LP Arts (1) 2
LP Arts (1) 2
LP Arts (1) 2
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupil should be able to;
A. Recognize primary and secondary colors;
B. Appreciate the beauty of colors
C. Demonstrate their understanding of primary and secondary colors through
coloring objects ( A1EL- IIb )
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparation:
Very good!
Very good!
What can you observe about the mango? The color of the mango is yellow
teacher and the leaves of the mango is
Great! Good job! color green.
Now, class what do you think our lesson I think it is about color teacher
for today?
C. Presentation
D. Discussion:
Yellow Orange
Blue Violet
E. Generalization:
What are those primary colors? Red, Yellow and Blue, teacher.
Very good!
And what are those secondary colors? Green, Orange and Violet, teacher.
F. Application:
1. ____ Violet
2. ____ Red 1. S
3. ____ Green 2. P
4. ____ Blue 3. S
5. ____ Orange 4. P
6. ____ Yellow 5. S
6. P