MCQ On 8051 For Students B SC III Yr
MCQ On 8051 For Students B SC III Yr
MCQ On 8051 For Students B SC III Yr
63. How many rows and columns are present in a 16*2 alphanumeric LCD?
a) rows=2, columns=32
b) rows=16, columns=2
c) rows=16, columns=16
d) rows=2, columns=16
64. How many data lines are there in a 16*2 alphanumeric LCD?
a) 16
b) 8
c) 1
d) 0
65. Which pin of the LCD is used for adjusting its contrast?
a) pin no 1
b) pin no 2
c) pin no 3
d) pin no 4
66. In Which of the mode timer can operate in the 16 bit condition?
a) mode 0
b) mode1
d) all of the mentioned
67. Bit PX1 in IP register of 8051 is used as ----------------------
a) External Interrupt 0 bit
b) External Interrupt 1 bit
c) Timer 0 interrupt bit
d) Timer 2 interrupt bit
68. buffers are used in interfacing a relay with microcontroller 8051, because ---------
a) Current at microcontroller pin is very low
b) Current at microcontroller pin is very high
c) Buffer is compatible with microcontroller
d) Buffers excites the voltages required for relay
69. Which out of the four ports of 8051 needs a pull-up resistor for using it is as an input or
an output port?
a) PORT 0
b) PORT 1
c) PORT 2
d) PORT 3
70. Which addressing mode is used in pushing or popping any element on or from the stack?
a) immediate
b) direct
c) indirect
d) register
71. How does the processor respond to an occurrence of the interrupt?
a. By Interrupt Service Subroutine
b. By Interrupt Status Subroutine
c. By Interrupt Structure Subroutine
d. By Interrupt System Subroutine
72. Which of the following statements are true about DAC0808?
a) parallel digital data to analog data conversion
b) it has current as an output
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
73. What is the principle on which electromagnetic relays operate?
a) electromagnetic induction
b) motor control
c) switching
d) none of the mentioned
74. How can we control the speed of a stepper motor?
a) by controlling its switching rate
b) by controlling its torque
c) by controlling its wave drive 4 step sequence
d) cant be controlled
75. --------- pin of LCD is used to latch information presented at input pins.
a) VEE
b) W
c) RS
d) E
76. The rotor of a stepper motor has no
a) Windings
b) Commutator
c) Brushes
d) All of the mentioned
77. A stepping motor is a ____________ device.
a) Mechanical
b) Electrical
c) Analogue
d) Incremental
78. The rotational speed of a given stepper motor is determined solely by the
a) Shaft load
b) Step pulse frequency
c) Polarity of stator current
d) Magnitude of stator current.
79. The main function of MODEM is __________
a) Conversion of Audio tones to 1 and 0
b) transfering data to microprocessor
c) controlling the bits
d) read/write data
80. In 8051 Microcontroller Program Counter (PC) is ________ bit register.
a) 4
b) 8
c) 16
d) 32
81. An ALP is saved with ______ extension filename.
a) myprogram.asm
b) myprogram.obj
c) myprogram.lst
d) myprogram.hex
82. The number of bits transmitted or received per second is defined as ______
a) transmission rate
b) reception rate
c) transceiver rate
d) baud rate
83. If M1=0 and M0 = 1 in TMOD Register, the mode operation will be -------------
a) Mode 0
b) Mode 1
c) Mode 2
d) Mode 3
84. The RETURN line comes from _______ in interfacing SWITCH with 8051
a) interrupt of 8051
b) input port of 8051
c) output port of 8051
d) External pin of 8051
85. The SCAN line comes from _______ in interfacing SWITCH with 8051
a) interrupt of 8051
b) input port of 8051
c) output port of 8051
d) External pin of 8051
86. The task of converting the byte into serial form and transmitting it bit by bit along with
start, stop and parity bits is carried out by
a) reception unit
b) serial communication unit
c) transmission unit
d) all of the mentioned
87. Auto reload mode is allowed in which mode of the timer?
a) Mode 0
b) Mode 1
c) Mode 2
d) Mode 3
88. The full form of LCD is ____________
a) Liquid Crystal Display
b) Liquid Crystalline Display
c) Logical Crystal Display
d) Logical Crystalline Display
89. The CTS pin of RS 232 is used for --------------
a) Data Carrier detect
b) ring indicator
c) clear to send
d) request to send
90. How many pins are there in 8051 microcontroller?
a) 20
b) 40
c) 60
d) 80
91. In a Flow chart _____________ shape states Process operation
a) Parallelogram
b) Rectangle
c) Double sided Rectangle
d) Oval
92. The correct method of interfacing a LED to microcontroller is to connect the ________
a) anode of LED to Vcc (power) without resistor.
b) cathode of LED to Vcc (power) through resistor.
c) cathode of LED to Vcc (power) without resistor.
d) anode of LED to Vcc (power) through resistor.
93. DAC 0808 is ___ Pin IC available in DIP Plastic package.
a) 8
b) 16
c) 20
d) 40
94. 8051 has ______ Bytes of internal ROM.
a) 2K
b) 4K
c) 6K
d) 8K
95. ADC 0808 is ___ Pin IC available in DIP Plastic package.
a) 8
b) 16
c) 20
d) 28
96. ADC0808, is ______ A to D converter.
a) 2 bit
b) 4 bit
c) 8 bit
d) 16 bit
97. DAC0808, has ______ D to A converter.
a) 2 bit
b) 4 bit
c) 8 bit
d) 16 bit
98. DPTR is a _________ bit wide register
a) 8 bit
b) 16 bit
c) 32 bit
d) 64 bit
99. The registers R0-R7 are all _______ bit register
a) 8 bit
b) 16 bit
c) 32 bit
d) 64 bit
100. The pins XTAL1 and XTAL2 are used to form an ________
a) generator
b) selector
c) vibrator
d) oscillator