Effect of Extraction Processing Parameters Using A Ribbon Blender On The Physicochemical Properties of Coffee
Effect of Extraction Processing Parameters Using A Ribbon Blender On The Physicochemical Properties of Coffee
Effect of Extraction Processing Parameters Using A Ribbon Blender On The Physicochemical Properties of Coffee
Doi: https://doi.org/10.25186/.v19i.2184
Universidad de La Sabana, Facultad de Ingeniería, Maestría en Diseño y Gestión de Procesos, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia
²Universidad de La Sabana, Facultad de Ingeniería, Grupo de Investigación en Procesos Agroindustriales, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Contact authors: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Received in October 25, 2023 and approved in April 2, 2024
In this study, we investigated the impact of water-coffee ratio, time, and stirring speed on percolation in a horizontal ribbon blender. We analyzed their
influence on total soluble solids, extraction rate, titratable acidity, and extraction yield. The coffee extract was obtained in a pilot unit at a constant temper-
ature of 85°C and varying the water-coffee ratio (w/w) from 4:1 to 10:1; the stirring speed between 30 and 95 RPM and the extraction time from 10 to 60
min. It was determined that the water-coffee ratio was the factor that had a significant influence on all the response variables, while time and stirring were
significant for the extraction rate and titratable acidity. The optimal conditions of soluble solids, extraction yield, extraction rate, titratable acidity, and
chlorogenic content were a water temperature of 85°C, a water-coffee ratio (w/w) of 4:1, and a stirring speed of 66 rpm for 10 min. At these conditions,
an extract of 5.85% Total Dissolved Solids, 14.54% as yield, an extraction rate of 654.8 g/h, and a content of 5.62 mg of CGA/mL was obtained. Hence, this
study presents an alternative process to obtain coffee extract in producing soluble coffee at a low industrial scale.
Key words: Chlorogenic acid; Extraction yield; Foods; Optimization; Soluble coffee.
1 INTRODUCTION on the quality of the bean, the roasting process, particle size
after grinding, and the extraction method, where conditions,
Coffee is one of the most important food commodities parameters, and variables in the process can affect the sensory
worldwide. Its economic significance is mainly due to the and chemical characteristics of coffee. (Cordoba et al., 2021a).
beverage or extract obtained from roasted and ground coffee The extraction time is a key factor, as soluble compounds
beans, used to produce soluble coffee (Ocampo; Alvarez, 2017) such as organic acids, sugars, and caffeine are extracted
Instant coffee, a growing preference, recorded consumption quickly, while less soluble compounds require more time to
surpassing 1.6 million tonnes in 2017. (Sulewska et al., be removed from the food matrix (Mestdagh; Glabasnia;
2021), whose popularity is attributed to the convenience of its Giuliano, 2017). Likewise, the water-to-coffee ratio used for
preparation and the shelf life of the product (Capek et al., 2014). extraction greatly affects the extract, as an unsuitable selection
The industrial production of this coffee is carried out using will result in underdeveloped flavors and reduced extraction
roasted and ground beans. Initially, the compounds present in yield of the coffee extract (Angeloni et al., 2019). Temperature
the coffee are extracted, followed by the concentration stage of favors the solubility of many compounds in the coffee bean.
the extract through evaporation or technologies such as freeze However, very high temperatures can lead to the extraction
concentration. Finally, the extract is sent to a spray dryer or of undesired compounds in the extract, affecting its sensory
a freeze dryer before packaging the product (Sulewska et al., perception (Mestdagh; Glabasnia; Giuliano, 2017). Finally,
2021). agitation and particle size of the coffee beans determine the
In general, at industrial scale, the extraction of coffee extraction rate of the process and consequently the total solid
extract is carried out in large percolators, where roasted and content achieved in a specific time. Those variables promote
ground coffee beans are in contact with water at 200 °C and the transfer of compounds to the extract by increasing the
1500 kPa to extract volatile and non-volatile compounds extraction surface area and the interface between water and
present in them (Benincá et al., 2016). At this stage, three coffee (Cordoba et al., 2020).
main processes are identified: the solubilization of solutes In recent years, interest in coffee extraction has
from the food matrix, the diffusion of these solutes through increased. Nevertheless, due to the complexity of the process
the coffee bean pores, and finally, the solubilization of solutes to obtain a high-quality product, the studies conducted so
in the extract (Fuller; Rao, 2017). The objective of extraction far have been small-scale and focused on obtaining coffee
to produce soluble coffee is to remove the highest amount of extract for immediate consumption, where the concentration
soluble solids (TDS) since they influence the operational yield of soluble solids in the extract reaches only between 1.3%
and represent the proportion of dissolved material in the extract and 3.2% (Angeloni et al., 2019); while at an industrial scale,
over the total mass of coffee. This result can vary depending fixed-bed percolation systems are employed at high pressure,
2024 | Lavras | Editora UFLA | www.coffeescience.ufla.br
BARRIGA, P. A. M. et al.
the coffee hopper was opened to let the coffee fall to the Where TDS represents the extracted soluble solids,
extraction tank. The mixing operated at the set speed until Wextr is the weight of coffee extract (g), and Wcoffee is the weight
the operational time. After the mixing time was achieved, the of roasted and ground coffee used in the trial (g).
extract pass to a press filter (4) where the remaining solids
of the process were collected. The filter is a 20 cm squared 2.2.7 Extraction Rate
frame with a filter clothe and a press system. Ultimately, the The extraction rate was reported in g/h and calculated
coffee extract was stored in the product tank (5). using Equation 4 (Moroney et al., 2016).
Table 3: Experimental Design, Extraction Yield, and Characterization of the Obtained Extracts.
Water to coffee Stirring speed Extraction Extraction Titratable acidity (mg Extraction rate
TDS (%) pH
ratio (rpm) time (min) yield (%) CGA/mL coffee) (g/h)
1 4.0 57.6 60.0 6.57 10.42 5.66 10.38 78.17
2 7.0 62.5 35.0 3.65 11.87 5.63 4.63 87.24
3 6.9 77.8 60.0 4.37 14.91 5.78 5.42 64.72
4 10.0 95.0 60.0 2.80 20.03 5.84 3.08 60.11
5 10.0 30.0 10.0 1.87 17.74 5.89 1.29 321.48
6 4.0 95.0 10.0 5.12 12.61 5.8 4.97 567.26
7 6.6 30.0 60.0 2.74 15.00 5.53 3.40 68.69
8 10.0 95.0 10.0 2.52 14.35 5.94 2.37 258.26
9 10.0 95.0 60.0 2.29 22.22 5.63 2.75 66.67
10 10.0 95.0 10.0 2.05 18.03 5.9 2.64 324.92
11 5.3 93.1 35.0 3.66 15.87 5.68 3.48 153.54
12 4.0 30.0 10.0 5.90 7.79 5.98 5.19 350.23
13 10.0 30.0 60.0 2.16 19.10 5.66 2.85 57.82
14 8.6 95.0 35.0 2.72 17.32 5.66 3.08 103.35
15 4.0 95.0 60.0 5.92 12.50 5.67 7.28 93.74
16 4.0 95.0 10.0 4.19 13.82 5.96 2.35 621.87
17 10.0 62.5 22.5 2.85 14.82 5.69 4.57 118.71
18 10.0 30.0 60.0 2.26 16.92 5.61 3.16 50.76
19 10.0 30.0 10.0 1.92 15.48 5.9 1.32 278.75
20 5.5 62.5 10.0 3.89 14.50 5.64 4.44 474.02
21 4.0 30.0 38.8 4.23 13.60 5.69 3.80 157.95
Figures 4A and 4B demonstrate that a 4:1 water-to- Table 7: ANOVA of the Quadratic Model for TA.
coffee ratio and a shorter 10-minute extraction time lead to p-Valor
elevated extraction rates. Furthermore, higher stirring speeds
Model < 0.0001 *
are linked to increased extraction rates.
A (Water-to-coffee ratio) < 0.0001 *
3.2.4 Titratable Acidity (TA) and pH C (Extraction time) 0.0005 *
The obtained extracts exhibited titratable acidity B² 0.0003 *
values ranging from 1.29 to 10.38 mg CGA/mL coffee. As
Lack of Fit 0.4118
shown in Table 7, the water-to-coffee ratio and extraction
*Significant influence, p-value < 0.05.
time have a significant effect on the model. Similarly
to the total soluble solids model, the quadratic term for
stirring speed shows a significant influence on titratable Equation 8 presents the non-hierarchical model for
acidity. determining titratable acidity (mg CGA/mL coffee) in the
obtained extracts. The determination coefficient was 0.84 and ph 5.81542 0.003946(C ) (9)
the adjusted coefficient for the model was 0.79, indicating that
it can be used for accurate predictions. Figure 6 shows a clear linear correlation between
titratable acidity and the content of soluble solids present in
TA 4.91665 2.82898( A) 0.02864(C ) 0.175409( A2 ) 0.002575( B 2 ) (8) the extract, while no relationship is evident between pH and
the extracted solids.
Figure 5 illustrates that extracting at lower water-
to-coffee ratios and operating for one-hour results in higher
acidity values.
The coffee extracts had a pH range of 5.53 to 5.98 Figure 6: (A) Linear Regression of Titratable Acidity vs TDS.
consistent with findings reported by Muzykiewicz-Szymanska (B) Linear Regression of pH vs. TDS.
et al. (2021) for Colombian coffee extracts obtained under
similar time and temperature conditions. Their study indicated
pH values ranging from 5.03 to 6.28. Furthermore, an analysis Therefore, the relationship between titratable acidity
of variance was performed to assess the factors influencing pH and pH of the extracts was studied. Similar to the results
in relation to the studied variables. Table 8 reveals that the water- obtained by Gloess et al. (2013), Figure 7 shows no correlation
to-coffee ratio and stirring speed have no significant impact on between pH and titratable acidity, as the Pearson coefficient (r)
the pH of the extracts, while extraction time stands out as the was less than 0.5, and the correlation between them was not
sole factor with a notable influence on pH, demonstrating an statistically significant (Rao; Fuller, 2018).
inversely proportional relationship (Equation 9).
3.3 Operating Conditions and Desirability
Table 8: ANOVA of the Linear pH Model. Analysis
Based on the obtained results, a desirability analysis
was conducted to determine the operating conditions that
Model 0.0126 *
would maximize the percentage of soluble solids, extraction
A (Water-to-coffee ratio) 0.6165
yield, extraction rate, and titratable acidity in the coffee
B (Stirring speed) 0.5093 extracts with desirability of 74%, which were found to be a
C (Extraction time) 0.0017 * ratio of 4:1, 66 RPM, and 10 minutes. The expected values for
Lack of Fit 0.2743 the response variables as well as the experimental values are
*Significant influence, p-value < 0.05. presented in Table 9.
TDS. Furthermore, the data corroborates with Zhang et al. consumption extracts by at least 81%, and although its
(2022) in which higher stirring speeds contribute to increased performance is approximately half of what is achieved with
extraction rates by improving mass transfer between coffee industrial equipment using high pressures and temperatures,
grounds and water. it remains a valuable alternative for efficient coffee extract
Figure 5 shows the total acidity of the extract. Values production for the obtainment of soluble coffee.
ranged from 4 to 10 mg CGA/mL coffee. Values are similar to
those reported by Cordoba et al. (2020) for Colombian coffee 5 CONCLUSIONS
and greater than those reported by Rao and Fuller (2018) for
Colombian coffee cold brewed. This result shows that the The investigation delved into the effect of operational
extraction process in a ribbon blender allows to obtain high parameters of the extraction with a ribbon blender on
acidity from the coffee. In the scope of Titratable Acidity (TA) the physicochemical properties of coffee. By varying the
and pH, our findings in Figure 5 reveal a direct correlation water-to-coffee ratio, stirring speed, and extraction time,
between lower water-to-coffee ratios and higher acidity values. we scrutinized their influence on key response variables.
This relationship can be explained by the preference for the The outcomes revealed a substantial effect of the water-
elution of acidic coffee components due to their high solubility to-coffee ratio on all response variables, except pH, while
in water, particularly at higher temperatures (Cordoba et al., stirring speed impacted the extraction rate and titratable
2020; Schwarzmann; Washington; Rao, 2022). Furthermore, acidity. Additionally, extraction time influenced both pH and
Figure 6 sheds light on a discernible linear correlation between extraction rate. Notably, the analysis of pH and titratable
titratable acidity and the content of soluble solids within the acidity unveiled their lack of correlation, emphasizing the
extract, reaffirming the viability of extracted soluble solids as distinct nature of the measurements. Employing a desirability
an effective metric for approximating titratable acidity in the analysis based on the obtained results, we identified optimal
context of coffee (Batali et al., 2021). conditions—85°C water, a 4:1 water-to-coffee ratio for 10
Figure 7 shows no correlation between pH and TA minutes, and a stirring speed of 66 rpm—yielding a coffee
as reported by Cordoba et al. (2020). Analyzing the pH extract with 5.85% soluble solids, an extraction yield of
range of coffee extracts, we find consistency with the 14.53%, an extraction rate of 654.8 g/h, and titratable acidity
results reported by Muzykiewicz-Szymanska et al. (2021). of 5.617 mg chlorogenic acid/mL coffee. In conclusion, the
The pH values of the extracts fall within a range of 5.53 operating conditions selected, optimized through desirability
to 5.98, corresponding to similar conditions. Our study analysis, successfully achieve the desired outcomes for
also investigates the factors influencing pH, revealing TDS, extraction yield, extraction rate, and titratable acidity.
the absence of a significant relationship between pH and The ribbon blender equipment studied can be used for
extracted solids. While both acidity measures offer insights coffee extraction on small scales, with a possible use for
into coffee’s acidity, titratable acidity proves to be a more the production of soluble coffee. It provides extraction
precise measure, accounting for acidic protons even when levels suitable for a further concentration or lyophilization
they aren’t fully dissociated. In contrast, pH measurement is operation. This simple and economical equipment that
related to dissociated hydrogen ions, offering a more limited operates in batch mode can be an alternative to traditional
perspective on the coffee’s acidity profile, as discussed by percolation systems, useful at high production scales.
Muzykiewicz-Szymanska et al. (2021) and Schwarzmann, These findings offer valuable insights into optimal
Washington and Rao (2022). operating conditions for coffee extraction at a in a ribbon
The investigation of the relationship between pH and blender unit, aligning with the specified objectives.
titratable acidity, reaffirms the lack of a meaningful correlation, Furthermore, they underscore the potential of ribbon mixer
consistent with earlier research findings. This outcome can be equipment for producing concentrated coffee extracts,
attributed to the likelihood that many acids in coffee extracts holding promise for small-scale industrial production of
may not be completely deprotonated, minimally influencing soluble coffees. A further comparison with a standard
pH measurements. commercial unit is recommended.
Nevertheless, a more comprehensive assessment of
their impact can be achieved through the measurement of 6 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
titratable acidity using an alkaline compound, as suggested by
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for coffee extract production, outperforming immediate RY Ruiz.
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