UNIT3 2marks
UNIT3 2marks
UNIT3 2marks
1. Define Actuator.
1. Linear motion
2. Rotary Motion
· Air motors
· Rotary actuators
The need for cascade control will occur when a final control
element experiences signal overlap i.e. when a trip valve
mechanism is still held down , but the output signal has to
been used and requires removal
· Motor
· Filter
· Pump
· Pressure Regulator
· Control Valve
1. Gear Pumps
2. Vane Pumps
3. Piston pumps
· Combinational valves
· Solenoid valves
15. Define the term degrees of freedom.
The need for cascade control will occur when a final control
element experiences signal overlap ie; when a trip valve
mechanism is still held down, but the output signal has been
use and requires removal.
a. Saturation region
b. Active region
c. Cut-off region.