The Philippine Court System

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The Philippine Court System

and its Jurisdiction

OA 77 – Legal Office Procedures

Geralden M. Aberde
Subject Teacher
Branches of Government

Legislative Executive Judicial

 Implements the  Interprets the laws and tempers
 Crafts the laws abuse(s) that may arise from any
laws wrongful interpretation of the law.
 settles controversies involving
rights that are legally
To maintain checks demandable and enforceable.
and balances in  determines whether or not there
the exercise of has been a grave abuse of
political power discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction on the part
of the government.
Hierarchy of Courts
Supreme Court

 is the “court of last

 has both original  has the exclusive power
resort” at the top of
to promulgate rules
the judicial hierarchy and appellate concerning the protection
which determines jurisdiction. and enforcement of
with finality what the constitutional rights,
law is and should be.  composed of a pleading, practice, and
Chief Justice and procedure in all courts,
 was established in the admission to the
1901 after Second fourteen practice of law, the
Philippine Associate integrated bar, and legal
assistance to the
Commission passed Justices. underprivileged.
Act No. 136
Court of Appeals

 is the body that  The Court of Appeals  It exercise appellate

generally has exclusive was established on jurisdiction on all cases
appellate jurisdiction February 1, 1936 by not falling within the
original and exclusive
over the decisions of virtue of jurisdiction of the
the RTC’s and other Commonwealth Act Supreme Court. Its
quasi-judicial agencies. No. 3 and is decisions are final
 composed of one considered as the except when appealed
second highest to the Supreme Court
presiding justice and 68
tribunal in the on questions of law.
associate justices

 This special court  It is tasked to handle  Its jurisdiction was to

established under Criminal Cases involving determined on the basis
Presidential Decree No. graft and corruption and of the penalty imposable
1606. It’s rank equivalent to other offenses on the offense charged.
the Court of Appeals. committed by public Thereafter, it was
 Composed of presiding officers and employees amended such that
justice and two associate in connection with the regardless of the penalty,
justuces. performance of their so long as the offense
charged was committed
function or the so called
by a public officer.
Court of Tax Appeals

 was created on June 16,  which act only on  composed of one (1)
1954, through the protests of private Presiding Justice and
enactment of Republic Act eight (8) Associate
No. 1125 (R.A. 1125).
persons adversely Justices.
affected by the tax
 an appellate Court, equal in
rank to the Court of Appeals.
and customs laws.
Regional Trial Court

 “trial court of general  formerly called as the  If a civil claim or

jurisdiction,” a court Court of First criminal prosecution
empowered to try all Instance . involves an amount if
kinds of case, without money or a potential
monetary or subject criminal sentence,
matter limitation. beyond the
 13 judicial regions in jurisdictions of the
the country first level courts.
Shari’a courts

 under the Muslim Code  The Shari’a District  the Shari’a Circuit
with jurisdiction over Courts are equivalent Courts are the
Muslim Filipinos in to the Regional Trial counterpart of the
Mindanao. On February Courts in rank, which Municipal Circuit Trial
4, 1977, President were established in Courts established in
Marcos promulgated PD certain provinces in certain
No. 1083, which is the Mindanao where the municipalities in
Code of Muslim Muslim Code on Mindanao
Personal Laws of the Personal Laws is
Philippines. being enforced.
First Level Courts

Municipal Trial Courts Municipal Trial Court Municipal Circuit Trial

Metropolitan Trial (MTC) Courts (MCTC).
Courts (MeTC) in Cities (MTCC)
 First level  first level  cover multiple
 the first level
courts in cities courts that municipalities.
courts in the
outside cover only one
Metropolitan municipality
Manila area.

The courts closest to the people. It is vital that in this level justice be administered
fairly and with dignity. Otherwise, the common people will lose confidence on the
Generally, It has jurisdiction over criminal cases where the imposable penalty is 6
year imprisonment or below.
Classification of Courts

Regular Courts Special Courts Quasi-Judicial Courts

 Supreme Court  Court of Tax Appeals  Civil Service
 Court of Appeals Commission
 Sandiganbayan
 Regional Trial Courts;  Commission on
Metropolitan Trial  Shari’a Court Elections
Courts; Municipal Trial  Commission on Audit
Courts; Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts

The Supreme Court is the apex of the Phil. judicial system.

Jurisdiction Defined
Jurisdiction - Is the authority given by law to
a court or tribunal to hear and
determine certain controversies
involving rights which are
demandable and enforceable
Kinds of Jurisdiction
According to types According to According to
of cases tried power of review extent of exercise

1. General jurisdiction - extends 1. Original – exercised in 1.Exclusive–confined to a

to all controversies which the court at first particular tribunal or grade of
may be brought before a courts and possessed by it to
instance .
court within the legal bounds the exclusion of others
of rights and remedies. 2. Appellate–power and
2.Concurrent–exercised by
2. Limited or Special authority conferred upon different courts at the same
jurisdiction–confined to a superior court to time over the same subject
particular cases, and can be rehear and determine matter and within the same
exercised only under the causes which have been territory, and wherein litigants
circumstances prescribed by
the statute.
tried in inferior courts. may, in the first instance,
resort to one of them
indifferently but taking into
consideration the doctrine of
judicial hierarchy
Kinds of Jurisdiction
According to Situs

1.Territorial jurisdiction–
exercised within the limits of
the place where the court is
2.Extra-territorial jurisdiction–
exercised beyond the confines
of the place where the court is
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