CCT90 GR R0 UCe O25 Q 5 LQ CLG
CCT90 GR R0 UCe O25 Q 5 LQ CLG
CCT90 GR R0 UCe O25 Q 5 LQ CLG
Antenatal assessment
Antenatal assessment include
health assessment during the first
History taking •
Physical examination •
Abdominal examination and fetal heart beats •
Diagnostic tests and laboratory tests •
History taking purposes:
Establishing rapport •
Gaining information about the women s •
physical and psychological health
Obtaining a basis for anticipating guidance for •
the pregnancy
History taking components
Demographic data •
Include age, name, address,, religion and
health insurance information
2 . Chief concern
Get information to confirm pregnancy date of the last •
menstrual period
Find the expected date of delivery as follow •
1 st day of LMP+7 days •
Ask if the pregnancy was planned •
Ask about danger signs of pregnancy such as bleeding, •
continuous headache, visual disturbance ,or swelling of the
hands and face.
Elicit information about signs of early pregnancy such as •
nausea, vomiting , breast changes , fatigue .
Ask about any discomfort of pregnancy such as constipation •
, backache, or frequent urination
3. Family profile
Ask about marital status •
Get to know her husband age , their education •
levels , and occupation (if it involves heavy
lifting or long standing ,or handing toxic
Gain information about her adaptation to •
pregnancy and changes in the psychological
status during pregnancy.
4.History of past illness
Ask about diseases that can pose potential •
difficulty during pregnancy such as kidney
diseases , heart diseases, rheumatic fever ,
sexually transmitted disease , diabetic , or asthma
Ask about any past surgical procedure •
Ask about any allergies , including drug •
Find out whether a woman had childhood •
disease such as chickenpox, mumps, German
measles or , poliomyelitis.
5 . History of family illness
Ask about illness that occur frequently in the •
family and cause potential problems in the
pregnant woman or in the infant after birth,
like any inherited diseases or congenital
6.Gynecologic history
Obtain information about : •
Age of menarche (the first menstrual period ) •
Reproductive tract and breast problems •
Usual cycle including the interval , duration , amount of •
menstrual flow ,and any discomfort , when it occurs , how
long it last and what she does to relieve.
Past surgery on reproductive tract such as tubal surgery •
(after ectopic pregnancy ) uterine surgery , cesarean birth ,
frequent dilation and curettage.
Reproductive planning methods , if any , have been used. •
Stress in continence (incontinence of urine on laughing •
,coughing ,or running)
7.Obstetric history
Inspection •
Skin changes such as linea nigra, striae gravid •
arum and scars of previous operation
The shape of the abdomen •
Fetal lie and position ex :transvers •
longitudinal ,oblique
Fetal movement are inspected as evidence of •
fetal life and position
Include fundal height to estimate the period of •
After 12th weeks gestation ,the uterus is palpable over •
the symphysis pubis as a firm globular sphere.
It reach the umbilicus at 20to 22weeks and the xiphoid •
at 36 weeks , and then returns to about 4cm below the
xiphoid due to lightening at 40 weeks.
Diagnosing the fetal lie and presentation •
To determine whether the fetus in a vertex or breach •
Determining whether the head engagement has •
occurred or it is still floating
Ultrasonography •
To assess the fetal growth and wellbeing •