To Attend Scrum/Agile Meetings with App Dev Folks To discuss the progress/ updates/
upcoming projects on dialy basis. Gather Requirements and timelines of new projects
and act upon as per delivery estimates.
creating and modifying CI/CD deployment pipelines to deploy Web, App and DB
components using Jenkins Pipelines, GIT Repo, Ansible playbooks, Maven.
Hands on creating & configuring Ansible playbooks, Jenkins jobs to deploy PODs,
Services, Config maps, secrets, ingress etc.,. Implemented Production ready, load
balanced and highly available fault tolerant Infrastructure using Kubernetes.
Installed Workstation, Bootstrapped Nodes, Wrote Playbooks, and Roles and uploaded
them to Ansible Tower, Managed On-site OS/Applications/Services/Packages using
Ansible as well as Jenkins jobs to schedule the jobs.
CI/ CD pipeline
prere code, jenkins server KC HPM Argo CD
CI/CD Checkout --> Build and Test---> Build and push docker image --> update the
deployment file
Checkout ---> build docker ---> push the artifacts --> checkout k8s manifest
SCM--> update the K8s manifest and push the repo
Deployment File --> AppVersion, kind, metadata(name and label), Spec:- replica
container name image container port
service file Spec port
name target port protocolS
four points
terraform is used to create resources on AWs
Now Aws accout is linked to my local machine
Terraform init is used to intinalize the backend configuration
here i need to write the main.tf, variable.tf, varible.tfvars, output.tf then i
will execute terraform plan then validate the syntax and finally use apply command
application load balancer and netwotk load balancer
then i will write the main.tf file variable.tf and output.tf next i will explain
about for foreach count and expression conditions and function
state locking and remote state
finally terraform
Ansible explain
aws region cidr vpc subnet route table route table association
AWS EC2 s3 vpc database
Terraform ec2 ami subnet id key storge
ansible play book is used to install jenkins on launched ec2 insatnce
L Splunk