LXS Tires and Wheels Brochure
LXS Tires and Wheels Brochure
LXS Tires and Wheels Brochure
LANXESS Urethane Systems is a world leader in hot cast The tire and wheel industry requires high performance
prepolymers. Our specialized polyurethane systems know- materials due to stringent demands on the final application.
how, global production capability, decades of technical LANXESS has decades of experience in this market sector
experience and application expertise enable us to provide with strong technical competence including material
solutions tailored to meet our customers’ needs. characterization, wheel design expertise, analytical testing
and application performance testing.
Key Applications
Amusement park wheels
Leisure equipment wheels
Elevator wheels
Forklift wheels
Industrial truck caster wheels
All-terrain vehicles (ATV) wheels
Utility vehicles (UTV) wheels
Lawn mower wheels
Off Road
Mining, construction, military tires
2 Adiprene® & Vibrathane® Urethane Prepolymers for demanding Tire and Wheel applications.
Reliable, High Performance Products
Adiprene® and Vibrathane® urethane prepolymers are known
industry-wide for their high quality and performance on the job,
delivering outstanding abrasion resistance, toughness and
load-bearing capability. LANXESS Urethane Systems is on the
leading edge of urethane technology, expanding performance,
and extending part life in demanding mechanical applications
and in harsh chemical and thermal environments.
LANXESS offers a wide range of conventional, Low Free
(LF) isocyanate, and blocked technologies that enable high
performance and processing ease, which makes Adiprene®
and Vibrathane® urethane systems an excellent choice to
Leading R&D and Applications development replace steel, plastics, rubber, and other elastomers in high
Capability performance applications. Our deep know-how in blocked
LANXESS has extensive technical and analytical knowledge, systems and curing options enables processing in both
with special testing and modeling capabilities for specific tire factory and field settings.
and wheel applications.
Finite element analysis (FEA)
CAD modeling software
Closed solution calculations
Solid tire failure model (wheel model)
Dyno testing
Physical testing capability
Fatigue resistance analysis
Key Requirements
Strong bonding
Hysteresis resistance
Fatigue resistance
Wear resistance
Our technical experts can evaluate your high dynamic wheel
application and help you choose the best material for your
Adiprene® & Vibrathane® Urethane Prepolymers for demanding Tire and Wheel applications. 3
Forklift Wheels
Key Requirements For heavy loads, long runs and fast speeds, aggressive high
cut and tear applications, our technical experts can evaluate
Fatigue resistance
your end use application with our proprietary wheel model
Hysteresis resistance
which uses DMTA, fatigue and contact pressure data to
Wear resistance
predict performance and lifetime of a wheel.
Flat spot resistance
Cut and tear resistance With a large portfolio of best in class dynamic, fatigue,
abrasion resistance, and cut and tear resistant materials,
LANXESS has the tools to help you succeed.
4 Adiprene® & Vibrathane® Urethane Prepolymers for demanding Tire and Wheel applications.
Key Requirements
Differentiated wheel design
Fatigue resistance
Wear resistance
High load and speed capability
Cost versus performance
Cut and tear resistance
We can support your innovation with a large range of
materials providing a good balance between cost and
performance versus rubber material.
When improved performance is needed, LANXESS has a
wide portfolio to take your products to the next level.
Our experts can help you choose the best materials using
tools such as DMTA, fatigue testing, cut and tear testing, and
abrasion testing.
Key Requirements
Wheel design support (replacing rubber)
Wear resistance
Cost versus performance
Hysteresis resistance
Ride comfort
Puncture resistance
We can support your innovation with a large range of
materials providing a good balance between cost and
performance versus rubber material.
Adiprene® & Vibrathane® Urethane Prepolymers for demanding Tire and Wheel applications. 5
Innovation based on LANXESS’s proprietary “X”-structure Our experts at LANXESS have design and finite element
urethane tire. analysis (FEA) capabilities which can help take your
engineering team and end products to the next level.
Structured wheel combines all the benefits of solid
pneumatic tires with the higher abrasion resistance of We combine chemistry know-how with mechanical
polyurethanes and the increased cushioning of pneumatic expertise and understand how to translate that knowledge
tires to deliver longer lifetime and increased ride comfort into end use performance.
for harsh environment operations.
Rubber SolidPneumatic
Pneumatic Tire
Tire 700x12
700x12 RubberSolid
Rubber SolidPneumatic
Pneumatic Tire
Tire 700x12
Polyurethane X-Tire700x12
700x12 PolyurethaneX-Tire
Polyurethane X-Tire700x12
6 Adiprene® & Vibrathane® Urethane Prepolymers for demanding Tire and Wheel applications.
We support your innovation and help you to be successful through our application expertise
Adiprene® & Vibrathane® Urethane Prepolymers for demanding Tire and Wheel applications. 7
LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
Business Unit Urethane Systems This information and our technical advice – whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials – is subject to change
without notice and given in good faith but without warranty or guarantee, express or implied, and this also applies
Kennedyplatz 1 where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the
50569 Koln information currently provided - especially that contained in our safety data and technical information sheets - and to
test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing of
Germany our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and,
therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of our General
Tel: +44 161 875 3568 Conditions of Sale and Delivery. Edition 04/2018
©2017 LANXESS. Adiprene, Vibrathane, LANXESS and the LANXESS Logo are trademarks of LANXESS Deutschland
ure.lanxess.com GmbH or its affiliates. All trademarks are registered in many countries in the world.