1702115835S.3 Chem Sesemat Eoy 2023
1702115835S.3 Chem Sesemat Eoy 2023
1702115835S.3 Chem Sesemat Eoy 2023
Qn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Maximum Marks 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40
Actual Marks
Qn. 9 10 11 12 13 Total
Maximum Marks 10 10 10 10 10 20
Actual Marks
3. Iron is a commonly used metal. Give the properties of iron which make it
suitable for use as
4. Some ‘fur’ was found on the bottom of kettle surrounding the heater system.
(a)Briefly describe how the fur was formed on the bottom of the kettle.
(b)State the effect of the ‘fur’ in the kettle. (01mk)
b) Describe the structure of that allotrope you have identified in (a) (2mks)
c) Explain why that allotrope is used as a material in making of the dry cells.
6. Study the crossword puzzle and fill in one relevant terms related to
structure and bonding. (05mks)
7. (a) State the values of standard temperatures and pressure conditions used
by chemists. (02mks)
b) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide that would be produced at s.t.p when
10g of calcium carbonate is heated. ( Ca = 40, C = 12, O = 16, 1 mole of gas
occupies 22.4 litres at s.t.p) (03mks)
b) Explain why the soap molecules behave in the way you have described in (a)
above. (03mks)
(a) Draw the apparatus that can be used to determine the formula of
copper iodide. (1mk)
(b) Explain why the iodine crystals are not heated directly. (1mk)
(c) Suggest why the procedure is carried out in a fume cup board. (1mk)
(d) Calculate the mass of iodine that reacted. (01mk)
(e) Calculate the mass of copper that reacted. (01mk)
(f) Calculate the empirical formula of the copper iodide formed. (04mks)
( Cu = 64, I = 127)
10. Many areas in Kyaka and Bundibugyo are made of rocks. Communities
believe that rocks are associated with special powers and often perform
rituals on rocks.
(a) State the components of rocks. (02mks)
(b) What is a rock? (03mks)
(c) How are rocks formed? (03mks)
(d) Briefly describe how rocks are important to your community. (03mks)
11. A company that produces fertilisers for use in agriculture investigated how
fast metals can react with water to generate hydrogen gas as one of the
starting materials for ammonia production. They placed six metals M, T,
N, U, B and C, each metal in a conical flask containing 200cm3 of water
and measured the volume of hydrogen gas produced after two minutes as
shown in the figure below;
12. (a) Domestically most of us use carbon compounds such as wood, charcoal,
biogas and petroleum products as fuels. Research shows that continued use
of these fuels has greatly affected our environment from which they are
obtained. Explain any three ways how we can sustainably use these fuels.
(i) Identify the class and write the general molecular formular of the organic
compounds to which methane belongs. (02marks)
(ii)Name and write the structural formular of the next member of the
organic family after methane. (02marks)
c) A house wife who had used a lit charcoal stove for cooking on her small
closed room was the following day found dead in that room. Using your
knowledge about combustion, explain what could have led to her death.
13. Plants absorb mineral elements from the soil in solution with water
however these elements exist in the soil as compounds or non-charged
atoms. Rain water also dissolve some of these elements to form dilute
acids that also react with the mineral compound to release these metallic
ions and radicals that plants need for proper growth.
(a) Using free metals such as Magnesium, Zinc and Calcium write word
equations to show how they react with dilute hydrochloric acid. (03mks)
(b) Using oxides of the metals in (a) above, write word equations to show how
they react with dilute hydrochloric acid. (03 mks)
(c) Describe one chemical reaction that can be used to remove soil acidity.