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Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2022-23 (CBCS Scheme)


Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module -1 Taxonomy Marks
Q.01 a For the mechanical system shown in Fig 1 L3 10
a) Construct the nodal equivalent circuit and write the differential equations
governing its dynamic behavior.
b) Develop force voltage and force current analogous circuit with relevant

Fig 1
b Develop translational mechanical system for the force voltage analogous circuit L3 10
shown in Fig 2. Also write the differential equations governing the mechanical

Fig 2
Q.02 a Compare open loop and closed loop control system with practical example. L2 6
b For the buffer amplifier shown in Fig 3, obtain the transfer function Eo(S)/Ei(S) L3 6

Fig 3
c For the mechanical system shown in Fig 4 L3 8
a) Construct the nodal equivalent circuit.
b) Develop force voltage and force current analogous circuit

Page 01 of 02

Fig 4
Q. 03 a Apply Block diagram reduction technique to find the transfer function C(S)/ R(s) L3 10
for the system shown in Fig 5

Fig 5
b Construct the signal flow graph for the block diagram shown in Fig 6. Find the L3 10
transfer function using Mason’s gain formula.

Fig 6
Q.04 a Apply Mason’s Gain formula to find the transfer function for the signal flow L3 10
graph shown from Fig 8

Fig 8
b Construct the signal flow graph for the electrical network shown in Fig 9. Find L3 10
the transfer function.

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Fig 9
Q. 05 a Make use of the response curve of second order underdamped system to define L3 10
and derive the expression for (i) Peak time (ii) Peak overshoot (ii) Rise time
b Analyze a feedback control system with forward path gain G(s) = 12/(S 2 + 4S + L3 5
16) and feedback gain H(S)= KS to determine the constant K and all the time
domain specifications. Given the damping ratio to be 0.8.
c Analyze the steady state error for type-2 control system with step input, ramp L3 5
input and parabolic input.
Q. 06 a Analyze the response curve obtained for the mechanical system shown in Fig 10 L3 10
to find the values of mass M, spring constant K and the dashpot B.

Fig 10
b Determine the value of K for a control system with open loop transfer function of L3 5
K(S+5)/S(S+2)(S+10) which produces 30% steady state error with unit ramp
c Analyze the effect of PD controller for 2nd order control system with appropriate L3 5
Q. 07 a Analyze the stability of the system using R-H criteria for a system having the L3 8
characteristic equation S5 + S4 + 2S3 + 2S2 + 3S + 5 = 0. How many roots of the
characteristic equation are on the imaginary axis and right half of the S-plane.
b Analyze the stability of a control system with open-loop transfer function L3 12
using Root locus technique. Show that a part of root locus is a
circle of radius √24 units with centre at (-6, 0).

Q. 08 a Analyze the range of K for which the system with closed loop transfer L3 8
function 𝑆(𝑆+2)(𝑆 2 + 𝑆+1)+ 𝐾 is stable using R-H criteria. For what value of K the
system oscillates and what is the corresponding frequency of oscillation.

b Analyze the stability of a control system with characteristic equation L3 12

(S2+2S+2)+K(S+4) using Root locus technique.
Q. 09 a The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is L3 10
. Draw the asymptotic Bode plot and hence find the value of K
for which the gain margin is 10db. What is the corresponding phase margin?

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b Analyze the Bode plot shown in Fig below to estimate the transfer function of a L3 10
control system.

Q. 10 a Develop a state model for the electrical network shown such that e1(t) and e2(t) L3 10
are inputs and output is taken across the resistor R.

b Construct Nyquist plot for a feedback control system whose open loop transfer L3 10
function is given by

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Model Question Paper-1/2 with effect from 2022-23 (CBCS Scheme)

Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Control Systems
TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

*Bloom’s Mark
Module -1 Taxonom s
y Level
Q.0 a Distinguish between open loop and closed loop control system
L2 04
b Draw the mechanical network for the system shown in Fig.1 (b). Write the equations
of performance and draw its analogous circuit based on force voltage analogy

L3 10

Fig 1(b)
c With relevant expressions explain the concept of gear trains L3 06
Q.0 a Define a Control system. What are the requirements of good control system
L2 04
b Draw the mechanical network for the system shown in Fig.2(b). Write the equations
of performance and draw its analogous circuit based on force Current analogy

L3 10

Fig 2(b)
c Write the differential equations for the system shown in Fig 2(c )

L3 06

Fig 2(c)
Q. a Derive an expression for the closed loop transfer function of a negative feed back
L2 05
03 system
Find the overall transfer function using block diagram reduction technique for the
system shown in Fig. 3(b) L3 10

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Fig 3(b)

c Write a program to implement block diagram reduction technique to obtain transfer

L3 05
function of the system shown in Fig 3(b)
Q.0 a For the block diagram, given in Fig.Q.2(c) obtain over all transfer function using
4 Mason’s gain formula

L3 10

Fig 4(a)

b Determine the transfer function of the system shown in Fig 4(b)

L3 05

Fig 4(b)
c Write a program to implement signal flow graph technique to obtain transfer
L3 05
function of the system shown in Fig 4(a)
Q. a Derive the expression for the rise time of a second order system
L2 05
b Find all the time domain specifications for a unity feedback control system whose
25 L3 10
open loop transfer function is given by 𝐺(𝑆) =
c Define steady state error? Derive the static error components for Type 2 systems? L2 05
Q. a For a unity feedback control system the open loop transfer function
06 10(𝑆+2)
𝐺(𝑆) = 𝑆 2 (𝑆+1)
L3 10
(i) Determine the position, velocity and acceleration error constants.
3 2 1
(ii) The steady state error when the input is 𝑅(𝑆) = 𝑆 − 𝑆 2 + 3𝑆 3

Page 02 of 02
b Find and draw the step response of the first order system order system.
L2 05
c Write a program to implement PI and PD controllers L3 05
Q. a With the help of Routh’s stability criterion find the stability of the following system
07 represented by the characteristic equations: L3 06
𝑆 5 + 𝑆 4 + 2𝑆 3 + 2𝑆 2 + 3𝑆 + 5 = 0
b Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is
𝐾 L3 10
𝐺(𝑆) = 2
𝑆(𝑆 + 4𝑆 + 13)
c Make use of suitable software tool to analyse the stability of the system
L3 04
𝑆 5 + 𝑆 4 + 2𝑆 3 + 2𝑆 2 + 3𝑆 + 5 = 0 using RH criterion
Q. a Explain the procedure for constructing root locus.
L2 10
b Determine the range of K for stability of unity feedback system whose open loop
𝐾 L3 10
transfer function is 𝐺(𝑠) = 𝑆(𝑆+1)(𝑆+2) using Routh’s stability criterion.
Q. a Sketch the bode plot for the following transfer function and determine
09 75(1 + 0.2 s )
phase margin and gain margin. G ( s ) = L3 10
s ( s + 16 s + 100)

b 0 1̇ 0
For the state equation 𝑋 = ( ) 𝑋 + ( ) 𝑈 with the unit step input and the
−2 −3 1
initial conditions are 𝑋(0) = ( ) Solve the following L3 10
(a) State transition matrix
(b) Solution of the state equation.
Q. a Determine the Solution for Homogeneous and Non homogeneous State equations
L2 10
b A system is given by 𝐺(𝑆) = (4𝑆+1)
Sketch the Nyquist plot and determine
𝑆 2 (𝑆+1)(2𝑆+1)
the stability of the system. L3 10

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