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Package kinship

December 2, 2011
Version 1.1.2 Date 2011-12-2 Title mixed-effects Cox models, sparse matrices, and modeling data from large pedigrees Author Beth Atkinson ([email protected]) for pedigree functions. Terry Therneau ([email protected]) for all other functions. Maintainer Jing hua Zhao <[email protected]> Depends methods, survival, nlme, lattice, R (>= 2.8.0) LazyLoad Yes LazyData Yes Description coxme: general mixed-effects Cox models; kinship: routines to create and manipulate n by n matrices that describe the genetic relationships between n persons; pedigree: create and plot pedigrees; bdsmatrix: a class of objects for sparse block-diagonal matrices (which is how kinship matrices are stored); gchol: generalized cholesky decompositions License GPL (>= 2) Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2011-12-02 16:58:40

R topics documented:
align.pedigree . . . as.matrix.bdsmatrix autohint . . . . . . bdsBlock . . . . . bdsI . . . . . . . . bdsmatrix . . . . . bdsmatrix-class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 bdsmatrix.ibd . . . . besthint . . . . . . . coxme . . . . . . . . coxme.control . . . . familycheck . . . . . gchol . . . . . . . . gchol-class . . . . . gchol-methods . . . . gchol.bdsmatrix-class kinship . . . . . . . . kinship.ops . . . . . list or NULL-class . lmekin . . . . . . . . makefamid . . . . . makekinship . . . . . pedigree . . . . . . . plot.pedigree . . . . solve.bdsmatrix . . . solve.gchol . . . . . solve.gchol.bdsmatrix Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

align.pedigree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 11 13 15 16 18 18 19 19 21 21 21 23 25 26 27 30 31 32 34


Generate plotting information for a pedigree

Description Given a pedigree, this function creates helper matrices that descibe the layout of a plot of the pedigree. Usage align.pedigree(ped, packed=T, hints=ped$hints, width=6, align=T) Arguments ped packed hints a pedigree object should the pedigree be compressed, i.e., to allow diagonal lines connecting parents to children in order to have a smaller overall width for the plot. two column hints matrix. The rst column determines the relative order of subjects within a sibship, as well as the relative order of processing for the founder couples. (For this latter, the female founders are ordered as though they were sisters). The second column contains spouse information, e.g., if hints[2,6] = 17, then subject number 17 of the pedigree is a spouse of number 2, and is preferentially plotted to the right of number 2. Negative numbers plot the spouse preferentially to the left.

as.matrix.bdsmatrix width align for a packed output, the minimum width

should iterations of the springs algorithm be used to improve the plotted output. If True, a default number of iterations is used. If numeric, this species the number of iterations.

Details This is an internal routine, used almost exclusively by plot.pedigree. The subservient functions alignped1, alignped2, alignped3, and alignped4 contain the bulk of the computation. Value a structure with components n nid pos fam spouse twins a vector giving the number of subjects on each horizonal level of the plot a matrix with one row for each level, giving the numeric id of each subject plotted. (An value of 17 means the 17th subject in the pedigree). a matrix giving the horizontal position of each plot point a matrix giving the family id of each plot point. A value of "3" would mean that the two subjects in positions 3 and 4, in the row above, are this subjects parents. a matrix with values 1= subject plotted to the immediate right is a spouse, 2= subject plotted to the immediate right is an inbred spouse, 0 = not a spouse optional matrix which will only be present if the pedigree contains twins. It has values 1= sibling to the right is a monozygotic twin, 2= sibling to the right is a dizygotic twin, 3= sibling to the right is a twin of unknown zygosity, 0 = not a twin

See Also plot.pedigree


a function for bdsmatrix

Description A function for bdsmatrix Usage ## S3 method for class bdsmatrix as.matrix(x,...) Arguments x ... a bdsmatrix additional arguments to be passed

4 Examples
## Not run: # The function is currently defined as function(x) { if(class(x) != "bdsmatrix") stop("argument must be a bdsmatrix object") dd <- dim(x) d3 <- sum(x@blocksize) # dim of square portion d4 <- sum(x@blocksize^2) # size of x@blocks newmat <- matrix( ., dd[1], dd[2], dimnames = [email protected]) temp <- .C("bdsmatrix_index1", as.integer(length(x@blocksize)), as.integer(x@blocksize), as.integer(c(1, , )), as.integer(d3), as.integer(1:d3 - 1), indexa = integer(d3 * d3), indexb = , indexc = )$indexa newmat[x@permute, x@permute] <- c(x@offdiag, x@blocks)[1 + temp] if(length(x@rmat) > ) { newmat[, - (1:d3)] <- x@rmat newmat[ - (1:d3), ] <- t(x@rmat) } newmat } ## End(Not run)



Align a pedigree to print well

Description A pedigree structure can contain a hints matrix which helps to reorder the pedigree (e.g. left-toright order of children within family) so as to plot with minimal distortion. This routine is called by the pedigree function to create an intial hints matrix. Usage autohint(ped) Arguments ped a pedigree structure

bdsBlock Details

This routine would not normally be called by a user. It moves children within families, so that marriages are on the "edge" of a set children, closest to the spouse. For pedigrees that have only a single connection between two families this simple-minded approach works surprisingly well. For more complex structures either hand-tuning of the hints matrix, or use of the besthint routine will usually be required. Value a two column hints matrix See Also pedigree, besthint


Block diagonal matrices.

Description Create a block-diagonal matrix of ones. Usage bdsBlock(id, group) Arguments id group the identier list. This will become the dimnames of the nal matrix, and must be a set of unique values. Its length determines the dimension of the nal matrix a vector giving the grouping structure. All rows/cols belonging to a given group will form a block of 1s in the nal matrix.

Value a block-diagonal matrix of class bdsmatrix See Also bdsmatrix, bdsI

6 Examples
## Not run: id <- letters[1:1 ] group <- c(1,1,3,2,3,3,2,3,2,4) bdsBlock(id, group) a b d g i c e f h j a 1 1 b 1 1 d 1 1 1 g 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 j 1 # Create the matrices for a sparse nested fit of family within city group <- paste(mydata$city, mydata$family, sep=/) mat1 <- bdsI(group) mat2 <- bdsBlock(group, mydata$city) fit <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex, data=mydata, random= ~1|group, varlist=list(mat1, mat2)) ## End(Not run)



Sparse identity matrices

Description This function will create an identitiy matrix, in the sparse bdsmatrix format. Usage bdsI(id, blocksize) Arguments id blocksize the identier list. This will become the dimnames of the nal matrix, and must be a set of unique values. Its length determines the dimension of the nal matrix the blocksize vector of the nal matrix. If supplied, the sum of blocksizes must equal the dimension of the matrix. By default, the created matrix is as sparse as possible.

Value an identity matrix.

bdsmatrix Examples
imat <- bdsI(1:1 )


Create a sparse symmetric block diagonal matrix object

Description Sparse block diagonal matrices are used in the the large parameter matrices that can arise in randomeffects coxph and survReg models. This routine creates such a matrix. Methods for these matrices allow them to be manipulated much like an ordinary matrix, but the total memory use can be much smaller. Usage bdsmatrix(blocksize, blocks, rmat, dimnames) Arguments blocksize blocks rmat dimnames Details Consider the following matrix, which has been divided into 4 parts. 1 2 1 2 | 4 5 vector of sizes for the matrices on the diagonal contents of the diagonal blocks, strung out as a vector the dense portion of the matrix, forming a right and lower border a list of dimension names for the matrix

| 6 7 3 1 2 | 8 8 1 4 3 | 1 1 2 3 5 | 2 2 --------------+----4 6 8 1 2 | 7 6 5 7 8 1 2 | 6 9 The upper left is block diagonal, and can be stored in a compressed form without the zeros. With a large number of blocks, the zeros can actually account for over 99% of a matrix; this commonly happens with the kinship matrix for a large collection of families (one block/family). The arguments to this routine would be block sizes of 2 and 3, along with a 2 by 7 "right hand" matrix. Since the matrix is symmetrical, the bottom slice is not needed. Value an object of type bdsmatrix

8 Examples
# The matrix shown above is created by tmat <- bdsmatrix(c(2,3), c(1,2,1, 3,1,2, 4,3, 5), rmat=matrix(c(4,6,8,1,2,7,6, 5,7,8,1,2,6,9), ncol=2)) # Note that only the lower part of the blocks is needed, however, the # entire block set is also allowed, i.e., c(1,2,2,1, 3,1,2,1,4,3,2,3,5)



Class "bdsmatrix"

Description A bdsmarix class Objects from the Class Objects can be created by calls of the form new("bdsmatrix", ...). Slots blocksize: Object of class "integer" vector of sizes for the matrices on the diagonal blocks: Object of class "numeric" contents of the diagonal blocks, strung out as a vector rmat: Object of class "matrix" the dense portion of the matrix, forming a right and lower border offdiag: Object of class "numeric" 0s .Dim: Object of class "integer" dimensions .Dimnames: Object of class "list or NULL" a list of dimension names for the matrix Extends Class "matrix", directly. Methods %*% signature(x = "matrix", y = "bdsmatrix"): %*% signature(x = "numeric", y = "bdsmatrix"): Math2 signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): Math signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): Ops signature(e1 = "bdsmatrix", e2 = "numeric"): Ops signature(e1 = "bdsmatrix", e2 = "bdsmatrix"): Ops signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "bdsmatrix"): [ signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): all signature(x = "bdsmatrix"):

bdsmatrix.ibd any signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): coerce signature(from = "bdsmatrix", to = "matrix"): coerce signature(from = "bdsmatrix", to = "vector"): diag signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): diag<- signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): dim signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): dimnames signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): dimnames<- signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): max signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): min signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): prod signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): range signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): show signature(object = "bdsmatrix"): sum signature(x = "bdsmatrix"): unique signature(x = "bdsmatrix", incomparables = "missing"):


Create a bdsmatrix from a list

Description Routines that create identity-by-descent (ibd) coefcients often output their results as a list of values (i, j, x[i,j]), with unlisted values of the x matrix assumed to be zero. This routine recasts such a list into bdsmatrix form. Usage bdsmatrix.ibd(id1, id2, x, idmap, diagonal) Arguments id1 row identier for the value, in the nal matrix. Optionally, id1 can be a 3 column matrix or data.frame, in which case it is assumed to contain the rst 3 arguments, in order. column identier for the value, in the nal matrix. the value to place in the matrix a two column matrix or data frame. Sometimes routines create output with integer values for id1 and id2, and then this argument is the mapping from this internal label to the real name) If diagonal elements are not preserved in the list, this value will be used for the diagonal of the result. If the argument appears, then the output matrix will contain an entry for each value in idlist. Otherwise only those with an explicit entry appear.

id2 x idmap


10 Details


The routine rst checks for non-symmetric or otherwise inconsistent input. It then groups observations together into families of related subjects, which determines the structure of the nal matrix. As with the makekinship function, singletons with no relationships are rst in the output matrix, and then families appear one by one. Value a bdsmatrix object representing a block-diagonal sparse matrix. See Also bdsmatrix, kinship, coxme, lmekin Examples
## Not run: ibdmat <- bdsmatrix.ibd(i,j, ibdval, idlist=subject) ## End(Not run)


Create a hints matrix for a pedigree.

Description A pedigree structure can contain a hints matrix which helps to reorder the pedigree (e.g. left-toright order of children within family) so as to plot with minimal distortion. This routine trys out a large number of congurations, nding the best by brute force. Usage besthint(ped, wt=c(1 Arguments ped wt a pedigree object relative weights for three types of "distortion" in a plotted pedigree. The nal score for a pedigree is the weighted sum of these; the lowest score is considered the best. The three components are 1: the number of dotted lines, connecting two instances of the same person; 2: the lengths of those dotted lines; and 3: the horizontal offsets between parent/child pairs. the threshold for acceptance. If any of the orderings that are attempted have a score that is less than or equal to this value, the routine ceases searching for a better one. , 1 , 1), tolerance= )


coxme Details


Assume that a pedigree has k founding couples, i.e., husband-wife pairs for which neither has a parent in the pedigree. The routine tries all k!/2 possible left to right orderings of the founders (in random order), uses the autohint function to optimize the order of children within each family, and computes a score. The hints matrix for the rst pedigree to match the tolerance level is returned, or that for the best score found if none match the tolerance. Value a hints matrix See Also pedigree, plot.pedigree, autohint Examples
## Not run: # Find a good plot, only trying to avoid dotted connectors myped$hints <- besthint(myped, wt=c(1 ,1 , )) ## End(Not run)


Fit a mixed-effects Cox model

Description Returns an object of class coxme representing the tted model. Usage coxme(fixed, data=parent.frame(), random, weights, subset, na.action, init, control, ties=c("efron", "breslow", "exact"), singular.ok=T, varlist, variance, vinit=.2, sparse=c(5 , . 2), rescale=T, pdcheck=T, x=F, y=T, shortlabel=T, ...) Arguments fixed data random weights subset na.action formula decribing the xed effects part of the model. a data frame containing the variables. a one-sided formula describing the random effects part of the model. case weights for each observation an expression describing the subset of the data that should be used in the t. a function giving the default action on encountering missing values. It is more usual to use the global na.action system option to control this.

12 init control ties singular.ok

coxme initial values for the coefcients for the xed portion of the model, or the frailties followed by the xed effect coefcients. the result of a call to coxme.control the approximation to be used for tied death times: either "efron" or "breslow" if TRUE, then redundant coefcients among the xed effects are set to NA, if FALSE the program will fail with an error message if there are redundant variables. variance specications, often of class bdsmatrix, decsribing the variance/covariance structure of one or more of the random effects. xed values for the variances of selected random effects. Values of 0 indicate that the nal value should be solved for. vector of initial values for variance terms. It is necessary that the initial variance matrix be symmetric positive denite. Normally, a simple sum of the varlist matrices will sufce, i.e., a vector of 1s; but not always. determines which levels of random effects factor variables, if any, for which the program will use sparse matrix techniques. If a grouping variable has less than sparse[1] levels, then sparse methods are not used for that variable. If it has greater than or equal to sparse[1] unique levels, sparse methods will be used for those values which represent less than sparse[2] as a proportion of the data. For instance, if a grouping variable has 4000 levels, but 40% of the subjects are in group 1 then 3999 of the levels will be represented sparsely in the variance matrix. A single logical value of F is equivalent to setting sparse[1] to innity. scale any user supplied variance matrices so as to have a diagonal of 1.0. verify that any user-supplied variance matrix is positive denite (SPD). It has been observed that IBD matrices produced by some software are not strictly SPD. Sometimes models with these matrices still work (throughout the iteration path, the weighted sum of variance matrices was always SPD) and sometimes they dont. In the latter case, messages about taking the log of negative numbers will occur, and the results of the t are not necessarily trustworthy. retain the X matrix in the output. retain the dependent variable (a Surv object) in the output. no comment(s) any other arguments

varlist variance vinit


rescale pdcheck

x y shortlabel ... Value

an object of class coxme See Also coxph

coxme.control Examples
## Not run: coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ rx, data=rats, random= ~1|litter) Cox mixed-effects kinship model fit by maximum likelihood Data: rats n= 15 NULL Integrated Penalized Log-likelihood -185.6556 -18 .849 -173.774 Penalized loglik: chisq= 23.76 on 13.17 degrees of freedom, p= . 36 Integrated loglik: chisq= 9.61 on 2 degrees of freedom, p= . 82 Fixed effects: Surv(time, status) ~ rx coef exp(coef) se(coef) z rx .9132825 2.492491 .3226856 2.83 255 . Random effects: ~ 1 | litter litter Variance: .4255484 ## End(Not run)


p 46511


Control parameters for coxme

Description Set various control parameters for the coxme function. Usage coxme.control(eps= . 1, toler.chol=.Machine$double.eps^ .75, toler.ms=. 1, inner.iter=4, iter.max=1 , simplex= , lower= , upper=Inf, sparse.calc=NULL ) Arguments eps toler.chol toler.ms convergence criteria for the inner Cox model computations. Iteration ceases when the relative change in the log-likelihood is less than eps. tolerance that is used to detect singularity, i.e., redundant predictor variables in the model, in the underlying Cholesky decompostion routines. convergence criteria for the minimization of the integrated loglikelihood over the variance parameters. Since this outer iteration uses the Cox iteration as an inner loop, and the Cox iteration in turn uses the cholesky decomposition as an inner look, each of these treating the computations below it as if they were exact, the cholesky tolerance should be tighter than the Cox tolerance, which in turn should be tighter than that for the variance estimates.

14 inner.iter iter.max the number of iterations for the inner iteration loop.


maximum number of iterations for solution of a Cox partial likelihood, given the values of the random effect variances. Calls with iter= are useful to evaluate the likelihood for a prespecied parameter vector, such as in the computation of a prole likelihood. number of iterations for the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. The simplex method is very good at nding the general neighborhood of a minimum without getting lost, but can take a very large number of iterations to narrow in on the nal answer; opposite strentghs to the standard minimizer optim. For hard problems, adding 50-100 iterations of the simplex as a starting estimate for the usual method can be very helpful. limits for the variance parameters, used by optim. style of computation for the inner likelihood code. The results of the two computations are identical, but can differ in total compute time. The optional calculation (calc=1) uses somewhat more memory, but can be substantially faster when the total number of random effects is of order n, the total sample size. The standard calculation (calc=0) is faster when the number of random effects is small. By default, the coxme.fit function chooses the method dynamically. It may not always do so optimally.


lower, upper sparse.calc

Details The central computation consists of an outer maximization to determine the variances of the random effects, performed by the optim function. Each evaluation for optim, however, itself requires the solution of a minimization problem; this is the inner loop. It is important that the inner loop use a xed number of iterations, but it is not yet clear what is the minimal sufcient number for that inner loop. Making this number smaller will make the routine faster, but perhaps at the expense of accuracy.

Value a list containing values for each option.

References Therneau and Pankratz

See Also coxme




Error check for a family classication

Description Given a family id vector, also compute the familial grouping from rst principles using the parenting data, and compare the results. Usage familycheck(famid, id, father.id, mother.id, newfam) Arguments famid id father.id mother.id newfam a vector of family identiers a vector of unique subject identiers vector containing the id of the biological father vector containing the id of the biological mother the result of a call to makefamid. If this has allready been computed by the user, adding it as an argument shortens the running time somewhat.

Details The makefamid function is used to create a de novo family id from the parentage data, and this is compared to the family id given in the data. Value a data frame with one row for each unique family id in the famid argument. Components of the output are famid n unrelated the family id, as entered into the data set number of subjects in the family number of them that appear to be unrelated to anyone else in the entire pedigree set. This is usually marry-ins with no children (in the pedigree), and if so are not a problem. number of unique "new" family ids. If this is 0, it means that no one in this "family" is related to anyone else (not good); 1 = everythings is ne; 2+= the family appears to be a set of disjoint trees. Are you missing some of the people? number of other families that had a unique famid, but are actually joined to this one. 0 is the hope. If there are any joins, then an attribute "join" is attached. It will be a matrix with famid as row labels, new-family-id as the columns, and the number of subjects as entries.



16 See Also makefamid, makekinship Examples

## Not run: # # This is from a pedigree that had some identifier errors # > checkit<- familycheck(ids2$famid, ids2$gid, ids2$fatherid, ids2$motherid) > table(checkit$split) # should be all 1s 1 2 112 424 4 # Shows 112 of the "families" were actually isolated individuals, # and that 4 of the families actually split into 2. # In one case, a mistyped father id caused one child, along with his spouse # and children, to be "set adrift" from the connected pedigree. > table(checkit$join) 1 2 531 6 3 # # There are 6 families with 1 other joined to them (3 pairs), and 3 with # 2 others added to them (one triplet). # For instance, a single mistyped father id of someone in family 319, # which was by bad luck the id of someone else in family 339, # was sufficient to join two groups. > attr(checkit, join) [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] 31 78 32 3 15 33 6 12 63 63 65 17 16 122 16 127 3 319 2 339 37 ## End(Not run)



Generalized Cholesky decompostion

Description Perform the generalized Cholesky decompostion of a real symmetric matrix.

gchol Usage gchol(x, tolerance=1e-1 ) Arguments x tolerance Details the symmetric matrix to be factored the numeric tolerance for detection of singular columns in x.


A symmetric matrix A can be decomposed as LDL, where L is a lower triangular matrix with 1s on the diagonal, L is the transpose of L, and D is diagonal. The inverse of L is also lower-triangular, with 1s on the diagonal. If all elements of D are positive, then A must be symmetric positive denite (SPD), and the solution can be reduced the usual Cholesky decomposition UU where U is upper triangular and U = sqrt(D) L. The main advantage of the generalized form is that it admits of matrices that are not of full rank: D will contain zeros marking the redundant columns, and the rank of A is the number of non-zero columns. If all elements of D are zero or positive, then A is a non-negative denite (NND) matrix. The generalized form also has the (quite minor) numerical advantage of not requiring square roots during its calculation. To extract the components of the decompostion, use the diag and as.matrix functions. The solve has a method for gchol decompostions, and there are gchol methods for block diagonal symmetric (bdsmatrix) matrices as well. Value an object of class gchol containing the generalized Cholesky decompostion. It has the appearance of a lower triangular matrix. See Also bdsmatrix, solve.gchol Examples
## Not run: # Create a matrix that is symmetric, but not positive definite # The matrix temp has column 6 redundant with cols 1-5 smat <- matrix(1:64, ncol=8) smat <- smat + t(smat) + diag(rep(2 ,8)) #smat is 8 by 8 symmetric temp <- smat[c(1:5, 5:8), c(1:5, 5:8)] ch1 <- gchol(temp) print(as.matrix(ch1)) # print out L print(diag(ch1)) # print out D aeq <- function(x,y) all.equal(as.vector(x), as.vector(y)) aeq(diag(ch1)[6], ) # Check that it has a zero in the proper place ginv <- solve(ch1) # see if I get a generalized inverse

aeq(temp %*% ginv %*% temp, temp) aeq(ginv %*% temp %*% ginv, ginv) ## End(Not run)



Class "gchol"

Description a class of gchol Objects from the Class Objects can be created by calls of the form new("gchol", ...). Slots .Data: Object of class "numeric" ~~ .Dim: Object of class "integer" ~~ .Dimnames: Object of class "list or NULL" ~~ rank: Object of class "integer" ~~ Methods coerce signature(from = "gchol", to = "matrix"): ... diag signature(x = "gchol"): ... show signature(object = "gchol"): ...


Methods for Function gchol in Package kinship

Description gchol methods Methods x = "matrix" an ordinary matrix or bdsmatrix object



gchol.bdsmatrix-class Class "gchol.bdsmatrix"

Description an class generated from gchol(bdsmatrix object) Objects from the Class Objects can be created by calls of the form new("gchol.bdsmatrix", ...). or gchol(bdsmatrix object) Slots blocksize: Object of class "integer" ~~ blocks: Object of class "numeric" ~~ rmat: Object of class "matrix" ~~ rank: Object of class "integer" ~~ .Dim: Object of class "integer" ~~ .Dimnames: Object of class "list or NULL" ~~ Methods %*% signature(x = "matrix", y = "gchol.bdsmatrix"): ... %*% signature(x = "numeric", y = "gchol.bdsmatrix"): ... [ signature(x = "gchol.bdsmatrix"): ... coerce signature(from = "gchol.bdsmatrix", to = "matrix"): ... diag signature(x = "gchol.bdsmatrix"): ... dim signature(x = "gchol.bdsmatrix"): ... show signature(object = "gchol.bdsmatrix"): ...


Compute a kinship matrix

Description Computes the n by n kinship matrix for a set of n related subjects Usage kinship(id, father.id, mother.id)

20 Arguments id father.id mother.id Details a vector of subject identiers. It may be either numeric or character. for each subject, the identier of the biological father. for each subject, the identier of the biological mother.


Two genes G1 and G2 are identical by descent (ibd) if they are both physical copies of the same ancestral gene; two genes are identical by state if they represent the same allele. So the brown eye gene that I inherited from my mother is ibd with hers; the same gene in an unrelated individual is not. The kinship coefcient between two subjects is the probability that a randomly selected allele will be ibd between them. It is obviously 0 between unrelated individuals. If there is no inbreeding in the pedigree, it will be .5 for an individual with themselves (we could choose the same allele twice), .25 between mother and child, etc. The computation is based on a recursive algorithm described in Lange. It is unfortunately not vectorizable, so the S code is slow. For studies with multiple disjoint families see the makekinship routine. Value a matrix of kinship coefcients. References K Lange, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997. See Also makekinship, makefamid Examples
## Not run: test1 <- data.frame(id =c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, mom =c( , , , , 2, 2, 4, 4, dad =c( , , , , 1, 1, 3, 3, sex =c( , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, round(8*kinship(test1$id, test1$dad, test1$mom)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 2 5 2 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 4 7 2 2 4 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 9, 1 , 11, 12, 6, 2, , , 3, 7, , , , , , 1, 13, 12, 11, 1, 14), 13), 1 ), 1))

8 2 2 2 4 1 1 9 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 11 4 12 13 2 14 1 1 2 1 ## End(Not run)


4 2 1

2 2 4 2

2 1 1 2 4


Basic Linear Algebra for classes bdsmatrix and gchol.bdsmatrix

Description Basic linear algebra operators for class bdsmatrix and gchol.bdsmatrix

list or NULL-class

Class "list or NULL"

Description a class used in bdsmatrix Objects from the Class A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it. Methods No methods dened with class "list or NULL" in the signature.


Linear Mixed Effects model using a kinship matrix.

Description A similar function to lme, but allowing for a complete specication of the covariance matrix for the random effects. Usage lmekin(fixed, data=parent.frame(), random, varlist=NULL, variance, sparse=c(2 , . 5), rescale=T, pdcheck=T, subset, weight, na.action)

22 Arguments fixed random data varlist variance sparse model statement for the xed effects model statement for the random effects data frame containing the variables


variance specications, often of class bdsmatrix, decsribing the variance/covariance structure of one or more of the random effects. xed values for the variances of selected random effects. Values of 0 indicate that the nal value should be solved for. determines which levels of random effects factor variables, if any, for which the program will use sparse matrix techniques. If a grouping variable has less than sparse[1] levels, then sparse methods are not used for that variable. If it has greater than or equal to sparse[1] unique levels, sparse methods will be used for those values which represent less than sparse[2] as a proportion of the data. For instance, if a grouping variable has 4000 levels, but 40% of the subjects are in group 1 then 3999 of the levels will be represented sparsely in the variance matrix. A single logical value of F is equivalent to setting sparse[1] to innity. scale any user supplied variance matrices so as to have a diagonal of 1.0. verify that any user-supplied variance matrix is positive denite (SPD). It has been observed that IBD matrices produced by some software are not strictly SPD. Sometimes models with these matrices still work (throughout the iteration path, the weighted sum of variance matrices was always SPD) and sometimes they dont. In the latter case, messages about taking the log of negative numbers will occur, and the results of the t are not necessarily trustworthy. selection of a subset of data optional case weights the action for missing data values

rescale pdcheck

subset weight na.action Details

The lme function is designed to accept a prototype for the variance matrix of the random effects, with the same prototype applying to all of the groups in the data. For familial genetic random effects, however, each family has a different covariance pattern, necessitating the input of the entire set of covariance matrices. In return, at present lmekin does not have the prototype abilities of lme. Value an object of class lmekin, sharing similarities with both lm and lme objects. References Pinheiro and Bates, Mixed Effect Models in S and Splus See Also print.lmekin, lme

makefamid Examples
## Not run: # # Make a kinship matrix for the entire study # These two functions are NOT fast, the makekinship one in particular # cfam <- makefamid(main$gid, main$momid, main$dadid) kmat <- makekinship(cfam, main$gid, main$momid, main$dadid) # The kinship matrix for the females only: quite a bit smaller # kid <- dimnames(kmat)[[1]] temp <- main$sex[match(kid, main$gid)] == F fkmat <- kmat[temp,temp] # The dimnames on kmat are the gid value, which are necessary to match # the appropriate row/col of kmat to the analysis data set # A look at %dense tissue on a mammogram, with age at mammogram and # weight as covariates, and a familial random effect # fit <- lmekin(percdens ~ mammage + weight, data=anal1, random = ~1|gid, varlist=list(fkmat)) Linear mixed-effects kinship model fit by maximum likelihood Data: anal1 Log-likelihood = -6 93.917 n= 1535 Fixed effects: percdens ~ mammage + weight (Intercept) mammage weight 87.1593 - .5333198 - .1948871 Random effects: ~ 1 | gid Kinship Residual StdDev: 7.8 16 3 1 .26612 ## End(Not run)



Identify family groups

Description Given a set of parentage relationships, this subdivides a set of subjects into families. Usage makefamid(id, father.id, mother.id)

24 Arguments id father.id mother.id a vector of unique subject identiers for each subject, the identier of their biolgical father for each subject, the identier of thier biological mother


Details This function may be useful to create a family identier if none exists in the data (rare), to check for anomalies in a given family identier (see the familycheck function), or to create a more space and time efcient kinship matrix by separating out marry-ins without children as unrelated.

Value a vector of family identiers. Individuals who are not blood relatives of anyone else in the data set as assigned a family id of 0.

See Also makefamid, kinship, makekinship

## Not run: > newid <- makefamid(cdata$gid, cdata$dadid, cdata$momid) > table(newid== ) FALSE TRUE 17859 8191 # So nearly 1/3 of the individuals are not blood relatives. > kin1 <- makekinship(cdata$famid, cdata$gid, cdata$dadid, cdata$momid) > kin2 <- makekinship(newid, cdata$gid, cdata$dadid, cdata$momid, unique= ) > dim(kin2) [1] 26 5 26 5 > dim(kin1) [1] 26 5 26 5 > length(kin2@blocks)/length(kin1@blocks) [1] .542462 # Basing kin1 on newid rather than cdata$famid (where marry-ins were each # labeled as members of one of the 426 families) reduced its size by just # less than half. ## End(Not run)




Create a sparse kinship matrix

Description Compute the overall kinship matrix for a collection of families, and store it efciently. Usage makekinship(famid, id, father.id, mother.id, unrelated= ) Arguments famid id father.id mother.id unrelated a vector of family identiers a vector of unique subject identiers for each subject, the identier of their biolgical father for each subject, the identier of thier biological mother subjects with this family id are considered to be unrelated singletons, i.e., not related to each other or to anyone else.

Details For each family of more than one member, the kinship function is called to calculate a per-family kinship matrix. These are stored in an efcient way into a single block-diagaonal sparse matrix object, taking advantage of the fact that between family entries in the full matrix are all 0. Unrelated individuals are considered to be families of size 0, and are placed rst in the matrix. The nal order of the rows within this matrix will not necessarily be the same as in the origianl data, since each family must be contiguous. The dimnames of the matrix contain the id variable for each row/column. Also note that to create the kinship matrix for a subset of the data it is necessary to create the full kinship matrix rst and then subset it. One cannot rst subset the data and then call the function. For instance, a call using only the female data would not detect that a particular mans sister and his daughter are related. Value a sparse kinship matrix of class bdsmatrix See Also kinship, makefamid

26 Examples
## Not run: # Data set from a large family study of breast cancer # there are 26 5 subjects in the file, from 426 families > table(cdata$sex) F M 12699 13351 > length(unique(cdata$famid)) [1] 426 > kin1 <- makekinship(cdata$famid, cdata$gid, cdata$dadid, cdata$momid) > dim(kin1) [1] 26 5 26 5 > class(kin1) [1] "bdsmatrix" # The next line shows that few of the elements of the full matrix are > > length(kin1@blocks)/ prod(dim(kin1)) [1] . 164925 # > > > # # # # # kinship matrix for the females only femid <- cdata$gid[cdata$sex==F] femindex <- !is.na(match(dimnames(kin1)[[1]], femid)) kin2 <- kin1[femindex, femindex] Note that "femindex <- match(femid, dimnames(kin1)[[1]])" is wrong, since then kin1[femindex, femindex] might improperly reorder the rows/cols (if families were not contiguous in cdata). However sort(match(femid, dimnames(kin1)[[1]])) would be okay.


## End(Not run)


Create pedigree structure

Description Create pedigree structure in format needed for plotting function. Usage pedigree(id, dadid, momid, sex, affected, status, relations) Arguments id dadid momid Identication variable for individual Identication variable for father Identication variable for mother

plot.pedigree sex

27 Gender of individual noted in id. Character("male","female","unknown", "terminated") or numeric (1="male", 2="female", 3="unknown", 4="terminated") allowed. One variable, or a matrix, indicating affection status. Assumed that 1="unaffected", 2="affected", NA or 0 = "unknown". Status (0="censored", 1="dead") A matrix with 3 columns (id1, id2, code) specifying special relationship between pairs of individuals. Codes: 1=Monozygotic twin, 2=Dizygotic twin, 3=Twin of unknown zygosity, 4=Spouse and no children in pedigree

affected status relations

Value An object of class pedigree. See Also plot.pedigree Examples

## Not run: ptemp <- pedigree(id=d1 $upn, dadid=d1 $dadid,momid=d1 $momid, sex=d1 $sex, affected=d1 $affect) plot(ptemp) ## End(Not run)


plot pedigrees

Description plot objects created with the pedigree function Usage ## S3 method for class pedigree plot(x, id = x$id, status = x$status, affected = x$affected, cex = 1, col = 1, symbolsize = 1, branch = .6, packed = TRUE, align = c(1.5,2), width = 8, density = c(-1, 35, 55, 25), mar = c(4.1, 1, 4.1, 1), angle = c(9 , 65, 4 , ), keep.par = FALSE, subregion, ...)

28 Arguments x id status affected object created by the function pedigree. id variable - used for labeling. can be missing. If it exists, 0=alive/missing and 1=death.


vector, or matrix with up to 4 columns for affected indicators. Subjects symbol is divided into sections for each status, shaded if indicator is 1, not-shaded for 0, and symbol "?" if missing (NA) controls text size. Default=1. color for each id. Default assigns the same color to everyone. controls symbolsize. Default=1. denes how much angle is used to connect various levels of nuclear families. default=TRUE. If TRUE, uniform distance between all individuals at a given level. these parameters control the extra effort spent trying to align children underneath parents, but without making the pedigree too wide. Set to FALSE to speed up plotting. default=8. For a packed pedigree, the minimum width allowed in the realignment of pedigrees. denes density used in the symbols. Takes up to 4 different values. margin parmeters, as in the par function denes angle used in the symbols. Takes up to 4 different values. Default = FALSE, allows user to keep the parameter settings the same as they were for plotting (useful for adding extras to the plot) 4-element vector for (min x, max x, min depth, max depth), used to edit away portions of the plot coordinates returned by align.pedigree Extra options that feed into the plot function.

cex col symbolsize branch packed align

width density mar angle keep.par subregion ... Details

Two important parameters control the looks of the result. One is the user specied maximum width. The smallest possible width is the maximum number of subjects on a line, if the users suggestion is too low it is increased to 1+ that amount (to give just a little wiggle room). To make a pedigree where all children are centered under parents simply make the width large enough, however, the symbols may get very small. The second is align, a vector of 2 alignment parameters $a$ and $b$. For each set of siblings at a set of locations x and with parents at p=c(p1,p2) the alignment penalty is (1/k a ) i = 1k[(xi (p1 + p2)/2)]2

sum(x- mean(p))^2/(k^a) where k is the number of siblings in the set. when $a=1$ moving a sibship with $k$ sibs one unit to the left or right of optimal will incur the same cost as moving one with only 1 or two sibs out of place. If $a=0$ then large sibships are harder to move than small ones, with the default value $a=1.5$ they are slightly easier to move than small ones. The rationale for



the default is as long as the parents are somewhere between the rst and last siblings the result looks fairly good, so we are more exible with the spacing of a large family. By tethering all the sibs to a single spot they are kept close to each other. The alignment penalty for spouses is b(x1 x2 )2 , which tends to keep them together. The size of $b$ controls the relative importance of sib-parent and spouse-spouse closeness. Value an invisble list containing plist a list that contains all the position information for plotting the pedigree. This will useful for further functions (yet unwritten) for manipulating the plot, but likely not to an ordinary user. the x an and y plot coordinates of each subject in the plot. The coordinate is for the top of the plotted symbol. These will be in the same order as the input pedigree. If someone in the pedigree does not appear in the plot their coordinates will be NA. If they appear multiple times one of the instances is chosen. (Which one is a function of the order in which the pedigree was constructed.) the height of the symbol, in user coordinates the width of the symbol a copy of the call that generated the plot


boxh boxw call Side Effects

creates plot on current plotting device. See Also pedigree Examples

## Not run: # The example to R News and Bioinformatics # pedigree 1 81 in GAW14 p1 <- scan(nlines=16,what=list( , , , , ,"","")) 1 2 3 2 2 7/7 7/1 2 1 1 -/- -/3 2 2 7/9 3/1 4 2 3 2 2 7/9 3/7 5 2 3 2 1 7/7 7/1 6 2 3 1 1 7/7 7/1 7 2 3 2 1 7/7 7/1 8 1 1 -/- -/9 8 4 1 1 7/9 3/1 1 2 1 -/- -/11 2 1 2 1 7/7 7/7 12 2 1 2 2 6/7 7/7 13 1 1 -/- -/14 13 11 1 1 7/8 7/8

15 16 1 2 1 1 -/6/6 -/7/7




p2 <- as.data.frame(p1) names(p2) <- c("id","fid","mid","sex","aff","GABRB1","D4S1645") attach(p2) sex <- sex-1 p3 <- pedigree(id,fid,mid,sex,aff) pdf("1 81.pdf") par(xpd=TRUE) plot(p3) dev.off() ## End(Not run)


Solve a matrix equation using the generalized Cholesky decompostion

Description This function solves the equation Ax=b for x, when A is a block diagonal sparse matrix (an object of class bdsmatrix). Usage ## S3 method for class bdsmatrix solve(a, b, tolerance=1e-1 , full=T, ...) Arguments a b tolerance full a block diagonal sparse matrix object a numeric vector or matrix, that forms the right-hand side of the equation. the tolerance for detecting singularity in the a matrix if true, return the full inverse matrix; if false return only that portion corresponding to the blocks. This argument is ignored if b is present. If the bdsmatrix a has a non-sparse portion, i.e., if the rmat component is present, then the inverse of a will not be block-diagonal sparse. In this case setting full=F returns only a portion of the inverse. The elements that are returned are those of the full inverse, but the off-diagonal elements that are not returned would not have been zero. an argument to achieve compatibility with solve from R base

... Details

The matrix a consists of a block diagonal sparse portion with an optional dense border. The inverse of a, which is to be computed if y is not provided, will have the same block diagonal structure as a only if there is no dense border, otherwise the resulting matrix will not be sparse.



However, these matrices may often be very large, and a non sparse version of one of them will require gigabytes of even terabytes of space. For one of the common computations (degrees of freedom in a penalized model) only those elements of the inverse that correspond to the non-zero part of a are required; the full=F option returns only that portion of the (block diagonal portion of) the inverse matrix. Value if argument b is not present, the inverse of a is returned, otherwise the solution to matrix equation. The equation is solved using a generalized Cholesky decomposition. See Also bdsmatrix, gchol Examples
## Not run: tmat <- bdsmatrix(c(3,2,2,4), c(22,1,2,21,3,2 ,19,4,18,17,5,16,15,6,7, 8,14,9,1 ,13,11,12), matrix(c(1, ,1,1, , ,1,1, ,1, ,1 , , ,1,1, ,1,1, ,1,1, ,1, ,1 ), ncol=2)) dim(tmat) solve(tmat, cbind(1:13, rep(1,13))) ## End(Not run)


Solve a matrix equation using the generalized Cholesky decompostion

Description This function solves the equation Ax=b for x, given b and the generalized Cholesky decompostion of A. If only the rst argument is given, then a G-inverse of A is returned. Usage ## S3 method for class gchol solve(a, b, full=T, ...) Arguments a b full ... a generalized cholesky decompostion of a matrix, as returned by the gchol function. a numeric vector or matrix, that forms the right-hand side of the equation. solve the problem for the full (orignal) matrix, or for the cholesky matrix. an argument to achieve compatibility with solve from R base

32 Details


A symmetric matrix A can be decomposed as LDL, where L is a lower triangular matrix with 1s on the diagonal, L is the transpose of L, and D is diagonal. This routine solves either the original problem Ay=b (full argument) or the subproblem sqrt(D)Ly=b. If b is missing it returns the inverse of A or L, respectively. Value if argument b is not present, the inverse of a is returned, otherwise the solution to matrix equation. See Also gchol Examples
## Not run: # Create a matrix that is symmetric, but not positive definite # The matrix temp has column 6 redundant with cols 1-5 smat <- matrix(1:64, ncol=8) smat <- smat + t(smat) + diag(rep(2 ,8)) #smat is 8 by 8 symmetric temp <- smat[c(1:5, 5:8), c(1:5, 5:8)] ch1 <- gchol(temp) print(as.matrix(ch1)) # print out L print(diag(ch1)) # print out D aeq <- function(x,y) all.equal(as.vector(x), as.vector(y)) aeq(diag(ch1)[6], ) # Check that it has a zero in the proper place ginv <- solve(ch1) # see if I get a generalized inverse aeq(temp %*% ginv %*% temp, temp) aeq(ginv %*% temp %*% ginv, ginv) ## End(Not run)


function solve for gchol.bdsmatrix

Description This is a generalized solve function for gchol.bdsmatrix object Usage ## S3 method for class gchol.bdsmatrix solve(a, b, full=T, ...)

solve.gchol.bdsmatrix Arguments a b full ... a b An argument full an argument to achieve compatibility with solve from R base


Topic algebra kinship.ops, 21 solve.bdsmatrix, 30 solve.gchol, 31 solve.gchol.bdsmatrix, 32 Topic array align.pedigree, 2 as.matrix.bdsmatrix, 3 autohint, 4 bdsBlock, 5 bdsI, 6 bdsmatrix.ibd, 9 besthint, 10 gchol, 16 kinship, 19 Topic classes bdsmatrix-class, 8 gchol-class, 18 gchol.bdsmatrix-class, 19 list or NULL-class, 21 Topic dplot pedigree, 26 Topic hplot, genetics plot.pedigree, 27 Topic manip bdsmatrix, 7 familycheck, 15 makefamid, 23 makekinship, 25 Topic methods gchol-methods, 18 Topic regression lmekin, 21 Topic survival coxme, 11 coxme.control, 13 [,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 [,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 34 [.pedigree (kinship.ops), 21 %*% (kinship.ops), 21 %*%,ANY,ANY-method (kinship.ops), 21 %*%,bdsmatrix,numeric-method (kinship.ops), 21 %*%,bdsmatrix-method (kinship.ops), 21 %*%,gchol.bdsmatrix,numeric-method (kinship.ops), 21 %*%,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (kinship.ops), 21 %*%,matrix,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 %*%,matrix,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 %*%,numeric,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 %*%,numeric,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 %*%-methods (kinship.ops), 21 %*%.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 %*%.default (kinship.ops), 21 %*%.gchol.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 align.pedigree, 2 alignped1 (align.pedigree), 2 alignped2 (align.pedigree), 2 alignped3 (align.pedigree), 2 alignped4 (align.pedigree), 2 all,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 any,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 as.matrix.bdsmatrix, 3 as.matrix.gchol (kinship.ops), 21 as.vector.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 autohint, 4, 11 bdsBlock, 5 bdsI, 5, 6 bdsmatrix, 5, 7, 10, 17, 31

INDEX bdsmatrix-class, 8 bdsmatrix.ibd, 9 bdsmatrix.reconcile (kinship.ops), 21 besthint, 5, 10 coerce,bdsmatrix,matrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 coerce,bdsmatrix,vector-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 coerce,gchol,matrix-method (gchol-class), 18 coerce,gchol.bdsmatrix,matrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 coxme, 10, 11, 14 coxme.control, 13 diag,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 diag,gchol-method (gchol-class), 18 diag,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 diag<-,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 dim,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 dim,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 dimnames,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 dimnames<-,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 familycheck, 15 gchol, 16, 31, 32 gchol,matrix-method (gchol-methods), 18 gchol-class, 18 gchol-methods, 18 gchol.bdsmatrix-class, 19 getCovariateFormula2 (lmekin), 21 getCrossedTerms (lmekin), 21 getGroupsFormula2 (lmekin), 21 is.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 is.gchol.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 is.list.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 is.list.gchol.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 is.matrix.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 is.matrix.gchol.bdsmatrix (kinship.ops), 21 kindepth (kinship), 19 kinship, 10, 19, 24 kinship.ops, 21 list or NULL-class, 21 lmekin, 10, 21


makefamid, 16, 20, 23, 24 makekinship, 16, 20, 24, 25 Math,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 Math2,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 max,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 min,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 Ops,bdsmatrix,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 Ops,bdsmatrix,numeric-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 Ops,numeric,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 pedigree, 5, 11, 26, 29 plot.pedigree, 3, 11, 27, 27 print.bdsmatrix (bdsmatrix), 7 print.coxme (coxme), 11 print.lmekin, 22 print.lmekin (lmekin), 21 prod,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 range,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 show,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 show,gchol-method (gchol-class), 18 show,gchol.bdsmatrix-method (gchol.bdsmatrix-class), 19 solve.bdsmatrix, 30 solve.gchol, 17, 31 solve.gchol.bdsmatrix, 32 strata2 (coxme.control), 13

36 sum,bdsmatrix-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8 unique,bdsmatrix,missing-method (bdsmatrix-class), 8


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