Team 7 Cse - B Journal Paper
Team 7 Cse - B Journal Paper
Team 7 Cse - B Journal Paper
Nisha S
Department of Computer Science and
Hindusthan Institute Of Techonology
Coimbatore, India.
[email protected]
Abstract— Gaining a competitive edge in the modern e- product launches. These objectives collectively provide
commerce world necessitates a thorough comprehension of valuable insights for strategic decision-making and
competition tactics, customer habits, and market dynamics. maintaining competitiveness in the e-commerce market.
This project presents an advanced way for methodically
extracting, analyzing, and deriving useful insights from e-
commerce platforms by using web scraping techniques.
Compliant with IEEE standards, the goal of this project is to 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
provide enterprises with strategic information based on
extensive product data. The process includes creating a
A literature survey reveals significant advancements in
sophisticated web scraping program that can quickly and the web scraping methodologies.
effectively explore target e- commerce websites. It specify
ethical scraping procedures and legal issues, to the letter, it Swetha Srinivasan (2021) proposed that in the current
pulls relevant product facts, such as pricing, descriptions, data-driven world, it becomes increasingly essential that big
availability, and customer reviews. The research concludes in a data techniques are applied and analyzed for organizational
user interface that allows for smooth interaction with the growth. More specifically, with the large availability of data
studied data. on the Web, whether from social media, websites, online
portals, or platforms, to name but a few, it is important for
Keywords—Price Comparison, Product Analysis, Review
Analysis, Low Cost Product.
organizations to know how to mine that data in order to
extract useful knowledge.
Tyagi and Sharma (2022) proposed web scraping for e-
The scope of this project is creating a web scraping commerce website. web scraping is basically an
based site to compare products on various e-commerce interactive method for website and some other online
platforms. The focus is on selecting target websites, sources to browse for and access data. To delete a replica
developing a robust scraping module for efficient data of the information and save it in an external archive for
extraction, and capturing essential product details. The review, it uses software engineering technology and
system will employ a structured data collection and data custom software programming to extract data or any
organizing techniques for product analysis. Advanced other content of on-line sources. Web scraping is often
analytic tools will provide valuable insights, supported called automatic data gathering, database discovery,
by user-friendly visualization features. Automation for database crawling, or content management mining.
scheduled updates, security measures, and considerations
for scalability and external system integration are key Arman Shaikh (2023) proposed e-commerce price
aspects. Comprehensive documentation, rigorous testing, comparison for webscrapingPrice comparison sites are
and user training will ensure a reliable and effective web designed to compare the price of goods and services
scraping-based site for product analysis. from a range of providers, which will help consumers
in making decision to choose products that will save
Web scraping based site for product analysis aims to their money through online. Considering the customers'
gather and contrast product details from many e- busy lifestyle especially those who are living in the city
commerce sites, allows people to make instantaneous area, most of the consumers prefer to buy their needs
comparison. It also monitors competitor prices, analyse through the internet because it saves their time.
product catalogue and customer reviews, identify market
trends, assess brand visibility, and uncover cross- selling 3. METHODOLOGY
opportunities. It also involves monitoring user Web scraping is a data extraction technique
engagement metrics, and staying informed about new employed to gather information from websites. The
process typically begins by fetching the HTML content Regular Expressions (Regex): Regular expressions are
of a web page using tools like the ‘requests’ library in handy for pattern matching and extracting specific
Python. Once the HTML is obtained, the next step information from text. They can be useful when dealing with
involves parsing it to extract the desired information. complex or varied data formats.
This parsing is often facilitated by libraries such as
Beautiful Soup, lxml, or html5lib, which provide
functionalities for navigating and manipulating the HTML Significance Of Web Scraping
structure. For instance, using Beautiful Soup in Python,
Market Research and Competitive Analysis :
you can easily navigate through theHTML and extract
specific elements. The library allows you to target Businesses can use web scraping to gather information about
elements using CSS selectors or XPath, providing a competitors, market trends, and consumer sentiments.
flexible means to pinpoint the data of interest. Analysing data from various sources helps in making
informed decisions and staying competitive.
Responsible web scraping involves employing
techniques such as respectful crawling, which includes Price Monitoring and Product Tracking :
spacing out requests and adhering to the website's E-commerce businesses can utilize web scraping to monitor
guidelines. This ensures that the scraping process doesn't prices of products across different websites. This information
overload the website's server or trigger protective is valuable for adjusting pricing strategies and staying
measures like IP blocking. Additionally, it's essential to competitive in the market.
consider the legality of web scraping for a particular
website, as unauthorized scraping may lead to legal Lead Generation :
consequences. Web scraping is commonly used for extracting contact
information from websites, helping businesses build targeted
email lists and generate leads for sales and marketing
Financial Data Analysis :
In the finance industry, web scraping is employed to collect
and analyze financial data, stock prices, economic indicators,
and news. This information is crucial for making investment
decisions and risk assessments
Content Aggregation :
Fig. 1. Basic Pipeline of Web scraping
News aggregators, content curators, and similar platforms
use web scraping to collect and organize information from
Required Skills for a Web Scraping Programming Languages.
various sources, providing users with a centralized location
for news and updates.
Python: Python is one of the most popular programming
languages for web scraping. Libraries like Beautiful Soup
and requests make it easy to fetch and parse HTML content.
Other libraries such as Scrapy provide more advanced 4. SYSTEM ANALYSIS
capabilities for building web scrapers.
HTML and CSS Understanding
The proposed project involves the development
HTML: Knowing how to read and understand HTML is of an advanced system designed for in-depth analysis of
crucial for web scraping. You need to identify the HTML e-commerce products through web scraping techniques.
elements containing the data you want to extract.
The primary goal is to extract, organize, and
analyze crucial product information from various e-
CSS: Understanding CSS selectors is important for targeting
commerce websites, offering businesses valuable insights
specific HTML elements efficiently during web scraping.
for informed decision-making.
XPath Knowledge: XPath is a powerful language for The system's core functionalities include the
navigating XML and HTML documents. Knowing how to selection of target e-commerce platforms, the
use XPath expressions is beneficial, especially when dealing implementation of a robust web scraping module for
with complex HTML structures. efficient data extraction, and the collection of key
product details such as prices, descriptions, customer
Web Development Basics: Having a basic understanding of reviews, and availability.
how websites are built and how web servers work is helpful.
Knowledge of HTTP, status codes, and response headers is The extracted data will be stored in a structured
valuable for handling web requests effectively. database, incorporating data cleaning and preprocessing
techniques to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Advanced analytical methods, including Data Accuracy and Reliability: Because online
statistical analysis, trend identification, and sentiment scraping depends on the structure of the target websites,
analysis, will be applied to derive meaningful insights modifications to the site's design or content may cause
from the collected data. errors in the data or cause the scraping process to
malfunction, producing data that is not trustworthy.
The system will feature a user-friendly interface
with visualization tools, enabling businesses to interact Maintenance Difficulties: Because e-commerce
seamlessly with the analyzed information. websites change their layouts and content all the time, the
scraping code has to be updated often to stay efficient.
Automation will be integrated for scheduled This requires ongoing upkeep and observation.
updates, ensuring that the system remains current with
the dynamic nature of e-commerce data. Dependency on Third-Party Websites: The stability
and accessibility of the intended e-commerce websites
Considerations for scalability and compatibility determine how reliable the product comparison model is.
with external systems will be integral, allowing the The efficiency of the scraping procedure is directly
system to adapt to future changes. impacted by any outages or modifications to the source
Comprehensive documentation, rigorous testing,
and user training will be prioritized to ensure the system's
reliability, ease of use, and effectiveness in delivering
actionable insights for strategic decision-making in the
competitive e-commerce landscape. This model gathers and arranges information from
various online stores, including prices, features, reviews,
and specs. In order to give customers a thorough and
4.2 EXISTING SYSTEM unbiased evaluation of products in the e-commerce
industry With the use of this product comparison model,
Google Shopping: This platform operates on a pay-per-
buyers can choose products with greater knowledge. The
click model, which can result in considerable expenses,
combined data makes it easier to compare products side
particularly for smaller businesses with limited budgets.
by side and gives users the flexibility to assess features,
Crowd Sourcing: This sourcing approach involves costs, availability, and user feedback from several
gathering data and services, including ideas, from a platforms. This improves the overall buying experience by
sizable, open, and frequently rapidly changing community giving customers the ability to choose the best value,
of internet users. quality, and fit for their preferences.
On demand quoting: This method entails asking the
specific websites to supply their information.
Adding Data Manually: This method entails entering the Price Comparison
different data by hand into the rows or columns.
Low Cost Product
Content Aggregation
Google Shopping, while offering significant Financial Data Analysis
advantages for both merchants and shoppers, is not Market Research and Competitive analysis
without its drawbacks. One notable disadvantage lies in
the costs associated with participation for merchants. The Lead Generation
platform operates on a pay-per- click model, which can
Business Insights
result in considerable expenses, particularly for smaller
businesses with limited budgets. Additionally, the Review Insights
competitive nature of Google Shopping, with merchants
bidding for ad placements, can lead to increased Price Comparison
competition and higher bid amounts, posing challenges
for smaller enterprises.
Managing campaigns on Google Shopping can be
complex, requiring a nuanced understanding of the The system architecture comprises a web scraping
platform and effective campaign management skills. This module that retrieves the target site's response for the
learning curve may be a hurdle for merchants new to ethical extraction of diverse product data. The HTML
online advertising. Moreover, the platform's emphasis on parser extracts necessary data from the page response and
paid listings limits organic exposure for products, the data undergoes preprocessing before being sent to the
necessitating investment in advertising for increased user. The analytical engine applies statistical methods for
visibility. insights, and the user interface integrates visualization
tools. An automation module enables scheduled
updates, a security layer addresses ethical considerations,
and the system is designed for scalability and integration. 5.2 DATA ANALYSIS
Comprehensive documentation, rigorous testing, and In the realm of web scraping, data analysis assumes
user training ensure a robust and efficient system. a pivotal role, serving as the linchpin for extracting
meaningful insights from the harvested information.
The practice extends to recognizing patterns, applying
sentiment analysis to textual data like customer reviews,
and dissecting pricing dynamics.
5.2.1 PANDAS
5.3.1 VADER simultaneously, while also featuring robust error handling
for scenarios like network errors or changes in page
VADER has the advantage of assessing the sentiment structure. The ability to manage authentication, handle
of any given text without the need for previous training as sessions, and integrate with proxy servers for IP rotation
we might have to for Machine Learning models. The is essential for accessing restricted or personalized content.
result generated by VADER is a dictionary of 4 keys neg,
neu, pos and compound: neg, neu, and pos meaning
negative, neutral, and positive respectively. Their sum
should be equal to 1 or close to it with float operation.
The non-functional requirements of a web scraping
tool encompass aspects beyond its specific functionalities,
5.3.2 VADER Sentiment Analysis emphasizing factors that contribute to its overall
performance, reliability, and user experience. These
Apply VADER sentiment analysis to assess the include considerations such as performance efficiency,
sentiment of the extracted text. The Sentiment Intensity where the tool should operate with minimal latency and
Analyzer class from the nltk.sentiment module can be resource usage, ensuring timely and responsive data
used for this purpose. The sentiment_scores dictionary extraction. Reliability is crucial, requiring the tool to
contains values for "neg" (negative), "neu" (neutral), maintain consistent functionality under varying conditions,
"pos" (positive), and "compound" (overall compound handle errors gracefully, and provide accurate results.
score). Scalability is another non-functional requirement,
necessitating the tool's ability to handle an increasing
workload and adapt to changing data volumes.
the best combination of low cost and a good deal on the
product they are interested in purchasing. The purchasers
are going to unquestionably appreciate the time and effort
that this saves them. In the end, this will help buyers shop
online by bringing together tactics, the greatest offers and
deals from all of the biggest online retailers, and by
providing customers with an easier way to shop online.
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