Pag-Unawa Sa Konsepto NG Lokasyon at Distansya - L1 - Q4

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Instructional Planin AralingPanlipunan – I (iPlan)

Name of JENELYN B. AMANTE Grade/Year Level 1 (one)

Learning Area: AralingPanlipunan Quarter: 4TH Module No.:
Competency:Nakikilala ang konsepto ng distansya at ang gamit nito sa pagsukat ng
Content Focus:Konsepto ng Distansya
Lesson No. AP-Q4-iP1-v.02 Duration 40 MINUTES
Key Ang lapit at layosapagitan ng dalawangbagay ay tumutukoysadistansya.
ngs to be
Learning Knowledge Natutukoy ang konsepto ng distansya
Objectives Skills Naisasagawa ang konsepto ng distansyasapamamagitan ng
Attitudes Nasasabi ang kahalagahan ng
Resources  Curriculum Guide page 18( AP1KAP-IVa-1)
Needed  Teacher’s Guide page 72
 Learner’s Material page 149-151
 MgaKagamitansaPagtuturo:
MgaLarawan, Putting Kartolina, Crayons, Tali
Elements of the Plan Methodology
Preparations Motivation/Introdu  Ipasuri sa mga mag-aaral ang mga
- How will I make ctory Activity – bagay na makikita sa loob ng silid-
the learners ready?
- How do I prepare the (3 minutes) aralan
learners for the new - Anong mga bagay ang inyong
lesson? (Motivation This part introduces the
/Focusing lesson is serves as nakikita na malapit sa
/Establishing Mind-set a warm-up activity to give kinatatayuan ng guro?
/Setting the Mood the learners zest for the
/Quieting /Creating Interest - incoming lesson and an idea - Anong mga bagay naman ang
Building Background about what it to follow. One inyong nakikita na malayo sa
Experience – principle in learning is that
Activating Prior learning occurs when it is kinatatayuan ng guro?
Knowledge/Apperception - conducted in a pleasurable
Review – Drill) and comfortable atmosphere.
- How will I connect my
new lesson with the past

Presentation Activity Pangkatanggawain

- (How will I present (15 minutes)  Tulungan ang mga mag-aaralnabumuo ng
the new lesson?
pangkatna may tatlongkasapi. Magtakda ng
- What materials will I
use? This is an interactive titiksabawatkasapi.
- What strategy to elicit learner’s -Halimbawa, ang unangkasapi ay titik A, ang
prior learning experience. It
generalization serves as a springboard for
ikalawa ay titik B at ang ikatlo ay titik C.
/concept new learning. It illustrates the Bigyan ng dalawangtali ang kasapi A. Ang
/conclusion principle that learning starts kasapi B at kasapi C naman ang
/abstraction should where the learners are.
Carefully structured activities hahawaksadulo ng magkabilangtali. Hawak
the learners arrive at?
(Showing/ Demonstrating/ such as individual or group ang dulo ng tali, sabihan ang kasapi B at
Engaging/ Doing reflective exercises, group
discussion, self-or group
kasapi C nalumayosakasapi A
/Experiencing /Exploring
/Obser assessment, dyadic or triadic hanggangsamaunatang tali.
- Role- ving interactions, puzzles,
dramaplaying, dyads, simulations or role-play,
reactintizing, brainstorming, cybernetics exercise, gallery
- Articg, interacting walk and the like may be
findingulating observations, created. Clear instructions
genera, conclusions, should be considered in this
- Givin lizations, abstraction part of the lesson.
g suggestions,
ns solutions
mendations) A


Analysis- MgaTanong :
( 5 minutes)
 Ano ang napansinninyo ng
Essential questions are
included to serve as a guide
pagkakaiba ng dalawangtali?
for the teacher in clarifying
key understandings about the
topic at hand. Critical points  Sino ang malayo? Sino ang malapit?
are organized to structure the
discussions allowing the
learners to maximize
interactions and sharing of  Paano mo malalamanna ang
ideas and opinions about bagay aymalayo o malapit?
expected issues. Affective
questions are included to
elicit the feelings of the
learners about the activity or
the topic. The last questions
or points taken should lead
the learners to understand
the new concepts or skills that
are to be presented in the
next part of the lesson.

Abstraction –  Ano ang tumutukoysalapit o layo ng

(5 minutes ) mgabagay – bagay?
This outlines the key
concepts, important skills that
 2.Bakitmahalaga ang
should be enhanced, and the distansyasamgabagay –
proper attitude that should be
emphasized. This is organized
as a lecturette that
summarizes the learning
emphasized from the activity,
 3.Ano kaya ang mangyayari kung
analysis and new inputs in walangdistansya ang mgabagay
this part of the lesson.
– bagaynanasaatingpaligid?
Practice Application IndibidwalnaGawain:
- What practice ( 5 minutes )  Gumuhit ng
exercises/application tatlongbagaynamalapitsapisara.
activities will I give to This part is structured to  Gumuhit ng tatlongbagaynamalayosapisara
the learners? ensure the commitment of
(Answering practice exercise the learners to do something
- Applying learning in other to apply their new learning in
situations/actual their own environment.
situations/real-life situations
- Expressing one’s thoughts,
feelings, opinions, beliefs
through artwork, songs,
dances, sports
- Performing musical
manipulative activities, etc.)
Assess- Assessment Matrix
ment Levels of What will I How will I assess? How will I score?
Assessment assess?

Knowledge – Kahulugan ng Isulat ang titik ng 1

(Refer to ( 5 minutes distansya tamangsagot. puntosbawatta
DepED ) 1. Ito ay nagpapakita ng mangsagot
Order lapit at layosapagitan ng
No. 73, (refers to the dalawangbagay. Anoito?
s. 2012 substantive content of
the curriculum, facts A. Distansya C. Pananda
for the and information that B. Direksyon D. Simbolo
example the student acquires)
s) What do we want
students to know? Natutukoy 2. Mulasa bag, alingbagay
(relevance and
adequacy) ang konsepto ang masmalapit?
How do we want ng Distansya A
students to express or
provide evidence of B
what they know

3. Mulasa bola,
alingbagay ang


4. Mulasapisara, alingbagay
ang mas malayo?


Process or
(refers to skills or
cognitive operations
that the student
performs on facts and
information for the
purpose of
constructing meanings
or understandings.)
Skills as evidenced by
student’s ability to
process and make
sense of information,
and may be assessed
in the following
criteria: understanding
of content and critical

(refers to enduring
big ideas, principles
and generalizations
inherent to the
discipline, which may
be assessed using the
facets of
understanding or
other indicators of
understanding which
may be specific to the
(Transfer of
(refer to the real-life
application of
understanding as
evidenced by student’s
performance of
authentic tasks)
Assign- Reinforcing the
ment day’s lesson
Enriching the
day’s lesson
Enhancing the
day’s lesson
Preparing for Sa inyongkwadernomagsulat ng
the new lesson limangkagamitannamaaarinatingmagamitsapagkuha ng
( 2 minutes )

Prepared by:
Division of City of Bogo

Edited by:
Dumaguete Division
January 27, 2015

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