Reference 7
Reference 7
Reference 7
5 Professor 144200 14
6 Principal/Director 144200 14
A teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion may submit in writing in the
prescribed proforma as evolved by the Director of Technical Education duly supported by all
credentials to the Director of Technical Education, within three months in advance of the
due date, that he/she fulfills all requisite qualifications.
The entry level and consecutive stages of promotions are shown in Table 2
Table 2: Stages of Direct Recruitment / Promotion/placement
Stage I Designation
Entry Level, Stage I I Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
fl Stage II
Stage in Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)
Stage IV Associate Professor
Stage V i Professor
2.17 Consultancy
Consultancy work may be undertaken by members of the faculty to
generate resources, either for institutions or for themselves.
Not only the faculty members should be encouraged to undertake
consultancy work, but also an appropriate environment be created by the
state governments/managements of institutions to facilitate faculty
members to undertake such work.
Suitable parameters for sharing the generated resources between the
institution and individual faculty member may be evolved and adopted
by the universities and institutions where consultancy work is
undertaken by faculty members.
The faculty members engaged in consultancy/industry interaction
/research/startup activities/community services may be allowed some
adjustment in teaching time table without compromising their
teaching engagement hours.
2.18 Sabbatical Leave for faculty
To encourage interface between technical education and industry, the faculty
members shall be entitled to sabbatical leave of six months for working in
industfy/professional development, subject to the condition that the faculty
has a teaching experience of minimum five years. Such leave, however, shall be
available to a teacher only twice in his/her teaching career.
2.19 Startup
Presently, the institutions are ranked based on academic performance and
placement of students. In future, it may also be based on a number of start
ups and entrepreneurs created by the institute. Therefore, technology
incubation centres shall be established and frequent interactions between
entrepreneurs/industrialists/alumni and students shall be arranged for
motivating students to initiate startup.
2.20 Incentives for Ph. D. and other Higher Qualification
As per G.O (P) No.321/2013/HEdn dated 21.06.2013, the basic
qualification for, the post of Assistant Professor has been redefined as
M.Tech/M.E etc. So allowing two non-compounded advance increments to
those prossessing M.Tech/M.E may be decided after getting a clarification
from AICTE in this regard.
2.21 Statutory Reservation
The statutory reservation policy for recruitment and promotion of S / ST/
OBC/ EBC/ PWD/ Women candidates must be adhered to as per the state
government rules.
2.22 Quality Improvement Programme (QIP)/Teaching
Research Fellowship (TRF) Schemes
With a view to improve the quality of technical education, all the
eligible teachers working in technical institutions, can avail QIP/TRF
scheme. Managements of self-financing institutions are also directed to
encourage their faculty members to participate in QIP/TRF/QIP (Foreign
2.23 Counting of Past Service for Direct Recruitment and Promotion/
A separate Government Order shall be issued to govern the
implementation of the Career Advancement Placement for faculty.
2.24. Equivalence of Experience of Diploma Level Institutions and Degree
Level Institutions
Experience at Diploma Level Polytechnic shall be considered equivalent to
experience in the degree level institutions at appropriate level, as applicable
provided, scale of pay, qualifications, experience and research contribution
are same for the post under consideration as per the present notification.
3. Cadre Structure
3.1 Minimum Cadre Ratio
The minimum 1 : 2 : 6 of cadre ratio be maintained for Professor
Associate Professor: Assistant Professor respectively.
Minimum number of faculty requirements for an approved institute shall
be calculated on the basis of faculty : student ratio prescribed by AICTE.
Faculty: student ratio would be applicable as per the approval process
handbook published by AICTE from time to time.
(iv) For the purposes of this cadre ratio, Assistant Professor, Assistant
Professor (Senior Scale), Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) shall be
grouped together and be termed as Assistant Professors.
(v) Principal/Director shall be outside the purview of cadre ratio.
3.2 Flexible Cadre Structure
While giving promotion/placement to the incumbent, flexible cadre structure be
H. followed as below:
H (i) Incumbent faculty members be upgraded to higher positions, after being
eligible, through a process of to be held annually, irrespective of --
availability of vacancy in that cadre.
(a) Engineering/TechnolOgY B.E./B. Tech./B. S. and M. E./M. Tech./ M.
S. or Integrated M. Tech. in relevant branch with first class or
equivalent in any one of the degrees.
Bachelor's Degree in any discipline and Master's Degree in
Business Administration/PGDM/C.A./ICWA/M. Corn. with First Class or
equivalent and two years of professional experience after acquiring the
degree of Master's degree.
B. Phàrm. and M. Pharm. in the relevant specialization with First Class or
equivalent in any one of the two degrees.
(d) MCA
B. E./B. Tech./B. S. and M.E./M. Tech./M. S. or Integrated M. Tech. in
relevant branch with First Class or equivalent in any one of the degrees.
B. E., B. Tech. and MCA with First Class or equivalent in any one of the
two degrees.
Graduation of three years' duration with Mathematics as a
compulsory subject and MCA with First Class or equivalent with 2 years
of relevant experience after acquiring degree of MCA.
(e) Hotel Management and Catering Technology
Minimum 4 years Bachelor's Degree in HMCT and Master's Degree
in HMCT or in relevant disciplines with First Class or equivalent in
any one of the two degrees.
Minimum 4 years Bachelor's Degree in HMCT with First
Class or equivalent and minimum of 5 years of relevant experience at a
managerial level not less than Assistant Manager in a 4 star Hotel or in a
similar position in the hospitality industry/ tourism industry.
(1) Architecture
B. Arch. and M. Arch. or equivalent Master's degree in an allied field with
First Class in any one of the two degrees, and minimum 2 years'
experience in the Architecture profession.
B. Arch. with First class or equivalent and minimum of 5 years' experience in
the Architecture profession.
(g) Town Planning
Bachelor's degree in Architecture/Planning/Civil Engineeting or
Master's degree in Geography/Economics/Sociology or equivalent and,
Master of 11anning or equivalent with First class or equivalent in either
in Master of Planning or any above degrees with 2 years of relevant
(h) Design
Bachelor's Degree or minimum 4 year Diploma in any one of the streams
of Design, Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Architecture or Bachelor's degree
in Engineering with First class or equivalent
Master's degree or equivalent Post Graduate Diploma in relevant
disciplines with First Class or equivalent in a concerned/relevant /allied
subject of Industrial Design/Visual Comm unication/Fine Arts/ Applied
Arts/Architecture/Interaction Design/New Media Studies/ Design
Management/Ergonomics/Human Factors Engineering/Indian Craft
StUdies and related fields of Engineering or Design.
Minimum 2 years of professional design experience in Industry/research
organization/Design studios.
5.2 Minimum Qualification Norms for Direct Recruitments/
Promotions/placement for Stage - II to Stage - VI
(a) Qualification for Assistant Professor (Senior Scale, Level - 11,
Entry Pay 68900/-)
For Placement of Incumbents
Qualifications prescribed for the post of Assistant Professor
Should have completed minimum training requirements.
Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of requirements.
I 1. .3 2 5to<8
H 2 3 1 8to10
(d) Qualifications for Professor (Level - 14, Entry Pay 1,44,200/-)
(I) Promotion
Se~i oOficer
Annexure I
Pay Matrix Table for Degree Level Technical Institutions
Level 10 11 12 13A1 14
Cell No
1 57700 68900 79800 131400 144200
2 59400 71000 82200 135300 148500
3 61200 73100 84700 139400 153000
4 63000 75300 87200 143600 157600
5 64900 77600 89800 147900 162300
6 66800 79900 192500 152300 167200
7 68800 82300 95300 156900 172200
8 70900 84800 98200 161600
9 73000 87300 101100 166400
10 75200 89900 104100 171400 1
a 88200
11 77500 92600 107200 176500
12 79800 95400 110400 181800
13 82200 98300 113700 187300 205600
14 84700 101200 117100 192900 211800
15 87200 104200 120600 198700 218200
16 89800 107300 124200 204700
17 92500 110500 127900 210800 ___________
18 95300 11 3800 131700 217100
19 98200 117200 135700
20 101100 120700 139800
21 104100 124300 144000
22 107200 128000 148300
23 110400 131800 152700
24 113700 135800 157300
25 117100 139900 162000
26 120600 144100 166900
27 124200 148400 171900
28 127900 152900 177100
29 131700 157500 182400
30 135700 162200 187900
31 139800 167100 193500
32 144000 172100 199300
33 148300 177300 205300
34 152700 182600 211500
35 157300 188100
36 162000 193700
37 166900 199500
38 171900 205500
39 177100
40 182400
Note: The endpoints of any column do not signify the end points of the pay
received at that level. As was the case in the earlier provision of traditional pay
scales, the last point does not represent the maximum pay of that level for calculation
purposes. The endpoints of the column should not be treated as the maximum and
minimum of a pay scale to calculate the average pay for any level.
Annexure - II•
Present Position
Academic Year
Credit' Enclosure
No Semester Activity Point Criteria No.
1 1/ 2018-19 HoD/Dean 4 4
______________________ Point/semester
2 2/ 20l8-l9appointed by 2 2
Head of Point/semester
_______________________ Institute
3 2/ 2O18-l9Organized 2 2 Point/event
_________________ Conference
4 2/ 2018-19 FDP/Confere 2 1 point /event, to
nce be divided betweer
all co-coordinators
B. Students' feedback (Max Points 25)
N -
Institute Activities (Max Points 10)
ACR maintained at institute level (Maximum Points 10)
Year Activity Credit Point Criteria Enclosure no
S. Semester Activity Credit Point =