(HANU ESPD) Primary Research Term 3

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Statement of authorship
Class: 3K-23ACN Student Number: 2304000034 & 2304000008
Subject: Primary Research Writing
Name of research paper: The Perception of Hanoi University Students on The
Correlation between How Young Women Dress and Sexual Harassment

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Signed__________________ Date: June 8th , 2024

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Hanoi, 2024

Sexual harassment is a globally topical issue and noticeable in Hanoi University. The research focused on
the perception of Hanoi University students on the correlation between how young women dress and sexual
harassment. Qualitative method was used and the survey received 70 accurate responses. Data were
analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that students in Hanoi University
has raised high awareness about the knowledge of sexual harassment as well the prevention in case of being
sexual harassed. One more noticeable finding is that provocative fashion concept of young women’s
clothing choice is the highest risk which could lead young women to be sexually harassed. There are many
The Perception of Hanoi University Students on
given recommendations in Hanoi University that will be implemented in order to go a long way to reducing
the incidence sexual harassment in theCorrelation
institution. between
How Young Women Dress and Sexual Harassment

Students: Do Tuan Hiep & Nguyen Quynh Anh

Lecture: Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh
Class: 3K-23ACN
Course: Primary Research Writing
Submission date: June 8th 2024

LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................................V
LIST OF TABLES...........................................................................................................................................V
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Sexual harassment.....................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Many types of young women's clothing....................................................................................................3
1.3. The perception of students on the sexual harassment................................................................................4
2. METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................................4
3. RESULTS.....................................................................................................................................................5
3.1. Demographic information..........................................................................................................................5
3.2. Main findings.............................................................................................................................................5
3.2.1. Perception on sexual harassment............................................................................................................6
3.2.2. Perception on the correlation between how young women dress and sexual harassment......................7
4. DISCUSSION...............................................................................................................................................9
4.1. The perception of HANU students on sexual harassment.........................................................................9
4.2. The perception of HANU students on the correlation between how young women dress and sexual
5. RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSION.............................................................................................10
5.1. Limitations and Recommendations.........................................................................................................10
5.1.1. Limitations............................................................................................................................................10
5.1.2. Recommendations.................................................................................................................................10
5.2. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................11


Figure 1: Results of the perception of HANU students on factors affecting young women
clothing’s choice
Figure 2: Results of the perception of HANU students on the correlation between young
women’s fashion concept and sexual harassment

Table 1: Results of demographic information of the survey respondents

Table 2: Results of identifying signs of sexual harassment of HANU students

Table 3: Results of how HANU students would react in case being sexually harassed
Table 4: Results of the perception of HANU students on which gender are more likely to
experience sexual harassment

The belief that clothing is the primary reason leading to sexual harassment has been
proven that people infer intent and attitude of others based on their clothes (Theresa,
1993). Those inferences are often inaccurate and baseless, which is based on students'
points of view; therefore, clothing is not probative or relevant evidence of the intent or
attitude of the wearer. Several factors contribute to sexual harassment, including a lack of
public awareness, pupil's fear of publicizing mistreatment, and a lack of bravery to
confront harassers. As a result, raising awareness to avoid sexual harassment of students
is vital and relevant.

According to the survey results of ActionAid Vietnam and the Research Centre for
Gender, Family and Environment in Development (CGFED) (2014), compared to other
dangers like traffic accidents, robbery, and pickpocketing, 45% of young women and
girls, as well as 45% of males and bystanders, regarded sexual harassment as the biggest
risk in metropolitan public spaces for young women and girls. In addition, 40% of survey
respondents have witnessed acts of harassing underage girls, 47% of whom witnessed
this behavior repeated many times (Ngan, 2020).

Students have raised awareness of the correlation between clothing and sexual
harassment which has been controversial topic in globe whether clothing is the
consequence of sexual abuse. Various surveys have been carried out with students to get
more data about this topic. For example, a study by Pham Van Tu and Vu Vuong Truong
(2022) found that Vietnamese middle and high school students have a limited
understanding of sexual harassment, often misconstruing verbal or non-verbal harassment
with teasing. There is no direct correlation between how young women dress and sexual
harassment. A study by Chu Thi Huyen Yen et al. (2021) focused on female students'
awareness in sexual harassment prevention and found no significant difference in the
level of awareness among female students based on their dress. These studies have
repeatedly shown that the problem of wearing and gesturing had a certain influence on
students' points of view about sexual harassment. Although the correlation between

clothing and sexual harassment has been studied in detail, insufficient attention has been
paid to students’ opinions.

Our research topic is to clarify the perception of HANU (Hanoi University) students on
the correlation between how young women dress and sexual harassment. Therefore, this
research paper aims to look for the answers of two questions: (1) what is the perception
of HANU students on sexual harassment? (2) what is the perception of HANU students
on the correlation between how young women dress and sexual harassment?

1.1. Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is described as unwanted sexually motivated behavior, including
physical contacts and advances, sexually disparaging remarks, and sexual demands
conveyed orally or non-verbally. Students may fail to recognize harassing behaviors,
which the harasser may utilize to their advantage. Thus, it is vital to understand how
students perceive different types of sexual harassment. (Aditi et al., 2016)

In other words, Fredrik and Maja (2020) acclaimed that sexual harassment is a
widespread issue in universities worldwide. Education systems have an impact on
individuals, groups, and entire societies. Organizations are impacted greatly by

To sum up, sexual harassment is an illegal behavior that affects negatively to both
physical and mental well-being of victims. What is notable here is that school sexual
harassment becomes even more dangerous when many students are unaware that it is
sexual harassment and hence fail to report it or take preventative measures (Tu, P. V. &
Truong, V. V., 2022)

1.2. Many types of young women's clothing

According to Caitlin S. Cohn (2012), there are three types of young women’s clothing:
modesty, revealing to concealing, and provocative dress.

Modesty refers to wearing suitably for the circumstances within the culture, meaning that
clothing should not expose too much of the body through visible skin or tightness. That is

also a fashion trend in young women of wearing less skin-revealing clothes, especially in
a way that satisfies their spiritual and stylistic requirements for reasons of faith, religion
or personal preference. In Vietnam, “Áo dài” is considered as modest clothing.

In terms of revealing to concealing, it is defined as a spectrum relating to how much skin

in exposed as well as how form fitting a person’s clothing is. It seems to be culturally
questionable that a person is seen as revealed or concealed.

Provocative clothing is defined as clothing that is deemed immodest in a certain culture

or circumstance - “Dress that defies contextual norms of modesty” (Sterling, 1995, p. 90).
In other words, provocative clothing is defined as clothing that is deemed immodest in a
certain culture or circumstance.

1.3. The perception of students on the sexual harassment

The study conducted by Pham Van Tu and Vu Vuong Truong (2022) identified public
areas and public transportation as the most common locations for sexual harassment, with
strangers being the primary perpetrators. This underscores the importance of addressing
sexual harassment in public spaces and promoting awareness about the role of strangers
in perpetuating such behavior.
This study also found that male students perceive physical and mental repercussions of
sexual harassment more vividly than female students. Additionally, middle school
students were better at detecting potential sexual offenders than high school students,
while high school students were more aware of the physical repercussions of sexual

After carefully studying information sources and reference documents, the quantitative
research method was chosen. Surveys provide a number of advantages. The high
population representatives and the method's low cost in comparison to other options are
two of its most significant advantages. On the other side, the reliability of survey data is
extremely reliant on the survey format and the correctness of responses supplied by the
respondents (André, 2017).

The survey consisted of 7 questions which are divided into 3 terms and included 2
multiple choice questions, 3 questions based on 5 point Likert scale, 1 Open ended
question and 1 Close ended question : Demographic information about sex and academic
level, Perception on sexual harassment about the understanding of sexual harassment and
the reaction of being sexual harassment, Perception on the correlation between how
young woman dress and sexual harassment about the risk of being sexually harassed
based on sex, the factors affecting young women’s clothing choices and the risk of being
sexually harassed based on the concepts of young women’s clothing.
The survey was designed on Google Forms, posted online on a Facebook group named
K24 HANUers and sent through 3K23-ACN. The data were then analyzed using
statistical software Excel to form charts, graphs to present final results. It took 1 week
from 21th May 2024 to 28th May 2024 to collect data. Participants were given 5 minutes
to fill in the survey anonymously.
Overall, 71 responses were collected but only 70 responses were answered fully and
correctly. The correct responding rate is 98,6%.


3.1. Demographic information

There were 71 HANU students completing this survey; however, there was only 1
response fully completed which was not filled in the question about sex. Therefore, in
total, there were 70 accurate and accepted responses. The demographic information of the
survey participants are illustrated in Table 1. It is notable that there were a large
percentage of respondents who were female. Furthermore, more than four fifths of
respondents were freshman, considerably contrasting to only 12,9%, 4,3% and 1,4% were
sophomore, junior and senior respectively.

Table 1: Results of demographic information of the survey respondents

Factor Value
N (%) 70 (100)
Male 20 (28,6)
Female 50 (71,4)

Freshman 57 (81,4)
Sophomore 9 (12,9)
Academic level
Junior 3 (4,3)
Senior 1 (1,4)
(Source: The survey data of the research project)

3.2. Main findings

3.2.1. Perception on sexual harassment

The second table shows the percentage of recognizing manifestations of sexual
harassment of HANU students. The results illustrates that most of HANU students
extremely agreed that “receiving sexual message”, accounting for nearly 70%, is the
clearest sign of sexual harassment, followed by “receiving sexually-suggestive
comments” (64,4%), “being followed” (55,4%), and the fourth is “any form of unwanted
touching” (52,2%).

On the other hand, nearly 40% of HANU students participating in the survey were
neutral in case “receiving comments on appearance”. Following this, 35,7% of them were
also impersonal in case being stared.

Table 2: Results of identifying signs of sexual harassment of HANU students

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Signs of sexual harassment disagree agree
N(%) N(%) N(%)
N(%) N(%)
Any form of unwanted touching 13 (18,3) 5 (0,1) 25 (35,2) 12(17)
Receiving sexually-suggestive 14
10 (13,7) 2 (2,7) 31 (42,5) 16 (21,9)
comments (19,2)
Receiving comments on appearance 6 (8,3) 15 (20,5) 19 (26) 4 (5,5)
Being stared 9 (12,3) 12 (16,4) 20 (27,4) 6 (8,2)
Being followed 10 (13,5) 8 (10,8) 25 (33,8) 16 (21,6)
Receiving sexual message 12 (16,7) 4 (5,6) 6 (8,3) 21 (29,2) 29 (40,2)
(Source: The survey data of the research project)

As can be seen in Table 3, almost HANU students decided to stay away from sexual
harassment perpetrators (73,2%). Other responses such as keeping distance from
locations which are high-potential of occurring sexual harassment (54,9%), sharing the
story with someone else (52,1%) were also supposed to be helpful in case being sexual
harassed. Moreover, nearly half of HANU students taking part in this survey would
directly tell the perpetrator that the behavior was not alright. To lesser extent, few of
them would force themselves to forgive the perpetrator.

Table 3: Results of how HANU students would react in case being sexually harassed

Responses in case being sexually harassed N (%)

Tried to laugh it off or forget about it 8 (11,3)
Pretended it didn't bother you 16 (22,5)
Avoided the person(s) by staying away from them 52 (73,2)
Told the person the behaviour was not OK 30 (42,3)
Avoided locations where the behaviour might occur 39 (54,9)
Told someone else about what happened 37 (52,1)
Other(s) 7 (9,9)

(Source: The survey data of the research project)

3.2.2. Perception on the correlation between how young women dress and
sexual harassment
In the Table 4, nearly three fifths of HANU students responding this survey considered
that female is at higher risk of sexual harassment, followed by male and “all genders

Table 4: Results of the perception of HANU students on which gender are more likely to
experience sexual harassment

Gender N (%)
Male 2 (2,9)
Female 41 (58,6)
All gender equally 27 (38,6)
(Source: The survey data of the research project)

It can be easily seen in Figure 1 that almost HANU students involving in this survey
acclaimed that body shape, life style and affordability were two mains factors leading
clothing choices of women. Other factors such as personality, friend group, cultural
background and environment had less influential impacts on their choice.
Figure 1: Results of the perception of HANU students on factors affecting young women
clothing’s choice

(Source: The survey data of the research project)

In Figure 2, the number of HANU students acclaiming that young women pursing
Provocative fashion concept were the most likely to be in danger of sexual harassment.
Following this, revealing fashion concept was considered as the second young women’s
dress that may be at risk of being sexually harassed. Finally, modest fashion concept was
the third one, which seemed to be safe clothing choice of young women.
Figure 2: Results of the perception of HANU students on the correlation between young
women’s fashion concept and sexual harassment

(Source: The survey data of the research project)


4.1. The perception of HANU students on sexual harassment

In order to get the understanding of students in HANU about sexual harassment, the
survey included 2 demographic information questions about sex and academic level of
them and 2 hypothetical questions focusing on their fundamental awareness about sexual
harassment and their reaction confronting of being sexually harassed.
In terms of demographic data, the results show the preference for sexual harassment of
female students is significantly more favourable than that of male ones. Moreover, the
number of first year students completing this survey is much more numerous than other
three group students in total.
Surprisingly, when being asked about the hypothetical case of sexual harassment, the
results show that most of HANU students have high awareness about non-verbal sexual
harassment such as: receiving sexual message, receiving sexually-suggestive comments,
being followed. Receiving comments on appearance does not seem to be a sign of sexual
harassment with students in HANU. In addition, that HANU students prefer stay away
from sexual harassment perpetrators is the most popular reaction to prevent the risk of
the latter sexual harassment.

4.2. The perception of HANU students on the correlation between how
young women dress and sexual harassment
The results show a popular data that female is considered to be at higher risk of sexual
harassment than male. For example, a study by the Canadian Women's Foundation
indicates that women are five times more likely than men to be sexually
assaulted. Similarly, a survey by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) found that
anywhere from 25 to 85 percent of working women have experienced sexual harassment
or abuse in the workplace.
In terms of how young women dress, HANU students acclaim that body shape, life style
and affordability were two more important factors leading clothing choices of women
than other ones such as personality, friend group, cultural background and environment
had less influential impacts on their choice.
The core value of this research is in the question about young women’s fashion concept.
A huge number of HANU students claim that young women pursing Provocative fashion
concept were more likely to be in danger of sexual harassment than revealing fashion
concept and modest fashion concept. This result is relevant to the study of Caitlin S.
Cohn (2012) which also found that young women consider how their clothing choices fit
into their social group or a particular social scene. They may choose to dress in a way that
helps them fit in or stand out among their peers.


5.1. Limitations and Recommendations

5.1.1. Limitations
After conducting a survey and analyzing results, some limitations should be noted. The
first limitation of qualitative research is that it does not provide in-depth answers to our
topic and questions of research. In addition, due to the fact that the study was not
sponsored, we had difficulty reaching the respondents. Therefore, we had to conduct the
survey online, and it took quite a long time to reach the number of respondents we
needed. Also, that number was relatively small (only 70 respondents), so it cannot be

generalized. Moreover, when the survey was being conducted, it might get dishonest
responses which would affect further analysis and evaluation.

5.1.2. Recommendations

Based on these findings, HANU should implement educational architectures that aim to
raise awareness of the perception of students about sexual harassment and provide
support to students who may be engaged in computing with certificate or content.
Students who work together with professionals and community groups can better
safeguard themselves and their acquaintances.

5.2. Conclusion
In conclusion, the study sheds light on HANU students’ perceptions of sexual harassment
and the factors that influence their attitudes towards sexual harassment. There is a
growing awareness of young people, especially students in HANU; however, there are
still exist some people that have misconceptions and social influences continue to shape
their behavior towards sexual harassment. Universities may significantly influence
students' perceptions of sexual harassment by addressing these variables via
comprehensive education and support services.

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Gurung, Aditi Ms; Priyadarshini, Sangeetha Ms; and Margaret, Binu E. Ms (2016)
"Perception of Sexual Harassment among the Undergraduate Students," Manipal
Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, . Available at:
Heightened risk factors | Sexual Harassment Office. (n.d.).

Lennon, S. J., Adomaitis, A. D., Koo, J. et al. Dress and sex: a review of empirical
research involving human participants and published in refereed journals. Fash
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Lewis, A. E. (2023, February 27). Who is at highest risk of sexual harassment? | ACLU.
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Tu, P. V., & Truong, V. V. (2022). Perceptions of sexual harassment among Vietnamese
middle and high school students. Przestrzeń Społeczna (Social Space), 22(1).
Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) (2018), PEOPLE MATTER SURVEY.
ORIMA RESEARCH. https://vpsc.vic.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Sexual-

The perception of Hanoi University
students on
the correlation between how young
women dress and sexual harassment
Hi everyone,
Thank you for agreeing to spend time participating in this survey. We are first year students
of ESPD (English for Specific Purposes Department) in Hanoi University, and we are
conducting a research project about "The perception of Hanoi University students on the
correlation between how young women dress and sexual harassment". Through this brief
survey, your answer will provide valuable data for the analysis of the HANU students'
awareness of the correlation between young women's clothing choice and sexual harrasment.
The survey should only take 5 minutes; your response will be kept in confidentialy and will
only be served for the purposes of the research. Thanks for your enthusiatic copperation.
Xin chào tất cả mọi người,
Cảm ơn bạn đã đồng ý dành thời gian tham gia khảo sát này. Chúng tôi là sinh viên năm nhất
của ESPD (Khoa Tiếng Anh cho Mục đích Cụ thể) tại Đại học Hà Nội, và chúng tôi đang
thực hiện một dự án nghiên cứu về "Nhận thức của sinh viên Đại học Hà Nội về mối quan hệ
giữa cách phụ nữ ăn mặc và quấy rối tình dục". Thông qua cuộc khảo sát ngắn gọn này, câu
trả lời của bạn sẽ cung cấp dữ liệu có giá trị cho việc phân tích nhận thức của sinh viên
HANU về mối tương quan giữa lựa chọn trang phục của phụ nữ và quấy rối tình dục. Thời
gian khảo sát chỉ mất 5 phút; phản hồi của bạn sẽ được giữ bí mật và sẽ chỉ được phục vụ cho
mục đích nghiên cứu. Cảm ơn sự nhiệt tình của bạn.
A. Demographic information (Thông tin nhân khẩu học)
1. What's your sex? (Giới tính của bạn là?)

Male (Nam)
Female (Nữ)
Not prefer to say (Không muốn tiết lộ)
2. What is your academic level? (Trình độ học vấn của bạn là?)

Freshman (Sinh viên năm nhất)

Sophomore (Sinh viên năm hai)
Junior (Sinh viên năm ba)
Senior (Sinh viên năm tư)

B. Perception on sexual harassment (Nhận thức về quấy rối tình dục)

1. You would call it a sexual harassment when somebody: (Bạn sẽ gọi đó là quấy rối
tình dục khi ai đó:)

disagree Disagree
(Hoàn toàn (Không đồng Agree (Đồng ý)
(Trung lập)
không đồng ý)
Any form of unwanted
touching (Bất kỳ hình
thức đụng chạm không
mong muốn nào)
comments (Bình luận
khêu gợi tình dục)
Comments on
appearance (Nhận xét
về ngoại hình)
Staring (Nhìn chằm
Following (Theo dõi)
Received sexual
message (Nhận được tin
nhắn tình dục)
2. When the harassment happened to you, did you respond in any of the following
ways? ( Khi sự quấy rối xảy ra với bạn, bạn có phản ứng theo bất kỳ cách nào sau đây
Tried to laugh it off or forget about it (Cố gắng cười nó hoặc quên nó đi)
Pretended it didn't bother you (Giả vờ như nó không làm phiền bạn)
Avoided the person(s) by staying away from them (Tránh (những) người bằng
cách tránh xa họ)
Told the person the behaviour was not OK (Nói với người đó rằng hành vi không
Avoided locations where the behaviour might occur (Tránh các vị trí có thể xảy ra
hành vi)
Told someone else about what happened (Nói với người khác về những gì đã xảy
C. Perception on the correlation between how young woman dress and
sexual harassment (Nhận thức về sự tương quan giữa cách phụ nữ trẻ
mặc và quấy rối tình dục)
1. Which gender do you think sexual harassment happens to the most? (Bạn nghĩ
quấy rối tình dục xảy ra với giới tính nào nhiều nhất?)
Male (Nam)
Female (Nữ)

All genders equally (Tất cả các giới như nhau)
2. On the scale from 1 to 5, what factors you think affect young women’s clothing
choices? (Trên thanh từ 1 đến 5, những yếu tố nào bạn nghĩ ảnh hưởng đến sự
lựa chọn quần áo của phụ nữ trẻ?)
1 2 3 4 5
Body shape (Hình
dạng cơ thể)
Personality (Tính
Life style (Phong
cách sống)
Cultural contact
(Liên hệ văn hóa)
Social peer group
(Nhóm xã hội đồng
trang lứa)
Environment (Môi
trường sống)
Affordability (Khả
năng chi trả)
3. On the scale from 1 to 5, what concepts of young women's clothing you think
would they be at risk of sexual harassment? (Trên thang 1 đến 5, phong cách
quần áo của phụ nữ bạn nghĩ họ sẽ có nguy cơ quấy rối tình dục?)
1 2 3 4 5
Modest Fashion
concept (Thời trang
khiêm tốn)
Revealing Fashion
concept (Thời trang
phóng khoáng)

Provocative Fashion
concept (Thời trang
quyến rũ)


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