank her

The mystery of Cook's manor

Outfit Annie #10 Outfit Nova #11

Harley is alive #121

Anna is alive #122
Gemini is alive #123
Sister Baek is alive #124
never inspected the door #125

Main Hall Storage Room

Clonk Only if Harley is alive
First time Talk to Clonk #120
Talk to Harley Talk to Harley
Then Vote Only if round 1
#125 Talk to Elliot Down Arrow Hallway
Only if inspected the door
#120 #120
and Cook's manor mystery round: [round 2, round 3, round 4] Only if Cook's manor mystery round: [round 2, round 3, round 4]
#127 and Sister Baek is alive
door key
Talk to Sister Baek Talk to Sister Baek
Left Arrow Living Room Bedroom Door
Right Arrow Hallway Up Arrow Main Hall
Down Arrow Entrance Door
Still locked Trying the bedroom door
Unlocked Bedroom
Down Arrow Hallway
Living Room #123
Only if Gemini is alive

Talk to Gemini Talk to Gemini

Only if round 1
Talk to Sister Baek Bedroom
Left Arrow Bedroom Door
Only if Anna is alive Right Arrow Storage Room #134
Only if did not find the post-it in the briefcase
Talk to Anna Talk to Anna Down Arrow Main Hall Briefcase
Down Arrow Main Hall
Down Arrow Bedroom Door

Talk to Anna

round 3 #120 and No

the girls played with artifacts #128?
found the post-it in the briefcase #134?
Yes Yes

Talk to Clonk Let's do something, I'll let you see my bare chest if you promise to vote for Sister Baek.
Lies revealed +1

Don't worry Clonk, I'm sure he was proud of you!

¿ accept ¿ #129

Be nice to Clonk: Annie

Be rude to Clonk
¿ be nice ¿ #126

Talk to Gemini

Talk to Harley

round 2 #120 and round 3 #120 and No

the girls played with artifacts #128? found the post-it in the briefcase #134?
Yes Yes round 2 #120 or round 3 #120
#120 No
round 1 ? and found the post-it in the briefcase #134?
Yes the girls played with artifacts #128? Yes
Bug Lies revealed +1 Yes

Only possible in Round 2

Even if Gemini is alive in round 3 and
Harley's age #131
still need to find his age it's not possible on Nova's path #7 and No
Lies revealed +1
Gemini's age #130 on Annie's path # 1?

Do you like short girls?

on Nova's path #7?

L-Let's not make a scene, I b-beg you.

I love them
I prefer tall girls
Annie, ¿Nova¿
Talk to Sister Baek

found the post-it in the briefcase #134?
Pat her head
Yes Don't pat her head

Lies revealed +1

I have 100 eternals right here! They're yours!

Deal: 100 eternals I want more: 120 eternals I don't want your money

know Gemini's age #130 and No

know Harley's age #131?

round 4 #120? on Nova's path #7?
Trying the bedroom door
Yes Yes

No time, too late

know Gemini's age #130 and
did not inspect the door #125? got the door key #127? know Harley's age #131 and Unlock the briefcase
Yes Yes round 2 #120? Scene with Nova

inspected the door #125

no time this round Go back to the bedroom
will go directly to voting select the briefcase again Just... buy me some time, please! I'll be back!
Only if visited the divination tower
and on Annie's path


Trust her and let her investigate

Ask her to turn back to normal
trust her #133
girls play with artifacts #128

post-it #134


Only if round 3
and Gemini is not alive
and Sister Baek is not alive
This is the last round
Follow results for round 4 #120


Delilah Warren

#121 #122
Only available if Harley is alive Only available if Anna is alive
Harley Jones, the hitwoman Anna Piaget, the psychologist #123 #124
Only available if Gemini is alive Only available if Sister Baek is alive
Gemini, the psychic Sister Baek, the medium

round 1 #120
Elliot Cook eliminated

round 1 #120 round 1 #120

Elliot Cook eliminated Elliot Cook eliminated round 1 #120 round 1 #120
round 2 #120
Elliot Cook eliminated Elliot Cook eliminated

¿ tie ¿ #132
Only available if round 1
round 2 #120 round 2 #120 Elliot Cook, the Collector's son
Gemini is not alive #123
¿ tie ¿ #132 ¿ tie ¿ #132 round 2 #120 round 2 #120 Sister Baek is not alive #124

Gemini is not alive #123 Sister Baek is not alive #124

Gemini is not alive #123 Gemini is not alive #123
Sister Baek is not alive #124 Sister Baek is not alive #124

round 1 #120
round 3 #120
Elliot Cook eliminated
Everyone is eliminated
round 3 #120 round 3 #120
not on Nova's path #7
round 3 #120 round 3 #120 Gemini is not alive #123
Sister Baek is not alive #124

Jump to Version 0.6 - Part 2 (link)

Harley is not alive #121 Anna is not alive #122

round 4 #120 round 4 #120

round 4 #120
round 4 #120 round 4 #120 Gemini is not alive #123 Sister Baek is not alive #124
Everyone is eliminated
Harley is not alive #121 Anna is not alive #122 not on Nova's path #7

Jump to Version 0.6 - Part 2 (link)

Cook's manor mystery round: [round 1, round 2, round 3] #120? round 4 #120?
Yes Yes

Next round

Only if trusted Annie to investigate
and Lies revealed is at least 2
solved the crime

Yes No
solved the crime #135?

What will it be? 50 eternals

50 eternals: 50 eternals
did not solve the crime #135

Who else survived?

Might not have real consequences...

Harley is alive #121

I-I'm gonna open a shop in the Sin City server. Selling outfits and armors. If you ever go there... pay me a visit. I can give you a discount.
Anna is alive #122
If you ever get in trouble with the Shogunate in the Meiyo server... give me a call.
Sister Baek is alive #124
If you ever visit the Andromeda server and need help, you can reach out to me. An emergency spaceship, weapons, diplomatic access... whatever the Unitologists can offer, it's yours.
Gemini is alive #123
If you ever think that my visions can help you somehow, come find me in the Agora server.

Only if solved the crime
and on Annie's path


The Collector's house

In this part, there are several possible outcomes, most of which are suitable
for a harem playthrough. For a better experience, I recommend doing a first
run going blind, trying to speak with everyone in all the rounds.
However, I’ll list the fastest and most optimal playthrough (keep it mind that it
avoids most optional dialogues) step by step

1. Speak with Harley Jones

2. I love them
3. Try opening the locked door on the left side of the corridor
4. Speak with Clonk
5. Be nice to Clonk
6. Vote: Any of them
7. Inspect the reception
8. Go back to the locked room and open it
9. Speak with Gemini
10. Speak with Harley Jones
11. Speak with Clonk
12. Vote: Gemini
13. Go back to the locked room and inspect the briefcase. The password is 1491
14. Trust her and let her investigate
15. Speak with Harley Jones
16. Pat her head
17. Speak with sister Baek
18. I want more
19. Speak with Clonk
20. Vote: Any of the first three
21. Speak with Clonk
22. Vote: Any of the first two
23. Artifact


Don't be sorry!

My true family is here in Kredon: Annie I prefer not to talk about it You know dads can be real assholes

Let her find her own rhythm/Push her limits

Up to the player. Different animations.

not on Annie's path # 1 Should I push her limits? Or let her find her own rhythm?

Push her limits

Let her find her own rhythm
¿ fuck her face ¿ #136

¿ blowjob ¿ #137 Scene #15

Nighttime Cookies
Version 0.6 - Part 2
Bus stop

on Dalia's path #3?

These people must be running out of ideas.

Kale: -75 eternals Vanilla: -66 eternals Barbecue: -71 eternals Don't buy her anything

Alex chat

I'll show you the apartment another day

Oh shit, really? And what about the Wild West server?

I can come anyway and look after you: Alex And the Gem??

I mean, she said not to go, but I can't help wondering if she really meant that. Maybe she's just too stubborn to ask for help.

Get some meds and blankets and visit her anyway

Forget it and go home
visit her anyway #138

My gig at the gym doesn't pay much, unfortunately.

Lend Chang $25: -25 eternals

Don't lend him money
lend Chang money #139

on Penelope's path #4 and No

on Luna's path #6?

Penelope chat


She looks so pretty: Luna You both look stunning: ¿Penelope¿, Luna Haha come on, stop fooling around

All I’m asking for... is an exchange of information.

Tell him what you know

Tell him to fuck off
¿ help Axel¿ #140


Yes Alex is 5 or less or No

not on Alex's path #5?

¿ Alex kicks you out ¿ #141

did not decide to visit Alex anyway
not on Alex's path #5 Outfit Alex #7
not on Alex's path #5


Wild West

Outfit Dalia #11 Outfit Alex #8

Only if fucked Eva at Aphrodite's
Eva shows up

Optional: Calypso

I cannot hear the melody of nature if I have to constantly worry about possible assailants.
Optional: Alex

B-But if we attack him we might never know where he hid the Gem!

¿ not on Calypso's path ¿ #142
Stay and protect the Princess: ¿Calypso¿
¿ on Calypso's path ¿ #142 Dalia
Kiss me
Only if on Alex's path
Punch me
Alex Rock-paper-scissors
¿ kiss Alex ¿ #144
Result is random

Win: 150 eternals

Since she's in a better mood after that bath, maybe she'll be more playful to my "charm".
And... the situation calls for it, to be honest.

I can transfer you 500 eternals RIGHT NOW if you let me go!
-150 eternals

Tease her: ¿Calypso¿

Kill him: Alex
Take the money and let him go: 500 eternals
Let it go ¿ kill him ¿ #145

Scene #16
Royal Protocol


We're not even sure if El Coyote will be hiding in this cabin, so we'll cover more terrain if we split up.
I'm not sure I can put up with you for two whole hours.

Go with her

Stay in the town

Yes No
on Dalia's path #3?

¿ go with her ¿ #146

Alright, I'd kill...

Micaela Idriel You

I'd fuck... I'd fuck... I'd fuck...

Idriel: Dalia You Micaela: Dalia You Micaela Idriel

You can do it...

Make her cum first

Select it 6 times

Oh babe...

Penetrate her
¿ fuck her ¿ #148

not on Dalia's path #3


Slap her ass

Continue the butt job
¿ slap her ass ¿ #147

If you are home, when you log off eternum,
Dalia acts cool and friendly towards you,
as if nothing happened.

Scene #17
Magnetic Sandstorm


Only if did not get a handjob from Calypso

¿ not on Calypso's path ¿ #142


Okay, humor me then.

Can I stay over? You look so pretty tonight I loved playing with you: Alex


Go to sleep
not on Alex's path #5
About the girls... About those Praetorians... About your brother...

not on Alex's path #5

Caress her/Ask her to caress you

Up to the player. Different animations.

Such as?

Ask her to caress you

Caress her
¿ foot job ¿ #149

Scene #18
Christened Apartment

Version 0.7

on Alex's path #5?

If... I'm still allowed to attend after this disownment fiasco. I'll have to look into that.

Hug her: Alex

Leave her alone
¿ stay over ¿ #150


Outfit Dalia #12 Outfit Nancy #9

Penelope at the mall

not on Penelope's path #4

Outfit Penelope #14


not on Nova's path #7

Outfit Nova #12 Outfit Annie #11


Penelope chat

I just bought a couple of new things at the mall... for tomorrow's photoshoot

Nice! I bet we'll take some great shots Oh boy... Can I get a sneak peek...?

Today's mission: vampire hunting

Ah, true! Can't wait to play with you True! I better be on my way. See you later Penny

What will Luna want?

Automatic choice if not on Luna's path

#6 Tea Hot chocolate: Luna
Coffee ¿ tea ¿ ¿ hot chocolate ¿ #151

-20 eternals

Outfit Luna #9

It has its share of eerie and mysterious moments.

Tell me more
Is that all? Cool Only if on Luna's path


on Luna's path #6?

I don't want to be afraid of myself.

Grab her hand: Luna

Don't grab her hand
¿ grab her hand ¿ #152

not on Nova's path #7?

Outfit Annie #11


Outfit Luna #10 Outfit Penelope #15

I go help them if I get...

Heads Tails
¿ heads ¿ #153 ¿ tails ¿ #66

Both choices are valid. I recommend playing both and going with the one you prefer.
Werewolves give you Luna points. Vampires give you Penelope points.

Option 1: Werewolves: Side with the werewolves (you recruit them as allies)
Option 2: Vampires: Side with the vampires (you recruit them as allies)
Option 3: Hunters: Side with the hunters in either option (you recruit them as allies)

Should I head east or west? Vampires or werewolves?

Werewolves Vampires
¿ help Luna with the werewolves ¿ ¿ help Penelope with the vampires ¿ #155

Jump to Version 0.7 - Werewolves (link) Jump to Version 0.7 - Vampires (link)
Version 0.7 - Werewolves

on Luna's path #6?

I thought you were supposed to stay in Hollowbrook.

I was bored I missed you: Luna I thought you'd need the help

A duel?

¿ side with the werevolves ¿ #157

¿ duel¿ #156
Jump to Version 0.7 - Part 2 (link)

Only if on Dalia's path
Training with Dalia flashback

Now... make your choice.

¿ side with the werevolves ¿ #157
Keep Luna out of it
Only if on Luna's path Refuse
Luna ¿ keep Luna out of it ¿ #158
Jump to Version 0.7 - Part 2 (link)
¿ keep Luna out of it ¿ #158


Can I be a werewolf? What memories do you have of your past? What's your current relationship with the town of Hollowbrook? Leave

Oh, before we leave...

Side with the werewolves

Side with the hunters
¿ side with the werevolves ¿ #157

Jump to Version 0.7 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.7 - Vampires

on Penelope's path #4?

Remember when we...

Only available if saw Penelope's memory flashback

Had the photo session Used the Reminiscecombobulator: ¿Penelope¿ Went to Regina's room
¿ Penelope remembers ¿ #159

Only if on Dalia's path
Training with Dalia flashback

on Penelope's path #4?

That's all we ask for.

¿ accept tp waltz with Penelope ¿ #160

Don't worry about that, just let the music guide you and your wife.

Alright She's not my wife She's not my wife, yet: ¿Penelope¿


What does being a vampire entail? What do you remember about your past? What's your current relationship with the town of Hollowbrook? Leave

And don't hesitate to return! We don't b-bite, I swear!

Side with the vampires

Side with the hunters
¿ side with the vampires ¿ #161

Jump to Version 0.7 - Part 2 (link)

Version 0.7 - Part 2

Was there a specific building she talked about?

The old barn

I'll leave quietly when the sun's up; there can't be much time left.

Stay with her

I'd like that...

Automatic choice if not on Luna's path
Ask her for a blowjob The windmill
Let her continue The church
ask her for a blowjob #163 not on Luna's path #6
not on Luna's path #6

¿ leave Luna in the barn ¿ #162

Look at me while you choke on my cock... not on Luna's path #6

Only available if ask Luna for a blowjob
Cum on her
Finish in her mouth

¿ fun with Luna ¿ #164

Scene #19
Handy Hideaway


on Luna's path #6?

Luna chat

Are you asleep yet?

Without wishing you a good night? No chance: Luna

I'm trying
¿ Luna tells you whe loved being with you ¿ #165



Go for it
¿ encourage him ¿ #166

Only if told Chang to get Micaela tickets to a show

Otherwise if told Chang to get Micaela a dumbbell

¿Chang/Micaela¿ Don't ask her on a date yet

Otherwise if told Change to get Micaela flowers


Only if lent Chang money for the movie


Only if gave Chang a mission



Outfit Penelope #16

I need to use that public bathroom real quick before leaving.

Tease her with the panties

tease her with the panties #167

*Sarcastic tone* I'm devastated by your increeeedibly tragic story, but the answer is still no.

Only available if got 150 eternals

Get tough: ¿Penelope¿ Bribe her: -150 eternals Be nice
¿ get tough ¿ #168 ¿ bribe her ¿ #169

Only if teased Penelope with the panties


Outfit Penelope #17

not on Penelope's path #4 All 3 options are good. Choose the angle you like more

She really looks good from any angle.

Leaning over the hood Lying on the hood Spread out in front of the hood
#170 #170
¿ leaning over the hood ¿ ¿ lying on the hood ¿ ¿ spread out in front of the hood ¿ #170

Less explaining for me that way.

Be nice
Be rude
¿ be nice ¿ # 171


Cum inside
Cum outside
¿ creampie ¿ #172

Scene #20
Motor Madness


on Penelope's path #4?

Penelope chat

Although I'm taking it easy today... my legs are still in full flan mode...

I wonder why... did something happen yesterday?

I had a pretty intense session yesterday at the studio...

Yeah... sorry about that, Penny

Cool! Have a good training!

Do you regret anything?

Ah yes, I've heard modeling world can be very hard

Penelope likes your answers #173

Maybe it's better if we talk about this face to face

Not for a moment
Penelope likes your answers #173

Dalia's on a mission to transform us into the fittest squad ever

Wow, you got a good angle of Dalia there

Hahah good luck with that!
comment on Dalia's butt #174

Penelope liked your answers #173?

Good luck on your Gem hunt!

Wow, you look beautiful: ¿Penelope¿

#174 #174
Only available if commented on Dalia's butt Only available if did not comment on Dalia's butt
That's better. Thank you! See you all tonight
Goddamn, you REALLY got a good angle of Dalia again Wow, you got a good angle of Dalia there

topless selfie

Outfit Nancy #10


not on Nova's path #7

Outfit Nova #13

Pirate ship

Outfit Nova #14 Outfit Nancy #11

*Mocking tone* What will you do, General...?

Don't listen to his demands
Maximo is alive #175

Maximo is alive #175?

Now, it's my turn.

¿ Maximo names his child Orion ¿ #176


Insider info, uh...?

Just the map

Let's call it a deal at 20 eternals, yes?

Just the map (Insist)

Accept: -50 eternals

¿ Wenlin gives you hints ¿ #177
I can't go any lower or Chop-Chop will straight-up give me the boot.

Accept: -20 eternals

¿ Wenlin gives you hints ¿ #177

Accept: -10 eternals

¿ penny-pincher ¿ #178 Just the map (Insist again)
¿ Wenlin gives you hints ¿ #177

You took the words right out of my mouth!

Buy Polyjuice Potion

Only if got 999 eternals
-999 eternals Don't buy it
¿ buy the polyjuice potion ¿



not on Nova's path #7 Prove to her you care about her: ¿Nova¿

I'm craving for pizza

not on Nova's path #7
Scene #21
Rushed Break
Eternum 0.7.5
Walkthrough rev 1.4.1

Cheat without a MOD

So you want to try out a new branch but do not feel like completely starting over a new game?

Don't worry, with the developer console you can easily modify in-game variables.
You only need some basic understanding of scripting.

The easiest way to enable it is to use the Universal Ren'Py Mod from 0x52.
Download it from the webpage:, then unzip it and drop the rpa file in the game folder.

(Re)Start the game and load a savegame, type ALT+O (Hold the ALT key and type the letter O) to open the console and use the ESC key to exit

Character variables
variable: The variable
definition: what it represents
set variable / new value: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable on or set a new value
unset variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable off
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

variable definition set variable / new value unset variable check current value
alex_points Alex relationship points alex_points = value alex_points

annie_points Annie relationship points annie_points = value annie_points

dalia_points Dalia relationship points dalia_points = value dalia_points

luna_points Luna relationship points luna_points = value luna_points

nancy_points Nancy relationship points nancy_points = value nancy_points

nova_points Nova relationship points nova_points = value nova_points

penelope_points Penelope relationship points penelope_points = value penelope_points

calypso_interest Calypso interest calypso_interest = value calypso_interest

money eternals (money) money = value money

stamps Warthogs triwizard stamps stamps = value stamps

mclevel Eternum level mclevel = value mclevel

erevealies Lies revealed erevealies = value erevealies

changmicaela Chang/Micaela relationship points changmicaela = value changmicaela

Game Decisions Variables

label: The label as found in the walkthrough

set variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable on
unset variable: what to type in the developer console to turn the variable off
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

label set variable unset variable check current value

on Annie's path #1 anniepath = True anniepath = False anniepath

on Nancy's path #2 nancypath = True nancypath = False nancypath

on Dalia's path #3 daliapath = True daliapath = False daliapath

on Penelope's path #4 penelopepath = True penelopepath = False penelopepath

on Alex's path #5 alexpath = True alexpath = False alexpath

on Luna's path #6 lunapath = True lunapath = False lunapath

on Nova's path #7 novapath = True novapath = False novapath

¿ allow pregnancy ¿ #8 pregnancy = True pregnancy = False pregnancy

¿ answer ¿ #9 phonebox = True phonebox = False phonebox

¿ help ¿ #10 helpdream = True helpdream = False helpdream

door lock #11 latch = True latch = False latch

¿ speak to Axel ¿ #12 axelspeak = True axelspeak = False axelspeak

¿ punch Axel ¿ #13 axelpunch = True axelpunch = False axelpunch

¿ accept ¿ #14 lunainvite = True lunainvite = False lunainvite

clean the bath tub #15 cleanbath = True cleanbath = False cleanbath

thoroughly #16 cleantub = True cleantub = False cleantub

¿ Dalia naked ¿ #17 dalianaked = True dalianaked = False dalianaked

give it a like #18 instagram = True instagram = False instagram

¿ compliment her pen ¿ #19 alexpen = True alexpen = False alexpen

bought from Chop-Chop #20 shovel: chopchop = 0 chopchop

pistol: chopchop = 1
glasses: chopchop = 2
pendant: chopchop = 3

fuck Eva #21 eva1 = True eva1 = False eva1

¿ intervene ¿ #22 rapeint = True rapeint = False rapeint

¿ stay ¿ #23 thanatos_stay = True thanatos_stay = False thanatos_stay

let her come #24 anniehorror = True anniehorror = False anniehorror

punch him #25 axelpunch2 = True axelpunch2 = False axelpunch2

buy the goat #26 goat = True goat = False goat

buy the toucan #27 toucan = True toucan = False toucan

buy the cat #28 cat = True cat = False cat

go to the Flink's house #29 flinkhouse = True flinkhouse = False flinkhouse

in the bedroom #30 bedroomfirst = True bedroomfirst = False bedroomfirst

in the living room #31 livingfirst = True livingfirst = False livingfirst

phone is ringing #32 phonesurvival = True phonesurvival = False phonesurvival

safe behind the bedroom #33 safesurvival = True safesurvival = False safesurvival

safe numbers #34 safenumbers = True safenumbers = False safenumbers

thigh job #35 anniethigh = True anniethigh = False anniethigh

wake up Dalia #36 dalia987 = True dalia987 = False dalia987

flowers #37 micaflower = True micaflower = False micaflower

dumbbell #38 micadumbbell = True micadumbbell = False micadumbbell

tickets to a show #39 micatickets = True micatickets = False micatickets

¿ yoga with Nancy ¿ #40 nancyyoga = True nancyyoga = False nancyyoga

¿ help2 ¿ #41 helpdream2 = True helpdream2 = False helpdream2

¿ coffee ¿ #42 coffeepe = True coffeepe = False coffeepe

¿ teaspoons of sugar in Penelope's coffee ¿ #43 1 teaspoon: sugarpe = 1 sugarpe = 0 sugarpe

2 teaspoons: sugarpe = 2
3 teaspoons: sugarpe = 3

¿ support Penelope ¿ #44 pennyval = True pennyval = False pennyval

¿ fuck Maat ¿ #45 maatsex = True maatsex = False maatsex

¿ black ¿ #46 blackbra = True blackbra = False blackbra

divination #47 donedivination = True donedivination = False donedivination

flashback #48 divinationflashback = True divinationflashback = False divinationflashback

¿ try polyjuice potion ¿ #49 polyp = True polyp = False polyp

¿ Luna ¿ #50 lunapoly = True lunapoly = False lunapoly

¿ Penelope likes you ¿ #51 penelopeveritaserum = True penelopeveritaserum = False penelopeveritaserum

collect Wenlin's debt for Mandrake #52 debtmandrake1 = True debtmandrake1 = False debtmandrake1

collected Wenlin's debt for Mandrake #53 debtmandrake2 = True debtmandrake2 = False debtmandrake2

¿ grimoire of restoration ¿ #54 grimoirerest = True grimoirerest = False grimoirerest

¿ grimoire of destruction ¿ #55 grimoiredest = True grimoiredest = False grimoiredest

¿ buy an apple ¿ #56 romeapple = True romeapple = False romeapple

¿ buy a ticket ¿ #57 romepermit = True romepermit = False romepermit

¿ give him eternals ¿ #58 romebeggar = True romebeggar = False romebeggar

make a bet #59 daliabet = True daliabet = False daliabet

lost the fight #60 rotundafail = True rotundafail = False rotundafail

¿ spare his life ¿ #61 sparejasticus = True sparejasticus = False sparejasticus

¿ fun with Nancy ¿ #62 nancy03scene = True nancy03scene = False nancy03scene

¿ open the letter ¿ #63 letteropen = True letteropen = False letteropen

¿ grab her by the shoulder ¿ #64 nhm4 = True nhm4 = False nhm4

¿ sit between them ¿ #65 sitbet = True sitbet = False sitbet

¿ tails ¿ #66 tailscoin = True tailscoin = False tailscoin

tell him the password #67 tellpassword = True tellpassword = False tellpassword

punch Brock #68 punchbrock = True punchbrock = False punchbrock

¿ don't join her ¿ #69 daliadontcove = True daliadontcove = False daliadontcove

¿ Dalia blowjob ¿ #70 daliablowjob = True daliablowjob = False daliablowjob

¿ press the button ¿ #71 buttondilemma = True buttondilemma = False buttondilemma

¿ say after killing a demon ¿ #72 crushed by the strong: mcsayingafterkill = 1 mcsayingafterkill = 1 mcsayingafterkill
taking out the trash: mcsayingafterkill = 2
go to hell: mcsayingafterkill = 3

Day of the Dead #73 dayofthedead = True dayofthedead = False dayofthedead

¿ extra spicy ¿ #74 reallyspicy = True reallyspicy = False reallyspicy

¿ //// ¿ #75 changtie = True changtie = False changtie

¿ Interstellar ¿ #76 interstellarm = True interstellarm = False interstellarm

¿ finger Annie ¿ #77 anniefingers = True anniefingers = False anniefingers

audio log device #78 xenodiary = True xenodiary = False xenodiary

¿ audio log 1 ¿ #79 card1listened = True card1listened = False card1listened

¿ pay him ¿ #80 pay500 = True pay500 = False pay500

¿ audio log 42 ¿ #81 card42listened = True card42listened = False card42listened

gun #82 xenogun = True xenogun = False xenogun

¿ audio log 48 ¿ #83 card48listened = True card48listened = False card48listened

¿ help Vasil ¿ #84 vasilhelp = True vasilhelp = False vasilhelp

¿ free her ¿ #85 freemercer = True freemercer = False freemercer

die #86 xenodeath1 = True xenodeath1 = False xenodeath1

die #87 xenodeathgun = True xenodeathgun = False xenodeathgun

¿ die ¿ #88 xenodeath2 = True xenodeath2 = False xenodeath2

¿ last audio log ¿ #89 listenlast = True listenlast = False listenlast

¿ answers ¿ #90 answersmenu = True answersmenu = False answersmenu

¿ in her mouth ¿ #91 boylemouth = True boylemouth = False boylemouth

¿ take the amulet ¿ #92 amuletofblair = True amuletofblair = False amuletofblair

¿ fight for others ¿ #93 hero = True hero = False hero

look at the drawing #94 novadrawinglook = True novadrawinglook = False novadrawinglook

give Chang a mission #95 changshirts = True changshirts = False changshirts

¿ don't hurt Luna speech ¿ #96 victorcheck = True victorcheck = False victorcheck

to Annie #97 photoannie = True photoannie = False photoannie

kiss her #98 trykissluna = True trykissluna = False trykissluna

¿ say something ¿ #99 grandmacheck = True grandmacheck = False grandmacheck

¿ Luna's uncle ¿ #100 lunaunclehouse = True lunaunclehouse = False lunaunclehouse

¿ Luna leaves ¿ #101 lunamassagefail = True lunamassagefail = False lunamassagefail

¿ Annie's and Luna's server ¿ #102 something kinky: annielunaserver = 1 annielunaserver = 0 annielunaserver
fights and lots of action: annielunaserver = 2
fishing simulator: annielunaserver = 3

¿ don't like it ¿ #103 novamangabad = True novamangabad = False novamangabad

¿ shower in front of Penelope ¿ #104 pennyshower = True pennyshower = False pennyshower

¿ tails ¿ #105 tailscoin2 = True tailscoin2 = False tailscoin2

Penelope beer accident #106 ppp4 = True ppp4 = False ppp4

find a bra with the largest cup size #107 ppp6 = True ppp6 = False ppp6

Penelope's bra #108 ppp7 = True ppp7 = False ppp7

Penelope changing clothes #109 ppp9 = True ppp9 = False ppp9

wait for Penelope #110 ppp10 = True ppp10 = False ppp10

¿ Nova fun with the dildo ¿ #111 novadildo = True novadildo = False novadildo

¿ hold off from the dildo ¿ #112 holdondildo = True holdondildo = False holdondildo

# reginalockerfail = True reginalockerfail = False reginalockerfail

¿ rough ¿ #114 pennyrough = True pennyrough = False pennyrough

¿ titfuck ¿ #115 pennytitjob = True pennytitjob = False pennytitjob

¿ leave early ¿ #116 leavepartyearly = True leavepartyearly = False leavepartyearly

¿ roleplay ¿ #117 nancymommy = True nancymommy = False nancymommy

¿ gem of doom owners ¿ #118 gemowners = True gemowners = False gemowners

¿ next Ulysses' event ¿ #119 gemevents = True gemevents = False gemevents

Cook's manor mystery round #120 round 1: eround = 1 eround = 0 eround

round 2: eround = 2
round 3: eround = 3
round 4: eround = 4

Harley is alive #121 harleyalive = True harleyalive = False harleyalive

Anna is alive #122 annaalive = True annaalive = False annaalive

Gemini is alive #123 geminialive = True geminialive = False geminialive

Sister Baek is alive #124 baekalive = True baekalive = False baekalive

never inspected the door #125 crimedoor1 = True crimedoor1 = False crimedoor1

¿ be nice ¿ #126 clonknice = True clonknice = False clonknice

door key #127 crimekey = True crimekey = False crimekey

girls play with artifacts #128 crimegirlsartifacts = True crimegirlsartifacts = False crimegirlsartifacts

¿ accept ¿ #129 crimepiatits = True crimepiatits = False crimepiatits

Gemini's age #130 crimegemage = True crimegemage = False crimegemage

Harley's age #131 crimeharage = True crimeharage = False crimeharage

¿ tie ¿ #132 tieround2 = True tieround2 = False tieround2

trust her #133 crimeannietrust = True crimeannietrust = False crimeannietrust

post-it #134 lastpostit = True lastpostit = False lastpostit

solved the crime #135 crimesuccess = True crimesuccess = False crimesuccess

¿ fuck her face ¿ #136 anniefuckface = True anniefuckface = False anniefuckface

¿ blowjob ¿ #137 annieblowjob1 = True annieblowjob1 = False annieblowjob1

visit her anyway #138 visitalex = True visitalex = False visitalex

lend Chang money #139 changmoneymovies = True changmoneymovies = False changmoneymovies

¿ help Axel ¿ #140 axelhelp = True axelhelp = False axelhelp

¿ Alex kicks you out ¿ #141 alexkicksyouout = True alexkicksyouout = False alexkicksyouout

¿ on Calypso's path ¿ #142 calypsopath = True calypsopath = False calypsopath

handjob #143 calypsohandjob = True calypsohandjob = False calypsohandjob

¿ kiss Alex ¿ #144 alexkisswest = True alexkisswest = False alexkisswest

¿ kill him ¿ #145 shootabuser = True shootabuser = False shootabuser

¿ go with her ¿ #146 daliacabin = True daliacabin = False daliacabin

¿ slap her ass ¿ #147 daliaslapwestern = True daliaslapwestern = False daliaslapwestern

¿ fuck her ¿ #148 daliarapewestern = True daliarapewestern = False daliarapewestern

¿ foot job ¿ #149 alexfootjob = True alexfootjob = False alexfootjob

¿ stay over ¿ #150 alexnotstay07 = True alexnotstay07 = False alexnotstay07

¿ order for Luna at the cafe ¿ #151 coffee: lunadrinkcafe = 0 lunadrinkcafe = 0 lunadrinkcafe
tea: lunadrinkcafe = 1
hot chocolate: lunadrinkcafe = 2

¿ grab her hand ¿ #152 lunagrabhand07 = True lunagrabhand07 = False lunagrabhand07

¿ heads ¿ #153 headshollowbrook = True headshollowbrook = False headshollowbrook

¿ help Luna with the werewolves ¿ #154 werewolveshelp = True werewolveshelp = False werewolveshelp

¿ help Penelope with the vampires ¿ #155 vampireshelp = True vampireshelp = False vampireshelp

¿ duel ¿ #156 lunawolffight = True lunawolffight = False lunawolffight

¿ side with the werevolves ¿ #157 werewolvesside = True werewolvesside = False werewolvesside

¿ keep Luna out of it ¿ #158 lunafightdeath = True lunafightdeath = False lunafightdeath

¿ Penelope remembers ¿ #159 pennyremember = True pennyremember = False pennyremember

¿ accept tp waltz with Penelope ¿ #160 pennywaltzdance = True pennywaltzdance = False pennywaltzdance

¿ side with the vampires ¿ #161 vampiresside = True vampiresside = False vampiresside

¿ leave Luna in the barn ¿ #162 lunabandonbarn = True lunabandonbarn = False lunabandonbarn

ask her for a blowjob #163 lunablowjob = True lunablowjob = False lunablowjob

¿ fun with Luna ¿ #164 lunaattic = True lunaattic = False lunaattic

¿ Luna tells you whe loved being with you ¿ #165 goodnightluna = True goodnightluna = False goodnightluna

¿ encourage him ¿ #166 changaskmicaelaout = True changaskmicaelaout = False changaskmicaelaout

tease her with the panties #167 pennypanties = True pennypanties = False pennypanties

¿ get tough ¿ #168 aspentough = True aspentough = False aspentough

¿ bribe her ¿ #169 aspenbribe = True aspenbribe = False aspenbribe

¿ Penelope's picture with the car ¿ #170 leaning over the hood: pennypicturecar = 1 pennypicturecar = 0 pennypicturecar
lying on the hood: pennypicturecar = 2
spread out in front of the hood: pennypicturecar = 3

¿ be nice ¿ #171 aspennice = True aspennice = False aspennice

¿ creampie ¿ #172 pennycreampie = True pennycreampie = False pennycreampie

Penelope likes your answers #173 pennyselfietopless = True pennyselfietopless = False pennyselfietopless

comment on Dalia's butt #174 daliabuttcomment2 = True daliabuttcomment2 = False daliabuttcomment2

Maximo is alive #175 maximoalive = True maximoalive = False maximoalive

¿ Maximo names his child Orion ¿ #176 maximochildname = True maximochildname = False maximochildname

¿ Wenlin gives you hints ¿ #177 wenlinsupport = True wenlinsupport = False wenlinsupport

¿ penny-pincher ¿ #178 moneypincher = True moneypincher = False moneypincher

¿ buy the polyjuice potion ¿ #179 polyjuicebuy = True polyjuicebuy = False polyjuicebuy

Unlock scenes

number: The scene number

title: The scene title
unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

number title unlock lock check current value

1 Shower Show renpy.mark_image_seen(db 62) renpy.mark_image_unseen(db 62) renpy.seen_image(db 62)

2 Blurred Realities renpy.mark_image_seen(eva 44) renpy.mark_image_unseen(eva 44) renpy.seen_image(eva 44)

3 Midnight Comfort renpy.mark_image_seen(an 91) renpy.mark_image_unseen(an 91) renpy.seen_image(an 91)

4 Perfect Shot renpy.mark_image_seen(aaw 163) renpy.mark_image_unseen(aaw 163) renpy.seen_image(aaw 163)

5 Devious Games renpy.mark_image_seen(bbb 99) renpy.mark_image_unseen(bbb 99) renpy.seen_image(bbb 99)

6 Egyptian Plunder renpy.mark_image_seen(bbb 125) renpy.mark_image_unseen(bbb 125) renpy.seen_image(bbb 125)

7 Forbidden Fruit renpy.mark_image_seen(bt 70) renpy.mark_image_unseen(bt 70) renpy.seen_image(bt 70)

8 Still Waters renpy.mark_image_seen(cd 76) renpy.mark_image_unseen(cd 76) renpy.seen_image(cd 76)

9 Space Odyssey renpy.mark_image_seen(cx 64) renpy.mark_image_unseen(cx 64) renpy.seen_image(cx 64)

10 Fancy Evening renpy.mark_image_seen(ccc 80) renpy.mark_image_unseen(ccc 80) renpy.seen_image(ccc 80)

11 Mexican Feast renpy.mark_image_seen(dm 71) renpy.mark_image_unseen(dm 71) renpy.seen_image(dm 71)

12 Daring Challenge renpy.mark_image_seen(dr 104) renpy.mark_image_unseen(dr 104) renpy.seen_image(dr 104)

13 Honor Mission renpy.mark_image_seen(dpp 83) renpy.mark_image_unseen(dpp 83) renpy.seen_image(dpp 83)

14 Emergency Stop renpy.mark_image_seen(ds 47) renpy.mark_image_unseen(ds 47) renpy.seen_image(ds 47)

15 Nighttime Cookies renpy.mark_image_seen(eaa 99) renpy.mark_image_unseen(eaa 99) renpy.seen_image(eaa 99)

16 Royal Protocol renpy.mark_image_seen(eec 88) renpy.mark_image_unseen(eec 88) renpy.seen_image(eec 88)

17 Magnetic Sandstorm renpy.mark_image_seen(ed 140) renpy.mark_image_unseen(ed 140) renpy.seen_image(ed 140)

18 Christened Apartment renpy.mark_image_seen(eee 115) renpy.mark_image_unseen(eee 115) renpy.seen_image(eee 115)

19 Handy Hideaway renpy.mark_image_seen(fl 184) renpy.mark_image_unseen(fl 184) renpy.seen_image(fl 184)

20 Motor Madness renpy.mark_image_seen(fg 141) renpy.mark_image_unseen(fg 141) renpy.seen_image(fg 141)

21 Rushed Break renpy.mark_image_seen(fc 84) renpy.mark_image_unseen(fc 84) renpy.seen_image(fc 84)

Unlock outfits

character: The outfit character

number: The outfit number
unlock: what to type in the developer console to unlock it
lock: what to type in the developer console to lock
check current value: what to type in the developer console to check the current value

character number unlock lock check current value

Alex 1 store.looks["alex"].append(1) store.looks["alex"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 2 store.looks["alex"].append(2) store.looks["alex"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 3 store.looks["alex"].append(3) store.looks["alex"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 4 store.looks["alex"].append(4) store.looks["alex"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 5 store.looks["alex"].append(5) store.looks["alex"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 6 store.looks["alex"].append(6) store.looks["alex"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 7 store.looks["alex"].append(7) store.looks["alex"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["alex"]

Alex 8 store.looks["alex"].append(8) store.looks["alex"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["alex"]

Annie 1 store.looks["annie"].append(1) store.looks["annie"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 2 store.looks["annie"].append(2) store.looks["annie"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 3 store.looks["annie"].append(3) store.looks["annie"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 4 store.looks["annie"].append(4) store.looks["annie"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 5 store.looks["annie"].append(5) store.looks["annie"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 6 store.looks["annie"].append(6) store.looks["annie"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 7 store.looks["annie"].append(7) store.looks["annie"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 8 store.looks["annie"].append(8) store.looks["annie"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 9 store.looks["annie"].append(9) store.looks["annie"].remove(9) 9 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 10 store.looks["annie"].append(10) store.looks["annie"].remove(10) 10 in store.looks["annie"]

Annie 11 store.looks["annie"].append(11) store.looks["annie"].remove(11) 11 in store.looks["annie"]

Dalia 1 store.looks["dalia"].append(1) store.looks["dalia"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 2 store.looks["dalia"].append(2) store.looks["dalia"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 3 store.looks["dalia"].append(3) store.looks["dalia"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 4 store.looks["dalia"].append(4) store.looks["dalia"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 5 store.looks["dalia"].append(5) store.looks["dalia"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 6 store.looks["dalia"].append(6) store.looks["dalia"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 7 store.looks["dalia"].append(7) store.looks["dalia"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 8 store.looks["dalia"].append(8) store.looks["dalia"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 9 store.looks["dalia"].append(9) store.looks["dalia"].remove(9) 9 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 10 store.looks["dalia"].append(10) store.looks["dalia"].remove(10) 10 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 11 store.looks["dalia"].append(11) store.looks["dalia"].remove(11) 11 in store.looks["dalia"]

Dalia 12 store.looks["dalia"].append(12) store.looks["dalia"].remove(12) 12 in store.looks["dalia"]

Luna 1 store.looks["luna"].append(1) store.looks["luna"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 2 store.looks["luna"].append(2) store.looks["luna"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 3 store.looks["luna"].append(3) store.looks["luna"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 4 store.looks["luna"].append(4) store.looks["luna"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 5 store.looks["luna"].append(5) store.looks["luna"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 6 store.looks["luna"].append(6) store.looks["luna"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 7 store.looks["luna"].append(7) store.looks["luna"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 8 store.looks["luna"].append(8) store.looks["luna"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 9 store.looks["luna"].append(9) store.looks["luna"].remove(9) 9 in store.looks["luna"]

Luna 10 store.looks["luna"].append(10) store.looks["luna"].remove(10) 10 in store.looks["luna"]

Nancy 1 store.looks["nancy"].append(1) store.looks["nancy"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 2 store.looks["nancy"].append(2) store.looks["nancy"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 3 store.looks["nancy"].append(3) store.looks["nancy"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 4 store.looks["nancy"].append(4) store.looks["nancy"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 5 store.looks["nancy"].append(5) store.looks["nancy"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 6 store.looks["nancy"].append(6) store.looks["nancy"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 7 store.looks["nancy"].append(7) store.looks["nancy"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 8 store.looks["nancy"].append(8) store.looks["nancy"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 9 store.looks["nancy"].append(9) store.looks["nancy"].remove(9) 9 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 10 store.looks["nancy"].append(10) store.looks["nancy"].remove(10) 10 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nancy 11 store.looks["nancy"].append(11) store.looks["nancy"].remove(11) 11 in store.looks["nancy"]

Nova 1 store.looks["nova"].append(1) store.looks["nova"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 2 store.looks["nova"].append(2) store.looks["nova"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 3 store.looks["nova"].append(3) store.looks["nova"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 4 store.looks["nova"].append(4) store.looks["nova"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 5 store.looks["nova"].append(5) store.looks["nova"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 6 store.looks["nova"].append(6) store.looks["nova"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 7 store.looks["nova"].append(7) store.looks["nova"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 8 store.looks["nova"].append(8) store.looks["nova"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 9 store.looks["nova"].append(9) store.looks["nova"].remove(9) 9 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 10 store.looks["nova"].append(10) store.looks["nova"].remove(10) 10 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 11 store.looks["nova"].append(11) store.looks["nova"].remove(11) 11 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 12 store.looks["nova"].append(12) store.looks["nova"].remove(12) 12 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 13 store.looks["nova"].append(13) store.looks["nova"].remove(13) 13 in store.looks["nova"]

Nova 14 store.looks["nova"].append(14) store.looks["nova"].remove(14) 14 in store.looks["nova"]

Penelope 1 store.looks["penelope"].append(1) store.looks["penelope"].remove(1) 1 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 2 store.looks["penelope"].append(2) store.looks["penelope"].remove(2) 2 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 3 store.looks["penelope"].append(3) store.looks["penelope"].remove(3) 3 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 4 store.looks["penelope"].append(4) store.looks["penelope"].remove(4) 4 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 5 store.looks["penelope"].append(5) store.looks["penelope"].remove(5) 5 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 6 store.looks["penelope"].append(6) store.looks["penelope"].remove(6) 6 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 7 store.looks["penelope"].append(7) store.looks["penelope"].remove(7) 7 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 8 store.looks["penelope"].append(8) store.looks["penelope"].remove(8) 8 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 9 store.looks["penelope"].append(9) store.looks["penelope"].remove(9) 9 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 10 store.looks["penelope"].append(10) store.looks["penelope"].remove(10) 10 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 11 store.looks["penelope"].append(11) store.looks["penelope"].remove(11) 11 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 12 store.looks["penelope"].append(12) store.looks["penelope"].remove(12) 12 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 13 store.looks["penelope"].append(13) store.looks["penelope"].remove(13) 13 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 14 store.looks["penelope"].append(14) store.looks["penelope"].remove(14) 14 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 15 store.looks["penelope"].append(15) store.looks["penelope"].remove(15) 15 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 16 store.looks["penelope"].append(16) store.looks["penelope"].remove(16) 16 in store.looks["penelope"]

Penelope 17 store.looks["penelope"].append(17) store.looks["penelope"].remove(17) 17 in store.looks["penelope"]

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