Vocab Class 45 Vol. 01

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Tentative (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: अंदाज़न
English Meaning: (of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed, or (of
a suggestion or action) said or done in
a careful but uncertain way because you do not know if you
are right:
Usage: I have tentative plans to invest in the company.

Synonyms: dependent, contingent, conditional, susceptible,

dubious, shaky
Contingent (adj.)
Depending on something else in the future in order to happen:
Usage: Outdoor activities are, as ever, contingent on the weather.
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Susceptible (adj.)
easily influenced or harmed by something:
She isn't very susceptible to flattery.
Dubious (adj.)
thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted:
These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.
Shaky (adj.)
not in a controlled way or not firm or strong:
We are taking these steps to try to improve the country's
shaky economy.

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Antonyms: Certain, hands-down, sure, undeniable, indubitable,
to announce an official decision, especially in a court of law:
hand down a verdict
He plans to appeal the verdict handed down by a jury yesterday.

Incontestable (adj.)
impossible to question because of being obviously true:
incontestable evidence There is now incontestable evidence that
the killings did take place.

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Herald (Verb)
Hindi Meaning: सच ू ना दे ना
English Meaning: Make something publicly know that something
is starting to happen
Usage: The president’s speech heralds a new era in foreign policy.

Synonyms: Harbinger, foregoer, proclaim, announcer, anticipate

Harbinger (noun)
a person or thing that shows that something is going
to happen soon, especially something bad:
foregoer (noun)
one that announces or indicates the later arrival

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proclaim (verb)
to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.

Anticipate (verb)
to imagine or expect that something will happen:
We don't anticipate any trouble.

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Antonyms: Suppress, conceal, recant, retract, revoke
Suppress (verb)
to end something by force or to prevent something from being seen
She couldn't suppress her anger/annoyance/delight.
Conceal (verb)
to prevent something from being seen or known about:
The listening device was concealed in a pen.
Recant (verb)
to announce in public that your past beliefs or statements were wr
ong and that you no longer agree with them:
After a year spent in solitary confinement, he publicly recanted
(his views).

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Retract (verb)
to take back an offer or statement, etc. or admit that a statement was false:
retract an invitation/confession/promise
revoke (verb)
to say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect:
The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of
this rural area.

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Succulent (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: रसीला
English Meaning: Pleasantly juicy and tasty
Usage: An orange is an example of succulent fruit.

Synonyms: Juicy, pulpy, sappy, appetizing, delicious, delectable,


Sappy (adj.)
used to describe something that is extremely emotional in
an embarrassing way:
It's a sappy movie - your husband will hate it.

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Appetizing (adj.)
Appetizing food or smells make you want to eat:
appetizing smells from the kitchen

delectable (adj.)
looking or tasting extremely good, and giving great pleasure:
a delectable cheesecake

ambrosial (adj.)
having a very pleasant taste or smell:
The shop was full of ambrosial smells.

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Antonyms: Distasteful, insipid, tasteless, unsavory, unpalatable,
desiccated, dry
Insipid (adj.)
not having a strong taste or character, or having no interest or energy

unsavory (adj.)
unpleasant, or morally offensive: an unsavoury reputation

unpalatable (adj.)
An unpalatable fact or idea is unpleasant or shocking and therefore difficult to accept:
the unpalatable truth/facts about the war

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desiccated (adj.)
1st dried, with the moisture removed:
100 g of desiccated coconut
2nd not interesting or completely without imagination:
All the party seems to have to offer is the same desiccated old ideas.

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Emend (verb)
Hindi Meaning: सुधारना
English Meaning: To correct or improve a text
Usage: The text is currently being emended and will be published

Synonyms: Amend, correct, rectify, debug, remedy, ameliorate,

modify, alter

Amend (verb)
to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document:
MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster.

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Debug (verb)
to remove bugs (= mistakes) from a computer program:
He spent weeks debugging the program.
Ameliorate (verb)
to make a bad or unpleasant situation better:
Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects.
Alter (verb)
to change something, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of
something to change:
We've had to alter some of our plans.

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Antonyms: Damage, impair, spoil, aggravate, harm
Impair (verb)
to spoil something or make it weaker so that it is less effective:
A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of
winning the tournament.

Aggravate (verb)
to make a bad situation worse:
Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated
the problem of traffic congestion.

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