Safe 29
Safe 29
Safe 29
You can select output options for your document. See “Printing Use the About tab to display the copyright notice and the
a Document” on page 7 for more information about accessing version number of the driver. If you have an Internet browser,
the printer properties. you can connect to the Internet by clicking on the web site icon.
Click the Extras tab to access the following feature: See “Printing a Document” on page 7 for more information
about accessing printer properties.
Printer Tab
If you access printer properties through the Printers folder,
you can view the Printer tab. You can set the printer
The following procedure is for Windows XP. For other Windows
OS, refer to the corresponding Windows User's Guide or online
1 Click the Windows Start menu.
2 Select Printers and Faxes.
3 Select your printer driver icon.
4 Right-click on the printer driver icon and select
5 Click the Printer tab and set the options.
You can create a background text image to be printed on each
page of your document. For details, see “Using Watermarks” on
page 15.
Overlays are often used to take the place of preprinted forms and
letterhead paper. For details, see “Using Overlays” on page 16.
Output Options
• Print Subset: You can set the sequence in which the pages
print. Select the print order from the drop-down list.
- Normal (1,2,3): Your printer prints all pages from the first
page to the last page.
- Reverse All Pages (3,2,1): When you use this feature,
you do not need to sort the print-out by stacks.
- Print Odd Pages: Your printer prints only the odd numbered
pages of the document.
- Print Even Pages: Your printer prints only the even
numbered pages of the document.
• Reprint When Jammed: When this option is checked, the
printer retains the image of a printed page until the printer
signals that the page has successfully exited the printer.
Basic Printing
Using a Favorite Setting Using Help
The Favorites option, which is visible on each properties tab, Your printer has a help screen that can be activated by clicking
allows you to save the current properties settings for future the Help button in the printer properties window. These help
use. screens give detailed information about the printer features
To save a Favorites item: provided by the printer driver.
You can also click from the upper right corner of the window,
1 Change the settings as needed on each tab.
and then click on any setting.
2 Enter a name for the item in the Favorites input box.
3 Click Save.
When you save Favorites, all current driver settings are
To use a saved setting, select the item from the Favorites drop
down list. The printer is now set to print according to the
Favorites setting you selected.
To delete a Favorites item, select it from the list and click
You can also restore the printer driver’s default settings by
selecting Printer Default from the list.
Basic Printing
3 Advanced Printing Printing Multiple Pages on One
This chapter explains printing options and advanced printing Sheet of Paper (N-Up Printing)
You can select the number of pages to print on a single sheet
1 2
of paper. To print more than one page per sheet, the pages will
NOTE: be reduced in size and arranged in the order you specify. You
• Your printer driver Properties window that appears in this 3 4 can print up to 16 pages on one sheet.
User’s Guide may differ depending on the printer in use.
However the composition of the printer properties window is 1 To change the print settings from your software
similar. application, access printer properties. See “Printing a
• If you need to know the exact name of your printer, you can Document” on page 7.
check the supplied CD-ROM. 2 From the Layout tab, choose Multiple Pages per Side in
the Layout Type drop-down list.
This chapter includes: 3 Select the number of pages you want to print per sheet
(1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16) in the Pages per Side drop-down
• Printing Multiple Pages on One Sheet of Paper (N-Up
4 Select the page order from the Page Order drop-down
• Printing Posters list, if necessary.
• Printing a Reduced or Enlarged Document Check Print Page Border to print a border around each
• Fitting Your Document to a Selected Paper Size page on the sheet.
5 Click the Paper tab, select the paper source, size, and
• Using Watermarks
• Using Overlays 6 Click OK and print the document.
Advanced Printing
Printing Posters Printing a Reduced or Enlarged
This feature allows you to print a single-page document onto 4, Document
9, or 16 sheets of paper, for the purpose of pasting the sheets
together to form one poster-size document. You can change the size of a page’s content to appear larger or
smaller on the printed page.
1 To change the print settings from your software
application, access printer properties. See “Printing a 1 To change the print settings from your software
Document” on page 7. application, access printer properties. See “Printing a
2 Click the Layout tab, select Poster Printing in the Document” on page 7.
Layout Type drop-down list. 2 From the Paper tab, select Reduce/Enlarge in the
3 Configure the poster option: Printing Type drop-down list.
3 Enter the scaling rate in the Percentage input box.
You can select the page layout from Poster<2x2>,
Poster<3x3> or Poster<4x4>. If you select You can also click the or button.
Poster<2x2>, the output will be automatically stretched 4 Select the paper source, size, and type in Paper Options.
to cover 4 physical pages. 5 Click OK and print the document.
Advanced Printing
Editing a Watermark
Using Watermarks 1 To change the print settings from your software
application, access printer properties. See “Printing a
The Watermark option allows you to print text over an existing Document” on page 7.
document. For example, you may want to have large gray
2 Click the Extras tab and click the Edit button in the
letters reading “DRAFT” or “CONFIDENTIAL” printed diagonally
Watermark section. The Edit Watermark window
across the first page or all pages of a document.
There are several predefined watermarks that come with the
3 Select the watermark you want to edit from the Current
printer, and they can be modified, or you can add new ones to
Watermarks list and change the watermark message and
the list.
4 Click Update to save the changes.
Using an Existing Watermark 5 Click OK until you exit the Print window.
Creating a Watermark
1 To change the print settings from your software
application, access printer properties. See “Printing a
Document” on page 7.
2 Click the Extras tab, and click the Edit button in the
Watermark section. The Edit Watermark window
3 Enter a text message in the Watermark Message box.
You can enter up to 40 characters. The message displays
in the preview window.
When the First Page Only box is checked, the watermark
prints on the first page only.
4 Select watermark options.
You can select the font name, style, size, or grayscale level
from the Font Attributes section and set the angle of the
watermark from the Message Angle section.
5 Click Add to add a new watermark to the list.
6 When you have finished editing, click OK and start
To stop printing the watermark, select (No Watermark) from
the Watermark drop-down list.
Advanced Printing
Using a Page Overlay
Using Overlays After an overlay has been created, it is ready to be printed with
your document. To print an overlay with a document:
1 Create or open the document you want to print.
What is an Overlay? 2 To change the print settings from your software
An overlay is text and/or images stored in the computer hard application, access printer properties. See “Printing a
disk drive (HDD) as a special file format that can be printed on Document” on page 7.
Dear ABC
any document. Overlays are often used to take the place of Click the Extras tab.
preprinted forms and letterhead paper. Rather than using 4 Select the desired overlay from the Overlay drop-down
preprinted letterhead, you can create an overlay containing the list box.
exact same information that is currently on your letterhead. To
NOTE: The overlay document size must be the same as the Deleting a Page Overlay
documents you print with the overlay. Do not create an overlay You can delete page overlays that you no longer use.
with a watermark.
1 In the printer properties window, click the Extras tab.
2 Click the Edit button in the Overlay section.
3 Select the overlay you want to delete from the Overlay
List box.
4 Click Delete Overlay.
5 When a confirming message window appears, click Yes.
6 Click OK until you exit the Print window.
Advanced Printing
4 Sharing the Printer Setting Up a Host Computer
Locally 1 Start Windows.
2 From the Start menu select Printers and Faxes.
You can connect the printer directly to a selected computer, 3 Double-click your printer driver icon.
which is called “host computer,” on the network.
4 From the Printer menu, select Sharing.
The following procedure is for Windows XP. For other Windows
OS, refer to the corresponding Windows User's Guide or online 5 Check the Share this printer box.
help. 6 Fill in the Shared Name field, and then click OK.
• Check the Operating System(s) that are compatible with
your printer. Please refer to the OS Compatibility section of
Printer Specifications in your Printer User’s Guide.
• If you need to know the exact name of your printer, you can
Setting Up a Client Computer
check the supplied CD-ROM.
1 Right-click the Windows Start button and select Explore.
2 Select My Network Places and then right-click Search
for Computers.
3 Fill in the IP address of host computer in Computer name
field, and click Search. (In case host computer requires
User name and Password, fill in User ID and password
of host computer account.)
4 Double-click Printers and Faxes.
5 Right-click printer driver icon, select Connect.
6 Click Yes, if the installation confirm message appears.
Sharing the Printer Locally
5 Using Smart Panel Click this icon in Linux.
Buy Now
You can order replacement toner cartridge(s) online.
Troubleshooting Guide
Click this icon in Mac OS X. You can view Help to solve problems.
Using Smart Panel
Opening the Troubleshooting Changing the Smart Panel
Guide Program Settings
Using the troubleshooting guide, you can view solutions for Right-click (in Windows or Linux) or click (in Mac OS X) the
error status problems. Smart Panel icon and select Options.
Right-click (in Windows or Linux) or click (in Mac OS X) the Select the settings you want from the Options window.
Smart Panel icon and select Troubleshooting Guide.
Using Smart Panel
6 Using Your Printer in Installing the Unified Linux
Linux Driver
You can use your machine in a Linux environment.
Installing the Unified Linux Driver
This chapter includes: 1 Make sure that you connect your machine to your
computer. Turn both the computer and the machine on.
• Getting Started
2 When the Administrator Login window appears, type in
• Installing the Unified Linux Driver root in the Login field and enter the system password.
• Using the Unified Driver Configurator
• Configuring Printer Properties NOTE: You must log in as a super user (root) to install the
printer software. If you are not a super user, ask your system
• Printing a Document
Using Your Printer in Linux