MOP Description ECS 1909-6 ME-C
MOP Description ECS 1909-6 ME-C
MOP Description ECS 1909-6 ME-C
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MOP Description ME/ME-C
MAN Energy Solutions 0220-0200-0001
These screenshots are used for reference in other parts of the manual and are
a strong visual aid in understanding and getting familiar with the ECS.
These discrepancies include (but are not limited to) the number of active
alarms, process values and set points.
NOTICE Always consult the specific plant in order to get the precise
layout of the MOP screens.
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MAN Energy Solutions
Table of contents
Table of contents
MOP Description ME/ME-C
Chapter 07 Preface
Abbreviations.................................................................. 0745-0100-0004
Chapter 66 Operation
Engine Control System ................................................... 6645-0180-0005
MOP Description ............................................................ 6645-0190-0009
Alarm Handling on the MOP ........................................... 6645-0240-0012
Engine Operation............................................................ 6645-0250-0020
Auxiliaries ....................................................................... 6645-0260-0019
Maintenance................................................................... 6645-0270-0016
Admin............................................................................. 6645-0280-0008
Chapter 70 Control System
Engine Control System Diagram ..................................... 7055-0150-0006
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Table of contents
Multi-purpose controller Start main engine from LOP 6645-018
ACU - auxiliary control unit 6645-018 0-0005
0-0005 (6)
CCU - cylinder control unit 6645-018 T
0-0005 Triton
CCU - cylinder control unit 6645-018
CWCU - cooling water control 6645-018 0-0005
unit 0-0005 (2)
CWCU - cooling water control 6645-018
ECU - engine speed control 6645-018 unit 0-0005
0-0005 (3)
ECU - engine speed control 6645-018
EICU - engine interface control 6645-018 0-0005
unit 0-0005 (3)
EICU - engine interface control 6645-018
SACU - second fuel auxiliary 6645-018 unit 0-0005
control unit 0-0005 (3)
SCU - scavenge air control unit 6645-018
SCU - scavenge air control unit 6645-018 0-0005
0-0005 (4)
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MAN Energy Solutions
Table of contents
Abbreviations.................................................................. 0745-0100-0004
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1 Abbreviations
On the abbreviation list below there may be abbreviations which are not used
in your system.
Abbreviation Description
ACCo Adaptive Cylinder Control
BN Base number
CR Common rail
dB(A) Decibel
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Abbreviation Description
FO Fuel oil
GW Glycol / water
HC Hydro carbon
INJ Injection
N2 Nitrogen
NC Normally closed
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Abbreviation Description
NO Normally opened
O2 Oxygen
SL Service letter
VT Variable turbocharger
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MAN Energy Solutions
Table of contents
Engine Control System ................................................... 6645-0180-0005
MOP Description ............................................................ 6645-0190-0009
Alarm Handling on the MOP ........................................... 6645-0240-0012
Engine Operation............................................................ 6645-0250-0020
Auxiliaries ....................................................................... 6645-0260-0019
Maintenance................................................................... 6645-0270-0016
Admin............................................................................. 6645-0280-0008
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MAN Energy Solutions
Table of contents
Altering items in the restricted area of the MOP may result in engine
1 General information
The engine control system (ECS) consists of a number of computer-based
controllers, a data acquisition and supervision unit along with operating panels
and for more information about these, see drawing 7055-0150.
Below is brief description of the different units, including the related monitoring
systems, see also 6655-0125 figure 1:
Multi-purpose controllers
ACU The auxiliary control units controls the pumps of the hydraulic system unit
and the auxiliary blowers.
CCU The cylinder control units control the ELGI/ELWI, ELFI/ELVA or FIVA valves,
starting air valves, and the cylinder lubricators.
CWCU The cooling water control unit controls the LDCL/LDHT system (optional).
ECU The engine control units perform the engine control functions: engine speed,
running modes and start sequence.
EICU The engine interface control units handle the interface to external systems.
SACU The second fuel auxiliary unit is controlling the sealing oil system.
SCU The scavenge control unit controls both the exhaust gas bypass (both on/off
as well as variable bypass) and VT- variable turbocharging (optional).
SPCU The second fuel plant control unit controls if the engine runs on second fuel
or not.
SPSU The second fuel plant safety unit monitor the plant safety sensors.
DASU Data acquisition and supervision unit
SCSU The second fuel cylinder safety unit monitor and analyse the combustion
Engine Control System
Monitoring systems:
PMI Pressure Measuring Instrument. The PMI system is a valuable tool for per-
formance measurements.
Co- Computer Controlled Surveillance, Engine Diagnostics System. CoCoS EDS
CoS is an essential tool with regards to troubleshooting and diagnostics.
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2 Multi-purpose controller
The multi-purpose controller, such as Triton, can be used for several pur-
poses. For more information regarding the controller, see description
Each multi-purpose controller have different functions, through not all of the
mentioned controllers can be found on the engine in question, are described
in the following:
The auxiliary control unit (ACU)s control the pressure of the hydraulic power
supply system and the electrical start-up pumps using the ‘pressure set point’
given by the ECUs as a reference. Furthermore the start and stop of the auxili-
ary blowers are controlled according to the scavenge air pressure.
In appropriate time for the next firing, the cylinder control unit (CCU) ensures
that it has received new valid data. The injection profile start crank angle is set
up using the tacho function.
On the correct start crank angle the injection is initiated and is controlled ac-
cording to the fuel amount command and the injection profile command.
When the fuel injection is completed, the exhaust valve opening and closing
angles are set up using the tacho function. The exhaust valve control signal is
then activated on the appropriate crank angles.
The cylinder lubricator is activated according to the feed rate amount received
from the ECU.
All of the CCUs are identical, and in the event of a failure of one cylinders
CCU, only this cylinder will automatically be put out of operation.
Engine Control System
This means that fuel injection, exhaust valve operation and cylinder lubrication
will stop. A (cancelable) slow down request will be initiated and in case of high
load a (non-cancelable) load limit will be set.
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The cooling water control unit (CWCU) is made for controlling all parts of the
LDCL or LDHT cooling water system.
For information about the cooling water system, see description 5045-0100.
The engine speed control (ECU) requires that the amount of fuel is calculated
for each cylinder firing. The calculation made by the ECU is initiated in relation
to the crankshaft position, so that the execution is started just in time to make
the fuel injection. This is controlled by the tacho function.
The output from the speed controller is a ‘request for fuel amount’ to be injec-
ted for the next combustion. This request is run through different protective al-
gorithms – the fuel limiters – and the ‘resulting amount of fuel command’ is
Based on the algorithm of the selected engine running mode, the injection
profile is selected, the timing parameters for the fuel injection and exhaust
valve are calculated and the pressure set point for the hydraulic power supply
Based on the user input of fuel sulphur content, minimum feed rate etc., the
resulting cylinder lubrication feed rate for each individual cylinder unit is calcu-
The resulting amount of fuel command, the requested fuel injection profile, the
timing parameters and the resulting cylinder lubrication feed rate amount are
all sent to the CCU of the cylinder in question via the control network. Like-
wise, the hydraulic pressure set point is sent to all ACUs.
For redundancy purposes, the control system comprises two ECUs operating
in parallel and performing the same task, one being a hot stand-by for the
other. If one of the ECUs fail, the other unit will take over the control without
any interruption.
see MOP screen 'Maintenance -> System View I/O Test -> ECU'.
The engine interface control unit (EICU)s receive navigational inputs from the
control stations and selects the active station based on signals given by the
‘remote control’ system.
The main navigational command is the speed set point (requested speed and
direction of engine rotation).
In the EICUs the raw speed set point is processed by a series of protective al-
gorithms. These ensure that the speed set point from which the engine is
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Now the processed speed set point and the selected engine running mode
request are available via the control network to be used by the ECUs as a ref-
erence for the speed control and engine running mode control.
The second fuel auxiliary control unit (SACU) is a controller which control and
monitor auxiliary equipments related to the second fuel system. The main task
of the SACU is to control the sealing oil system.
For information about the sealing oil system, see description 4545-0150.
The scavenge air control unit (SCU) controls either an exhaust gas bypass
(EGB) valve or a variable turbocharger (VT). The control of the EGB valve can
be combined with various waste heat recovery (WHR) system (engine de-
pendent). The SCU is connected to the ECS network and receives the estim-
ated engine load and the measured scavenge air pressure from the ECS.
For the majority of engines in service from 1st of November 2013 and on-
wards, the control of the EGB valve position depends on the estimated engine
load. The operation of the EGB valve will therefore be independent of how the
ambient conditions (primarily air temperature) changes. This means that with
constant load the scavenge air pressure will, to some extent, vary depending
on the ambient conditions. Some limitations apply, if the pressure reaches the
limits, an alarm will be raised. The upper limit is fixed, the lower limit changes
with the engine load.
For more information see description 5445-0200 - 'VT', description
5445-0300 - 'EGB', description 6645-0260 - 'Scavenge Air' or separate
Engine Control System
For engines in service before 1st of November 2013 the SCU will put the es-
timated engine load into a scavenge air pressure table, and send a set point
to the Pscav controller (the Pscav controller is a part of the SCU). The Pscav con-
troller will also receive the measured scavenge air pressure from the scavenge
air receiver and then calculate a set point (%) to the EGB or VT actuator. This
means that with constant load the scavenge air pressure will not vary when
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The second fuel plant control unit (SPCU) is a controller which main task is to
control and monitor valves and sensors on the fuel gas valve train and fuel gas
supply system. Furthermore the controller monitor other second fuel related
For information about the second fuel auxiliary system, see description
The second fuel plant safety unit (SPSU) monitors specific safety sensors and,
in case of a failure, it carries out a shutdown and purge of the second fuel
In case of a failure, the SPSU cuts off the signal to the ELWI valve. When the
signal to the ELWI valve is missing, it will close the window valve immediately.
The second fuel cylinder safety unit (SCSU) monitors the specific cylinder
sensors, and every fuel gas injection and combustion is supervised.
In case of a failure, the SCSU cuts off the signal to the ELWI valve. When the
signal to the ELWI valve is missing, it will close the window valve immediately.
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During normal operation the engine can be controlled from either the bridge
control panel, the engine control room panel or the local operation panel
There are two operating panels which are a part of the engine control system:
▪ Local operation panel (LOP)
▪ Main operation panel (MOP)
From the LOP, the basic functions are available, such as starting, engine
speed control, stopping, reversing, and the most important engine data are
To start and run the engine from the LOP, some conditions have to be ful-
filled. Next to the LOP, a nameplate (containing the text, highlighted below) is
placed. The name plate comprises the conditions that have to be fulfilled be-
fore start.
Before start, the hydraulic oil pressure must be higher than 150 or 205 bar,
depending of the hydraulic system is at 200 or 300 bar. After shut down, the
pressure has to be rebuilt which may take 60 - 120 seconds.
Engine Control System
If the auxiliary blowers are running, the engine control system will start the
main engine automatically without delay.
If the auxiliary blowers are stopped, the engine control system delays the start
until the auxiliary blowers are started and running. Then, the engine control
system will start the main engine automatically.
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The MOP is the main information interface for the engineer operating the en-
gine. The MOP communicates with the controllers of the ECS through the
control network. However, the running of the engine is not dependant on the
MOP, as all the commands from the local control stations (ECR and LOP) are
communicated directly to the EICU’s/ECS.
The MOP is located in the engine control room. It is a PC with a touch screen
as well as a trackball from where the engineer can carry out engine com-
mands, adjust the engine parameters, select the running modes, and observe
the status of the control system. A back-up MOP (MOP B) is also placed in
the engine control room and for more information, see description
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PMI System
The PMI (Pressure measurement instrument) system is a valuable tool for per-
formance measurements and is a basic for engine adjustments.
A user's manual is included in the software therefore, see the user's manual
for a description of the system in the software.
This software is used for the data logging program, that is collecting data from
the ECS. It is to be installed on the same PC that is running the PMI software.
INFO Always ensure that this software is running correctly since this will
greatly enhance the troubleshooting options.
Since the CoCoS EDS interfaces to the ECS for data logging it is important to
ensure that the versions are compatible. For instance in case of an update of
the ECS, make sure that CoCoS EDS is also updated.
The program DatGat is included with the CoCoS EDS software. This program
is a valuable tool for extracting data from the ECS used during troubleshoot-
ing and for more information, see the following section 'Data logging'.
Engine Control System
Data logging
NOTICE The below mentioned data and log files will contribute to speed up
the troubleshooting process, and are for that reason very important for ex-
ternal parties.
In the case that assistance from external parties is needed, it is essential for
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To locate the DatGat program in the EDS folder, follow these steps:
▪ Right-click on the CoCoS-EDS shortcut and select the “Open File Loca-
▪ Alternatively, the path to the EDS folder can be found in CoCoS-EDS. The
location for this can be found be following this path: 'Help -> About ->
System Information -> WorkingDir: ………. (see the below figure)
Figure 1: The path to the EDS folder is shown at the "WorkingDir:" in the Sys-
tem Information dialogue.
A description on how to use the DatGat program can also be found in the
EDS folder.
The output from the DatGat program is a ZIP file which can be stored on a
USB memory stick and sent to external parties.
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MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0190-0009
An actual installation comprises of two MOPs where both are placed in the
engine control room (ECR). Typically MOP A is placed in a console by the
manoeuvring handle (the normal operation position) and MOP B on a desk.
Normally MOP A is equipped with a trackball mouse. MOP B has a mouse
and a keyboard connected. Both may be optionally equipped.
Instead of traditional use of a mouse, the operator touches the graphic ele-
ments on the screen in order to interact with the ECS.
A keyboard is essentially, not required, during normal engine operation and a
virtual keyboard is displayed in case textual input (for instance password) is
MOP Description
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On the screen, the displays which can be activated (i.e. pushed like a button)
are shown in 3-D graphic and the inactive displays are in 2-D graphic. Once
activated, the display is highlighted with a blue line at the outer circumference.
The HMI operates with two password levels, which are Operator level and
Chief level. They are available in the navigation bar, select System Options to
access them.
Operator level:
This is for normal operation and monitoring. It is not possible to set any para-
Chief level:
In addition to the Operator level, this user level has privileges to set paramet-
ers (setpoints, engine states and engine modes). A password must be sup-
plied in order to access Chief level.
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When When the USB memory is inserted, the Save button will become active.
When Save is pressed, the screenshot will be saved together with context
data in a Zip file.
Save in progress.
MOP Description
When save is successfully completed, this is stated in the dialogue. The USB
memory stick can now be removed and the ZIP file with the context data can
be sent to external parties.
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Service kit
The MOP comes with a service kit. The kit comprises of a CD-ROM drive (if
not built-in), a keyboard and a CD with the operating system, and is setup
specifically for this PC type.
MOP Issues
Ethernet connections
Only MOP B may be connected with an ethernet connection to other systems
such as CoCoS-EDS. Special care must be taken when connecting to net-
works of any kind to avoid virus and worms on the MOP. Connections to
other systems are illustrated on drawing 6655-0125 figure 1.
Unauthorised software
DISCLAIMER: MAN Energy Solutions disclaim responsibility for any event or
condition that originates from installation of unauthorised software. This in-
cludes, but is not limited to, virus.
Control network
Each MOP is connected to the ECS by means of the control network which
MOP Description
Normal PC maintenance tools and cleaning detergents apply.
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In addition to the above there will also be the following two types of software
as a part of the software supply:
1.4.6 CoCoS EDS
1.4.7 PMI software
These last two types of software are not to be installed on the MOPs, but in-
stead on a separate PC (see drawing 6655-0125 figure 1). However having
these programmes running correctly is essential to achieving optimal perform-
ance of the engine and ECS. Both of these programmes include user manuals
and instructions together with their installation.
Operating system
The operating system is the software that is used for the MOPs. This is an
embedded version of Windows XP. This is normally pre-installed by the MOP
supplier and delivered with the MOP hardware.
NOTICE Always ensure that the software version of the installed ECS
matches the version stored onboard.
A very important aspect of the engine control system is the software version
MOP Description
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Service parameters
The service parameters software functions as a backup in case of major sys-
tem failure. Normally it should not be used as the MOPs automatically stores
backup versions of the service parameters from the multi-purpose controllers.
To install the engine control system insert the software medium (USB or CD-
ROM) into the PC and locate the correct setup file. There will normally be two
optional setup files on the CD-ROM/USB: “install_ mopA_XPE.bat” and “in-
stall_mopB_XPE.bat”. It is important to select the file name which matches
the MOP being installed, either MOP A or MOP B. Double click on the file and
follow the on-screen instructions.
After a successful completion of the installation the MOP main application can
be started using the “Start MOP” option in the Windows Start menu.
After starting this application the MOP will automatically acquire configuration
information and service parameter backup from the multi-purpose controllers.
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MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0240-0012
1 Alarm System
The alarms on the MOP are all related to the engine control system (ECS).
The ECS communicates with the ordinary alarm system, and the safety sys-
tem. These three systems are able to interact with each other, i.e., in case of
a shutdown.
2 Alarm Handling
Alarm handling can be carried out from the following screens (the amount of
screens are dependent on the ECS version):
▪ Alarm List
▪ Monitoring
▪ Event Log
▪ Manual Cut-Out List
▪ Channel List
The above alarm handling screens can be accessed via the secondary navig-
ator by pressing the 'Alarms' button in the main navigator bar. When pressing
this button, the last selected alarm screen will be displayed. If no screen has
previously been selected, the 'Alarm List' screen is shown.
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The 'Alarm List' contains the central facility of the alarm handling, allowing for
display, acknowledgment, and cut out of raised alarms. Detailed alarm ex-
planation can be accessed for each of the alarm occurrences.
The alarms are displayed in chronological order, with the latest alarm at the
They (alarms) might be grouped by the ECS if they are related to the same
cause, to simplify the overview of the alarm list. The group can be expanded
by selecting a group and pressing the -/+ button on the toolbar. Not all alarms
are grouped.
If there are too many alarms to be displayed at the same time on the screen,
the remaining alarms can be accessed by pressing the page-up/page-down
buttons on the toolbar.
Alarm Handling on the MOP
2. Alarm acknowledged
3. Normal unacknowledged
An alarm can only appear as "one line" in the alarm list. An acknowledged
alarm going into normal or an alarm in the normal state being acknowledged,
is immediately removed from the list.
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To see a detailed alarm explanation, press the relevant alarm line. The alarm
line is then surrounded by a thick blue line showing that it has been selected.
By pressing the button “Info” on the toolbar, a window will appear just above
the toolbar. This window contains:
▪ Description
▪ Cause
▪ Effect
▪ Action
So the engineer is able to start troubleshooting on this particular alarm (The
detailed alarm explanation is removed by pressing the same 'Info' button).
The acknowledgement status field of unacknowledged alarms contains an
icon toggling between two states, alerting the operator of an unacknowledged
The status of the alarm can also be identified by the background colour and
the graphical identification in the 'Acknowledgement' field on the screen as
shown below:
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At the upper right corner of the screen four small icons are shown which are
(from left to right):
From the toolbar at the bottom of the 'Alarm List' screen, alarms can be cut
This field contains the alarm text (for example HCU oil leakage).
This field shows the status of the alarm as one of the following:
▪ Normal.
▪ Alarm.
▪ Low.
▪ High.
▪ Not Available.
▪ Auto Cut Out.
▪ Manual Cut Out.
This field contains a unique alarm identity. (for example, ECUA_010112). This
ID must always be used for reference and reporting.
This field shows the time of the first occurrence of the alarm, no matter the
status changes. The time is shown in hours, minutes, seconds, and 1/100
Alarm Handling on the MOP
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The 'Event Log' can be used for viewing the history of events and to support
the operator in troubleshooting. Events stay in the log even after they have
been acknowledged and are no longer active. Alarms are logged with three
events in the 'Event Log'. The events are 'Alarm', 'Normal' and 'Acknow-
ledged'. The 'Event Log' can store up to 1 million logged events.
The events are stored in a database on the MOP’s hard disc with both local
and UTC time stamps. If more than 1 million events are logged, the oldest
events are discarded.
Each event (with the most recent event on top) is shown as a single line and
each event line is divided into the following fields:
▪ ID Unit Tag - This field contains a unique event identity.
▪ Date - This field contains the date of the event.
Alarm Handling on the MOP
▪ Time - This field shows the time of the event. The time is shown in hours,
minutes, seconds, and 1/100 sec.
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▪ Description - This field contains the alarm text (for instance, HCU oil leak-
▪ Status - This field shows either 'Normal' or 'Alarm'.
▪ MCo. - Shows whether the alarm is 'Manual Cut Out' or not.
▪ ACo. - 'Automatic Cut Out'.
▪ Ack. - The alarm is acknowledged.
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Go to Date/Time:
The keyboard scroll buttons can be used afterwards to narrow the search.
Alarm Handling on the MOP
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This feature can be used if only a part of the list is interesting, for instance, if a
certain range of the event log list is to be printed or exported, for example, for
troubleshooting assistance at MAN Energy Solutions.
Enter the from/to date and time in the 'Time Span Filter' toolbar by using the
onscreen keyboard. If only the 'From Date' is entered, the 'To Date' is auto-
matically set to the current date. Also if only the 'To Date' is entered, the
'From Date' is automatically set to 1900-01-01. 'From Time'/'To Time' is op-
tional. Press 'Apply' to execute the selection.
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Unit/Tag Filter:
When an alarm occurs, it is stored in the 'Event Log' by its ID (unit/tag num-
ber). It is possible to filter for a specific cause of event or a group of events by
pressing the 'Unit/Tag Filter' button, for example, if one wants to see how of-
ten a specific event occurs, or if for example, only events related to a specific
unit, are interesting.
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If a printer is connected to the MOP hub, printing the displayed data is pos-
1. Press the 'Export' button.
2. Press 'Print' from the pop-up screen.
To limit the amount of line s to be printed, see 'Time Span Filter'.
NOTICE Transfer for 'Event Log' - For troubleshooting purposes, MAN En-
ergy Solutions may request an 'Event Log' record. The 'Event Log' record can
be stored as a compressed file (.zip) on a USB memory stick or on the HDD,
by the engine crew. The .zip file is then sent by e-mail from the ship’s ordinary
PC to MAN Energy Solutions.
If a USB memory stick is not available, the 'Event Log' data can be saved to
the HDD:
7. On the 'Event Log' screen, press the 'Export' button and the 'Export
2022-01-12 - en
Event Log' tool bar opens. 'Destination' field will read HDD, as no USB
memory stick is plugged in.
8. On the 'Export Event Log' toolbar, press the 'Save' button.
9. When the saving operation is finished the 'Destination' field will read
"Saved". The data displayed on the 'Event Log' screen, is now stored on
the HDD. The output will be a comma separated file with the name Event
Log<date, time>.zip.
To limit the file size to be exported, see 'Time Span Filter'.
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'Dump' and 'Save' have the same functionality, except for the actual output.
For example, when the 'Dump' button is pressed, the displayed 'Event Log' is
saved to the location shown in the 'Destination' field. The data, however will
be saved as an SQL script and compressed to a zip file. The file name will be
Event LogDump<Date- Time>.zip.
<DateTime> is the current UTC time when the files were saved.
Alarm Handling on the MOP
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2.2.3 Search for an Event from a Specific Date and Time or by Tag Number
This feature can be helpful when extracting information to external parties or
when investigating an event.
Enter the from/to date and time in the toolbar by using the popped up key-
board. Press 'Apply' to execute. Note that the entered time has to be in UTC
time. As a result the events, inside the selected time span to the specified
date and time, will be selected and shown on the screen.
From the button 'Go to Time/Date', events which took place at/on a specific
time/ date can be displayed. Note that the entered time has to be in UTC
From the toolbar 'Export Event Log', displayed when the 'Export' button is
pressed, it is possible to print a copy of the 'Event Log' or make a back-up
'Dump' used for information to external parties or the engine crew them-
Should external parties ask for an 'Event Log' record (for trouble shooting pur-
poses), the 'Event Log' record can be saved on a USB memory stick (or hard
disc drive (HDD) if no USB memory stick is available) as a zip file. Be aware of
Alarm Handling on the MOP
The file name will be: EventLog<DateTime>.zip when the file is saved on a
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(If the 'Event Log' is dumped to a USB memory stick or HDD, the file name
will be: EventLogDump<DateTime>.zip).
In both cases, the DateTime is the UTC time when the file was saved.
The USB memory stick (containing the zip file) can then be hand carried to the
ships mail PC and the zip file mailed to external parties for evaluation.
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Manual cut out of alarms may be used, for instance, if the engineer has ob-
served a failure of a sensor that is not detected automatically (see above). An-
other example could be if, a tacho pick-up is failing (the engine running on the
redundant tacho system) and is continuously giving an alarm and cannot be
replaced immediately.
Alarms are sometimes cut out automatically. Automatic cut out may be used
by the system to suppress alarms which are unimportant in specific states, for
instance, when a sensor is invalidated by the operator.
The manually cut out alarms are shown in a separate list, which can be ac-
cessed from the navigation bar. The 'Manual Cut-Out List' screen is in func-
tionality equivalent to the channel list screen. An alarm can be cut out manu-
ally from the screens 'Alarm List', 'Manual Cut-Out List' or 'Channel list'.
Alarm Handling on the MOP
All alarm channels that have the status 'Manual cut-out' are shown in the
'Manual cut-out' screen.
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The channel list screen contains status information of all alarm channels within
the ECS, no matter the status of the individual alarm channel. As default, the
alarm channels are listed in tag-name alphabetic order. From the channel list
screen, it is possible to cut out (and re-activate) alarm channels.
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Alarm Handling on the MOP
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1 Engine
This section contains a walk-through for the navigation bar 'Engine' along with
the different tabs under each subsection of the navigation bar.
At the start of a section, a screenshot will show the entire screen which the
section revolves around. On this screenshot, buttons and panels will be
marked with a square which will contain a number, if they are described in the
relevant section.
Through the description of the mentioned screen, each button or panel can
be referred to by their given numbers incased with [ ]. Also, both buttons and
panels can contain several fields within them, each with their own unique
function and state.
If a value is present within an area of dark blue, the value is measured and if
the value is present in an area of light blue, the value is calculated or is a set
For all the different colours and their meaning, see the list below:
▪ Blue - Normal state.
▪ Yellow - Warning state.
▪ Red - Alarm state.
▪ Grey or dimmed - Not in use.
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Engine Operation
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1.1 Operation
Figure 1: Operation
'Operation' is the main screen for the control of the engine during operation.
This includes, but not limited to, preparing the engine for start and slow turn-
ing the engine. These options are shown in the toolbar area, without the need
to press any buttons to gain access to this.
Under [1], the state of the engine is shown. As mentioned in the introduction,
the first field under [1] is blue, so it is in a normal state and the following two
fields are currently not in use.
The top field, indicates the current sub-telegraph command state, which can
be one of the following:
▪ Finished with engine (FWE).
▪ Standby.
▪ At sea.
The middle field, indicates the states of the engine:
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▪ Engine not blocked - This is shown with a yellow background color, which
means it is in a warning state. This will be shown if the first field is in
'FWE', and not all conditions are fulfilled.
▪ Engine not ready - This is shown with a yellow background color. This will
be shown if the first field is either in 'Standby' or 'At sea', and not all con-
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The last field shows, either through a yellow - or red background colour, why
the engine is not ready:
▪ Blank - The engine is ready and the 'Increased Limitation' is inactive.
▪ Increased limitation - Shown with a yellow warning and only if it this func-
tion is active. This will also require, that the engine status is not 'FWE',
and neither 'Shut down' or 'Start blocked' is active.
▪ Start blocked - Shown with a red warning and only if it this function is act-
ive. This will also require, that the engine status is not 'FWE' and 'Shut
down' is active.
▪ Shut down - Shown with a red warning and only if it this function is active.
The 'Command [RPM]' button [2], contains the three available control sta-
▪ Bridge.
▪ ECR (RPM control).
▪ ECR Combinator (RPM and CPP control, only for CCP plants).
▪ LOP.
Only one control station can be active and if a field is highlighted, it will indic-
ate the current active control station and the actual speed command setting.
However, the speed commands from the not active control stations are still
To adjust the RPM, activate [2] and adjust the value in the toolbar. This can
only be performed if the 'ECR' is the active control station.
Normally all control station selections, across all stations (such as 'Bridge' or
'ECR' for instance), can by done in the same system. Which is normally, im-
plemented in the remote control system (RCS) system.
The current selected control station may be overridden from either control sta-
tion by the 'Take command' button. This button is directly wired to the engine
control system (ECS) and situated on the control station panels.
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If the active control station selection is inconsistent, the ECS keeps the last
valid active control station as the active station, until a new valid selection is
Engine Operation
In the event of the 'Take command' action, the signals from both the 'ECR'
and the 'LOP' are selected simultaneously, but the LOP will have first priority
and is therefore selected (due to its proximity closer to the engine, which gives
it a higher priority).
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To the right of [2], a speed graph visually indicates the current speed for the
engine. In the graph, there are two different marks, that indicates which area
the engine speed is in:
▪ The red marks indicate, that the maximum engine speed is exceeded.
▪ The yellow mark indicates the range between maximum continuous rating
(MCR) engine speed and maximum engine speed.
Just above the speed graph, a speed modifier can be shown (if this modifier is
enabled). The available speed modifiers are:
Stabilising The stabilising modifier defines a speed set point (SP) that en-
sures the starting of the engine.
Fixed Speed Set Fixed speed set is activated when running in pitch backup
mode from bridge (option for CPP systems).
PTO The speed is kept higher than ordered to keep the shaft gener-
ator connected during start-up of the auxiliary engines.
Load Program This program ensures, that the engine is not thermally over-
loaded, when increasing the speedset (load).
Barred speed range Indicates that the modifier has changed the preset from inside
* a barred range to either lower or upper limit of the ramp. The
engine may have 0–2 barred speed range(s).
RPM Fine Adjust The speed is being modified according to the setting entered in
the RPM Fine Adjustment toolbar on the Operation screen.
Run Up/Down Pro- When the chief increases or decreases the speed set signific-
gram antly, the engine speed follows predefined curves. (Optional).
Chief Max Speed If the user is at Chief level, it is possible to define a Maximum
Engine Speed on the Chief limiter screen. See section 1.5
WHR The speed is kept within the Waste Heat Recovery (WHR)
Engine Operation
Dual Fuel If 'Stop' is ordered during dual fuel operation, the modifier
keeps the speed SP on a low level for a short period of time.
This is in to ensure 100% fuel oil operation and that all second
fuel has been consumed before the engine stops.
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Engine Mode
Activate [3] if there is a need to change the engine mode, which will make the
toolbar shown just above appear. From here, choose the desired 'Engine
If the 'Emission' button is pressed, this will start the engine emission control
system, such as SCR or EGR. The time it takes to prepare the emission con-
trol system will depend on the current status of the system, but it may take a
couple of hours.
Governor Mode
The speed controller can be requested to calculate the fuel index according to
various methods. Each method is referred to as a governor mode, and they
represent various tolerances for maintaining the engine speed equal to the set
point during load and/or set point variations.
There are currently two types of governor mode, which will be briefly ex-
plained below:
▪ RPM Control: ‘Speed’ mode - provides the most rigid speed control,
leading to large fuel index variations. Use this mode when making per-
formance measurements and adjustments.
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The current governor mode is shown in [4], and by activating this button, the
mode can be changed.
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Start The start limiter defines a fixed amount of fuel to be used for
the first injections during start.
Chief Index The chief limiter defines a maximum amount of fuel to be injec-
ted according to the settings done by the operator at the
screen 'Chief limiters'.
Scavenge Air Pres- The scavenge air pressure limiter defines a maximum amount
sure of fuel to be injected based on the actual scavenge air pres-
sure, in order not to overfuel the engine.
Hydraulic Power The hydraulic power supply pressure limiter defines a maximum
Supply amount of fuel oil to be injected according to actual hydraulic
power supply requirements, to ensure that the hydraulic pres-
sure does not drop below a minimum operation limit.
Running Mode The running mode limiter is a limitation of the current selected
running mode, and cannot be increased by 'Increase Limita-
Load Limitation This headline actually covers the four individual limiters de-
scribed below.*
Chief: The Chief load limiter defines the maximum allowed en-
gine load set on the Chief Limiters screen. This limiter cannot
be increased by "Increase Limitation".
Max Load: Limits the maximum load of the engine. It will allow
a higher RPM with a "light" running propeller than a "heavy"
running propeller.
Tier II/Tier III: When Tier II or Tier III systems are active, they can
limit the engine load to protect against for example, TC over-
Running Mode Handler: A certain condition of the engine may
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Compression pres. The compression pressure limiter defines the maximum scav-
Engine Operation
** enge air pressure (0.9 bar) when running with stopped (closed)
exhaust valve operation.
Fuel Pressure This limiter is only used on engines with common rail fuel oil
systems. It will limit the fuel index in the event that the fuel oil
Lambda The Lambda limiter ensures a certain air excess ratio for com-
bustion, by limiting the fuel index.
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*To determine, which one of the four limiters that are active if 'Load Limitation'
is active, go to the 'Process Information - Speed Control'. The active limiter
will be displayed with a blue arrow on the right side of 'Load Limitation'.
Along with these fields are the corresponding bar graph, that indicates the
current fuel index, which is displayed as a number in the 'Actual'. The blue
colour column in the graph represents fuel oil.
The bar graph indicates the current fuel index in percent, which is displayed
as a number in the 'Actual' field.
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Start Status
The start status indicator consists of a single display, showing information on
the status of a start attempt.
Prepare Start
The prepare start function is normally to be activated before start if the engine
has been stopped for some time. Pressing the button will start the cylinder
pre-lubrication and the auxiliary blowers (if stopped).
When pressed, the button will stay down until the procedure is completed. If
the engine has not been started within a certain time, the auxiliary blowers will
automatically stop.
The command is available only when the engine is stopped and the prepare
start procedure is not running.
Slow Turn
Manual slow turn is used during the preparations before the start of the en-
gine, and is normally to be used with the indicator cooks open. Slow turn is
used for visual inspection of the blow out. When the button is selected, the
engine is operated on starting air through the slow turn valve as long as the
manoeuvring handle is activated. If a manual prepared start has not been ex-
ecuted, the system will automatically perform one.
The 'Auto' button is pressed, when the start preparations are completed, and
the engine has to be started. When selected, the engine will perform a normal
automatic start (when the manoeuvring handle is activated). If a manual pre-
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pared start has not been executed, the system will automatically perform one.
Air Run
Engine Operation
The 'Air Run' buttons function is only available in Chief operator level and the
button can be used in the following situations:
When checking the Tacho system (test), starting air valve test and after main-
tenance (and after check with the turning gear) to check the function and
'Air Run' function is similar to 'Slow Turn', except that the main starting valve
is open and the engine is running faster (still without fuel injection).
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'Air Run' is activated when the manoeuvring handle is in “run” position (as with
Slow Turn). This will rotate the engine until the manoeuvring handle is set to
»stop« (or the engine is started by selecting the Auto button ).
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1.2 Status
Information on this screen, primarily targets engine start along with the pre-
parations (such as, seeing if the turning gear is engaged and so forth).
1.2.1 Status
Figure 5: Status
It should be noted, that some of the important details on this screen are; in-
formation regarding the 'Turning Gear', 'Blowers', main state of the engine,
just to mention a few.
Start conditions
The 'Start Conditions' field is a list of conditions, that has to be fulfilled (either
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Each step will be visually marked with a check mark or exclamation mark in
Engine Operation
Only steps that are fully shown and not "dimmed", for instance like 'Control
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The possible status indications of each field are listed in the following list:
▪ Main Starting Valve in service position: Used when the 'Main State' of the
engine is either in 'Standby' or 'At sea'.
When the main starting valve is not in service position, the check mark will
be yellow.
When the main starting valve is in service position, the check mark will be
▪ Main Starting Valve blocked: See 'FEW', mentioned preciously under 'Op-
When the main starting valve is not blocked, the exclamation mark will be
When the main starting valve is blocked, the exclamation mark will be
▪ Starting Air Distribution in service: Used when the 'Main State' of the en-
gine is either in 'Standby' or 'At sea'.
When the Starting Air Distribution system is blocked, the check mark will
be yellow.
When the Starting Air Distribution system is not in service, the exclamation
mark will be yellow.
When the Starting Air Distribution system is in service, the exclamation
mark will be green.
▪ Starting Air Distribution blocked: See 'FEW', mentioned preciously under
When the Starting Air Distribution system is not blocked, the exclamation
mark will be yellow.
When the Starting Air Distribution system is blocked, the exclamation
mark will be green.
▪ Starting air pressure: Used when the 'Main State' of the engine is either in
'Standby' or 'At sea'.
When the starting air pressure is below level for bridge start, the check
mark will be red.
When the starting air pressure for bridge start is, the check mark will be
▪ Control air pressure: Used when the 'Main State' of the engine is either in
'Standby' or 'At sea'.
When the control air is vented (see 'Control air vented'), the check mark
will be red.
When the control air pressure is low, the check mark will be yellow.
When the control air pressure is OK, the check mark will be green.
▪ Control air vented: See 'FEW', mentioned preciously under 'Operation'.
When the control air is not vented, the exclamation mark will be yellow.
When the control air is vented, the exclamation mark will be green.
▪ Turning gear disengaged: Used when the 'Main State' of the engine is
either in 'Standby' or 'At sea'.
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When the turning gear is not disengaged, the check mark will be red.
When the turning gear is disengaged, the check mark will be green.
▪ Auxiliary blowers: Used when the 'Main State' of the engine is either in
Engine Operation
▪ Hydraulic pressure: Used when the 'Main State' of the engine is either in
'Standby' or 'At sea'.
If the hydraulic pressure is too low, the check mark will be red.
If the hydraulic pressure is OK, the check mark will be green.
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Start status
The current start status of the engine are shown in the bottom of the screen.
Each condition that can be shown in this field, are given below:
▪ Stopped.
▪ Running.
▪ Repeated start - This will give a warning.
▪ Slow turn failed - This will give an alarm.
▪ Start failed - This will give an alarm.
Three start attempt failures or a slow turn failure will cause and result in a
'Start – Blocked'.
The current position of the crankshaft are visible near the bottom right of the
screen, when turning the engine (for maintenance purposes) with the turning
gear. This allows for checking the position, in case of a malfunction of starting
air valves.
Turning gear
To verify if the turning gear is disengaged or engaged, see this field.
Valve Test
The main start pilot valves A and B are shown in [1], as well as the slow turn
pilot valve. These can and must be activated to test that the main starting
valve along with the slow turning valve, opens correctly. These can also be
used to test the tightness of the starting air valves in all cylinders.
This test is performed regularly with a stopped engine, see 6645-0100 for
more information.
Active [1] and from there, activate each pilot valve in the toolbar.
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The second tab, shows each cylinders valve status, which can be either; 'Nor-
mal' or 'Fault'.For more information regarding the option 'Fault', see next sec-
If a fault has occurred, the fuel oil injection will stop on the unit in question until
the fault has been rectified and reset.
If a HCU Fuel Oil Fault has occurred, then the system will create a HCU Event
on MOP B.
Engine Operation
Since the procedure for resetting the faulty HCU is the same for all cylinder, it
will be shown on cylinder 1.
Activate the button, that indicates 'Fault' under the specific cylinder. A toolbar
with the specific cylinder number will appear and from there, the status field
can be reset.
For more information about alarm handling and HCU events, see 6645-0240
and 6645-0270.
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The first tab presents information regarding the current running mode.
The 'Estimated Engine Load' is calculated internally within the ECS and is re-
ferred to as the internal load estimation. The internal load estimation may differ
from the actual engine load (as estimated by for instance PMI equipment),
which is referred to as the external load estimation. This is due to the way the
estimate is determined. Though, with proper calibration of the PMI map on
shop test and usage of continuous tuning / online FQA, then the internal and
external load value should follow.
Ensuring that the values between the internal and external load estimation are
near to or equal, is important for the correct operation of the ECS and thereby
the engine. This is achieved by adjusting the 'Applied Fuel Quality' Offset.
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For more information regarding the 'Applied Fuel Quality', see 'Index Calibra-
tion' and for the external load estimation, see '6345-0340 - Determination of
Engine Operation
When the engine load is below approximately 15% of MCR, the fields for es-
timated values (maximum pressure, compression pressure or estimated en-
gine load) are dimmed.
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INFO Some of the equipment mentioned in the above fields, may not be
present on the engine in question.
This tab provides an overview of the possible speed modifiers along with Gov-
ernor/Index limiters.
The same information will be shown on the 'Speed indicator' and the 'Fuel In-
dex indicator' on the 'Operation' screen.
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1.3.3 LDCL
Information regarding the load dependant cylinder liner (LDCL) cooling water
supply system, such as temperatures and pressures, are shown in this tab.
The active 'LDCL Mode' [1] is shown in the top left of the screen. When this
button is activated, the above toolbar will be presented.
From here, the LDCL mode can be stopped, if necessary, or it can be put in
its default state, which is 'Auto'.
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1.4.1 Auto-tuning
Auto-tuning reduces the workload required for operating the engine continu-
ously at design specifications, according to the actual running mode and en-
gine load ordered by the ECS. The system continuously monitors the com-
bustion process and tunes the engine performance by observing changes and
making corrective adjustments to the maximum combustion pressure and
compression pressure. Auto-tuning is made available as “continuous auto-
tuning” (fully automatic) and as “user-controlled auto-tuning” (each auto-ad-
justment session is commanded by the operator).
The following pressure abbreviations are used in this section:
▪ pmax: maximum combustion pressure
▪ pcomp: compression pressure
▪ pi: mean indicated pressure
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System overview
The main components of the auto-tuning system are shown in figure 1. The
PMI Data Acquisition Unit collects the measured combustion pressure cycles
from the cylinder pressure sensors and forwards the processed data to the
CoCoS-EDS and PMI Auto-tuning programs running on the Engine Manage-
ment Services MOP (EMS MOP) for logging, visualisation, and analysis.
The evaluated key pressure values (pi, pcomp, and pmax ) are transferred via the
network to the ECS MOP and the units of the engine control system.
The auto-tuning interface in the ECS MOPs are used for enabling or disabling
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Tuning the combustion process for best performance consists of two opera-
▪ Balancing cylinder pressures to minimise deviation from the mean value.
To perform the above operations, three adjustment modes are offered by the
engine control system:
1. Continuous automatic: The cylinder pressures are continuously mon-
itored and corrected by the engine control system without intervention by
2022-01-06 - en
the user. This mode is available for continuous adjustments of the mean
pcomp and mean pmax level to ensure that the actual mean pressure level is
Engine Operation
ted once, each time the user presses a command button. This mode is
available for adjusting either the engine balance or the mean pressure
levels and only during steady state engine operation.
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NOTICE Cylinder pressures are not measured while the engine is running
If any of these conditions is not met, then the engine control system will ignore
any attempt to automatically adjust the mean pressure level or balance
between cylinder pressures. The status bar will display the message, “Tuning
not available” and a reason given in the right column as shown below:
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Engine Operation
See section for more details on each element of the Auto-tuning
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The engine control system continuously loops through the above three step
operations. If conditions in step 2 do not permit tuning of the mean levels
(step 3), then the engine control system puts adjustment of the mean pres-
sure level on stand-by until the conditions again are met. For example, the en-
gine is operating in continuous tuning mode, and the control system is con-
tinuously optimising the pmax and pcomp mean levels. When the engine operator
moves the index below the minimum tuning range, then automatic adjust-
ments to the mean pressure levels are temporarily interrupted and put on
stand-by. When the operator moves the index back within the allowable tun-
ing range, then automatic adjustments to pmax and pcomp mean levels are re-
The range where continuous mean level tuning operates is dependent on the
particular engine type and configuration, see figure 2.
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Figure 2: The white zone indicates one of the requirements, "Index is suffi-
cient", before continuous auto-tuning is applied.
Enable continuous automatic tuning mode
To enable continuous tuning, ensure that the MOP is in Chief access level,
and then follow the steps in the order shown in figure 3, below:
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See section for more details on each element of the Auto-tuning
Engine Operation
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NOTICE Clicking the "All" button in the status bar will attempt to balance
all three combustion parameters simultaneously . However, this method
is not recommended, because balancing a combustion parameter will af-
fect the balance of the other two. Therefore, the "All" button should be
avoided, and instead each combustion parameter should be balanced in-
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▪ Wait for the system to update the screen with the new pressure values.
▪ Repeat the above steps if the pressure deviation between cylinders need
further adjustment.
3. If the engine is operating under conditions that do not allow for tuning
(“STATUS: Tuning not available” displayed in status bar), both command
buttons will be temporarily disabled.
4. On some engine configurations, the “All” button may be permanently dis-
abled. In this case, simultaneous balance of all three combustion para-
meters is not available.
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To reduce the deviation between the current and ordered pcomp or pmax mean
deviations, follow the steps below:
5. Select either the pcomp or pmax Mean panel button, depending on which
mean deviation needs adjusting (step 1, figure 8).
6. Start automatic tuning by clicking the command button in the lower
status bar (step 2a, figure 8) or click the "All" button (step 2b) to simultan-
eously tune both mean deviations (no matter which panel button is selec-
ted in step 1).
NOTICE Clicking the "All" button in the status bar will attempt to balance
all three combustion parameters simultaneously . However, this method
is not recommended, because balancing a combustion parameter will af-
fect the balance of the other two. Therefore, the "All" button should be
avoided, and instead each combustion parameter should be balanced in-
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Engine Operation
▪ Repeat the above steps if the pressure deviation between the ordered
and current mean pressure needs further adjustment.
See section for more details on each element of the Auto-tuning
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7. If the engine is operating under conditions that do not allow for tuning
(“STATUS: Tuning not available” displayed in status bar), both command
buttons will be temporarily disabled.
8. On some engine configurations, the “All” button may be permanently dis-
abled. In this case, simultaneous balance of all three combustion para-
meters is not available.
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▪ Running state
This field indicates whether the engine is operating in the allowable tuning
range. Even if continuous tuning is enabled (Auto-tuning mode), the re-
quirements listed in the “Operating requirements” field must be met before
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tuning will be activated. If any one of these requirements is not met, con-
tinuous tuning will be temporarily interrupted and put on standby until a
change in engine operating conditions again allow for tuning, i.e. all tuning
Engine Operation
requirements are fulfilled. Also, the user may not initiate a command to
automatically balance the cylinder pressures or adjust the mean deviation
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Message Description
Tuning not available Engine is not operating in the allowable tuning range.
▪ Operating requirements
These are conditions that must be met before automatic tuning is applied.
– Index stable: fuel index must be reasonably stable (see the Speed
Control tab under Engine-> Process Information)
– Sufficient index: fuel index must be within a specified range set by the
– Sensor values: data received from the cylinder pressure sensors must
be valid.
Symbols Description
Meets requirements
Not in range
▪ Notification
The user is informed on the results of the last tuning operation.
Messages Description
Tuning rejected due to invalid sensor val- Tuning cannot be made because a pres-
ues sure sensor is defective or pressure val-
ues are not valid.
Tuning incomplete due to max. adjust Pressure deviation is too high. Tuning ad-
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Tuning rejected ECU or CCU not avail- Tuning cannot be made because the
Tuning rejected EICU not available Tuning cannot be made because the
EICU is busy with another task. See note.
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Deviation Panel
3 to 20 3 to 20 0.5 to 2
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1 to 3 1 to 3 0.2 to 0.5
Engine Operation
-1 to 1 -1 to 1 -0.2 to 0.2
-1 to -3 -1 to -3 -0.2 to -0.5
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Mean Panel
-3 to 3 -3 to 3 -3 to 3
▪ Offset Auto/Cont.
A compensation value used to reduce the deviation between mean pres-
The offset consists of two parts given by a "Static offset" and an "Incre-
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Engine Operation
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– Increment
Pressure adjustments introduced by Auto-tuning.
Adjustment limits*: -8 to 8 bar
– Static Offset
Static offset value that is manually set in the Cylinder Pressure menu
(see "Cylinder Press." tab, Figure 9).
Adjustment limits*: -20 to 20 bar
*Limits may vary depending on your particular engine type.
– Disabled
When continuous auto-tuning mode is disabled, hatched lines will be
displayed in the increment field, see figure below:
– Standby
When continuous auto-tuning mode is enabled, but current running
conditions do not allow for auto-tuning, the system will place all auto-
matic adjustments to the mean pressure on stand-by. This will be in-
dicated by three dash lines shown in the figure below:
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Toolbar buttons
Continuous Automatic Tuning (CAT) Mode Select
Figure 12: The button displays the current mode of continuous automatic tun-
ing and gives the user access to the auto-tuning control panel.
The button shown in figure 12 displays the current mode of continuous auto-
matic tuning:
CAT is disabled. Tuning of the pmax and pcomp mean levels may only
be done manually by the operator.
Clicking the button will open the control panel shown in figure 13.
Engine Operation
Clicking any mean or deviation panel shown in Figure 9 will open the com-
mand panel, Figure 14, in the toolbar. Key pressure values are adjusted once,
automatically each time a command button is pressed. The function of the left
button will change depending on which mean or deviation panel button has
been selected:
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pi deviation
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In correlation with the Auto-tuning process, this tab allows for an individual
adjust of the cylinder load balance.
The same procedure is used to apply changes for both High Load Offset [1]
and Low Load Offset [2].
Adjust the offset in the presented toolbar (the above toolbar is for cylinder 1).
Engine Operation
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The option for manual adjustments for the cylinder pressure, such as pmax level
and pcomp/pscav ratio, can be made in this tab.
NOTICE If the 'pmax offset' is adjusted at low loads, it may lead to too high
pmax, when engine load is increased.
This tab also allows for the option for a manual adjustment of the offset for the
exhaust valve open timing.
The below description can be applied to either all cylinders or a single cylin-
Engine Operation
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Press either button on the screen (as mentioned earlier, press [1] [3] [5] to ap-
ply this offset to all cylinders or press any button in [2] [4] [6] to apply the off-
set to a single cylinder).
Adjust the offset to meet the requirements, in the above toolbar (For the tool-
bar shown above, button [1] was pressed which will apply this offset to all cyl-
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The purpose of fuel index calibration is to ensure that the estimated engine
load within the ECS is correct. 'Estimated Engine Load' [1] is an important cal-
culated / estimated variable, used to calculate engine process set point val-
ues. To ensure that the engine operates efficiently and in accordance with
design specifications, it is important that the estimated engine load is accur-
The system uses the fuel oil properties entered by the operator to calculate a
'Fuel Oil Calculation Correction' value [3]. The operator may choose to use
this value to calibrate the fuel oil index or manually enter another calibration
value in [4], if needed.
It is important that the operator enters the correct fuel oil properties after each
bunker, or when these values needs to be updated.
See the below description for any item mentioned on this screen.
2022-01-06 - en
and second fuel index calibration is to improve the accuracy of this value.
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When a value must be changed, activate the desired button and the below
toolbar will be shown (in this case, 'Lower Calorific Value') and apply the
changes needed.
If desired, this value can be changed by the operator. To assign a new value
press 'Insert Suggested Offset' in the toolbar above. This will copy the recom-
mended calibration value, preciously calculated.
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The ACCo is a fully automatic engine tuning system used to keep the engine
operating at maximum efficiency regardless of the engine load range, load
changes, and varying fuel calorific values. It continuously tunes the combus-
tion process to meet design specifications, resulting in increased perform-
ance, fuel efficiency, and reduction of exhaust emissions. No human interven-
tion is required because the system is automatically activated when the load
reaches 5%. Above this load, ACCo operates continuously throughout the
load range. It reacts to changes in fuel quality, ambient conditions, and com-
pensates for wear that can impinge the combustion process. It is no longer
necessary to enter the fuel’s calorific value. The system controls the individual
cylinder’s pressure and automatically adjusts for any fluctuations or changes
to the fuel. By continuously monitoring the combustion pressures, closed loop
control ensures that each cylinder always operates according to performance
To understand how the system behaves, a sample scenario will be illustrated
through an operating cycle from engine start to running and stop.
System Overview
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The main components of the ACCo system are shown in Figure 1. The PMI
Data Acquisition Unit collects the measured combustion pressure cycles from
the cylinder pressure sensors and forwards the processed data to the Engine
Management Services MOP (EMS MOP). Here, the data is further processed
by the the CoCoS-EDS and PMI programs for logging, visualization, and ana-
lysis. The calculated cylinder process values (prise, pcomp, and pi ) are trans-
ferred via the network to the ECS MOP and the units of the engine control
system for evaluation. A closed loop algorithm constantly compares actual
values from the PMI system against reference values that were recorded for
the engine during performance tests at testbed.
Based on the current deviation between the actual and reference values, the
software automatically applies adjustments to the fuel index and exhaust valve
operation of each cylinder for optimal performance. In the event a PMI sensor
should fail, the affected cylinder will lock the adjustment values, while the rest
of the cylinders remain unaffected and continue automatic tuning operation.
ACCo is only active when the engine is running ahead.
The interface to the ACCo system is found in the ECS MOP under the Cylin-
der Process tab shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The ACCo mode and pressure deviation values for each cylinder are
displayed on the main view
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Figure 3: Click the details button to display the set point and actual prise,
pcom, and pi for each cylinder. The correction adjustments introduced by
ACCo are shown below the actual values
1. Mode Panel
The ACCo mode for each cylinder is displayed on the button face. The mode
may be selected by clicking the button. The available modes are shown be-
Mode Description
Auto ACCo is enabled. The control system continuously monitors the com-
bustion parameters (prise, pcomp, and pi) of the cylinder. If these pressure
2022-01-06 - en
Manual ACCo is disabled. The operator must manually adjust combustion para-
meters to reduce the pressure deviation from setpoint. Upon switching
to this mode, all offset adjustment values are locked at their settings im-
mediately prior to entering manual mode (lock-in-last), and its field color
will switch to yellow.
The operating status of the ACCo system at the selected mode is also dis-
played on the button face and can be one of the following states:
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Status Description
Error A failure has occurred. As soon as the ACCo system detects a failure,
all offset adjustment values on the affected cylinder are lock-in-last, and
its field color will switch to red.
2. Deviation Panels
These panels display the pressure deviation of each cylinder with respect to
the ordered setpoint.
Threshold Icons
The icons change color to indicate when the pressure deviation with respect
to setpoint has exceeded certain limits. These limits depend on your engine
configuration. Sample limits are shown in the table below:
prise pcomp pi
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An icon pointing up indicates that the actual pressure exceeds setpoint. If the
actual pressure is below setpoint, the icon points down.
3. Process Panels
a) Process parameter
There are three cylinder process parameters monitored by the ACCo:
▪ Pressure Rise (prise)
▪ Compression Pressure (pcomp)
▪ Mean Indicated Pressure (pi)
prise is the pressure difference between pmax and pcomp
b) Set Point
Pressure value ordered by the control system
c) Actual
Value of process parameter based on current measurements from the cylin-
der pressure sensor. The value field will change color depending on how
much the deviation is from setpoint and follows the same limits as shown in
Table 1.
d) Offset Adjustment
Amount of adjustment introduced by the control system (automatic mode) or
operator (manual mode) to correct the actual pressure towards the setpoint in
order to reduce the pressure deviation. When the engine is stopped, the Off-
set adjustment is reset to zero. During normal engine operation, if an error oc-
curs and the status switches to “Error”, the adjustment value is lock-in-last
and the field color will switch to yellow.
When the adjustment field switches from blue to yellow, it indicates that the
value is lock-in-last.
2022-01-06 - en
These adjustments are active when the engine is running on fuel oil only.
When the engine transitions to second fuel operation, these values are
▪ SF [%] Adj.
These adjustments are active when the engine is running on second fuel.
When the engine transitions back to fuel oil only operation, these values
are locked.
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ACCo in Operation
This section will highlight some functions of the ACCo during an engine oper-
ating cycle.
1. Engine Start
2. Engine Running
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3. Engine stopped
All adjustment settings are reset to zero after a short time delay. 2022-01-06 - en
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Error Condition
When a failure occurs, e.g. the sensor on a cylinder fails, the status will switch
to ”Error”. In the figure below, no actual values are displayed because incom-
ing sensor data is invalid. The offset adjustment field for that cylinder has
changed color to yellow and its correction values are lock-in-last. ACCo tun-
ing on the other cylinders will not be affected. If necessary, the operator may
optionally switch the affected cylinder to manual mode and adjust the correc-
tion values.
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Manual Operation
Auto mode is enabled by default and should always be used. However, if ex-
ceptional circumstances arise, e.g. a broken piston ring is suspected or the
cylinder temperature is too high, the operator may desire to lower the com-
bustion pressure of a cylinder. To do this, disable ACCo tuning on the sus-
pected cylinder by switching to manual mode and reduce the correction
Figure 4: Follow the steps indicated to manually adjust the correction value. 2022-01-06 - en
Engine Operation
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Figure 5: Adjusting the index limiter of a cylinder will automatically reduce the
set point as seen on the left panel. ACCo operation on that cylinder will not be
affected, but remain active.
Similarly, the Chief Pressure Rise Limiter may be used to limit the pressure
rise of a cylinder without interrupting ACCo operation (Figure 6).
2022-01-06 - en
Engine Operation
Figure 6: Adjusting the pressure rise limiter of a cylinder will automatically re-
duce the set point as seen on the left panel. ACCo operation on that cylinder
will not be affected, but remain active.
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Following the 'Cylinder Process' fan for engines with ACCo, the above fan de-
tails if an offset to the exhaust valve opening timing is applied. It should be
mentioned, that this screen only provides the information and the information
cannot be changed on this screen.
This offset can be applied to all cylinder at once or it can be provided individu-
ally to specific cylinders.
As mentioned on the screen, this timing offset can be applied to adjust blow-
Along with the timing offset, the current exhaust valve open timing is shown
on the left on the screen (in the above case, the exhaust valve open timing is
131.5 ° after top dead center (TDC)).
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Each engine will have a specific set of limiters and will vary between every en-
gine type. These limiters are put in place to protect the engine. However, if the
case arises where one of these limiters must be change, it can be done on
this screen.
The engines max speed, are shown in the top left of this screen. To change
this upper limit, activate [1] and change the valve in the toolbar, shown above.
2022-01-06 - en
Near the top middle of the screen, is the 'Chief Max Load' [2] limit.
This limit can be changed, by activating [2] and change the value, in the tool-
bar just above.
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As described earlier, in the table under 'Fuel Index %', the compression pres-
sure limiter defines the maximum allowed fuel index, as function of scavenge
air pressure in case of stopped or malfunctioning exhaust valve.
When (3) is activated, the operator can cancel the compression pressure lim-
iter when the engine is running with stopped (closed) exhaust valve operation
or in case of a malfunctioning exhaust valve.
This option for obtaining more engine power should only be utilised in very
special situations. This is because the high compression pressure may cause
damage to the cylinder components and lead to risk of personal injury, if a cyl-
inder cover lifts to release the high compression pressure.
For more information regarding exhaust valve operation, see 'Exhaust Valve
Operation' later in this section.
Together with [3], another limiter shown in the table under 'Fuel Index &', are
the 'Chief Index Limit' for all cylinders [4] or for an individual cylinder [5].
Whether to apply a limitation on all cylinders [4] or for a single cylinder [5], the
procedure remains the same. Active [4] or either a single button under [5] and
adjust the value, in the shown toolbar.
As an example, if the limit should only be changed for cylinder 1, active the
button for cylinder 1 under [5]. The toolbar shown above will emerge and from
2022-01-06 - en
Each buttons active limitation is displayed in the top in percentages and visu-
Engine Operation
To completely disable the fuel injection on a cylinder unit, change the value to
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To reenable the fuel injection on a cylinder unit, then the new value should be
more than 0.
The last couple of limits are the 'Chief Pressure Rise Limit' for either all cylin-
ders (6) or for an individual cylinder (7).
Visually, these buttons are share features as mentioned earlier, that is, active
limitation are displayed in the top and in the corresponding graphs below.
Though the displayed values are in bar instead of percentage.
With regard to applying changes, the procedure is the same as described un-
der 'Index Limit'.
On this button, the active status for each cylinder unit is displayed. Currently,
this status can either be 'Enabled' or 'Stopped' depending on their situation.
WARNING Before stopping the exhaust valve operation, follow the advise
giving in the warning text in the toolbar.
To stop exhaust valve operation on any cylinder unit, activate (8) on the spe-
cific cylinder unit. From there, the exhaust valve can be 'Stopped' or 'Enabled'
again, if it was previously stopped in the toolbar.
2022-01-06 - en
The exhaust valve will under normal circumstances remain closed and the fuel
Engine Operation
To stop the exhaust valve operation, above the critical scavenge air pressure
limit, the compression pressure limiter has to be cancelled. See 'Compression
Pressure Limiter' earlier in this section.
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Due to the internal hydraulic drain in the exhaust valve, it will close after some
seconds. The ECS will force a load down of the engine, to reduce the scav-
enge air pressure below the critical limit before the exhaust valve is closed. If
the scavenge air pressure is already below the critical limit when the control
failure is detected, the compression pressure limiter ensures that the engine
load, and thereby the scavenging air pressure, is not increased above the crit-
ical limit.
In some very special situations, the compression pressure limiter can be can-
celled to obtain more engine power. For more information about this, see
'Compression Pressure Limiter' earlier in this section.
When the ECS control of the exhaust valve has been reestablished, the ECS
will return normal settings.
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1 Auxiliaries
This menu provides an overview of all of the auxiliaries systems. This includes
systems, such as 'Scavenge Air', 'Cylinder Lubrication' and so forth.
The Hydraulic Power Supply (HPS) supplies hydraulic oil at high pressure to
the following systems:
▪ Fuel injection
▪ Exhaust valve
▪ Cylinder lubrication
At engine start, one of the two electrically driven start-up pumps is activated
and later stopped when the three engine driven pumps take over the hydraulic
oil supply.
On some plants, the main HPS pumps are not engine-driven, but instead
electrically driven (EL-HPS). In this case, no separate start-up pump and
pump bypass valve are needed.
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Each tagged component in the figure above, will be described in the following
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Mode Description
The ECS automatically controls the system. E.g., when the operator
selects engine standby, the Start-up pumps will start and run to
achieve setpoint pressure
In this mode, it is possible to perform the following operations:
▪ Select which start-up pump [14] will be master
▪ Select which engine-driven pump [8] will be the pressure-con-
trolling pump.
Used for troubleshooting, this mode enables the operator to perform
the following:
▪ Adjust the current hydraulic pressure setpoint (see "Set Point",
▪ Operate the Pump Bypass valve [10] using either ACU1 or
▪ Start or stop the electric start-up pumps [14].
3. Inlet Oil
Oil pressure after filter or LPS (Low Pressure Supply) pressure. This value is
the average of the sensor values from pumps 1 - 3.
4. Set Point
Hydraulic oil pressure setpoint. The current set point is displayed on the but-
ton face. When the HPS Mode is in "Manual", the setpoint can be adjusted in
the toolbar by clicking the Set Point button:
2022-01-12 - en
INFO Adjustment of the set point is only intended as an option in test or fail-
ure conditions.
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The pressure set point is only relevant for the engine-driven swash plate
pumps, because the pressures of the electrically driven start-up pumps are
limited via mechanically adjusted pressure limiting valves.
5. Hyd. Oil
Hydraulic oil pressure at P2 Line [16]. This value is derived and calculated
from the average of the three pressure sensors "1201-1", "1201-2", and
"1201-3". See [2].
6. Ball Valve
Manually controlled valve used for maintenance and commissioning.
7. Engine
8. HPS Pumps
Engine driven swash plate pumps. These pumps provide the bulk source of
hydraulic pressure for exhaust valve actuation, fuel pressure boosters, and
cylinder lubrication units. These pumps are capable of higher pressure than
that provided by the electrically driven start-up pumps. If the control signal to
an engine driven pump is lost, the swash plate will deflect to 100% ahead dir-
ection to ensure that there is adequate hydraulic power.
The pump is the pressure controller and responsible for maintaining the hy-
draulic oil pressure at or near setpoint. It runs at 50%* and compensates im-
mediately for deviations between the actual pressure and setpoint.
The pump operates according to a model curve pre-defined in the ECU.
Over time, if the controller pump runs significantly above or below 50%* (i.e.
near saturation level), the follower pumps will compensate to shift the con-
trolling pump back to run at 50%*.
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An error has been detected causing the pump to enter a failed state. E.g.,
this message is displayed when the measured swashplate angle deviates
significantly from setpoint, or if the swashplate position feedback signal has
a bad status. To recover from this error, the operator can attempt to reset
the pump according to the instructions given below.
Note: If the controller pump enters a failed state, the next pump will be as-
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Resetting a Pump
If the pump enters a failed state, the operator can attempt to recover from the
error by resetting the pump. To do this, click the corresponding pump button,
then click the Reset button in the toolbar. See figure above.
To secure the system, redundant control of the bypass valve is employed us-
ing ACU-1 and ACU-3.
The valve should be exercised every six months to ensure that it is working
properly. The bypass valve is tested at engine stop and HPS Mode in
Manual Control
If the system is switched to "Manual" HPS mode, the valve can be operated
manually. To control the bypass valve, click the button to access the toolbar: 2022-01-12 - en
The valve can be toggled "Open" or "Close" from either ACU-1 or ACU-3.
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Control Status
Master pump. This pump runs continuously during engine standby and
startup. Typically, only this pump is used.
Standby pump. This pump only runs if the "Master" pump is unable to
achieve its setpoint pressure. E.g., if the hydraulic pressure falls below a
preset value, the standby pump will start.
The operator can assign which pump will be the master. To do this, click the
corresponding pump button, then click "Select As Controlling" in the toolbar:
In "Manual" HPS mode, the operator can manually start and stop the pump in
the toolbar.
16. P2 Line
17. P1 Line
2022-01-12 - en
briefly open to provide recirculation during the short transition when the en-
gine runs between ahead and astern.
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The ECS will control the position of the bypass valve [2] automatically.
In this mode, the engine load determines the valve position. The valve
will open and close according to a "load-to-EGB-position" curve.
Used for troubleshooting and test, the operator can manually set the
position of the bypass valve using the EGB Valve button [2].
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In "Manual" Bypass Mode [1], the EGB valve can be controlled manually. To
do this, click the button and adjust the setpoint in the toolbar. See figure be-
The EGB valve setpoint is controlled by the ECS automatically. To specify the
setpoint manually, switch the bypass mode [1] to "Manual", then click the
EGB valve button to enter the new setpoint in the toolbar. See figure below:
3. Pscav Actual
Two redundant sensors are used to measure the scavenge air pressure.
Automatic Mode
The blowers start under the following conditions:
▪ “Prepare start” button is pressed (Operation Screen)
▪ Maneuvering handle is moved to start position, prompting the system to
perform an automatic prepare start (engine start is delayed until blowers
are running and pressure is correct)
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▪ Engine is running but the scavenge air pressure is below a certain value
(e.g. during maneuvering)
The blowers stop under the following conditions:
▪ Engine is shut down
▪ The current sub-telegraph command state is moved to FWE position
▪ Engine is running and the scavenge air pressure is above a specified level
▪ After prepare start if no start has occurred within the pre-determined time
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Manual Mode
This mode is intended for troubleshooting. In this mode, the blowers can be
controlled individually using the Auxiliary Blower buttons [5].
This screen gives an overview of how the EGB valve setpoint is calculated and
the components tagged in the figure are described below:
2022-01-12 - en
1. Signal inputs
The estimated engine load from the ECS and the measured Pscav pressure
[7] are sent to the Pscav control block for processing.
ence curve. Then the algorithm calculates the necessary relative flow area for
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3. Constraints
This block represents constraints (dependent on engine layout) set on the
control algorithm [2]. The algorithm is allowed to control the EGB valve freely
within the minimum and maximum actuator area limits given by [4] and [5], re-
4. Min. Limit
Minimum EGB valve area limit.
5. Max. Limit
Maximum EGB valve area limit.
7. Actual Pscav
This value is used as an input to the Pscav Control block [2].
8. To EGB Valve
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This menu tab gives an overview of the cylinder lubrication system. The oper-
ator can view various lubrication parameters that affect the oil feed rate. If de-
mands for acid neutralization and deposit control increases, the operator can
change parameters to meet these requirements. Parameters are displayed on
the lower section of the screen, while the upper section displays the running
1. Output
The output fields display, the oil consumption, flow rate, and operating mode
of the system. The behavior of the system depends on the input parameters
set in [12.]
This feature may be useful when logging the daily oil consumption.
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4. Flow I/h
Lubricating oil flow in liters per hour.
Note: The calculated Nominal Feed will be overruled if it is less than the Min.
Feed Rate.
The feed rate switches to Power mode when the engine operates above the
break point, and RPM mode when the engine operates below.
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When the lubricating system is operating below the Break Point, the actual
feed rate is not load dependent but follows the engine RPM. In this case, the
panel switches to the figure below, and the feed rate cannot be read on the
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The value entered will be multiplied by the actual feed rate to yield a new feed
rate. See section below for examples on how to calculate the adjust factor.
NOTICE If “Running In” [11] is not “Off”, the Feed Rate Adjust Factor will be
overruled and have no effect on the actual feed rate.
INFO Under normal operation, do not use the “Running In” function instead
of the “Feed Rate Adjust Factor” [10] for adjusting the feed rate. The “Running
In” function is strictly only for use when running in a cylinder liner.
2022-01-12 - en
12. Input
The Input fields are largely parameters that the user can set to configure the
lubricating system.
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NOTICE Ensure that the High BN FRF is also set to match the High BN
NOTICE If the calculated Nominal Feed Rate is less than the Min. Feed Rate,
then this parameter will be overridden.
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Control modes:
Auto Cylinder lubrication will switch to High BN oil when the engine is running
on dual fuel, and Low BN oil when running on fuel oil only. This switch
occurs automatically.
NOTICE Ensure that the Low BN FRF is also set to match the Low BN
a derived value, based on the following parameters: [13], [14], and [19]. This
value is used for calculating the Nominal Feed Rate [6] for Low BN oil.
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23. Prelube
This function is used for reducing wear when the engine has not been in use
for extended periods, or e.g., when the turning gear must be moved. Click
button in the toolbar to start pre-lubrication:
Figure 1: Prelube
When “On” is clicked, the system will make 12 injections of lubricating oil on
each cylinder.
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The purpose of the Automated Cylinder Oil Mixing (ACOM) system is to mix
cylinder oils with different BNs (Base Number) to produce and deliver cylinder
oil to the engine with the appropriate BN (Base Number) value.
The ECS automatically calculates the needed BN value based on the sulfur
percentage of the fuel oil mix. This value is displayed in the “Ordered BN
Value” field. See figure below, next section.
The ACOM system consists of the following three tanks:
1. Low BN Tank, containing cylinder oil with a low BN value.
2. High BN Tank, containing cylinder oil with a high BN value.
3. Mix Tank, in which the two BN oils are mixed
Cylinder oil is mixed by pumping oil from the Low and High BN tanks into the
mix tank. The BN mix is controlled by running the Low and High BN pumps at
different speeds. The system must know the BN value of the oil in the Low
and High BN tanks. The operator enters this value in the screen.
1. BN Oil Control
The purpose of this button is to control how the system specifies the Ordered
BN Value [12]. There are two specification modes, which are listed in the table
below. The current mode is displayed on the button face. The default mode is
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Mode Description
2. ACOM Mode
The purpose of this button is to enable the operator to reset the system in
case a failure occurs. The button face indicates the status of the system.
Status Description
Normal The system is operating normally. It is either in the process of filling the
Mix Tank or waiting for the oil level in the Mix Tank to drop below a
given threshold to initiate a new filling. In this mode, the ABV [17] is al-
ways closed.
Failure The system has encountered a failure and has ordered the ABV to
open. If the failure is not critical, the system may be reset. See section
below, "Resetting the System in Case of Failure".
3. ACOM State
The arrow points to the current operational state of the system. Here, the op-
erator can follow what task the system is performing.
State Description
Standby The system is ready and waiting to start filling the Mix Tank when
the Tank Level [14] indicates that the oil level is sufficiently low.
In this state, the Low BN valve [10] and High BN valve [11] are
closed, while the Low BN pump [8] and High BN pump [21] are
Prepare Filling The Low BN valve [10] and High BN valve [11] are ordered to the
"Open" position.
Filling The Low BN pump [8] and High BN pump [21] are started; the
pump speeds are determined by the Ordered BN Value [12]. The
Mix Pump [13] is also started. When the Tank Level [14] in the
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Pump After Run The “Mix Pump” [13] is run for a certain period (typically 60
In this state, the Low BN valve [10] and High BN valve [11] are
closed, while the Low BN pump [8] and High BN pump [21] are
stopped. When the system leaves this state, it will return to the
"Standby" state.
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Failure Bypass A critical failure has occurred. The ABV [17] is ordered to "Open"
in order to fill the Mix Tank with High BN oil. Due to static pres-
sure, the oil level will rise to fill the breather pipe (not shown) and
result in the Tank Level [14] gauge to max out. In this case, es-
timating the oil consumption will not be possible and the Trip
Calculator [4] will be reset, automatically.
ABV Exercise To maintain the valve, the system has ordered the ABV [17] to
cycle once through its "Open" and "Close" position. This occurs
periodically, typically once a week.
4. Trip Calculator
This displays the estimated amount of oil consumed since the last reset given
by the time stamp. The estimate is calculated based on the pump speed.
A Date and time of measurement start (time stamp). This value can be reset by the
operator (below)
D Amount of Mix BN oil produced since time stamp. This is equal to the sum of the
Low and High BN oil consumed.
To reset the Trip Calculator, click the button to display the toolbar below and
click "Reset Counter".
The Trip Calculator is reset each time the system enters "Failure" mode. This
is necessary, because upon entering "Failure" mode, the pumps are stopped
while BN Oil is allowed to flow through the ABV to the Mix Tank. The latter
cannot be estimated by the system. If the operator needs to check the last
measured oil consumption, this is recorded and can be viewed in CoCoS.
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5. Level Switch
Low oil level warning for Low BN Tank. The level switch should always indic-
ate "Wet". If "Dry", then oil flow to the tank may be restricted or blocked,
causing the system to enter "Failure Mode" and open the ABV.
States: "Wet" and "Dry"
6. Temp.
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7. Low BN Value
BN Value of oil in the Low BN Tank. This is set (entered) by the operator ac-
cording to the oil specification sheet. See section below, "Setting BN Value
after Bunkering Cylinder Oil".
8. Pump Speed
Low BN pump
States: Off and % speed
9. Heating
Low BN Tank heater for controlling oil viscosity. The heating element is turned
on and off automatically according to the measured temperature [6] in the BN
tank. An alarm will be raised if the oil temperature cannot be held at an ac-
ceptable level.
States: "Off" and "On"
10. Low BN
Fill valve for Low BN oil.
States: Opened, Moving, and Closed
11. High BN
Fill valve for High BN oil.
States: Opened, Moving, and Closed
16. Temp.
Mix Tank oil temperature
mode it is always closed. The ABV is a normally closed valve, and therefore,
does not open during MPC Test Mode or restart. Because the ABV is closed
for longer periods, the system regularly exercises the valve - typically once a
week – to maintain and ensure it works properly.
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IMPORTANT: If the ABV fails to open in “Failure Mode” the crew must manu-
ally force it open to ensure that oil flows to the mixing tank. An alarm will be
raised with more information.
States: Opened, Moving, and Closed
19. Temp.
High BN Tank oil temperature
22. Heating
High BN Tank Heater. Same description as [9], except temperature sensor
[19] is used.
The ACOM controller, also called the Oil Mixing Control Unit (OMCU), calcu-
lates the required pump speed setpoint according to the necessary oil mixing
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ratio. This information is sent as a signal [E] to the VFD together with a "Run
Command" [G]. The VFD translates the pump speed setpoint to a variable
voltage frequency [I], which controls the speed of the pump.
If an internal failure occurs, or the operator decides to take control and oper-
ate the VFD locally, the “Remote/Local-Fail” signal [H] will go low, and the
ACOM system will enter “Failure Mode”. In this case, an alarm will be raised
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Similarly, to enter the BN value of the Low BN Tank, click the Low BN Value
button [7].
During this process, the “High BN FRF” and "Low BN FRF" on the “Cylinder
Lubrication” screen must also be set to match the “High BN Value" and "Low
BN Value", respectively. See Auxiliaries►Cylinder Lubrication.
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Note: Manually changing the “Ordered BN Value” may influence the cylinder
oil feed-rate. This is done by the control system in order to compensate for a
potentially insufficient neutralization of the fuel oil sulfur content.
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If the reset button is disabled, then a critical failure has occurred and the sys-
tem cannot be reset:
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MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0270-0016
1 Maintenance
The maintenance screens are useful for debugging the system if a problem is
encountered. For basic information on the multi-purpose controller and layout,
it may be useful to consult description 4745-1500.
The five maintenance screens are described in the next sections. They can be
accessed via the tabs under the 'Maintenance' menu. These screens are
mainly used during engine commissioning, fault finding on I/O cabling / chan-
nels and external connections to sensors. The five screens under the 'Main-
tenance' menu are listed below:
▪ System View I/O Test.
▪ Invalidated Inputs.
▪ Network Status.
▪ Function Test.
▪ Troubleshooting.
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A node in this case includes any controller in the ECS and the ECS-MOPs,
see figure below:
This screen also serves as the main interface to the controller I/O channels
where the user can check process and electrical values.
For example, to check the electrical and process values on channel 52 of the
EICU controller, click the EICU button in the figure above. This will display the
Channel List screen, which contains a list of all the I/O channels in the EICU.
Click button 52 in the list to display the Channel Information screen, which
contains the electrical and process values of that channel. These steps are il-
lustrated in the next figure:
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The following sections will describe each screen shown in the figure above.
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This is the default screen displayed when the "System View I/O Test" button is
selected in the Navigation bar. It displays the layout of all the nodes, i.e. con-
trollers and ECS MOPs, connected to the control network. Each controller
node is represented by a button, which gives access to all the I/O channels in
that controller. The button face displays status and operating mode informa-
tion on the controller.
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A redundant node contains an extra status field to identify which node in the
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The controller is running normally and executing its application program. The
controller should be in this state during normal engine operating conditions.
The controller has been temporarily halted from executing its application pro-
gram. This is due to one of the following conditions that could make execution
of the application program unsafe:
▪ The controller does not have its configuration parameters and must
download it from the MOP file depository
▪ The controller contains configuration parameters that are inconsistent.
The controller is in test mode and not running its application program. In this
mode, tests can be performed on the controller, such as manually setting the
output of a channel.
The controller is waiting for or downloading configuration parameters. The ap-
plication program is not running.
Alarm Field
Control Field
Redundant nodes come in pairs and contain this extra field. E.g., in the Sys-
tem View screen shown at the beginning of this section, there are two re-
dundant pairs. These pairs are marked by the red dash lines in the figure be-
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At any given moment, always one node in the pair is the controlling node,
while the other is on standby. A quality factor is used for determining which
node is the controlling node. The node with the highest quality factor is selec-
ted to be the controlling node. If a failure arises in the controlling node, result-
ing in its quality factor dropping below that of the standby node, then the lat-
ter is selected automatically as the controlling node. The control field identifies
which node is controlling or on standby. For more information, see the follow-
ing table:
Controlling node
Standby node
2. MOP Node
This node contains no button function. The status field symbols are shown in
the table below:
A blue frame around a MOP node identifies the MOP you are viewing, see fig-
ure below:
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3. Control Network
The ECS consists of two redundant control networks. Each node is attached
to both networks. If one fails, communication occurs via the other network.
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1. Mode Button
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Mode Status
This indicates the current operating mode of the controller. There are three
operating modes listed in the table below, but only the first two modes are rel-
evant in this context. The last mode, "Configuration", is displayed here for in-
formation only.
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This mode is used for testing the system. In this mode, the controller
output channels can be manually controlled. E.g., digital outputs chan-
nels can be manually toggled to test actuators connected to them. See
section, Channel Information Screen, for information on how to manually
operate an output channel.
Mode Control
Click this button to access the toolbar (below) for changing the operating
mode of the controller.
Use the buttons to switch between controller modes. This function requires
Chief access level.
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2. Type
Type of controller you are viewing. These include, e.g. MPC, TRITON, etc.
3. Channel List
All active channels on the controller are listed here.
Click a button to open the Channel Information screen. This contains detail in-
formation on the selected channel, such as the electrical value, logic level, and
3b) Status
This column provides status information on each channel. It is subdivided into
two columns:
Analog Input
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Analog Output
Digital Input
Digital Output
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3c) Signal ID
This column contains the address of the signal carried by the channel. The
address always contains four numbers followed optionally by a dash and 1 to
5 characters.
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Input Channels
1. Channel Information
These fields are equivalent to the columns described in the Channel List
screen. Refer to that section for a description of each field item.
2. Circuit vignette
Simplified circuit representation internal to the controller
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3. Connector symbol
Connector mounted on the controller.
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Please be informed about what impact an invalidated channel will have on the
NOTICE Changing the status of a channel may cause the system to mal-
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Some channels that are critical to the system may not be invalidated. E.g., the
input channels connected to the tachometer cannot be invalidated, and there-
fore, the Valid and Invalid buttons on the toolbar are disabled:
To see a list of invalidated input channels, browse to the following menu tab:
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Output Channels
An output channel is shown in the figure below. The window shares several
common features with an input channel, and therefore, only features distinct-
ive to the channel will be described.
1. Set-Output Button
Used for accessing the toolbar for manually controlling the value of the output
channel. This button is only available when the controller is in Test mode and
the user has Chief access rights.
Test Mode
The figure below shows an output channel in test mode. The logic or electrical
value field is displayed in yellow to indicate the controller is in test mode. No-
tice that the process value field is shaded and no value is displayed. In Test
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CAUTION Changing to Test Mode will stop the controller from controlling
the system.
In the case of analog output channels, the output is set using the toolbar be-
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All input channels that have been invalidated by the operator, are shown in
this screen. Consulting this screen may be useful after a controller is replaced.
An invalidated channel can be made valid again by using the toolbar function.
First, select the channel you wish to set valid, then click the 'Set Valid' button.
If the operation succeeds, the channel will disappear from the list.
For information on how input channels are invalidated, refer to the previous
section, 'Channel Information Screen'.
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This screen displays an overview and status of the ECS control network.
The various symbols are described at the bottom of the screen and repeated
in the table below:
• OK
• This MOP
• No Communication
• Not Accessible
• Not Relevant
• Reference
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• Cross Connection
CAUTION The engine must be stopped when check for earth fault is per-
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The function test screens are made as a step-by-step procedure, guiding the
engine personnel through the tests. Each test begins with a few preparation
steps to ensure the right conditions before commencing the actual test. Chief
access level is required and if not otherwise stated, the engine must be
stopped before commencing the test.
INFO The HCU function test list is longer than the height of the screen. Scroll
down to see the rest of the steps.
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To begin the function test, press the START button [1] and follow the steps on
the screen.
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NOTICE To verify that the fuel booster or exhaust valve are functioning as
expected, an assistant must be stationed on the engine top at the unit in
question during the test. For this test, fuel pressure must be present.
Test of FIVA or ELFI/ELVA valve and calibration of Fuel Plunger (if present)
If the CCU multi-purpose controller is not in test mode when the START but-
ton is pressed, the engineer is prompted to switch to test mode and reboot
the multi-purpose controller. Once the multi-purpose controller has been re-
booted, the function test will continue.
CAUTION For testing of the fuel injection components, the FIVA/ELFI will
make one fuel injection.
The fuel injection is verified by an assistant on the engine top by feeling the
shockwave on the respective fuel injection pipe, and feeling on the high-pres-
sure pipes.
For testing the exhaust valve components, the FIVA will activate the respective
exhaust valve once. This is verified by an assistant listening for the ”thump”
sound of the exhaust valve opening and closing.
The test values will be listed on the right column (blue background) of the
table in the screen when the function test is finished. Under normal circum-
stances, these values will be within the default reference range listed next to
the test value column.
If for some reason the test value differs from the reference value, this will be
shown in one of the following formats:
If the test completes successfully, then the user may optionally use the SAVE
button to upload the new calibration set points to the controllers. This is only
for plunger calibration.
If this operation fails, then another attempt should be made after approxim-
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ately 30 seconds.
The adjustable voltage range for the output channel is between -3.6 V to +3.6
V. If signal value field for the output channel turns red, this normally indicates
that something is wrong with the controller.
The signal value field for amplifier feedback has the same types of error indic-
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ations as shown above. If any of these are triggered, then this most likely in-
dicates that something is wrong with either the amplifier or connections to the
CAUTION Activation of ”single injection” will lead to one full MCR fuel In-
jection in the cylinder. Several activations will lead to filling of the combustion
chamber with fuel oil.
Reboot of CCU
Reboot the CCU controller to test mode to continue with the tests or reboot
to set the CCU controller to normal operating mode (finished with function
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Press 'Start' [1] and follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure that an
assistant is standing by to activate the Turning Gear, and verify the crankshaft
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A: xx B: xx (yellow background)
If the crank has been turned to the prescribed angle and the background is
still yellow, then the test failed. Continuation of the test is not possible. By
pressing the details button, specific information regarding the failure is dis-
played. Check and adjust the Tacho arrangement.
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To start the test, press 'Start' [1] and make sure that a start-up pump is in
local control on the starter cabinet, and running so that the necessary hy-
draulic pressure can be maintained.
Press ”Start” and follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure that an as-
sistant is standing by at the pump to check the swash plate angle.
During the test, the following is shown on the screen:
x.x mA (blue background):
Value ok - go to next step.
If all the steps completed satisfactorily, calibration of the specific pump is car-
ried out by pressing ”Save”. The test is concluded by rebooting the controller
back to Normal Mode.
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3. Enter the number of “Ahead” and “Astern” positions using “Up/Down” but-
4. Press “Start”. Position the handle as indicated on the screen (e.g. Max
Astern). Enter the New Rpm value using the “Up/Down” buttons, then press
“Next” to proceed to the next step.
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5. Position the handle as indicated on the screen (e.g. -1). Enter the New Rpm
value using the “Up/Down” buttons, then press “Next” to proceed to the next
6. Repeat step 5 until the next handle position is “Stop” level or “0 rpm”.
7. Position the handle at “Stop” level or “0 rpm” and press “Next” to continue.
8. Position the handle as indicated on the screen (e.g. +1). Enter the New
Rpm value using the “Up/Down” buttons, then press “Next” to proceed to the
next step.
10. Position the handle at “Max Ahead”. Enter the New Rpm value using the
“Up/Down” buttons, then press “Next”. The “Next" and "Up/Down” buttons
will now be disabled, while the Apply button will be enabled.
11. Click the "Apply" button to start calibration. This may take up to a minute.
3. If the Current RPM must be adjusted, enter a New RPM value using the
Up/Down button. Click "Next" button. If no adjustment is needed, click "Next"
5. When all necessary steps are adjusted, click "Apply". The calibration may
2022-01-13 - en
take up to a minute.
1. Select the "Pitch Actual" tab. The latest calibrated values will be displayed.
3. Enter the number of “Ahead” and “Astern” positions using the “Up/Down”
buttons, then press “Apply”.
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4. Press “Start”. Position the handle as indicated on the screen (e.g. Max
Astern). Enter the New Pitch value using the “Up/Down” buttons, then press
“Next” to proceed to the next step.
5. Position the handle as indicated on the screen (e.g. -1). Enter the New
Pitch value using the “Up/Down” buttons and then press the “Next” button to
proceed to the next step.
6. Repeat step 5 until the next handle position is “Stop” level or “0 Pitch”.
7. Position the handle at “Stop” level or “0 Pitch” and press “Next” to con-
8. Position the handle as indicated on the screen (e.g. +1). Enter the New
Pitch value using the “Up/Down” buttons and then press “Next” to proceed to
the next step.
10. Position the handle at “Max Ahead”. Enter the New Pitch value using the
“Up/Down” buttons and then press “Next”. The “Next" and "Up/Down” but-
tons will now be disabled, while the Apply button will be enabled.
11. Click the "Apply" button to start calibration. This may take up to a minute.
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1.5 Troubleshooting
These screens are used for troubleshooting the hydraulic cylinder unit (HCU),
the hydraulic power supply (HPS), and insulation problems. The HCU Events
and HPS Events are used to show the actual movements of the FIVA or ELFI/
ELVA valve, plunger positions, exhaust valve movements, and swash plate
positions as trend graphs.
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On this screen, the swash plate position for each pump can be regulated to
check whether the system is working correctly.
The swash plate position can be seen on input ch 34 and compared with the
desired set point.
When the test is finished, switch the controller back to normal mode.
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By comparing these logs with logs from other periods where problems were
not present, it is often possible to make qualitative conclusions regarding the
current problems.
NOTICE Always ensure that any USB memory stick inserted into the MOP is
scanned and cleaned of any malware.
and internal estimated power together with the names of the HCU Event logs,
and then save these on either a USB stick or some other computer (so the
A list of available dumps can be found at the upper left side of the screen -
newest on top. To display the contents, mark a row in the list and press
”Show Sequence”.
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Both manual dumps (Log Manually) and automatic dumps can be performed
for special failures / alarms. The event, which caused the dump, is described
in the text above the graph area. The time of alarm is shown as a vertical
dashed line. The display of measured values can be turned on and off by
pressing the buttons on the left side of the screen.
By clicking and holding (the cursor turns into a hand) in the area left of the Y-
axis or in the area below the X - axis, the graph can be moved vertically or ho-
Zooming can be carried out by drawing a square in the graph area while ”de-
fault view” can be recalled by pressing ”Zoom to fit”.
Storing both PMI diagrams and HCU Events logs from days with no prob-
lems, will greatly improve the options available for later troubleshooting.
Therefore, it is a good idea to take the HCU Event logs together with Perform-
ance Measurements and then save it all together.
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This screen is similar to the screen displayed by the HCU Events tab. Refer to
the previous section, 'Troubleshooting - HCU Events', for information on how
to use this screen.
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This screen enables the engineer to test the cylinder lubrication injection
valves on a specific cylinder or all cylinders together.
To start the lubricator test sequence, click the 'All' button [1] to test all the cyl-
inders together or click the button for the specific cylinder to be tested [2].
This will display the toolbar below depending on which button is pressed.
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Here, the operator can continuously activate the lubricator at a predefined in-
jection rate. When the test is complete, press the 'Stop' button.
This function is used after repairs are performed on a lubricator, enabling the
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The insulation level shows slow variations in the insulations level (measured in
kOhm). The insulation level is supervised and can generate two alarms: “ECS
Insulation level below normal”, and “Too low ECS Insulation level”.
The noise pulse counter counts the number of fast variations observed in the
insulation level on the controller. When electrical noise is detected by the
“Noise Detect” functionality, the following alarm is generated: “Electrical noise
For further information on Insulation level and noise pulse detection, refer to
Ident. No.: 5318818-2, "Troubleshooting Electrical Noise". 2022-01-13 - en
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MOP B is connected to the EMS MOP, which runs CoCoS-EDS and PMI.
CoCoS EDS is not part of the ECS, however it is an essential tool for
troubleshooting and diagnostics. Therefore, it is important that CoCoS EDS is
running correctly, and that the connection is functioning all the time.
Data logging
If assistance from external parties is needed, providing logs/files and a detail
description of the case can be helpful in the troubleshooting process. There-
fore, the following information can be collected and logged using the program
'datgat.exe', which is installed on the EMS MOP:
▪ A clear description of the case.
▪ ECS Alarm/Event Log
▪ ECS parameter file (SPAF)
▪ ECS HCU data logger files
▪ ECS HPS data logger files
▪ EDS data logger files
INFO The data and log files listed above will enhance the troubleshooting
process, and therefore, important for external parties.
See '6645-0180 - Data Logging' for a description on how to use this pro-
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1 Admin
The following section contains a walk-through of the 'Admin' menu in the nav-
igation bar.
Use this screen for managing the system time and how it is displayed on the
1. Time Displayed
Select how the MOP will display time:
The MOP will display the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone.
Alarms and logs are always recorded with both local and UTC time and date
regardless of which display mode is selected in [1].
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2. MOP Time
INFO Always ensure that the UTC time is correct. The ECS has no con-
nection to the ship's master clock.
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MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0280-0008
1.2 Version
This screen is used for checking the ECS software version and parameter
checksums of the controllers. Each tagged item in the figure is described be-
2. Controller Information
The main column headings in the table are described below:
"Controller Unit"
All parameters in a controller are classified in the following categories and are
given by the column headings in the table:
▪ User
▪ Chief
▪ Service
▪ Design
▪ IMO Design
▪ IMO Chief
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6645-0280-0008 MAN Energy Solutions
NOTICE IMO Design parameters must not be changed. These are emission
and performance relevant parameters based on shop trials. Therefore, their
checksum must remain the same.
No changes made on the MOP will change the IMO Design parameters
NOTICE It is not possible to recreate the parameters of the ECS from the
'Check Sums'. Therefore, sending a screen dump of this screen will not be
sufficient for external parties, who may inquire about specific parameter val-
3. Refresh
After powering up a MOP, no information will appear on the screen. Press this
button to retrieve the latest system information and parameter checksums of
the controllers connected to the ECS network.
4. Export Version
Click this button to generate a copy of the information displayed on the
screen in a report format for later printing. To export the file directly to a USB
memory stick, insert the memory stick in the MOP, click this button, and click
“Save” in the toolbar shown below:
The resulting file is in HTML format and can be saved to a USB memory stick.
If a USB stick is not inserted, the file will be saved on the hard drive of the
5. Export SPAF
Click this button to store a copy of all the system parameters to a SPAF file.
To export the file directly to a USB memory stick, insert the memory stick into
the MOP, click this button, and click “Save” in the toolbar shown below:
2021-12-15 - en
NOTICE Always ensure that any USB memory stick inserted into the MOP is
scanned and cleaned of any malware.
If a USB is not inserted before pressing 'Export', then the file will be saved on
the hard drive of the MOP.
External parties like MAN Energy Solutions may request that you send this file.
4 (4) 6645-0280-0008
MAN Energy Solutions
Table of contents
Engine Control System Diagram ..................................... 7055-0150-0006
Control System
5 (5)
MAN Energy Solutions
Table of contents
7055-0150-0006 1 (1)
7055-0150-0006 MAN Energy Solutions
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Engine Control System Diagram
2015-08-27 - en