Animal Kingdom Level 3

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Chapter 10

Animalia-General Accounts
and Non-chordates
SECTIONA The codes of the answers

Objective Type Questions (1) 1,2

1 What feature is common between earthworm, (2) 2, 3
milipede and squid? (3) 3, 4
(1) Type of coelom (2)) Circulatory system (4) 1, 4
(3) Segmentation pattern (4) Excretory system 6 Which of the following is a true fish?
2 In silkworms , silk gland cells are specialized in the (1) Silver fish
synthesis of large quantities of the protein known as
silk- fibroin. These same cells do not make blood (2) Cray fish
specific proteins . One would expect that silk-gland (3) Flying fish
cells have
(4) Jelly fish
(1) Only silk fibroin genes
7 Which characteristics belong to insects? The
(2) The genes for both blood protein and silk fibroin codes of the answers :
(3) Silk fibroin genes and some other genes, but a. A dorsal nerve cord
not blood protein genes
cdicalT-1 tubules
(4) Fewer genes than the zygote
Open circulatory system
3. Which of the following promotes diversity of
things? d. Gas exchange via a trachea system.
(1) a & b (2) b& c only
(1) Classification of organismns
(2) Natural selection in different environments (3) a, b, d (4) b, c, d

(3) Inheritance from a common ancestor 8 Which of the following metazoan phyla are best
grouped under Radiata?
(4) Homeostatic regulation
(1) Porifera, Coelenterata
Which animal reproduces by parthenogenesis as a
normal process? (2) Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes
(1) Hydra (2) Tapewom (3) Coelenterata, Ctenophora
(3) Earthwom (4) Honey bee (4) Arthropoda, Mollusca
5 Which of the following characters could be found in 9 Deuterostomic condition with indeterminate
sea anemones and some sponges? cleavage is characteristic of
1. Pseudocoelom (1) Chordates and Arthropoda
2. Intracellular digestion (2) Chordates and Echinoderms
3. Radial symmetryY (3) Molluscs and Annelids
4. Gastrovascular cavity (4) Annelids and Echinoderms
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62 Animalia-General Accounts and Non-chordates (Level-ill)

10. Base your answer to question on the key below of 4. Bombyx mori (silk worm) belongs to the order
simple animal phylum
KVPY SA 2016]
(a) Cells are not organised into Phylum W (2) Diptera
(1) Lepidoptera
(3) Hymenoptera (4) Coleoptera
(b) Tissues are not organised into Phylum X 5 Which one of the following phyla is a
pseudocoelomate? (KVPY SB/SX 2019]
(1) Cnidaria (2) Nematoda
(c) The body does not have a body Phylum Y (4) Chordate
(3) Mollusca
6 Triploblastic platyhelminthes are considered
(d) The body cavity is not true Phylum Z acoelomates since the mesoderm is (NSEB 2013]
oelom (1) Underdeveloped
What is the name of phylum W, X, Y and Z? (2) Non-cellular jelly-like
X (3) Organized into discontinuOUS patches
(1) Porifera Cnidaria Platyhel- Aschel (4) Spongy. filling the space between ectoderm
and endoderm
minthes minthes

(2) Coelente Ctenophora Platyhel- Aschel 7. For sedentary / semi sedentary and free living
animals, the most suited type of symmetry has
rata minthes minthes been (NSEB 2014]
(3) Cnidaria Porifera Platyhel- Aschel (1) Asymmetry and symmetry respectively
minthes minthes (2) Radial and bilateral respectively
(4) Clenophora Porifera Aschel- Platyhel (3) Bilateral and spherical respecively
minthes minthes (4) Bilateral for both
8 Babita made squash preparation of body portion of
SECTION-B a specimen. When observed under microscope, the
preparation showed cnidocytes. The specimen must
Previous Years Questions be (NSEB 2015)
1 Ants locate sucrose by [KVPY SA
Medic (1) Sponge (2) Mollusc
(1) Using a strong sense of smell (4) Annelid
(3) Coelenterate
(2) Using a keen sense of vision 9 Which of the following insects use only one pair of
(3) Physical contact with sucrose wings for flying? (NSEB 2016]

(4) Sensing the particular wave length of light (1) Butterflies

emitted reflected by sucrose (2) Dragonflies
2 Which one of the following class of animals (3) Moths
constitutes the largest biomass on earth?
(4) Beetles
[KVPY SA 2013]
10. Tissue level of organization is found in
(1) Insects (2) Fish
(3) Mammals (4) Reptilians (NSEB 2016]
3 (1)) Sea cucumber
In which one of the following phyla is the body
segmented? [KVPY SA 2015] (2) Glass sponge

(1) Portera (2) Platyhelminthes (3) Sea anemone

(3) Annelida (4) Echinodermata (4) Comb jelly
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(Level-ll) Animalia-General Accounts and Non-chordates 63
11. What is true about the deuterostomes?

Mesoderm develops from out-pockets of


I. Mouth develops from blastopore (1)

II. Cleavage is radial
IV. Cleavage is indeterminate [NSEB 2016)
(1) Only l and Il (2) I, II and IV

(3) Only land IV (4) Only ll and V

12. Animals belonging to the following groups are
usually hermaphrodites except [NSEB 2016] (3) (4)
(1) Gastropods (2) Oligochaetes
(3) Crustaceans (4) Flatworms
13. The support staff in a Zoology lab mixed up the 16. If an organism has to acquire atmospheric oxygen
description charts of the following organisms by a process of passive diffusion alone, then
[NSEB 2016)
X= Rotifer
Y = Sea anemone (1) It is likely to be aquatic than a land dwelling
Z= Spider
(2) A body of spherical shape will be advantageous
Description charts over any other shape
Coelomate with segmented body (3) The metabolism wil be hampered for a large
II. Pseudocoelomate with alimentary canal and body of cylindrical shape
head having ciliated crown
(4) It can either be a prokaryote or a eukaryote with
I. Diploblastic with gastrovascular cavity a diploblastic body
Description charts that match X, Y and Z 17 A student could make out that a specimen he
respectively are M [NSEB
ic IaI
found in a lake was an arthropod but could not
(1) I, Il and lll (2) I, l and I assign it to a class. The organism had two pairs
(3) 1, I and II of antennae and a pair of compound eyes on
(4) I, ll and
stalk, It must belong to the class NSEB 20171
14 Ciliary feeding is observed in (2) Arachnida
(1) Crustacea
(3) Insecta (4) Myriapoda
18. During a field trip, a zoology student collected
III. Hydra some specimens. He tried identifying one of the
IV. Bivalviate specimens. To do this he observed and listed the
V. Sabella (marine polychaete) following characteristics: Absence of special
[NSEB 2016]
sense organs such as eyes, ability to withstand
(1) I, IV and V (2) I, II, IV & V
low oxygen levels and poorty developed nervous
(3) Only I, Il and V (4) Only Il and IV system. The specimen could most likely be
15. On a summer morning, at 6 a.m., a honey bee [NSEB 2017]
locateda nectar source in the same direction as
(1) A free-living flatworm such as Planaria.
the rising sun. It went back to the hive and perfomed
a waggle dance which lasted for several hours. What (2) An ectoparasite like flea.
willbe the direction of the waggle dance at 6 p.m.? (3) A filter feeder like mollusc
(NSEB 2016] (4) An endoparasite like liver fluke
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64 Animalia-General Accounts and Non-chordates (Level-ll)

19. Deep sea sponges have silicate spicules because: (1) The source of heat used to maintain body
[NSEB 2018]
(2) Body ternperature being constant or variable.
(1) Precipitation of calcium carbonate is hindered
by the depth. (3) Amount of heat used to maintain body
(2) At greater depth sequestration of silica is
easier. (4) Amount of calories produced in body.
(3) Only silicious spicules make circulation of 23. Esha found a small dead organism on sea shore.
water through body efficient. She brought it in lab, observed it carefully with
magnifying lens. She could identify it as some kind
(4) Availability of calcium is relatively less at of annelid. Which of the following character(s) must
depth. have led her to this conclusion? [NSEB 2018]

20. Though triploblastic, platyhelminths are classified i. Segmented body.

as acoelomate because [NSEB 2018] ii. Absence of clitellum.
(1) The mesoderm is acellular. ii. Presence of parapodia.
(2) Their body is lat. iN. Absence of suckers at mouth region.
(3) The alimentary canal is incomplete. V Bilateral symmetry.
(4) The mesoderm is not distinguished into somatic (1) i and iv
and splanchnic layers. (2) i, ii and v
21. A littoral gastropod will have thickest shell when it
is located at the [NSEB 2018] (3) Only i
(1) High tide marks on a rock beach. (4) , ü and iv
24. Which of the folowing is tthe largest animal without
(2) Greatest depth in a sand beach.
any endoskeleton or exoSkeleton?
(3) Low tide marks on a mud beach. [NSEB 2019]
(4) Bottom of a rock pool.
22. Which of the following is the main criteria for (2) Sea cucumber
distinguishing ectotherms from endotherms? ,IIT(3) Hag fish
Medi (4) Sword fish

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Chapter 10 : Animalia-General Accounts

and Non-chordates

Objective Type Questions
1. Answer (1)
Earthworm, millipede and squid are schizooelomatelcoelomates.
2. Answer (2)
All cells of an organism have same gene composition, but different genes are activated and expressed in different

3. Answer (2)
Genetic diversity serves as a way for populations to adapt to changing environment. Natural selection works in
favor of reproductive fitness.
4. Answer (4)
Drones of honey bee develop from unfertlised eggs. This form of parthenogenesis is called thelytoky.

5. Answer (2) Qundations

Cnidarians exhibit both extracellular and intracellular digestion.

6. Answer (3)
Cray fish and silver fish are arthropods, while jellyfish is a cnidarians. Flying fish is a bony fish.
7. Answer (4)

Insects have ventral nerve cord. Poriferans asymmetrical.

e dare
8. Answer (3)
Coelenterates and ctenophorans radial Isymmetry.

9. Answer (2)
Members of phylum Arthropoda, Mollusca and Annelida show determinate cleavage.

10. Answer (1)

Poriferans have cellukar level of organisation. Platyhelminthes are acoelomates.

Previous Years Questions

1. Answer (1)
Ants have a keen sense of smel. This can be attributed to the presence of 4-5 times more odour receptors
on their antennae in comparison to other insects.

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136 Animalia-General Accounts and Non-chordates Solutions (Level-lll)
2 Answer (1)
More than 9 lac species of insects are present on the earth.

3 Answer (3)
Segmentation is present in:
(1) Annelida

(2) Arthropoda
(3) Chordata

4. Answer (1)
Lepidopteran species are characterised by scales covering their bodies, wings and a proboscis.

5 Answer (2)

Apseudocoelomate organism is one whose body cavity is a pseudocoel ie. a cavity between the gut and outer
body wall derived from a presistent blastocoel. (and not a true coelomn). Pseudocoelomate animals include
the rotifera and nematoda.

6 Answer (4)
Mesoderm is spongy because it consists of parenchyma cells
7 Answer (2)

Organisms with radial symmetry are able to capture

T food
-J fromE E without moving.

8 Answer (3)

Cnidocytes are stinging cells present in members phylum cnidaria/coelenterata.

9. Answer (4)

In beetiles fore wings are modified into hard cover while hind wings help in flying.
10. Answer (3)

Glass sponge has lacks tissues.

Sea anemone is member of coelentrata = Diploblastic.

Comb jelly is member of ctenophora = Partially triploblastic.

11. Answer (2)

Blastopore forms anus in deuterostomes.

12. Answer (3)

Crustaceans are unisexual.

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13. Answer (2)

X= Rotifera (member of nemathelminthese) = Pseudocoelomate
Y= Sea anemone (member of coelentrata) Diploblastic and have gastrovascular cavty
Z= Spider (member of Arthopoda) = Segmented body
14. Answer (2)

Hydra captures its prey with the help of tentacles.

15. Answer (3)

When food source is away from the sun dance occurs in anticlockwise direction. Waggle dance resembles the
figure eight. Distance is indicated by the number of abdominal waggles performed in the straight run part of the

16. Answer (3)

Surface area of a sphere is less than that of a cylinder.

17. Answer (1)

Arachnida-No compound eye
Insect and Myriapoda - Antennae 1 pair only

18. Answer (4)

The following characteristics are the parasitic adaptations of platyhelminthes such as liver fluke, an endo
parasite as it is dependent on its host for its nourish

19. Answer (2)

At the surface of ocean silica is rare, but its ooncentration increases as water depth increases, thus, its easy
to incorporate it into the bio-structures of poriferans.

20. Answer (4)

Although they are triploblastic animals bearing mesoderm but coelom ie., mesoderm lined body cavity is
lacking in them.

21. Answer (1)

Thickest shell in gastropods act as protection against high tides. The littoral zone extends from high water

mark to shoreline areas.

22. Answer (2)

Ectotherms cannot tightly regulate their body temperature which fluctuates acCording to external environment.

Ectotherms exhibit variable body temperature

Endotherms maintain constant body temperature by producing internal body heat.

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23. Answer (2)

Annelids possess a segmented body and bilateral symmetry. Some segmented worms have parapodia as
locomotory organs. Presence of clitellum can be considered an annelid character.

24. Answer (1)

Jellyfish or Aurelia is an umbrella-shaped and free swimming cnidarian without an endoskeleton or


M e d i cIa
IlT - J E

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