رياضيات 8 طب حياتي ثاني

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The Delinition Laplace Transforms

You know, it's always a liftle scary when we devote a whole sectionjust to the definition of
something. Laplace transforms (orjust transforms) can seem scary when we first start looking at
them. However, as we will see, they aren't as bad as they may appear at first.

Before we start with the definition ofthe Laplace transform we need to get another definition out
ofthe way.

A function is called piecewise contitruous on an interval ifthe interval can be broken into a finite
number ofsubintervals on which the function is continuous on each open subinterval (ie. the
subinterval without its endpoints) and has a finite limit at the endpoints ofeach subinterval.
Below is a sketch ofa piecewise continuous function.

In other words, a piecewise continuous function is a function that has a finite number of breaks in
it and doesn't blow up to infinity anywhere.

Now, let's take a look at the definition ofthe Laplace transform.

Suppose thatlr/ is a piecewise continuous function. The Laplace transform off(r) is
aenoted 4{/(r)} and defined as

L\f (t)\ = l" e-",7(t\* (1)

There is an altemate notation for Laplace transforms. For the sake ofconvenience we will olien
denote Laplace transforms as,
With this alternate notation, note that the transform is really a function ofa new variable, s, and
that all the /'s will drop out in the integration process.

Now. the integral in the definition ofthe transform is called an imorooer intesral and it would
probably be best to recall how these kinds of integrals work before we actually jump into
computing some transforms.
66 02

Example I If c * 0, evaluate the following integral.

Remember that you need to convert improper integrals to limits as follows,

l" e"' dt =lim['e"' dt

Now, do the integtal, then evaluate the lirnit.

= e dt
Jic'ar 1,gJ,
lim -e
c ),
= lim e
c a'

Now, at this point, we,ve got to be careful. Thevalueofcwill affect our answer. we've already
assumed that c was non-zero, now we need to worry about the sign of c. If c is positive the
exponential will go to infinity. On the other hand, ifc is negative the exponential will goto zero'

So, the integral is only convergent (i.e. the limit exists and is finite) provided c<0. In this case
we get,
i e't dt = -1c provided c < 0

Now that we remember how to do these, let's compute some Laplace transforms. We'll start off
with probably the simplest Laplace transform to compute.

Example 2 Computef {1}

There's not really a whole lot do here other than plug th e functionf(t) = I into (I)

L{t\ = [" e-'' dt

Now, at this point notice that this is nothing more than the integral in the previous example with
c = -s. Therefore, all we need to do is reuse (2) with the appropriate substitution. Doing

L{\-! 0-S
u ", 6r: _J_ provided -s <0

Or, with some simplification we have,

1{r}:1s provided s > 0


Notice that we had to put a restriction on s in order to actually compute the transform. All
Laplace transforms will have restrictions on s. At this stage ofthe game, this restriction is
something that we tend to ignore, but we really shouldn't ever forget that it's there.

Let's do another example.

( ot\
Example 3 Compute .C
ie i

Plug the function into the definition ofthe transform and do a little simplification.

a{e",} = J-e-,,""t dt - I'eta-')t dt

Once again, notice that we can use (2) provided c = a - s. So let's do this.

L {v'}=i,
provided s > a
Let's do one more example that doesn't come down to an application of(2).

Example 4 Compute f {sin (ar)}


Note that we're going to leave it to you to check most ofthe integration here. Plug the function
into the definition. This time let's also use the alternate notation.
r{sin(ar)} = r'(s)
=1, " sin(at)dt
Now, if we integrate by parts we will arrive at,

e-'' cos(at)dt

Now, evaluate the first term to simplit/ it a little and integrate by parts again on the integral
Doing this arrives at,

. t,l : m (,,) d,))

(, - e-,. cos (a,,)) -
][(],-",,,,,,,)l' - ;rr',,t,
Now. evaluate the second term take the limit and si I
,Ir!r!rus, LYgsuvlr

?0 04 I

ot,l = t'*[](, -e-'' cos(an)) ",rt,lr,))

\ .} a []o..,i,{,,;*il, "
I .t

aa (;J;'"' sin(at)dt
1 s
) e-'' sin(at)dt
aa J0

Now, notice that in the limits we had to assume that s>0 in order to do the following two limits.
lime-"' cos(an ) = 0

lim e-"' sin (an ) = 0

Without this assumption, we get a divergent integral again. Also, note that when we got back to
the integral we just conveted the upper limit back to infinif . The reason for this is that, if you
think about it, this integral is nothing more than the integral that we started with. Therefore, we
now get,
r(r) aa r(') 2

Now, simply solve for F(s/ to get,

a{sin(ar)} = F(s)=?+7 provided s > 0

As this example shows, computing Laplace transforms is often messy.

Before moving on to the next section, we need to do a little side note. On occasion you will see
the following as the definition ofthe Laplace transform.


Note the change in the lower limit from zero to negative infinity. ln these cases there is aln.rost
always the assumption that the finction f(t) is in fact defined as follows,
0 ifr<0
r0- t (t) if / > 0

In other words, it is assumed that the function is zero if l<0. In this case the first halfofthe
integral will drop out since the function is zero and we wilI get back to the definition given in (l)
A H-eaviside furrction is usually used to make the function zero for /<0. We will be looking at
these in a later section.



Laplace Transforms
As we saw in the last section computing Laplace transfoms directly can be fairly complicated.
Usually wejust use a table of trausforms when actually computing Laplace transforms. The table
that is provided here is not an inclusive table, but does include most ofthe commonly used
Laplace transforms and most ofthe commonly needed formulas pertaining to Laplace transforms.

Before doing a couple of examples to illustrate the use ofthe table let's get a quick fact out ofthe

Given.fft.1 and glr) then,
L {af (t) + bg {r)} - a r (s) + a c(s)
for any constants a and D

ln other words, we don't worD, about constants and we don't worry about sums or differences of
functions in taking Laplace transforms. All that we need to do is take the transform ofthe
individual functions, then put any constants back in and add or subtract the results back up.

So, let's do a couple of quick examples.

Example I Find the Laplace transfoms of the given functions

(al /(l)=6e " +e" +5/t -9 lst,lurionl

tr) c(1) =4cos(4r)-9sin(+r)+zcos(to/) rSotutionl

c) ft0) = 3sinh(21) + 3sin (2r) lsotutionl
(d) s(r) = et' + cos (6r) - et' cos (61) tsobtioll

Okay, there's not really a whole lot to do here other than go to the 14h!g, transform the individual
functions up, put any constants back in and then add or subtract the results.

We'll do these examples in a little more detail than is typically used since this is the first time
we're using the tables.

(a) /(r) - 6e-j' + e'' + 5r' - 9

F (s)=o-1
s-(-5) s-3
sr+r s
6 | ---f,
- -----= 'f ----='r
s+) s-J .s - - .s

lReturn t0 Problemsl
7'" 06
1n) g (r) = acos ( 4t) -9 sin (4t) + 2cos (t or)

4s 36 -L- 2s
s2+15 .s2+16 s2+100
IReturn to Problems]

1c1 ft (r) = 3 sinh (2r) + 3 sin (2t)

u (sl=3-j . *z ]
,'-(2)' s' + (z)' .

- s'-4 ' .it +4
IReturn to Problems]

1a) g (r) = e3' + cos(6r)-e'' cos(6r)

G ( s)
1s s-3
s_r s. +(6) ( ,l -:)'+(6)'
1 s s-3

Make sure that you pay attention to the difference between a "normal" trig function and
hyperbolic functions. The only difference between them is the "+ a"' for the "normal" trig
functions becomes a '1 a"' in the hyperbolic function! It's very easy to get in a hurry and not pay
attention and grab the wrong formula. Ifyou don't recall the definition ofthe hyperbolic
functions see the notes for the table.

Let's do one final set of examples

Example 2 Find the transform of each of the following functions

(a),ft)=rcosh(3,) tsolutionl
@) ft(r)= r'?sin(2r) [sotutlon]
(c) g(r) =1i tsobliorl

(d) /(r)= (10r), rsotuia4l

1e1 f (t)= tg' (t) tselutionl

(a) /(/) = rcosh (3r)

This function is not in the table of Laplace transforms. However we can use flQ in the table to
colr its transform. This will corre to #30 if we take r:1
r(s)= r{rg(r)} = -c'('), where g(r) = cos6(31)

So, we then have,

.sr +9
c'(,) l
(r' - e)
Using #30 we then have.
r(") l
( -9 )
IRetum to Problenrs]
6; fi(r)=r']sin(2r)
This part will also use 4l! in the table. In fact we could use #30 in one of two ways. We could
use itwith r=1.
H (s) = Llf (t)\ = -r'(,), where/ (r) = r 51n (21)

Or we could use it with n =2 .

n (s)= r,\t y (t)) =.'(,), where/(r) = sin(21)

Since it's less work to do one derivative, let's do it the first way. So using #9 we have,

\ / -4s -;
r1s)=; F'(s)=-.!?{:.!!
_ \_,,
(s, + +). (s, + +),
The transform is then,
l2s2 -16
(s' + +)'
IReturn to Problems]
(c) g(r)=1i

This part can be done using either f!

(with n = 2) or #32 (along with #5). We will use #32 so
we can see an example of this. In order to use #32 we'll need to notice that

Jo 3 = ,+ =1l,Jia,
Now, using #5,

/rt-rr/)=..[ r(')=14
we get the following.

J G 3J;
2 2s t )H ;;t
This is what we would have gotten had we used #6.
ur^r!rvrrLrsr LYus.rwr.r

7q 08

(d) /(/)=(10,)i
For this part we will use #24 along with the answer from the previous part. To see this note that
/ (r) = s(r01)

Therefore. the transforrr is.

I s
r(r) G
l0 l0


IReturn to Problems]

1e1 .f(t)--tg'(r)
This final part will again use 4f! from the table as well as {fl.
=-f {,ot,)-rto)}
= -(c(s)+.rc'(s)-o)
= -{;(s)-.rG'(.i)
Remernber that g(0) is just a constant so when we differentiate it we will get zero!

As this set ofexamples has shown us we can't forget to use some ofthe general formulas in the
1Abl9 to derive new Laplace transforms for functions that aren't explicitly listed in the table!
erri!r !urror !9uarrvrrJ


I nv er s e Lapl ac e Tr ansforms J5
Finding the Laplace transform ofa function is not terribly difficult if we've got a table of
transforms in front ofus to use as we saw in the last section. What we would like to do now is go
the other way.

We are going to be given a transform, Ffsl, and ask what function (or functions) did we have
originally. As you will see this can be a more complicated and lengthy process than taking
transforms. [n these cases we say that we are finding the Inverse Laplace Transform of-F(s)
and use the following notation.

.l (i)= L '{r(,)}
As with Laplace transforms, we've got the following fact to help us take the inverse transform.

Given the trvo Laplace transfoms Fh) and G(s) then
L-l laF(i)+bG(s)\ = aL {r(')}+br-r {G(s)}
for any constants a and D.

So, we take the inverse transform ofthe individual transforms, put any constants back in and then
add or subtract the results back up.

Let's take a look at a couple offairly simple inverse transforms

Example I Find the inverse transform of each ofthe following.

(a) I614 +-
-- (s) =
- lsolurion'l
s .t -6 .s-J
1ny H(s)=
l9:-=!-+ tsorurionj
s+z Js-) s'
(c)r'(s) =#".# lSoluliml

(d) G(,)=t+,, .* tsalutle'rl

l've always felt that the key to doing inverse transforms is to look at the denominator and try to
identif, what you've got based on that. Ifthere is only one entry in the table that has that
particular denominator, the next step is to make sure the numerator is correctly set up for the
inverse transfom process. If it isn't, correct it (this is always easy to do) and then take the
inverse transform.

Ifthere is more than one entry in the table that has a particular denominator, then the numerators
ofeach will be different, so go up to the numerator and see which one you've got. Ifyou need to
correct the numerator to get it into the correat form and then take the inverse transform.

So, uith this advice in mind let's see ifrve can take some inverse transfonns
(a) r
s s-8 .s-3

From the denominator ofthe first term it looks like the first term is just a constant. The correct
numerator for this term is a "1" so we'lljust laclor the 6 out before taking the inverse transform
The second term appears to be an exponential with a = 8 and the numerator is exactly what it
needsto be. The third term also appears to be an exponential, only this time a = 3 and we'll
need to factor the 4 out before taking the inverse transforms.

So, with a little more detail than we'll usually put into these,

Fls)=6!- 1 *+
s s-8 s-3

./(r)= o1t)-"" *0,.",

lReturn to Problenrs]

(r) H(s) 19 1 7
s+2 3-s-5's5

The first term in this case looks like an exponential with a = -2 and we'll need to factor out the
19. Be careful with negative signs in these problems, it'sveryeasyto losetrack of them.

The second tem almost

Iooks like an exponential, except that it's got a 3,1 instead ofjust an .r in
the denominator. It is an exponential, but in this case we'll
need to factor a 3 out ofthe
denominator before taking the inverse transform.

The denominator ofthe third term appears to be fl in the table with n = 4 . The numerator
however, is not correct for this. There is currently a 7 in the numerator and we need a 4! : 24 in
the numerator. This is very easy to fix. Whenever a numerator is off by a multiplicative
constant, as in this case, all we need to do is put the constant that we need in the numerator. We
willjust need to remember to take it back out by dividing by the same constant.

So, let's first rewrite the transform.


a(r) _19_1
f, -l;i
.'- (-2) : (" -
i) s

I 11 741
,-(-2) 3 r-i 4tF
So, what did we do here? We factored the l9 out of the fi$t term. We factored the 3 out of the
denominator ofthe second term since it can't be there for the inverse transform and in the third
term we factored everything out ofthe numerator except the 4! since that is the portion that we
need in the numerator for the inverse transform process.

Let's now take the inverse transfom.

hlt\=19e '' -l * ,o
Retum to Problems
11 2a
6s 3
(c) r(s) '
s2 +25 ,s2 +25

In this part we've got the same denominator in both terms and our table tells us that we've either
got #7 or #8. The numerators will tell us which we've actually got. The first one has an s in the
numerator and so this means that the first term must be #8 and we'll need to lactor the 6 out of
the numerator in this case. The second tem has only a constant in the numerator and so this term
must be #7, however, in order for this to be exactly #7 we'll need to multiply/divide a 5 in the
numerator to get it correct for the table.

The transform becomes,

t 5
=*]5 s' + (5)'.
Taking the inverse transform gives,

/ (r) = 6cos(sr) +1rin (sr)

Retrlrn o Proble;rrs

(a) c(s) :--t-

3sr + 12
' s) -49
In this case the first term will be a sine once we factor a 3 out ofthe denominator, while the
second term appears to be a hyperbolic sine (# I 7). Again, be careful with the difference between
these two. Both ofthe terms will also need to have their numerators fixed up. Here is the
transform once we're done rewriting it.

c(,) :---t-18 3

-*1 (4X2)
+Pf -; 3;
Notice that in the first term we took advantage ofthe fact that we could get the 2 in the numerator
that we needed by factoring the 8. The inverse transform is then,

:sinh (7r)
g (r) = -sin (2) +

Return to Problems

So, probably the best way to identifi, the transfom is by looking at the denominator. If there is
more than one possibility use the numerator to identifu the conect one. Fix up the numerator if
needed to get it into the form needed for the inverse transfom process. Finally, take the inverse
d 1_2
Let's do some slightly harder problems. These are a little more involved than the first
2 set.

Example 2 Find the inverse transform of each of the following.

. 6r-5
{a) f (s)=-ij tsotutionl

1- 3s
(n) r'(s)= ISolution]
s2 +8s+21
t.t c(r)= tslblia!1
2s2 - 6s -2
(a) a(.,)= ISolution]

t'l r(r)=H
From the denominator ofthis one it appears that it is either a sine or a cosine. However, the
numerator doesn't match up to either ofthese in the table. A cosine wantsjust an.r in the
numerator with at most a multiplicative constant, while a sine wants only a constant and no s in
the numerator.

We've got both in the numerator. This is easy to fix however. We willjust split up the transform
into two terms and then do inverse transforms.
'6'=- s'+/
7 (r ) = e cos(..fz
) -f 'r,
(..lz ;

Do not get too used to always getting the perfect squares in sines and cosines that we saw in the
first set ofexamples. More often than not (at least in my class) they won't be perfect squares!
IRetum to Problems]

In this case there are no denominators in our table that look like this. We can however make the
denominator look like one ofthe denominators in the table by completing the square on the
denominator. So, let's do that first.
.s2 +8s+21 = s2 +8s+16-16+ 21


Recall that in completing the square you take halfthe coefficient ofthe s, square this, and then
add and subtract the result to the polynomial. After doing this the first three terms should factor

l3 22
So, the transform can be written as the following.

Okay, with this rewrite it looks like we've got #19 and/or #20's from our table oftransforms.
However, note that in order for it to be a # 19 we want just a constant in the numerator and in
order to be a #20 we need an s - a in the numerator. We've got neither ofthese so we'll have to
correct the numerator to get it into proper form.

ln correcting the numerator always get the s a first. This is the important part. We will also
need to be careful ofthe 3 that sits in front ofthe s. One way to take care ofthis is to break the
term into two pieces, factor the 3 out ofthe second and then fix up the numerator ofthis term.
This will work, however it will put three tems into our answer and there are really only two

So, we will leave the transform as a single term and correct it as follows,

-3(s + a) +13
( r+4 ) +5

We needed an s + I in the numerator, so we put that in. We just needed to make sure and take
the 4 back out by subtracting it back out. Also. because ofthe 3 multiplying the s we needed to
do all this inside a set ofparenthesis. Then we partially multiplied the 3 through the second term
and combined the constants. With the transform in this form, we can break it up into two
transforms each of which are in the tables and so we can do inverse transforms on them.

r(s)=-: s+4
1 3
(^r + 4)'] + s ( r'+4 ) +5
13 -'' sm(.,fsr)
f (t) = -3e1' "o' (.fsr) * t= e
IReturn to Problems]

1c; C(s)
1-S -OS-l

This one is similar to the last one. We just need to be careful with the completing the square
however. The first thing that we should do is factor a 2 out ofthe denominator, then complete the
square, Remember that when completing the square a coefficient of I on the s2 term is neededl
So. here's the work for this transform.
p0 t4
2 ( s'-3,r-1
1 3s-2
2 s'z-3s+l-l-1
1 3s-2
2 (,-l)'-f
So, it looks like we've gotflf and#22 with a corrected numerator. Here's the work for that and
the inverse transform.

c(,) _ t
2 (,- j)'-?
2 (,-1)'-?

:(r-j) .
2 Jrr
=1 + ---;-

2 (,-l)'-f; ('-l)'-*.1 |

3eT cosh
t,' l*-L"+,,"ni@,ll
J Jr: t. 2 ))
In correcting the numerator ofthe second term, notice that I only put in the square root since we
already had the "over 2" part ofthe fraction that we needed in the numerator.
lReturn to Problems]

This one appears to be similar to the previous two, but it actually isn't. The denominators in the
previous two couldn't be easily factored. In this case the denominator does factor and so we need
to deal with it differently. Here is the transform with the factored denominator.
s +7
The denominator ofthis transform seems to suggest that we've got a couple ofexponentials,
however in order to be exponentials there can only be a single term in the denominator and no s's
in the numerator.

To fix this we will need to do partial fractions on this transform. In this case the partial fraction
decomposition will be

Hl sl=-+-
s+2 -s-5

Don't remember how to do partial fiactions? In this example we'll show vou one way of getting
vrrr!lwrrrur !\tu(rrvrrJ

the values ofthe constants and after this example we'll review how to get the correct form ofthe
partial fraction decomposition.

Okay, so let's get the constants. There is a method for finding the constants that will always
work, however it can lead to more work than is sometimes required. Eventually, we will need
that method, however in this case there is an easier way to find the constants.

Regardless ofthe method used, the first step is to actually add the two terms back up. This gives
the following.
s+7 _ l(s-s)+ B(s + 2)
(s+z)(s-s) (s+z)(s-s)
Now, this needs to be true for any s that we should choose to put in. So, since the denominators
are the same we just need to get the numerators equal. Therefore, set the numerators equal.
Again, this must be true for ANY value ofs that we want to put in. So, let's take advantage of
that. If it must be true for any value ofs then it must be true for s : -2 , to pick a value at
random. In this case we get,
s - r(-7)+B(0) - A=-- 7

We found,4 by appropriately picking s. We can B in the same way if we chose s = 5

12: A(o)+ B(7) = s =12


This will not always work, but when it does it will usually simplifu the work considerably

So, with these constants the transfom becomes,

s+2 .s-5

We can now easily do the inverse transform to get,

h! 71= -5 *l2 ..s'


The last part ofthis example needed partial fractions to get the inverse transform. When we
finally get back to differential equations and we start using Laplace transforms to solve them, you
will quickly come to understand that partial fractions are a fact of life in these problems. Almost
every problem will require partial fractions to one degree or another.

Note that we could have done the last part ofthis example as we had done the previous two parts.
If we had we would have gotten hyperbolic functions. However, recalling the defi n ition ofthe
hyperbolic functions we could have written the result in the form we got from the way we worked
our problem. However, most students have a befter feel for exponentials than they do for
hyperbolic functions and so it's usually best to just use partial fractions and get the answer in
loL 16
terms of exponentials. It may be a little more work, but it will give a nicer (and easier to work
with) form of the answer.

Be wamed that in my class I've got a rule that ifthe denominator can be factored with integer
coefficients then it must be.

So, let's remind you how to get the correct partial fraction decomposition. The first step is to
factor the denominator as much as possible. Then for each term in the denominator we will use
the following table to get a term or tems for our partial fraction decomposition.

Factor in Tem in partial

denominator fraction decomposition
At A)
(ar +b)o
**bt @*;f *"'* Ak

ar2 +bx+c
ax2 +bx+c
A,x + B, Arx + B, Aox + Bo
+ +
(ax'+bx+c) or\ b, * r- ax'+bx+c ) ( ox2 +bx+c )

Notice that the first and third cases are really special cases ofthe second and fourth cases

So, let's do a couple more examples to remind you how to do parlial fractions.

Example 3 Find the inverse transform ofeach ofthe following

86s - 78
(a) G(s) = -:____________:_ Solution
@) r(s)= ISolulion]
(c) c(s)= ISr-r]utionl
s' ( .s- +4.r+5 )


Here's the partial fiaction decomposition for this part.

.s+3 s-4 5.s-l

Now, this time we won't go into quite the detail as we did in the last example. We are afterthe
numerator ofthe partial fraction decomposition and this is usually easy enough to do in our
heads. Therefore. we will go straight to setting numerators equal.
86.r - 78 = I (s - +)(ss - t) + a(.s + 3)(ss -1) + c(s + 3)(s - 4)

As with the last example, we can easily get the constants by correctly picking values ofs
s=-3 -336 = A(-7)(-16\

5 +=.(f)( ?)
s--4 266 = B (7)(1e)

So, the partial fraction decompositio:,rl5lr?:,

, s+3 s-4 5s-1

Now, in order to actually take the inverse transform we will need to factor a 5 out ofthe
denominator of the last term. The corrected transform as well as its inverse transform is.
.r+3 s-4 s-+
s(r) = -:e'' +2ea' +e!
IRcrurn to Problcms]

(r) r(s)=

So, for the first time we've got a quadratic in the denominator. Here's the decomposition for this

F l{l=-+-A Bs+C
s-6 .s'+ll
Setting numerators equal gives,
2-5s = A(s'1+11)+(Bs+C)(s -6)
Okay, in this case we could use s = 6 to quickly find l, but that's all it would give. In rhis case
we will need to go the "long" way around to getting the constants. Note that this way will always
work, but is sometimes more work than is required.

The "long" way is to completely multiply out the right side and collect like terms.
2-ss = A(s')+ 11)+ (Bs + C)(s -6)
= As2+1lA+ Bs'-68+Cs-6C
=(,1+ a)s' +(-68 +C)s +tlA-6C

In order for these two to be equal the coefficients of the sr, s and the constants rr.rust all be equal.

lq4 18
So, setting coefficients equal gives the following system ofequations that can be solved.
s': ,l+B=0 )
s' :-oB+c=-5
so:ttA-6c =2
I = ,q=-28"
47' c=-!47
o'' s=4.
Notice that I used s' to denote the constants. This is habit on my part and isn't really required,
it'sjust what I'm used to doing. Also, the coefficients are fairly messy fractions in this case. Get
used to that. They will often be like this when we get back into solving differential equations.

There is a way to make our life a little easier as well with this. Since all ofthe fractions have a
denominator of 47we'll factor that out as we plugthem back into the decomposition. Thiswill
make dealing with them much easier. The partial fraction decomposition is then,
F@=+ --+- 28s-67
s-6 -s'+11
1 28 28s 67+ l
.s-6 ' .s2 +ll s2+ll ) I

The inverse transfom is then

ru) 47
-28e6' + 28cos ("arr)-fr'r"(.frrr)
IReturn to Ploblenrs]

(c) G(s)-
s ( .r2+4.i+5

With this last part do not get excited about the sr. We can think of this term as
5r =(s_0)'
and it becomes a linear term to a power. So, the partial fraction decomposition is

G(sl=A +B'+c='* tDtlE '

s s' s' s'+4s+5
Setting numerators equal and multiplying out gives.
25 = As2 (s' + 4s + 5) + Bs (s'] + 4s + 5) + c (s' + 4s + 5) + (Ds + E) s3

= (,a + o)sn + (+.a + n + r) s' + (5 A + + a + C)s' + (58 + 4C) s + 5c

coefficients ves the foll S

so: A+D=0
s2 5A+48+C =0 t =\. a = -a.c = s. o = -\. r = -2!
s' : 58+4C =0
so : 5C =25

This system looks messy, but it's easier to solve than it might look. First we get C for free from
the last equation. We can then use the fourth equation to find.B. The third equation will then
give A. etc.

When plugging into the decomposition we'll get everlthing with a denominator of 5, then factor
that out as we did in the previous part in order to make things easier to deal with.
11 20 25_----
s .s' .r' .s +4,r+5
"(,)=l( -_-----*---=
Note that we also factored a minus sign out of the last two terms. To complete this part we'll
need to complete the square on the later tem and fix up a couple of numerators. Here's that

c(r)=ll 11 20 25 11s+24
s s- ,t- s2 +4s+5
tl 20 25
=1 ---t+-i-
11(s +2-2)+24
5 .t .l- J (s+2)'?+1

I 11 20 25+ 11(s+2) 2
, f I - l l
5 --ss^t ( s +2 ) +l ( s+2 ) +1

The inverse transform is then.

1( 25 t
g(r)=lltt-zor +_t -l le-" cos(r)- ze " sin (r)
5\ 2
lRetum to Problemsl

So, one final time. Partial fractions are a fact of life when using Laplace transforms to solve
differential equations. Make sure that you can deal with them.
loB 2A

Solving IVP'swith L aplace Transforms

It's now time to get back to differential equations. We've spent the last three sections leaming
how to take Laplace transforms and how to take inverse Laplace transforms. These are going to
be invaluable skills for the next couple of sections so don't forget what we learned there.

Before proceeding into differential equations we will need one more formula. We will need to
know how totake the Laplace transform of a derivative. First recall thatf) denoles the nth
derivative ofthe functionf We now have the following fact.

Suppose that.l/',. l'", . .,/'
" are all continuous functions andf) is a piecevr ise contin uous
function. Then.
r{7'(')} =.s"r'(s)-s'-'l(0)-s'' /' (o)-... - "f(-':r 1o)- /'{r (o)

Since we are going to be dealing with second order differential equations it will be convenient to
have the Laplace transform ofthe first two derivatives.
r{r'} = sr(s)-r(o)
a{r'} =
"'r(s)-sy(o)- r'(o)
Notice that the two function evaluations that appear in these formulas, I (0) and f' (0) , are
often what we've been using for initial condition in out IVP's. So, this means that if we are to
use these formulas to solve an IVP we will need initial conditions at / : 0.

While Laplace transforms are particularly useful for nonhomogeneous differential equations
which have Heaviside functions in the forcing function we'll start off with a couple of fairly
simple problems to illustrate how the process works.

Example 1 Solve the following lVP.

y" -l0y' +9y =J1, y(o) = -1 y'(o)=z

The first step in using Laplace transforms to solve an IVP is to take the transform ofevery term in
the differential equation.
r {t'\ - to t {t'\ +eL {y} =L {st\
Using the appropriate formulas from our table ol'Laolace transforms gives us the following

s'r(s) - v(0)-r'(o)-ro(sr(s) -:,(o))+ rr1,1: ]

Plug in the initial conditions and collect all the tenns that have a If, in them
(s'-tos+o)r(r)+s-12 )
Solve for I/s)

At this point it's convenient to recalljust what we're trying to do. We are trying to find the
solution, ytl, to an IVP. What we've managed to find at this point is not the solution, but its
Laplace transform. So, in order to find the solution all that we need to do is to take the inverse

Before doing that let's notice that in its present form we will have to do partial fractions twice.
However, if we combine the two terms up we will only be doing partial fractions once. Not only
that, but the denominator for the combined term will be identical to the denominator ofthe first
tem. This means that we are going to partial fraction up a term with that denominator no matter
what so we might as well make the numerator slightly messier and thenjust partial fraction once.

This is one ofthose things where we are apparently making the problem messier, but in the
process we are going to save ourselves a fair amount of work!

Combining the two terms gives,

The partial fraction decomposition for this transform is,

r(r) ABCD
' ' .s ,r2 ,t -9 ,s-l

Setting numerators equal gives,

5 + 12.r2 -s3 =,as(s -9)(s -l) + B(s -9)(s -1)+ Csz (s -1) + Ds'] (s -9)
Picking appropriate values ofs and solving for the constants gives,
s=0 5=9B + B=1
s=i 16=-8D = D=-2
s =9 248=648C = C
s-2 4s =-tqA+4345 A=-
81 81

Plugging in the constants gives,

lq511 .)
),(s) = A+4+ - ' at
s s' s-9 s-l
Finally taking the inverse transform gives us the solution to the IVP

81 9 8l
That was a fair amount ofwork for a problem tia? probably could have been solved much quicker
using the techniques from the previous chapter. The point ofthis problem however, was to show
how we would use Laplace transforms to solve an IVP.

There are a couple ofthings to note here about using Laplace transfoms to solve an lVP. First,
using Laplace transforms reduces a differential equation down to an algebra problem. In the case
ofthe last example the algebra was probably more complicated than the straight forward
approach from the last chapter. However, in later problems this will be reversed. The algebra,
while still very messy, will often be easier than a straight forward approach.

Second, unlike the approach in the last chapter, we did not need to first find a general solution,
differentiate this, plug in the initial conditions and then solve for the constants to get the solution
With Laplace transforms, the initial conditions are applied during the first step and at the end we
get the actual solution instead ofa general solution.

In many ofthe later problems Laplace transforms will make the problems significantly easier to
work than if we had done the straight fonvard approach ofthe last chapter. Also, as we will see,
there are some differential equations that simply can't be done using the techniques from the last
chapter and so, in those cases, Laplace transfoms will be our only solution.

Let's take a look at another fairly simple problem

Example 2 Solve the following IVP.

2y'+3y'-2y=1s2', /(0)=0 y'(O)=2
As with the first example, let's first take the Laplace transform ofall the terms in the differential
equation. We'll the plug in the initial conditions to get,

2 (s'r(s) - sy (o) - y' (o)) + r (sr(,) - -v (o)) - zy(,) = .

(s +
(s + 2)-

Now solve for I(s/

Now, as we did in the last example we'll go ahead and combine the two terms together as we will
have to partial fraction up the first denominator an),\^,ay, so we may as well make the numerator a
little more complex andjust do a single partial fraction. This will give.
(2s - 1) (s + 2)"

-4s2 -16s-15

The ial fraction decom osition is then,

r(,) ABCD
2s-t+ s+2+G;t.64-
Setting numerator equal gives,

-4s2 - 1 6s - ls =,t(s + z)'-1)(s + 2)'? + c (2s -1) (s + 2) + o (2s -t)

+ B (2s

=(,e+za)s' +(6e +I a +zc)s' +(t2e+ +a +3C +2D)s

+84-48-2C - D

In this case it's probably easier tojust set coefficients equal and solve the resulting system of
equation rather than pick values ofs. So, here is the system and its solution.
st: A+28=O t92 96
s': 6A+78+2C =4 125 125
c=-:)1 D=-:
so: 8A-48-2C-D=-15
We will get a corrmon denominator of 125 on all these coefficients and factor that out when we
go to plug thern back into the transform. Doing this gives,

t(-Dz s6 lo 2st, )
tzs[2(s- l) s+2 (s+2)' (s+ z)'.J
Notice that we also had to factor a 2 out ofthe denominator ofthe first term and fix up the
numerator ofthe last tem in order to get them to match up to the correct entries in our table of

Taking the inverse transform then gives,

il4 = fi(-oeei + e6e-2' -r0,"' -2l"-" )

Example 3 Solve the following IVP.
y'-6y'+15y--2sin(3r), y(0)=-1 y'(o)=4
Take the Laplace transform ofeverything and plug in the initial conditions.

s'zr(s) - sy (o) - y' (o) - o(sr(s) - /(0)) + 1sy (s) = r-:

(s'2 -6s+ts)r(s)*r-z =-1 .
Now solve for I(s) and combine into a single term did in the previous two examples
as we
+ 2s2 -9s + 24
.fl.sl=.- -sr
urrr!lvuusr LYsqlrvrrr

\t0 24
Now, do the partial fractions on this. First let's get the partial fraction decomposition

As+B Cs+D
.s'+9 .s'-6.s+15

Now, setting numerators equal gives,

-s3 + 2s2 -gs +24 = (As +B)(s' -6s +15)+ (Cs + D)(s'z +9)

= (,,a + c) s' + (-6 A + B + D) s2 + (15 A - 6 B +9c) s + 1 58 + 9D

Setting coe{ficients equal and solving for the constants gives,

st: A+C =-1
t-_ I ,l
s2: -6A+B+D=2 10

st :15A-68 +9C = -9 =10 ^ tl 5

t = -- D=1
so: l5B+9D=24 10 2

Now, plug these into the decomposition, complete the square on the denominator of the second
term and then fix up the numerators for the inverse transfom process.
s+1 -lls+25 )
r(r)=1ol ' I

s2 +9 s'-6s+15.J
s+l , -ll(s-3+3)+25)
10 s'+g--G l
1 s * 1+-Grr(s-3) 8f )
l0 ;-;e ,' .s -rT;-G:t=l
Finally, take the inverse transfotm.

*. 1,i,, 1rr; - t t""

:, 1r ; = fr ( 1rr; +
( J-or
) -
f e" sin (.,fer

To this point we've only looked at IVP's in which the initial values were at / = 0. This is because
*" n".d th" initial values to be at this point in order to take the Laplace transform ofthe
derivatives. The problem with all of this is thatthere are IVP's out there in the world that have
initial values at piaces other than I = 0. Laplace transforms would not be as useful as it is if we
couldn't use it on these {pes of IVP's. So, we need to take a look at an example in which the
initial conditions are not at / 0 in order to see how to handle these kinds ofproblems-

Example 4 Solve the following IVP.

f +4y'=ss'(l-31*^,, Y(:)=o Y'(3)=7
The first thing that we will need to do here is to take care of the fact that initial conditions are not
at I : 0. The only way that we can take the Laplace transform ofthe derivatives is to have the
initial conditions at I : 0.

This means that we will need to formulate the IVP in such a w that the initial conditions are at,

: 0. This is actually fairly simple to do, however we will need to do a change of variable to make
it work. We are going to define
0 =t_3 =) y
=q +3

Let's start with the original differential equation.

Y'(t)+ aY'(t)= cos(/ -3)+ 4r

Notice that we put in the (l) part on the derivatives to make sure that we get things correct here.
We will next substitute in for t.
y'(a $)+ay'(a +3) = cos(ry)+a(z+3)

Now, to simpli| life a little let's define,

ujy)= y(q +z)

Then, by the chain rule, we get the following for the first derivative

, ht=4=44=
d4 dt dn v'(n*tl

By a similar argument we get the following for the second derivative.

u'(rt)= y'(q +z)
The initial conditions for zr(7) are,
z(0)= y(0 +3) = /(3) = 0
a'(o) = y'(o +:) = y' (3) = 7
The IVP under these new variables is then,
u'+4u'=cos(ry\+4r7+12, zr(O)=O u'(O)=7
This is an IVP that we can use Laplace transforms on provided we replace all the l's in our lahls
with 7's. So, taking the Laplace transform ofthis new differential equation and plugging in the
new initial conditions gives,
s 412
s'2u(s) -sa (0) -r'(0)+ 4(su -a (0)) .s'+l s' .s

s 4+l2s
(s'++s)u(s)-z = ---:- +
s'+l -=.-
Solving for U1sl gives,


Note that unlike the previous examples we did not completely combine all the terms this time. In
all the previous examples we did this because the denominator ofone ofthe terms was the
common denominator for all the terms. Therefore- u n comhinin all rve did was make the
)\u 26
numerator a little messier, and reduced the number ofpartial fractions required down from two to
one. Note that all the terms in this transform that had only powers ofs in the denominator were
combined for exactll this reason.

In this transform however, if we combined both ofthe remaining terms into a single term we
would be left with a fairly involved partial fraction problem. Therefore, in this case, it would
probably be easiertojustdo partial fractions twice. We've done several partial fractions
problems in this section and many partial fraction problems in the previous couple of sections so
we're going to leave the details ofthe partial fractioning to you to check. Partial fractioning each
ofthe terms in our transform gives us the following.
1 [-s+4] l1
(s+a)(s'+1) s+4 17 I s' +t J
+7 s2 --;----i
I + i; i;
- ----
s'(s+4) s' s' s s+4

Plugging these into our transform and combining like terms gives us

,(,)=i.i.+-*.+( -s+4 s2 +1
i2t 17 )i3 1/
r, 7.16 )72 rl -s4
.s' ,s' ,s .s+4 l7t s2+l'.rl+l
Now, taking the inverse transform will give the solution to our new IVP. Don't forget to use ,/'s
instead of l's!

, (d =
.i, -*-#.', *f {+,in(r)-cos(a))
This is not the solution that we are after of course. We are after y(t). However, we can get this
by noticing that
y(t)= y(a +z)= u(r7) =u(t -t)
So the solution to the original IVP is,

- z)'.
f t, - :). l{ - fi" "'') *
} {
+,in {, - :) - cos (r - :))

1 2 I ____e
__l 43 273 r0 r) +-I (+ sin (r -:)- cos ( -:))
2 416272 17

So, we can now do M's that don't have initial conditions that are at I = 0. We also saw in the
last example that it isn't always the best to combine all the tems into a single partial fraction
problem as we have been doing prior to this example.

The examples worked in this section would have been just as easy, if not easier, if we had used
techniques from the previous chapter. They were worked here using Laplace transforms to
illustrate the technique and method.
Table of La Transforms
f v)= i tF(s)| F(s)= Llf (t)| f (t)= L-' {F(s)} F (,)= Llf u)}
l. I 1 2. e
s s-o
3. {, n - 1.2.3. --;i
nl r(p+t)
4. to,pr, -1
5 .t'
G r t.s .(zn-t)G
5 ,lt ----t 6. t), n=1,2,3,... ,+]
2sl 2',s
a s
7 sin (ar) 8 cos (ar)
s2 +a' s'+o'
2as s -a
9 r sin (ar) 10. I cos (al)
( s'+a' ) ( s2 +a'
ZO 2as'
11. sin (at)- ar cos (ar) 12. sin (ar)+ arcos(ar)
(r' + ,')' (r'+o')'
s(s'-a') s(s' +3a')
ti cos (ar)- ar sin (ar) I4 cos (ar)+ arsin (ar)
(r'+o')' |\s- + a',
' '2

ssin (6 )+acos(b) s cos (b) - a sin (D)

15. sin (al + 6) 16. cos(at +b)
s- +a s))+a
ti. sinh (al) 18. cosh (ar)

-a s -a
b s-a
19. e'' sin (61) 20. e" cos(rr)
(s-a)'1+b1 ( t;-0 )'*D'
h S_Q
21. e" sinh (Dt) 22. e"'cosh(bt) .l l
( ,t-a )'-b' (s- 0) -b'-
23 t'eu' , n =1,2,3,..
SA )
z+. f(ct) I .(,

zs. '"(t) = u(t -c) e

26. 6(t-c) e
Ilear isid Function J Dirac Dclta l:unction
27. u. (t) I (t c) e-"'I(s) zt. u,(t)g(t) e-"1{g(r + c ))
2s. I (r') r(s-c) 30. t'f (t), n =1,2,3, (-t)'rt't1s )
ir. !.ra)
li r(;u)au 32. l: f o),t r(r)

[', f t, -,1 s 1'1a, r(s)c(s) 34. f(t+r)-f(t) l'"e '' 7 (t)at

I -e-'?'
35. 1' (t) sr(s)-/(o) 36. f'(t) s'?I'(s)-sl(0)-/'(0)
.f\', (r) s'r (s) - s'-rl(0) - s" f ' (0) . - sf("-'z) (0) - /(^t) (0)
IW 28
Table Notes
I . This list is not a complete listing of Laplace transforms and only contains some of lhe
more commonly used Laplace transforms and formulas.

2. Recall the definition ofhyperbolic functions.

\'/ 2 " ) "'-"'2
sinh (l

3. Be careful when using "normal" trig function vs. hyperbolic functions. The only
difference in the formulas is the "+ a:" for the "normal" trig functions becomes a'1 a"'
for the hyperbolic functions!

4. Formula #4 uses the Gamma function which is defined as

r(r)= J-e--x' 'dr

lfr is a positive integer then.
r(n +t)= 21

The Gamma function is an extension ofthe normal factorial function. Here are a couple
ofquick facts lor the Camma function

r(p+r)_ pr(r)
r (p +n)
t(n+t)(p+z)'(p+n-r)= r(p)

.(;) --G

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