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Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848

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Construction and Building Materials

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Investigation of the effect of the coal wastes on the mechanical

properties of the cement-treated sandy soil
Mobina Taslimi Paein Afrakoti, Asskar Janalizadeh Choobbasti, Moein Ghadakpour,
Saman Soleimani Kutanaei ⇑
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, 4714871167 Babol, Iran

h i g h l i g h t s

 Estimation of UCS and ITS cemented sand consisting CW using ultrasonic wave velocity.
 For samples containing 6% cement, the optimum weight ratio for CW is 5%.
 The minimum pH value for the samples containing 3% and 6% cement, occurs for 10% and 5% of CW.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Owing to the environmental pollution of industrial waste materials and the consideration of pozzolanic
Received 25 August 2019 materials of the coal wastes (CW), the availability and economic cost of its combination with cement,
Received in revised form 24 November 2019 these materials can be utilized for soil stabilization. In this investigation, CW was used as an additive
Accepted 10 December 2019
material to improve the properties of cement sand. For this purpose, different tests including standard
Available online 26 December 2019
Proctor, unconfined compressive strength, indirect tensile strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, pH, and
SEM are performed on the Babolsar sand containing 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% coal waste (by weight
of cement) with 3% and 6% of cement (by dry weight of the used sandy). Samples were cured for 14,
28, and 60 days. The results of this study indicate that the addition of optimum amount of CW (5%) at
Coal wastes 28 and 60 days improves the mechanical characteristics of samples containing 6% cement. However,
SEM for samples containing 3% cement, the replacement of cement with CW constantly reduces mechanical
Unconfined compressive strength properties.
Indirect tensile Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Cement factories are among the main sources of carbon dioxide
emissions as a greenhouse gas. The carbon dioxide emission is
Sometimes the present soil in the site of the projects is not ide- one of the considerable reasons for the temperature increase of
ally appropriate from the engineering point of view for construc- the earth. On the other hand, today, along with the reduction of
tion [1,2]. There exist some soils with inappropriate behavioral these harmful gases, the storage and preservation of non-
characteristics; consequently, some changes should be applied to renewable resources and the reduction of waste materials require
attain the desired geotechnical conditions. Soil stabilization is more environmental-friendly building materials [11]. 7% of the
some operational activities that eliminate inappropriate soil beha- total carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is due to the annual pro-
viours [3,4]. Various reinforcing methods such as using geotextiles duction of 1.6 billion tons of cement in the world [12]. A sustain-
and fibers, as well as stabilizing additives include various types of able solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the cement
cement, lime and pozzolanic additives [5], can be utilized in order production is to replace it with supplementary cementitious mate-
to rise shear strength as well as bearing capacity of soils, and tol- rials (SCMs) such as ground granulated blast furnace (GGbF), rice
eration applied loads [1,2,6–9]. Cement effects have been studied husks ash, fly ash and other materials with pozzolanic properties
widely on soil improvement [2–4,8–10]. Energy consumption in [13]. Coal is an essential energy source that is expected to approx-
cement production has a significant impact on the environment. imately cover 50% of the global energy consumption by 2030 [14].
However, about 15 to 20 wt% of coal production is waste material
[14,15], which is a serious threat to the environment [14–16]. In
⇑ Corresponding author.
spite of atmospheric pollution, coal waste materials cause harmful
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Soleimani Kutanaei).

0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848

impacts on the environment, such as land occupation and subsi- clayey soil (CCS) in the freeze-thaw cycles. They declared that
dence, dust dispersal, the leakage of heavy metals into the surface, the addition of the coal ash, in conjunction with bassanite,
and underground resources, as well as mineral acid drainage. CW improves the durability of the CCS, so that the index of the
contains carcinogenic substances and toxic heavy metals [17]. This freeze-thaw durability, after five cycles of the freeze-thaw,
acid drainage acidity is transmitted to lands and surface waters, enhanced from 50% to 85%. Most of the conducted researches are
which significantly reduces the water quality and has a profound on the replacement of cement in the concrete, which provides
effect on the destruction of aquatic organisms and plants of the appropriate alkaline conditions. On the other hand, unlike clay soil,
area [17,18]. Owing to the leachate production and its infiltration sandy soil does not contain pozzolanic materials. Therefore, in this
into the ground and contamination of groundwater and plants, research, the effect of CW as a pozzolanic substitute material with
the abundance of these waste materials, and their enormous cement is investigated on the mechanical properties of sandy soil.
potential for application in such engineering fields as road sub-
base or base, as well as ground improvement [19], they have been
taken in to account by previous researchers [16,17,19–29]. In the 2. Experimental program
investigations, carried out in the scientific and technical fields for
the use of CW as a new additive, significant improvement has been In this study, 55 standard density tests, 30 unconfined compres-
observed in the function of the obtained mixed cement. Determi- sive strength tests, 30 Splitting tensile strength tests, 30 pH tests,
nation of the CW value indicates that these substances can be used 70 ultrasonic pulse velocity tests, and 6 SEM tests were done.
as an alternative source of consumable materials in the concrete
production, as well as cement substitutes, in stabilization and 2.1. Materials
improvement; therefore, using these waste materials in road con-
struction and soil stabilization as one of the beneficial methods in In this research, Babolsar sand from the Caspian coast was used.
order to avoid environmental damage can be considered. Rossi dos The Babolsar sand with the average grain size of 0.214 mm, unifor-
Santos et al. [24] used CW as fine materials in concrete blocks for mity coefficient of 1.932, curvature coefficient of 1.102 and density
pavements. When CW is combined with cement, it prevents the of solid grains were used in this study. Based on the Unified Soil
acidification as a result of oxidation of these waste materials. In Classification System [31], this soil is classified as poorly-graded
fact, the cement stabilizes the CW. Modarres et al. [19] reported sand (SP). The grain-size distribution curve is shown in Fig. 1. Port-
that the combination of coal wastes and ash of coal wastes land cement (type II) was used in this investigation. The specific
together with lime, compared to the function of each of them, gravity of the cement was 3.51. The chemical composition of
significantly increases the compressive strength and California cement is presented in Table 1. CW was formed as a black powder
Bearing Ratio (CBR), especially in saturated conditions. Frias et al. in the Los Angeles device and passed through a 200-size sieve. The
[23] investigated the effects of the three types of activated coal chemical characteristics of the applied CW are given in Table 2.
mining wastes (ACW) as the partial alternatives of the blended Fig. 2 shows the SEM image of CW.
cement. They expressed that in the blended cements containing
10% and 20% ACW, the silico-aluminous nature of activated coal
mining waste led to the higher contents of the silica and alumina 2.2. Sample preparation
in comparison with the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and up
to 7 days the compressive strength of the blended cement contain- Samples in this study were made with a density of 95% of max-
ing ACW is lightly higher than the OPC one. Moreover, they imum dry density and optimum moisture content of the Standard
declared that the use of the ACW as a pozzolanic material is tech- Proctor test. Initially, sand, cement, and coal wastes were mixed in
nically viable. Modarres et al. [30] compared the mechanical prop- a dry form—cement contents were selected by the dry weight of
erties of the cold recycling mixture (CRM), containing the coal the sand. Subsequently, water was added gradually, and the
waste with the ordinary Portland cement for pavement. To do so, mixing process continued to form a homogeneous mixture. The
such tests, including Marshall Stability, resilient modulus, indirect samples were made in 5 layers with a diameter of 52 mm and a
tensile strength, fatigue, and dynamic creep tests were carried out. height of 104 mm. Then, the samples were cured for 14, 28, and
They expressed that by the application of coal waste (CW) powder, 60 days at 25 °C inside two plastic bags. To ensure the reliability
the mechanical properties of CRM had been improved—the of the obtained results, three identical samples were made from
Marshall Stability, indirect tensile strength, and resilient modulus each mixing design and were tested. The presented results are
of CRM increased compared to ordinary Portland cement. However, the closest result to their average. To evaluate the homogeneity,
the CW did not have any positive effect on the moisture sensitivity
of CRM. Modarres et al. [27,29] also applied the coal waste power
(CWP), as well as coal waste ash (CWA), in the hot mix asphalt as
the filler rather than the conventional and traditional fillers
(zeolite powder (ZP), and limestone (LS)). They reported that the
stability of the mixture increased up to 17% and 44%, due to the
addition of the CWP and CWA. Moreover, the indirect tensile
strength, resilient modulus, toughness, and energy absorbency of
the hot mix asphalt (HMA) containing CWP and CWA are higher
than the HMA ones, containing the traditional fillers. Kamei et al.
[25] investigated the impact of the recycled basanite—produced
from gypsum waste—and coal ash on the stabilization and strength
of the very soft clayey soil (VSCS) as well as its durability in the
wet-dry cycles. Based on their results, due to the addition of the
recycled coal ash and bassanite, the strength and durability of
the VSCS significantly increased. However, the addition of the coal
ash without the bassanite has a slightly negative effect on the VSCS
strength. Also, Kamei et al. [26] evaluated the cement-treated Fig. 1. Particle size distribution.
M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848 3

Table 1
Chemical compositions of cement (wt%).

Oxide SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 CaCO3 LOI*

PC 21.90 4.86 3.30 63.33 1.15 2.10 – 2.40

*Loss on ignition.

Table 2
Chemical compositions of coal waste (wt%).

Oxide SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 K2O CaO MgO TiO2 Na2O LOI
(%) 34.4 14.4 3.4 3.5 1.3 0.93 1.2 0.34 38.7

mentioned above, the addition of CW due to fine grains enhances

the density of the mixture. The CW has a lower specific gravity
(1.7) than cement particles; therefore, the replacement of a part
of cement with CW in a constant volume, reduces the dry weight.
Thus, in mixtures with low cement content, adding CW increases
the dry weight, and for samples with high cement content, adding
CW reduces the dry weight. A behavior similar to the present study
results was reported by Choobbasti et al. [3] about the use of
nanosilica, which has a lower specific gravity than cement. About
the effect of CW on optimum moisture content, it can be noted that
increasing the weight ratio of the waste materials decreases the
optimum moisture content. In fact, increasing the percentage of
CW due to increased fine grains volume and filling of the cavities
lead to a smaller amount of water in the pores of the sample; a
lower amount of water is required to achieve a higher dry weight.

Fig. 2. SEM images of coal waste.

3.2. pH measurement

The results of the pH tests on samples with CW contents of 0%,

some samples were cut in the diameter direction, and the dry 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, at 14, 28, and 60 days for cement percent-
density of the various fragments was controlled with each other. ages of 3% and 6% are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that replacing
a part of the cement with CW decreases the pH value compared to
the samples without CW. CW possesses 1/3% CaO while, cement
2.3. Testing program
has 64% CaO; therefore, because of the lower CaO content,
replacing part of the cement with CW reduces the calcium ions
Standard Proctor tests were performed based on the ASTM
concentration in the sample; consequently, leads to pH values
D698 [32]. In this study, To investigate the influence of the addition
decrease. Another considerable note is that because of the high
of cement and CW to sand in terms of being alkalinity and acidity,
amounts of SiO2 and Al2O3, pozzolanic reactions with CH are as
pH was measured in distilled water and 0.1 M of calcium chloride
solution according to the ASTM D4972 [33]. The unconfined com-
pressive strength test was performed on samples at the velocity of CaðOHÞ2 þ SiO2 ! C  S  H gel ð1Þ
1.2, according to the ASTM D2166 [34]. The indirect tensile
strength test was performed according to the ASTM D3967 [35]. CaðOHÞ2 þ Al2 O3 ! C  A  H gel ð2Þ
The ultrasonic pulse velocity test on samples was performed on
In Eqs. (1) and (2), Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate (CSH) and Calcium-
the basis of the ASTM D2845 [36]. At first, the ultrasonic pulse
Aluminate Hydrate (CAH) gels are highly strength crystals. As a
velocity test was performed on the prepared samples; next, the
result of these pozzolanic reactions, higher amounts of calcium
unconfined compressive strength and indirect tensile strength
ions are consumed and considering this point of view; it can be
tests were immediately performed on the samples.
expected that the replacement of cement with CW reduces pH
values. Further analysis of Fig. 4 indicates that the replacement
3. Results and discussion of cement with CW reduces pH values at first; however, after a
certain replacement ratio, an increase in the replacement ratio
3.1. Maximum dry weight and optimum moisture content causes an increase in pH value. In order to have optimal pozzolanic
reactions, and as a result the use of calcium ion, the ratio of
The impact of the weight ratio of cement and CW on the pozzolanic material to CaO is needed to be appropriate. In other
maximum dry weight and optimum moisture content is shown words, if this ratio is not considered, pozzolanic materials cannot
in Fig. 3. react with calcium ion, and thus, the concentration of this ion
Fig. 3 shows that increasing the weight ratio of CW for a sample and the pH value will not decrease. Similar results on the soil sta-
with 3% cement increases the maximum dry weight. The reason for bilization by lime (CaO-bearing material) and industrial waste ash
this behavior can be related to the increase of fine-grained materi- (as pozzolanic material) are reported by previous researchers
als that fill the pores and homogenize the mixture. On the other [37,38]. The minimum pH value for samples containing 3% and
side, for a sample with 6% cement, the addition of 10% CW 6% of the cement occurs for 10% and 5% of CW, respectively. It
increases the dry weight and then reduces the specific weight. As can be due to the appropriate ratio of CW to cement and the higher
4 M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848

Fig. 3. Effect of the weight ratio of cement and coal waste on, a) optimum moisture content b) maximum dry density.

Fig.4. Effect of curing time and coal waste content on the pH values, a) samples with 6% cement, b) samples with 3% cement.

production of cement products (calcium ion consumption). There- of cement products are the reason for this phenomenon.
fore, it can be expected that the resistance of samples containing The improvement of the strength due to increased curing period
3% and 6% cement, for the replacement ratio of 10% and 5%, be was also expected owing to the decrease of the sample’s pH
more than other replacement ratios. because of the calcium ion consumption. As expressed earlier, a
decrease of alkalinity occurs due to reactions between calcium
3.3. Unconfined compressive strength and indirect tensile strength and other ions in the environment, which is indicative of the pro-
duction of cement materials and, consequently, increased strength.
Fig. 5 shows the stress-strain graphs obtained from the uncon- The addition of CW at 28 and 60 days increases the sample
fined compressive strength test, for a sample containing 6% cement strength. As an example, replacing cement with 5% CW reduces
and different weight ratios of CW, at 14 and 28 days, respectively. compressive strength by 20% at the 14 days and increases the men-
The comparison of these graphs shows that at 14 days, the addition tioned strength by 4.5% and 5% at 28, and 60 days. The increase of
of CW reduces the strength and stiffness of the samples. While, at indirect tensile strength of the samples due to the replacement of
28 days, the strength and stiffness are increased for sample with 5% cement with 5% CW for 14, 28 and 60 days, are 0%, 7%, and 13%,
CW, and for other replacement ratios of cement by CW such as respectively. This phenomenon can be justified by pozzolanic reac-
14 days, the stiffness and strength are reduced. tions. CW as a pozzolanic material [16,19,29,30] does not have
Fig. 6 shows the unconfined compressive strength on the basis adhesion properties. These materials only play a role in strength
of the curing period for various CW replacement percentages for when there is sufficient amount of CH crystals in the alkaline envi-
the samples with 3% and 6% cement, respectively. As well, the ronment [38] as a result of the hydration reaction. As the quantity
effect of the mentioned factors on the indirect tensile strength is of CH crystals increases over a period of time, therefore, at higher
presented in Fig. 7. The analysis of the demonstrated graphs indi- curing periods, it provides more suitable conditions for the reac-
cates that for all samples, the increase of the curing period tion of the present SiO2, Fe2O3, and Al2O3 in CW, and leads to
enhances the compressive and indirect tensile strength. In other the production of CSH and CAH or CASH [38]. While, at lower cur-
words, the development of hydration reactions and the increase ing periods, there are not enough CH crystals in the sample to lead
M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848 5

Fig. 6. Unconfined compressive strength of sample with a) 3% cement, b) 6%


Fig. 5. Effect of cement and CW content on unconfined stress-strain behavior of

sand, a) at the age of 14 days, b) at the age of 28 days.
activation of the CW; thus, the presence of the optimum replace-
ment percentage for the sample containing 6% cement is more
to pozzolanic reactions, and since the sample strength in this age is probable. On the other hand, due to the low cement content in
dependent on CH crystals, the replacement of cement with CW the weight ratio of 3% (because of less amount of CW), the possibil-
reduces the amount of CaO in the sample and consequently ity of a homogeneous distribution of CW in the cement is not avail-
reduces the strength. In other words, the pozzolanic reactions are able. Also, the low amount of cement causes the strength to be
time-dependent ones and it can be expected that because of the highly dependent on CaO content. Consequently, the reaction
reduction of C3A and C4AF due to the replacement of cement with between the low quantity of CaO content and water does not pro-
CW, the needed time for stabilization (curing time) is increased. duce sufficient CH, and the possibility of appropriate reaction with
The same behavior, about the effect of the curing period on the the present silica and alumina in coal wastes is not provided. Thus,
compressive strength, due to the replacement of cement with due to the lack of suitable conditions for pozzolanic reactions as
CW, was reported by Naghipour et al. [39]; They reported that by well as the reduction of CaO content by increasing the CW content,
the replacement of cement with 5% CW (by cement weight ratio) it can be expected for the samples containing 3% cement that
at 7 days, the concrete strength decreased 15% and increased 1% replacing the CW in all weight ratios and curing periods reduces
at 28 days of the curing. the strength of the samples.
Comparison of the results of compressive strength and indirect The optimum weight ratio leads to maximum strength due to
tensile strength from the viewpoint of the cement weight ratio the replacement of cement with CW; therefore, it can be said that
indicates that for the sample containing 3% cement, replacing for samples containing 6% cement, the weight ratio of 5% CW is
cement with CW in all weight ratios and curing periods reduces optimal. However, for samples containing 3% cement, the weight
the strength. While, for samples with 6% cement, the strength is ratio of 10% CW is optimal (although it decreases the strength com-
increased owing to the weight ratio of 5% CW replacement at 28 pared to the CW-free samples, among other replacement ratios
and 60 days. According to pH test results, this behavior can be rea- with CW has the highest quantity of strength). According to the
sonable. Since the alkalinity of the environment with 6% cement is pH test, the optimum amount of cement replacement with CW
higher than the alkalinity of the environment with 3% cement, was expected. In the optimum percentage for the various cement
therefore, a more suitable environment is provided for the ratios, the lowest pH value was obtained, which is indicative of
6 M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848

Fig. 8. Ultrasonic pulse velocity tensile strength of sample with a) 3% cement, b) 6%

Fig. 7. Indirect tensile strength of sample with a) 3% cement, b) 6% cement. cement.

the maximum consumption of calcium owing to pozzolanic mate- replacing the cement with CW reduces the ultrasonic pulse
rials [40–43]. In fact, for the appropriate proportion of calcium to velocity. As an example, the addition of 10% CW decreased the
pozzolanic materials, the high resistance CSH, CAH, and CASH ultrasonic wave velocity by about 5%. The reason for this decrease
phases are produced, which increase the strength. SiO2, Fe2O3, in ultrasonic pulse velocity can be the low amount of cement mate-
and Al2O3 react with the CH—formed by the hydration process— rials and the lack of suitable alkaline conditions for CW-bearing
as a result, some materials are produced that have a higher specific pozzolanic reactions. For the samples containing 6% cement, the
area and greater van der Waals force, compared to the Ettringite addition of 5% CW at the ages of 28 and 60 days increases the ultra-
and CH which increases the strength. Naghipour et al. [39] sonic pulse velocity. The increasing amount of ultrasonic pulse
reported the similar value (5%) for the replacement ratio of cement velocity for the addition of 5% CW at 28 and 60 days are
with CW (similar to samples containing 6% cement) to achieve the 14.82 m/s and 10.28 m/s, respectively. While, for the other replace-
maximum compressive strength of the concrete. As well, Modares ment ratios of cement with CW and different curing periods, the
et al. [17] declared that the optimum replacement ratio to achieve addition of CW reduces the ultrasonic pulse velocity. The maxi-
the best behavior of roller concrete, is 5%; but in another mum reduction in ultrasonic pulse wave velocity for samples
investigation, Modarres et al. [19] pointed out that the optimum containing 6% cement is about 12%. The reason for the reduction
replacement amount of lime with CW for soil stabilization is equal of ultrasonic pulse wave velocity after the addition of CW (>5%)
to 9%. This increase in optimal percentage can be due to the lack of is the proportion of calcium to pozzolanic materials, which is also
active materials (silica, alumina, and iron) in lime compared to the shown in pH tests. This leads to the lack of formation of dense and
cement; therefore, more pozzolanic materials are needed to high-strength phases.
improve the behavior.
3.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
3.4. Ultrasonic pulse velocity
In order to evaluate the microstructure of samples, the SEM
The effect of the replacement ratio of cement with CW at differ- images of the samples containing 6% cement and different values
ent curing time on ultrasonic pulse velocity for samples with 3% of CW were taken at the 60 days. Fig. 9 shows the microstructure
and 6% cement is shown in Fig. 8. The analysis of Fig. 8 indicates images of the samples with 6% cement and the different replace-
that for samples containing 3% cement at all curing periods, ment ratios of cement with CW at the 60 days. Fig. 9 shows that
M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848 7

Fig. 9. SEM image: a) specimen without CW, b) specimen containing 5% CW, c) specimen containing 15% CW, d) specimen containing 20% CW.

the addition of 5% CW improves the microstructures compared to depends on various factors, including the type of utilized cement,
the CW-free samples. In the microstructure of a sample containing the type of used pozzolanic material, the ratio of water to cement,
5% CW, more cluster phases are observed compared to the other and the curing period [1]. The Ettringite crystals and CH crystals,
samples. For the samples containing 15% and 20% of CW, due to which are hexagonal and placed in the transition area between
the decrease in CaO content as well as the absence of an appropri- the cement paste and the sand grains are harmful to the strength
ate proportion of calcium to pozzolanic materials, non-condensing of the samples. The transition area is the flimsiest part of the
crystals of Ettringite and CH are observed abundantly. Also, samples. It causes the cemented soil to be raptured due to lower
Modarres et al. [19] conducted some X-ray diffraction tests on soils stresses than the grains’ strength and the cement paste. Due to
stabilized by lime and CW and indicated that CSH, CAH, and CASH the presence of aluminates and silicates, CW reacts with CH and
cluster phases are produced by pozzolanic reactions. The forms dense phases of CSH, CAH, and CASH; therefore, because of
mentioned phases show more strength and higher density than pozzolanic reactions, the quantity and the size of CH crystals
other crystals produced by hydration processes. On the other hand, decrease and also prevents the presence of water in the transition
the addition of CW improves the properties of the area between area. Finally, the created cluster phases by filling the cavities,
the cement paste and the sand grains. In the cement stabilized increase the density of the transition area and decrease the thick-
soils, the area between the cement paste and the surface of the ness of the mentioned area, while enhancing the durability,
sand grains plays an important role in permeability, durability, strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity of the samples.
and strength properties. The transition area has a different The effect of the replacement ratio of cement with CW on the
microstructure compared to the cement paste and possesses more process of attaining ultrasonic wave velocity for samples up to
porosity and more micro-fractures than it. In the transition area, 100 days is shown in Fig. 11. As it can be observed, replacing
CH crystals are plane in shape and are usually perpendicular to cement with CW at short curing periods reduces the ultrasonic
stone grains. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the stated notes, wave velocity. This can represent the dependence of pozzolanic
the SEM images of the transition area are shown in Fig. 10. In these reactions to time and replacement of CaO with active particles.
images, the smooth parts represent the sand grains that are By increasing the curing period and developing pozzolanic reac-
separated from the cement soil matrix. As can be seen, in the tran- tions, the wave velocity of samples with 5% of CW is higher than
sition area, there is an uncompressed structure with Ettringite CW-free samples velocity. On the other hand, Kutanaei et al. [1]
crystals and large crystals of CH, which are perpendicular to the reported that the addition of nanosilica to cement improves the
sand grains (transition area). The thickness of the transition area ultrasonic wave velocity and the strength in short curing periods
8 M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848

Fig. 10. SEM image of the transition zone.

Fig. 11. Effect of replacement ratio of cement with CW at different curing time on
ultrasonic pulse velocity.

(2 days). The reason for this difference in behavior can be related to

the very small dimensions of the nanosilica, which makes it highly
reactive and also provides some spots for hydration products. The
analysis of the process of velocity attainment specifies that during
the long curing periods, the increase dip of ultrasonic wave veloc-
ity for CW-containing samples is more than CW-free samples. The
maximum velocity was obtained for 5% of CW, which represents
the appropriate proportion of calcium to pozzolanic material and
the continuation of pozzolanic processes and strength achieve-
ment. Previous researchers [43,44,45] have presented that the
equation between the UCS, ITS, and ultrasonic pulse velocity,
which can be estimated by the following exponential function:

ITS or UCS ¼ A  V B ð3Þ

where UCS and ITS are the unconfined compressive strength and
indirect tensile strength, respectively; V is the ultrasonic pulse Fig. 12. Relationships between ultrasonic pulse velocity and a) indirect tensile
velocity (km/s), A and B are empirical constants. The relationships strength, b) unconfined compressive strength.
between the indirect tensile strength and the unconfined compres-
sive strength with the ultrasonic pulse velocity for all of the samples
are presented in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12, regression of the curve on the
data with the formula of the regressed curve and also Regression 4. Conclusions
Coefficient (R2) for all the samples are presented. The closer the
R2 to 1, the lesser the dispersion. Finally, it can be concluded that In this research, the influence of replacement of cement with
the ultrasonic pulse velocity has a strong relationship with the ITS CW on the behavior of cement stabilized sands was evaluated.
and UCS. According to the results, the following conclusions are obtained:
M. Taslimi Paein Afrakoti et al. / Construction and Building Materials 239 (2020) 117848 9

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