20 Z800A Product Info
20 Z800A Product Info
20 Z800A Product Info
6 GHz band extension for
WLAN IEEE 802.11ax signaling
Product Information
Version 03.00
1 At a glance......................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Key parameters of the R&S®CMW-Z800A up/down-converter.......................................................................3
1.2 Scope of supply...............................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Other required instruments.............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Abbreviation.....................................................................................................................................................3
3 Cabling............................................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Cabling between the R&S®CMW and the R&S®CMW‑Z800A.........................................................................6
3.2 Cabling between DUT and splitter..................................................................................................................7
6 WLAN operating...........................................................................................................................................17
6.1 Activating FDAC tables..................................................................................................................................17
6.2 External attenuation configuration................................................................................................................18
6.3 Activating CW signal for LO...........................................................................................................................19
6.4 Signaling........................................................................................................................................................20
6.4.1 Measurement.................................................................................................................................................21
6.4.2 General information about performing measurements with signaling.........................................................21
7 Abbreviations................................................................................................................................................23
8 Specifications...............................................................................................................................................24
10 R&S®CMW models.......................................................................................................................................26
1.1 Key parameters of the R&S®CMW-Z800A up/down-converter
Key parameters
LO frequency 4800 MHz
LO level setting 7 dBm
RF min. 5.925 GHz
RF max. 7.125 GHz
RF levels
Converter output max. level –20 dBm PEP
Converter input max. level (without external attenuator) 0 dBm PEP
Operating temperature range +5 °C to +45 °C
1.4 Abbreviation
The R&S®CMW270/R&S®CMW500 will be abbreviated to R&S®CMW in this document.
Fig. 2-1: Channel allocation according to unlicensed national information infrastructure (U-NII)
7.125 GHz
6.425 GHz
5.925 GHz
6.875 GHz
6.525 GHz
20 MHz 159
40 MHz 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 75 83 91 99 107 115 123 131 139 147 155 163 171 179 187 196 203 211 219 227
Compensation is needed for the frequency response that the R&S®CMW‑Z800A causes in
the setup. Frequency dependent attenuation correction (FDAC) tables are used and must
be recorded beforehand (see chapter 4). It is not possible to use the setup without mak-
ing the level adjustment beforehand.
The FDAC table is only valid for the specific R&S®CMW used during level adjustment.
The R&S®CMW‑Z800A requires the input and output signals to be split. Therefore,
two R&S®CMW COM connectors are needed and must be connected to the
R&S®CMW‑Z800A. The signal from the R&S®CMW (the intermediate frequency signal)
is mixed within the R
&S®CMW‑Z800A using the LO signal (4800 MHz) to achieve the
desired frequency (between 5925 MHz and 7125 MHz). This results in an input frequency
range for the R&S®CMW‑Z800A of 1125 MHz to 2325 MHz ((5925 MHz – 4800 MHz) to
(7125 MHz – 4800 MHz)).
WLAN devices under test (DUTs) typically use the same antenna for input and output
signals. If a conducted setup is used between the R&S®CMW‑Z800A and the DUT (as rec-
ommended), the splitter will split the signal to the R
&S®CMW‑Z800A SMA connectors
(R&S®CMW‑Z800A connector labelled “To DUT 5925 MHz – 7125 MHz” and “From DUT
5925 MHz – 7125 MHz”). Multiple antennas are quite common in WLAN IEEE 802.11ax
devices. Two DUT antennas can be connected to the splitter to feed/receive the signal to
and from both antennas of the DUT.
The maximum average input power of the splitter ports from the DUT must not exceed 20 dBm.
In case a DUT featuring only one antenna is used, it is necessary to terminate the unused
splitter connector with one of the provided load resistors.
The maximal input level of the R&S®CMW‑Z800A input level is 0 dBm PEP.
To reduce the signal from the WLAN DUT to 0 dBm PEP, one 3 dB attenuator and two
6 dB attenuators are provided. The DUT output level defines which attenuator should be
used. If the output level is ≤ 0 dBm PEP, no attenuator is needed.
Fig. 2-2: Example of R&S®CMW‑Z800A setup for a DUT with two antennas and
an R&S®CMW with two frontends
Legacy (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band)
Fig. 2-3: Example of R&S®CMW‑Z800A setup for a DUT with two antennas and
an R&S®CMW with one frontend
Load resistor
Configuration 1
A dual-channel R&S®CMW (or four-channel R&S®CMW) with two frontends: Signal gen-
eration and measurements are possible in the 6 GHz band and legacy bands (2.4 GHz
and 5 GHz) without any reconnection of cables. The proposed cabling in Fig. 3-1 (first
frontend for 6 GHz WLAN; second frontend for LO and legacy band) is just one of the
potential cable configurations for the R&S®CMW with two frontends. Other cablings are
also possible. The R&S®Forum script for level adjustment (see chapter 4) has the pro-
posed cabling as its default. If other cable configurations are required, the R&S®Forum
script must be adapted accordingly.
Fig. 3-1: Dual-channel R&S®CMW with two frontends enables measurements in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
band without cable changes
Legacy (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band)
Configuration 2
Dual-channel R&S®CMW with one frontend advanced: This hardware configura-
tion allows signal generation and measurement in the 6 GHz band as well as parallel
R&S®CMW‑Z800A LO signal generation. Measurements in the 2.4 GHz band and 5 GHz
band are not possible without first disconnecting the R&S®CMW‑Z800A and reconfigur-
ing the R&S®CMW (e.g. deactivating the FDAC tables).
Configuration 3
R&S®CMW with one frontend and one channel: An external generator is required to pro-
vide the signal for the LO of the R
&S®CMW‑Z800A. Signal generation and measurement
are only possible in the 6 GHz band. Measuring is not possible in the 2.4 GHz band and
5 GHz band without first disconnecting the R&S®CMW‑Z800A and reconfiguring the
Fig. 3-3: R&S®CMW with one frontend and one channel (one TRX)
(An external signal generator is required.)
Signal generator
The figures show the cabling for a DUT with one antenna and a DUT with two antennas
(see Fig. 3‑4 and Fig. 3‑5). If the DUT has more than two antennas, an additional splitter
(not provided) is required. Make sure that potential power levels in both directions are still
sufficient in this scenario.
4 2
3 1
4 2
3 1
The procedure described below only corrects the frequency response for the up/down-
converter and one of the SMA-to-SMA cables to the splitter. It does not cover the
frequency response for the splitter and the second SMA-to-SMA cable or attenuation in
the cables between the splitter and the DUT. The splitter frequency response cannot be
measured because connecting two ports in the bidirectional splitter will lead to unpredict-
able reflections. Instead a static external attenuation value is used to compensate for the
frequency response in the splitter and cables (see chapter 6.2).
R&S®Forum is available for free and can be downloaded from the Rohde & Schwarz
If not already on the PC, a VISA, such as the R&S®VISA, must be installed:
4.2 Frequency response correction procedure
The script runs in 5 MHz frequency steps from 5925 MHz to 7125 MHz. The R&S®CMW
generator 1 (Gen1) generates a CW signal, which is measured in step 1 with a marker
measurement at the R&S®FSW. The R&S®CMW generator must generate the IF signal in
the 1125 MHz to 2325 MHz frequency range. In step 2, the R&S®CMW generates the IF
signal, which is looped back via the R&S®CMW‑Z800A to the R&S®CMW analyzer, with
no additional spectrum analyzer needed.
The script creates two FDAC tables on the R&S®CMW, one for the TX signal (“To DUT”,
step 1 in chapter 4.2.1) and one for the RX signal (“From DUT”, step 2 in chapter 4.2.3).
After each step a verification will take place using the previously created FDAC table. The
verification should resemble a straight line near the set IF power level (default: –10 dBm).
Only the LO signal generation used needs to be adapted depending on the setup.
The R&S®Forum script was written for this setup using the R&S®CMW RF3OUT for the for
the LO signal of the R&S®CMW‑Z800A. No adaptation is needed.
Adapt LO signal configuration if an R&S®CMW with one frontend or an external generator is used.
Fig. 4‑4: Configuration of COM connectors and LO for the dual-channel R&S®CMW with
one frontend advanced
Fig. 4‑5: COM connector configuration for the R&S®CMW with one frontend and one TRX;
external LO generation
10 Generating FDAC for a single path
The script can solely run step 1 (set variable value of “direction” to “toDUT”) or solely
step 2 (set variable value of “direction” to “fromDUT”) or both steps (set variable value of
“direction” to “both”, see Fig 4‑6). The FDAC table created in step 1 is required for step 2.
It must be ensured that it is available on the R&S®CMW and valid.
Static external attenuation values must be used afterwards to compensate for the splitter
and cable that are not part of this setup (see chapter 6.2).
Instead of connecting the splitter and DUT to the to the R&S®CMW‑Z800A, the spec-
trum analyzer must be connected to the “To DUT” connector of the R&S®CMW‑Z800A
(see Fig. 4‑7). The cabling between the R&S®CMW and the R&S®CMW‑Z800A remains
unchanged for level adjustment and operation. See chapter 3.1 for the cabling require-
ments for different R&S®CMW hardware configurations.
0 dBm
Start execution of the R&S®Forum script by pressing the black start symbol in the menu.
During step 1, the following output files are generated (file locations see chapter 4.2.1,
Fig. 4‑2), the files can help verify the results and troubleshoot any problems:
► All measurement frequencies will be saved in a file named
► All power values measured by the spectrum analyzer will be saved in a file named
► A file will be created that combines the frequency and power values needed to
generate the FDAC table with SCPI (CONF:BASE:FDC:CTAB:CRE). It is named
according to the COM port and TRX (e.g. “RF2C_TX1.txt”)
► The plotted frequency response is saved as “Fig1_Level_Adjustment_of_ToDUT.png”
(see Fig. 4‑10).
After the verification procedure of step 1, further output files are generated:
► All frequencies used for verification will be saved in a file named
► All power values measured with the spectrum analyzer will be saved in a file named
► The plotted frequency response of the verification is saved as
“Fig2_Verification_of_ToDUT.png” (see Fig. 4‑11).
The FDAC table needed to compensate for the R &S®CMW‑Z800A frequency response
is generated directly in the R&S®CMW (folder: D:\Rohde-Schwarz\CMW\Data\
FrequencyDependantAttenuationCorrectionTables) and named according to the connec-
tor and converter e.g. “RF2C_TX1.fda”.
The measured frequency response is plotted and displayed and should resemble
Fig. 4‑10.
Fig. 4‑10: Example of the original frequency response of
the R&S®CMW‑Z800A “To DUT” path
When the FDAC table created in the R&S®CMW is activated and the frequency response
remeasured for verification, a smooth line should be generated near the configured verifi-
cation level (variable “levVerification”, default value = –10 dBm).
Fig. 4‑11: Example verification plot of original (blue) and corrected (orange)
frequency response of the R&S®CMW‑Z800A “To DUT” path
The FDAC table from step 1 is required for step 2 of the level adjustment.
Max. 0 dBm
Some output files are also generated during step 2 of the level adjustment (for location
see chapter 4.2.1, Fig. 4‑2):
► All frequencies used for the measurement will be saved in a file named
► All power values measured with the R&S®CMW general purpose RF (GPRF) power
measurement will be saved in a file named “cal_FromDUT_ValList.txt”
► In addition, a file is saved that combines frequency and power values, since it is
required to generate the FDAC table via SCPI (CONF:BASE:FDC:CTAB:CRE). It is
named according to the COM port used and TRX used (e.g. “RF1C_RX1.txt”)
► The plotted frequency response is saved as
“Fig3_Level_Adjustment_of_FromDUT.png” (see Fig. 4‑13)
The FDAC table is also generated directly on the R&S®CMW for step 2
(folder: D:\Rohde-Schwarz\CMW\Data\FrequencyDependantAttenuationCorrectionTables),
and named according to the connector and converter used e.g. “RF1C_RX1.fda”.
Fig. 4‑13: Example of original frequency response of the R&S®CMW-Z800A
“From DUT” path
Fig. 4‑14: Example verification plot of original (blue) and corrected (orange)
frequency response of the R&S®CMW-Z800A “From DUT” path
An external attenuator may have to be added to the DUT to avoid overloading the
R&S®CMW‑Z800A. The required attenuator values depend on the DUT. Note that an
IEEE 802.11ax OFDM signal has a PEP of about 12 dB (PEP power = burst power +
12 dB). The easily adjustable static external attenuation setting can be used to compen-
sate for the external attenuator.
Typical signal power from the DUT in the conducted setup is 25 dBm to 30 dBm PEP.
The signal power is attenuated by the splitter and cables used, adding about 20 dB of
attenuation. Typically at least one 6 dB attenuator is required. Two 6 dB attenuators and
a 3 dB attenuator are supplied for higher DUT output power. Ideally, input power at the
R&S®CMW‑Z800A SMA connector labeled “From DUT” is just below 0 dBm PEP.
If the DUT output power is not known, all attenuators should be connected (see Fig. 5‑1)
and the best combination determined by measuring the power level (see chapter 5 to
setup a measurement). Note that if the power level is much too attenuated, associating
might not work.
When checking the power for the R &S®CMW‑Z800A “From DUT” SMA connector, please
note that the measured power values at the R&S®CMW are compensated using the FDAC
table for the “From DUT” path and external attenuation.
Fig. 5‑1: Using one of the 6 dB attenuators to reduce the signal level from the DUT to ≤ 0 dBm PEP
Load resistor
6 dB
0 dBm
Required steps:
1. Activate FDAC tables, see chapter 6.1
2. Configure external attenuation to compensate for external splitter, attenuators and
cables, see chapter 6.2
3. Switch on LO signal, see chapter 6.3
4. Switch to 6 GHz band in WLAN signaling configuration, see chapter 6.4
Fig. 6‑1: The R&S®CMW menu to configure frequency dependent attenuation correction tables
Press “Act./Deac.” button to activate the previously created FDAC tables and compensate
for the R&S®CMW‑Z800A. If default connectors need to be used, the tables are named
“RF2C_TX1” and “RF1C_RX1” and must be activated as seen in Fig. 6‑2.
After the FDAC tables have been activated, check the displayed mapping to ensure the
configuration was carried out correctly (see Fig. 6‑3).
External attenuation RF input = 0.88 dB + attenuators + 19.5 dB + cable from splitter to DUT
To enter the external attenuation press “Config” and navigate to “RF Settings”
(see Fig. 6‑4).
If a correction table is activated for a connector, the correction value for the current car-
rier frequency and the frequency-independent “External Attenuation” defined in the
settings will be added.
6.4.1 Measurement
Since the application cannot measure at the same frequency as the DUT transmission,
it uses the down converted signal from the R&S®CMW‑Z800A. The measurement shows
the actual measurement frequency and not the DUT frequency. The measurement is used
in the combined signal path and automatically sets to the lower frequency.
If these options are still not sufficient, the time interval can also be set to 0, making suf-
ficient frames always available to maximize TX A-MPDU size. If ICMP is the payload, the
same amount of traffic should come back from the DUT. Sometimes one packet genera-
tor and time interval = 0 is better than two or three packet generators. You can try it out
but the outcome can vary depending on the DUT. Keep in mind that configuring the ICMP
generator to 0 creates a huge amount of data and some DUTs will not be able to cope.
Fig. 6‑9: RX statistic showing which data frames have been received recently
Term Explanation
Ack frames acknowledge frames
CW continuous wave
DUT device under test
FDAC frequency dependent attenuation correction
GPRF general purpose RF
IF intermediate frequency
LO local oscillator
MCS modulation coding scheme
PEP peak envelope power
RMS root mean square
RX receiver
SCPI standard commands for programmable instruments
SMA cable subminiature version A cable
TRX transceiver (transmitter and receiver)
TX transmitter
U-NII unlicensed national information infrastructure
VISA virtual instrument software architecture
WLAN wireless local area network
Only use the original R&S®CMW‑Z800A power supply.
Make sure the power levels for the DUT and the coaxial connectors on the
up/down-converter box are appropriate. Overloading may damage the device and void
the warranty.
Contact your local Rohde & Schwarz service office or sales office if there are any
9.1 Troubleshooting
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Rohde & Schwarz is under license.
The expert for all non‑cellular technologies
The R&S®CMW270 wireless connectivity tester is a cost-effective alternative for
development, production and service. The non‑cellular specialist offers features
comparable to those of the R&S®CMW500. It supports Bluetooth®, WLAN and
broadcast technologies.