The Influence of Marketing Public Relation and Ser
The Influence of Marketing Public Relation and Ser
The Influence of Marketing Public Relation and Ser
2 Oktober 2013
Vera Suciyati
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Communication in everyday life is very important because
communication is a way for a person to interact with others. With the existence
of a interwoven good communication will certainly generate good relationships,
therefore a company should have good communication with consumers to make
the good relationship and in harmony with consumer. Therefore it takes a
Public Relation in maintaining the stability of the good relationships with
consumers in order to create a harmonious relationship between companies
and consumers as well as the positive image of the company was staying awake.
In this case the communication is closely associated with the creation of
the corporate image, because through the communication, company can identify
things to note in the service to customers. In addition the communication
relationship between companies and need to be intermediaries by the public
relation which is can organize everything that should need create positive
corporate image through public opinion.
Can be describe here some definition of public relations that are pointed
out by a communication expert. Public Relations, defined by Jefkins (2004), is:
"All forms of communication that are planned, either inward or outward,
between an organization with all of the audiences in order to achieve the
specific goals based on mutual understanding."
PR is a management function that evaluates public behavior, identify the
organization's policies and procedures with the public interest, and implement
action programs (communications) to get an understanding and public
understanding (
Public relation (PR) is a typical management functions that support the
construction and maintenance of the joint line between organizations with the
public regarding its communication, understanding, acceptance and
cooperation, involving management problems and issues. It is asserted that
communication in PR activities is very important. Then help management to
give you information and responses in relation to public opinion. Two-way
communication means of the organization to the public and vice versa. Establish
and emphasize the responsibility of management in following and utilizing the
change effectively, act as an early warning system in helping precedes the
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over the elements of Economics, psychology, politics, and public relations skills
to elicit sympathy (cooperation) of the parties related to operating or entry into
a specific market. Then comes again the term Marketing Public Relations (MPR),
as the next stage of development of the previous concept (Mega Marketing) was
popularized by Harris in Ruslan (2008). The concept of marketing public
relations (MPR) is a process of planning and evaluating programs that stimulate
sales and visitors. This is done through a credible communication of information
and impressions which can connect the product with the requirements of the
company, as well as the attention of visitors.
Kotler and Mindak split five ways companies function in regulating the
marketing and public relations, that the structural relations of marketing and
public relations can be assembled from the traditional way, where both are
separate and not related at all, until both of them share a similar relationship
and mutual benefit. Both are able to recognize market segmentation and
capable of producing a different satisfaction. Every function need a boost over
the other, internal conflicts can be reduced and a positive message for
So the sense of marketing that there is here no longer cramped, but with
regard to expansion aspects of influence, informative, persuasive and educative,
both in terms of the expansion of the marketing, (makes a marketing) of a
product of goods and services being launched, as well as associated with
"expansion" a certain influence (makes an influence) of a force or institution
related to the image and identity of the company (corporate image and identity)
(Ruslan, 2007).
The concept is as follows: Marketing Public Relation is a process of
planning and evaluating programs that stimulate sales and customers. This is
done through the concept of assembly of Harris in 1991, one at the top is not
much different from the sense defined by Kotler, namely:
“Marketing Public Relation works because it adds value to product
through its unique ability to lend credibility to product message.”
Understanding the concept of the MPR in outline there are three tactics to
implement the program in achieving the goals, namely: First, public relation is
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the potential to have a pull strategy tactics. Second, power as disabled, the push
strategy in terms of marketing. Third, pass strategy as an attempt to influence
public opinion or creating a profitable.
Service company engaged in banking at present merrier, of course this
adds competition in getting the trust of consumers to choose services company.
The role of the company as well as the positive image of the company is
certainly capable of making consumers will take the service, of course with a
good quality of service and quality, of course with a good quality. Service quality
became very important for consumers because it would create comfort for
This is what makes Bank Mandiri is able to serve its customers with
excellent service. Of course with good service and good communication will
improve the company's image through public opinion.
Research done by Muhammad Fadli entitled "External Public Relation
and Corporate Image (correlation study on the influence of customer service of
the company's image among the bank's North Sumatra Branch Office Assistant
to Dr. Mansyur field street)". The methods used in this research is quantitative
approach with korelasional methods, i.e. methods that seek to examine the
extent to which variation in one variable is associated with a variety of other
variables. The purpose of this research is to know how the customer service of
company's image among customers. Based on the hypothesis test results is
performed using spearman rank correlation coefficient formula then there are
relationships influence customer service and client perceptions of improvement
of corporate image.
Subsequent studies examined by Felicia Sinar Sari entitled "Effect Of
Marketing Public Relation To The Creation Of Brand Image Via Gran Café". This
study uses judgment sampling method, in roommates researcher refer to direct
visitors who had been to Café Thrice Gran Via. Hypothesis stating Marketing
Public Relations has strong influence on the creation of Brand Image Café. The
method of analysis used the quantitative explanative, roommates Explains the
nature or characteristics of a phenomenon through quantitative results.
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Jurnal Etikonomi Vol. 12 No. 2 Oktober 2013
Jurnal Etikonomi Vol. 12 No. 2 Oktober 2013
conducted by Siti Khadijah External Public Relation, in this case is the media as a
tool to bridge the connection between public relation with communities,
customers, the Government, and also the mass media itself to form a public
opinion so that created the positive image of the company. Public relation is also
used to build and repair the company's image.
The calculation of earned value t calculate is 1,300 while t table with a
significance level of 0.05 based on/2 = 0.025 and degrees of freedom (df) with df
= n-3 or 60 – 3 = 57. With the conditions obtained numbers t table of 2,002. Then,
from the above results can be compared that value t calculate (1,300) <t table
(2,002). H 0 is accepted, so that Quality Service does not influence significantly to
Corporate Image. These results are in accordance with research conducted by
Nandan Limakrisna (2008) stating that there is no significant influence on the
service quality of the corporate image of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia in Bandung.
An indication of this is the existence of this other factor affecting the corporate
image in addition to the quality of service.
Calculation of t calculate value obtained is 4,596 while t table with a
significance level of 0.05 based on/2 = 0.025 and degrees of freedom (df) with df
= n-3 or 60 – 3 = 57. With the conditions obtained numbers t table of 2,002. Then,
from the above results can be compared to that value (4,596) t calculate >t table
(2,002), with a value of 0.000 < 0.05 H 0 is rejected, so, Public Opinion affects
significantly to Corporate Image. These results are in accordance with the
community's opinion about the theory of an organization largely determined
how the Organization's image in the eyes of society according to Kasali (2000),
the image is an impression or perception that arise due to the understanding of
a phenomenon or a specific condition.
According to Nimmo (2006), the image is always changing with the
changing experience. The image can replace chaos with order. Then in this case
was clear that Public Opinion is a significant influence on the company's image.
From the results of the analysis show that variable partial testing Marketing
Public Relations, Public opinion influence significantly to Corporate Image.
While the variable Service Quality does not influence significantly to Corporate
Path analysis results shows, that the variables marketing public relation
and service quality simultaneously effect to the variables public opinion of the
corporate image. The Structure of this research presents results of value of the
coefficient (R) that is equal to 0,375 or 37,5% which indicates that the variable
marketing public relation has good relations to the variable public opinion. The
research result of structure II gets the value of the coefficient (R) 74,3% that
means the variables marketing public relation and service quality has a very
strong relationship to the variable public opinion.
Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers
and build strong relationships with customers in order to capture value from
customers in return. The goal of marketing is to make a sale is not needed
anymore. Sales and advertising is only part of the marketing mix a larger set of
marketing tools that work together to satisfy the needs of customers and
creating relationships with customers.
According to Kotler Keller in Drucker (2009), The aim of marketing is to
make selling superfluous and to know, understand the customer so well that the
product or service fits him and sell it self. Ideally, marketing should result in a
customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make the
product or service available.
Marketing becomes the important thing for a company that will sell
goods to consumers in the market since before starting to market goods and
services usually companies will conduct research on the behavior of their
consumers about goods that will be sold in the market and marketing also
became important to consumers because of consumer marketing will know
more about the product to be bought and traded. In this case the relation is the
product servicing.
According to Iriantara (2007), public relation as the communication
process as well as activities that run the organization. As the process of
communication, public relation is an organized activity and aim so that it could
be distinguished by communication activities conducted for granted and do not
have a clear purpose. Whereas, public relation activities as an aims to help the
public understand the organization and product organizations. Based on some
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Jurnal Etikonomi Vol. 12 No. 2 Oktober 2013
Personal opinion that this opinion is the foundation for personal opinion as it is
an integral part of a personal opinion. Third, Group’s opinion , the opinions are
divided into group a majority and minority opinion. The Group's opinion is very
close to the public opinion. Fourth, Opinion of the coalition that this opinion is a
minority opinion groups merge and become the majority opinion. Fifth, this
opinion is forming opinion through a process of negotiation to reach a mutual
agreement and are the opinion of the majority opinion was formed by mutual
agreement. Sixth, public opinion which forms the opinion that the general
opinion is rooted in values that developed and applies in the community or a
specific group based on their customs, habits, culture and norms embraced the
community in question.
This research have implication for Bank Mandiri’s marketing activities
specifically in the communication with media. The variables marketing public
relation and service quality have a value of 14% to public opinion, which means
that the variables marketing public relation and service quality only influence
the variable public opinion with the value of 14%, and 86% come from other
factors that are not describe in this research.Therefore,the variables marketing
public relation and service quality have a good influence the variable public
opinion of Bank Mandiri.
This research result also shows, that the variables marketing public
relation and service quality contribute a value of 23,5% to corporate image,
whereas the variable public opinion contributes a value of 53% to corporate
image has a stronger influence on the corporate image than the variables
marketing public relation and service quality.
This research also implies that the variables marketing public relation,
service quality, and public opinion are not only the factors , which influence the
variable corporate image, many more factors , which are not subject of this
research influence the corporate image. From this result, the variables
marketing public relation and service quality are creating the corporate image,
but through the public opinion, the corporate image could be improved.
According to Kotler (2007) that the service has four main characteristics
that distinguishes it from an item: First, Intangibility. The service is an Act,
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and can be Measured. The difference in terms of quality Reflects the difference
in the amount of some element or attribute that belongs to the product. The
more attributes that belong to a product or brand, the quality of these products.
Third, User-based approach. This perspective is based on the idea that
quality depended on the person who found this, so most products satisfy the
preference of a person (maximum satisfaction) is a product of the highest
quality. The subjective nature of this perspective which States that every
customer has the needs and wants of each different from each other, so that the
quality of a person is equal to the maximum the satisfaction he feels.
Fourth, Manufacturing-based approach. This perspective is both supply-
based and focus more on an engineering practices and manufacturing, as well as
defining as the compliance or compatibility with the requirements
(conformance to requirements). In the context of business services, quality
based on perspective this operation tends to be driven. The draft like this hit
production specifications and adjustment operations are organized internally,
which is often fueled by the desire to improve productivity and cost. So
determining the quality standards that are established companies, not
consumers who buy products/services.
Fifth, Value based approach. This perspective looks at the quality of this
aspect of value and price. Taking into account trade-of between performance
and price, the quality of our affordable excellence is defined as the level of the
best performance or value for money paid. In this perspective quality is relative,
so a product that has the highest quality product is not necessarily the most
valuable. But the most valuable goods/services is the most appropriate
According to Tjiptono (2008), there are five dimensions that are
arranged according to the level of double or twin bedded its relative importance
as follows: First, Reliability, related to the company's ability to deliver the
promised services accurately since it first. For example, a company may select
consultants solely based on reputation. If the consultant is able to deliver what
the client wants, the client will be satisfied and paid the fee consultation. Second,
Responsiveness, with regard to the willingness of the willingness and ability to
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assist the provision of the services, subscriber and respond to their requests
immediately. Third, Guarantee, with regard to knowledge and politeness of
employees as well as their ability to foster a sense of trust and confidence of
customers. Fourth, Empathy, companies understand the problems its customers
are acting in the interest of the customer, as well as provide personal attention
to our customers and have convenient hours of operation. Fifth, Physical
evidence, with regard to the physical quality of service, equipment/supplies
company, human resources and corporate communications material.
Path analysis results shows, that the variables marketing public relation
and service quality simultaneously effect to the variables public opinion of the
corporate image. The Structure of this research presents results of value of the
coefficient (R) that is equal to 0,375 or 37,5% which indicates that the variable
marketing public relation has good relations to the variable public opinion. The
research result of structure II gets the value of the coefficient (R) 74,3% that
means the variables marketing public relation and service quality has a very
strong relationship to the variable public opinion.
Simultaneous test (F-test) had shown that in the structure I suggest that,
the variables marketing public relation and service quality simultaneously
influence significantly to public opinion. Evidenced by the value F calculate
(23,067) > F table (2,769) and sig 0,013 < 0.05 H 0 is rejected and H 1 accepted,
whereas the test results F structure II indicates that the variables marketing
public relation, service quality, and public opinion simultaneously affect
significantly the variable corporate image.
Partial test (t-test) results showed that on the structure I, the variable
marketing public relation has no significant effect on the public opinion, with
the value of 0,128 > 0,05. The variable service quality has a significant effect on
the public opinion, with the significance value of 0,04 < 0,05. The result of the
structure II, the variables marketing public relation and public opinion has a
significant effect to the corporate image, with the significance value of 0,000 <
0,05. The variable service quality has no significant effect to the variable
corporate image, with the significance value of 0,199 > 0,05.
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