Interview Guide Usa New
Interview Guide Usa New
Interview Guide Usa New
Q. Why have you chosen this specific University?
Tip: You should go through the website and handbook of your university carefully. Pen down
some highlighted features such as World ranking, the research facility, the faculty profile,
Alumni profile etc. Visa officer wants to know the reason behind joining the particular
University. Also, reason like – because I only got admit from that University is not acceptable.
Choosing the university should not come out like it did not matter which university you got
through. You should be excited about going to that particular university.
Q. Which all universities did you apply to (both admits and rejects).
Tip: Visa Officer wants to know if you are really serious about your education. Even if you
applied to 4 and were accepted in 1 and got 3 rejects, honesty is the only way. Be honest about
which all Universities you chose. Be confident about the selection process you followed and in
as short a statement as possible, suggest how you were really happy with the accept. For
On the basis of my specific course requirement, I had shortlisted and applied to four universities.
This was amongst my top two choices and I was lucky to get an admit from the same.
Q. Where did you complete your bachelor's?
Tip: Mention the name of the course and the university. If the university has a high ranking or
some specific feature, mention that too. Keep it crisp and to the point.
Q. Who is sponsoring you?
Tip: If you have scholarship to study in USA, say that. Else mention the name of your sponsors,
you may add that your father and mother are supporting you for your higher education as per the
financial documents.
Q. What will you do after completing MS/MBA/UG? Tell me how can you prove that you
are going to come back?
Tip: If you intend to work after completing your course then say so. Tell them you are looking
forward to working with some companies back in Ghana. It would be good to mention the names
of the few companies. If you were working, you could mention that you have an offer of joining
your last organization back after completing your education. If you are inclined towards
continuing your education and pursuing research, mention the same as well. But do provide a
hint that your family continues to be in Ghana and you would want to come back to them once
your academic pursuits are over.
Q. Why Study in the USA?
Tip: Visa officer wants to understand your intentions to go to USA. As you are applying for
student Visa so you should only talk about how USA offers quality education which would help
you bring the best of the world to your country. Focus on highlighting the infrastructure
available, the research and the method of teaching. Instead of the country, try to focus on the
University and the course to highlight that it is only about education.
Q. Have you received any scholarship? Why has the University granted a Scholarship to
Tip: You should know how many scholarships you may get and probably the reason why a
university is giving scholarship to your Visa Officer wants to know if you are aware of the
scholarship programs and financial aid. Also if you have submitted any Statement of Purpose for
the scholarship then mention about that and carry a copy of the same.
Q. Have you got any Loans? How do you plan on repaying your Loan?
Tip: Answer about the quantum of the loan you have applied for and from where you have
received the same. Also, as to repay the same, suggest that you are confident to find a good
opportunity in Ghana after you graduate and you have all the intent to pay it off with your
income. Do not suggest you would be paying off the loan by taking up part-time jobs in the US.
Q. Will you come back to home during vacations/holidays?
Tip: Visa officer wants to assess your ties to your home country and family. You can say that
you plan to come back to meet your family and friends here in Ghana. You should not say that
you plan to work in USA as that shows you are not financially strong and you are going there to
earn money. This will make the Visa officer believe that even after completing your education,
you would like to take up a job in USA and try to settle there.
Apart from the above, the visa officer might ask you questions regarding your academic
percentage, about your sibling’s education and jobs as well as your current job. Remember, you
need to be confident about your purpose – which is education from USA and also is confident
that you can afford it.
• US Student F1 Visa Sample Mock Interview Questions & Answers 2020
Mock Interview for an F-1 Student Visa Application
• My US VISA Experience !
Financial status
• What is your monthly income?
• What is your sponsor’s annual income?
• How do you plan to fund the entire duration of your education?
• How much does your school cost?
• How will you meet these expenses?
• Who is going to sponsor your education?
• What is your sponsor's occupation?
• How else will you cover the rest of your costs?
• Do you have a copy of your bank statements?
• Did you get offered a scholarship at your school?
• Can I see your tax returns?
Postgrad plans
• Do you have relatives or friends currently in the US?
• What are your plans post-graduation?
• Do you have a job or career in mind after you graduate?
• Do you plan on returning back to your home country?
• What are your plans after graduation?
• Are you sure you won't stay in the US?
• Will you continue to work for your current employer after you graduate?