PARTICIPANTS: Each grade level of the Basic Education Department must have (2) two representatives.
CONDUCT CODE: The participants and spectators are expected to display and act with politeness, courteousness,
patience, respect towards other participants, and good sportsmanship during the competition.
1. Each team should submit ONE entry only.
2. The poster must illustrate, interpret, and emphasize the theme.
3. All artwork must be done on the spot and must be completed within the allotted time of one (1) hour.
4. The poster must be done in freehand using the following materials (to be provided by the contestant except for the
illustration board):
¼ size illustration board
Oil Pastel
5. The theme for the poster making shall be: “Playing with Math”
6. .All entries must be pre-numbered. No other identifying marks will be allowed to artwork.
7. All entries shall be judged by a Board of Judges
8. The entries will be judged according to the following:
PARTICIPANTS: Each grade level of the Basic Education Department must have (2) two representatives.
CONDUCT CODE: The participants and spectators are expected to display and act with politeness, courteousness,
patience, respect towards other participants, and good sportsmanship during the competition.
1. Each team should submit ONE entry only.
2. The poster must illustrate, interpret, and emphasize the theme.
3. All artwork must be done on the spot and must be completed within the allotted time of one (1) hour.
4. The poster must be done in freehand using the following materials (to be provided by the contestant except for the
illustration board):
¼ size illustration board
Oil Pastel
5. The theme for the slogan making shall be: “Playing with Math”
6. .All entries must be pre-numbered. No other identifying marks will be allowed to artwork.
7. All entries shall be judged by a Board of Judges
8. The entries will be judged according to the following:
1. Open to all Basic Education students of Colegio de San Francisco Javier of Rizal Zambo. Del Norte
Inc., from all year levels with 10-15 participants per year level.
2. The math jingle piece must be an original composition written in the English/Filipino medium.
3. Presentation must be a minimum of three (3) minutes and a maximum of five (5) minutes.
4. The jingle should be relavant to the theme, “Playing with Math”.
5. Groups provide their own costumes and props.
1. The contest is open to all students of the Basic Education Department of Colegio de San Francisco
Javier of Rizal, Zamboanga del Norte, Inc.
2. Only one (1) contestant is allowed to participate per grade level in the Junior High School and Senior
High School Department.
3. Only one entry is allowed per contestant.
4. The spoken word poetry piece must be an original composition written in the English/Filipino medium.
5. The piece must be in line with the year’s Mathematics’ Month theme, “Playing with Math” and must be
free from any malicious and offensive terms/contents including profanities.
6. The spoken poetry must be delivered from memory.
7. Presentation must be a minimum of three (3) minutes and a maximum of five (5) minutes.
8. Sounds, instruments, or musical background is allowed to complement the delivery. No deduction shall
be made if the contestant opt not to have a musical background.
9. Each contestant must submit a hard copy of their piece 2 days before the competition. The copy must
be in a short-length bond paper, printed, and shall be submitted to Ms. Althea Ondac, Mathematics
Club Adviser.
10. Winners of the contest will each receive a certificate.
Message/Content – 40%
The message is impactful, engaging, and is base on the theme.
Delivery and Performance – 30%
The piece is delivered from heart.
Facial expression and hand and body gestures are shown to emphasize the different elements of the
Enunciation is clear. Words spoken are audible to the audience.
Words are pronounced correctly.
Originality – 15%
The piece is an original composition of the participant.
Overall Impact – 15%
The performer’s physical appearance, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness, and evidence of
understanding all seem on target and unified to breathe life into the piece.
Audience impact.
Rizal, Zamboanga Del Norte
1. The competition is open to all junior and senior high school students of CDSFJ who will be grouped
according to their grade level.
2. There should be at least 8 and a maximum of 12 participants per grade level.
3. The students will create a series of dance steps using the symbols in mathematics.
4. These mathematical symbols are given life through bodily movements and freely interpreted with their
chosen music and dance steps.
5. The use of costumes, props, and minimal acrobatic stunts is allowed.
6. The students are given a minimum of 2 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes for the whole performance.
A point will be deducted for each exceeding minute.
The winners will be chosen by the panel of judges on the following criteria:
Mathematical appeal (This includes the clarity of symbols interpreted and appeal of steps) – 40%
Technical components (music, props, and costumes) – 25%
Choreography (uniqueness of steps and appropriateness to symbol) – 25%
Audience Impact – 10%
Rizal, Zamboanga Del Norte
1. The competition is open to all junior and senior high school students of CDSFJ who will be grouped
according to their grade level.
2. Each year level must have one participant and bring their own 3x3 rubik’s cubes.
3. Elimination Round:
- Participants will undergo elimination round where they solve 3 patterns. –
- Each rubik (unscrambled) will have one pattern.
- The elimination may be done by group of desired participants (3, 4 or depends on the facilitator).
- Each participant will use a timer to identify the time consumed in solving the patterns. The
participant will be the one to start the timer as the facilitator announces the go signal, and will be the
one to stop the time when the 3 patterns are solved.
- The less number of time to solve the patterns (may be top 3 or top 5, or as agreed) will be qualified
for the final round.
4. Final Round:
- 3 scrambled rubik’s cubes to be solved by each finalist. Scrambling of rubiks will be done by the
finalists making sure that the finalist will not scramble his own rubik’s cubes.
- Start time – same procedure in the elimination round.
5. Top 3 fastest solvers will be declared first, second, and third.
Rizal, Zamboanga Del Norte
General Mechanics:
1. The competition is open to all junior and senior high school students of CDSFJ who will be grouped
according to their grade level.
2. Each year level must have three participants.
3. The contest shall be conducted into three (3) rounds: Easy, Average and Difficult.
4. Each question will have corresponding point/s.
5. The group to answer correctly will have the point.
Reading Mechanics:
1. Each question in any given round has corresponding time limit and type of questions.
For the easy round, time allotted is 15 seconds in a Multiple Choice Type question.
For the average round, time allotted is 30 seconds in an Identification type of question
For the Difficult Round, time allotted is 1 minute in a Problem Solving type of question
2. The question will be read twice.
3. The contestant(s) can only answer the question after the Quiz Master said the word "GO" at the end of
the second reading.
Answering Mechanics:
Scoring Mechanics:
1. The competition is open to all junior and senior high school students of CDSFJ who will be grouped
according to their grade level.
2. Each year level must have ONE participant.
3. Time control shall be One (1) hour plus thirty (30) seconds increment per move for each player to
finish the game using the digital clock.
4. Recording of moves in algebraic notation is mandatory throughout the game. Violation of this rule
shall be considered as a minor offense.
5. Illegal moves:
MAJOR OFFENSES: Wrong movement of piece, exposing the king to an attack; capturing
opponent’s king and non-replacement of piece after pawn promotion.
MINOR OFFENSES: such as using two hands in making a move; displacement of piece/s on the
chess board; use of force in pressing the chess clock and non- recording of moves, etc.
PENALTIES : Major Offenses 1st offense addition of two minutes to the opponent’s time 2nd
offense loss of game Minor Offenses 1st offense warning 2nd offense addition of two minutes to
the opponent’s time 3rd offense loss of game
TRADITIONAL SCORING - 1 point for a win, ½ for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
Rizal, Zamboanga Del Norte
1. The competition is open to all junior and senior high school students of CDSFJ who will be grouped
according to their grade level.
2. Each year level must have ONE participant.
3. Each player must bring their own Damath Board with red and blue chips.
4. The players will be divided into 4 brackets and will play the game following the single round robin. After
the first round, top 2 of each bracket will proceed to the second round and will follow again a single
round robin. Top 2 of the second round will proceed to the third round and will follow the cross over
format. And then, winners of the cross over will fight for the championship and losers will battle for the
third place.
5. Toss a coin will be done to determine which player will have the first “move”.
6. The player who will make a move will do first the recording before moving the chip.
7. Moving a chip means sliding it diagonally in the forward direction only except when taking an
opponent’s chip or if a ‘dama’ chip takes an opponent’s chip.
8. The two players alternately take turns in moving a chip (pass is not allowed). A player who touches a
chip (“touch move”) is required to move unless it is not possible to do so. After each ‘move’, a player
has to record his or her ‘move’ in a scoresheet (only one scoresheet will be used by the two players).
9. Each player is allotted one minute per ‘move’ including the recording of the ‘move’ and the
corresponding score in the scoresheet. In taking an opponent’s chip, the ‘taker’ chip jumps over the
‘taken’ chip and uses any of the four operation symbols of +, -, x, and -:- where the taker chip lands.
10. A chip is declared “dama” if it stops in any of the following squares of the opposing player: (1,0) (3,0)
(5,0) (7,0). Similarly, the opposing player’s chip is declared ‘dama’ if it stops in any of the following
squares: (0,7) (2,7) (4,7) (6,7). A ‘dama’ chip can slide diagonally forward or backward in any
unoccupied square as long as no opponent’s chop blocks its path. It could take a chip or chips whereby
its corresponding sum, difference, product, or quotient is doubled. Similarly, if an ordinary chip takes an
opponents ‘dama’ chip, its score is also doubled. Correspondingly, if a ‘dama’ chip takes an opponent’s
‘dama’ chip, then its score is quadrupled. A ‘taker’ chip can take one chip or more than one chips with
the required option to take the greater number of chips. Between “a ‘dama’ chip taking an opponent’s
chip” and “a chip taking taking an opponent’s chip”, the former prevails. A ‘taker’ or ‘taken dama’ chip
should be identified by encircling it in the scoresheet.
11. There will be 5 minutes interval every game.
12. The player who will commit two violations will lose the game.
13. Violations includes incorrect entry of the score sheets, more than one minute in recording or doing a
move, or any act that would be detrimental to the smooth conduct of the game.
14. Only the player can raise questions/protest and must be done before the next game will be played.
15. The game ends if the 20-minute game period lapsed; the moves are repetitive; a player has no more
chips to move; an opponent’s chip is ‘concerned’.
16. The remaining chip or chips of the players are to be added to their respective scores. If the remaining
chip is a ‘dama’, then its score is also doubled.
17. The player with the greater accumulated total score wins the game.