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PS (Part C) - Structural Steelworks

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1.1 Scope

This specification gives the technical requirements for all structural steelwork, herein after
referred to as the Works, expect where otherwise modified or amended within the Contract.
All general requirements are given in the Specification covering, but not limited to: definitions;
Contractor’s responsibilities; site conditions; site safety; construction programme; quality
control; materials; testing; site transportation and accommodation; temporary works;
maintenance and as-built drawings.

1.2 Building Regulations, Authoritative Standards and Statutory Requirements

All Structural Steelwork shall be in strict accordance with the requirements of Practice Note
for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical
Engineers (PNAP) and the latest version of British Standards (BS) and Codes of Practice
(CP), except where more stringent requirements are specified herein, the Contract drawings,
written instructions issued by the RO and, in particular, the requirements of:

• Hong Kong Building (Construction) Regulation

• Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2011

• BS4 Structural Steel Sections

• BSENISO2560: Welding Consumables. Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal-arc
Welding of Non-alloy and Fine Grain Steels. Classification
• BS638 Arc Welding Power Sources, Equipment and Accessories
• BS639 Specification for Covered Carbon and Carbon Manganese Steel
Electrodes for Manual Metal-arc Welding
• BSEN499 Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc
welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
• BS648 Schedules of Weights of Building Materials
• BS709 Methods of Destructive Testing Fusion Welded Joints and Weld
Metal in Steel
• BSEN ISO1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles.
Specifications and test methods
• BS916 Specification for Black Bolts, Screws and Nuts
• BS1449 Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip (Parts 1 & 2)
• BS1580 Specification for Unified Screw Threads
• BSEN1435 Non-destructive examination of welds. Radiographic examination of
welded joints
• BS2910 Methods for Radiographic Examination of Fusion Welded
Circumferential Butt Joints in Steel Pipes
• BS3100 Specification for Steel Castings for General Engineering Purposes
• BS3889 Methods for Non-destructive Testing of Pipes (Parts 1A, 2A) and
Tubes (2B, 3A & 4A)
• BSEN1714 Non-destructive testing of welded joints. Ultrasonic testing of welded
• BS4147 Specification for Bitumen-based Hot-applied Coating Materials for
Protecting Iron and Steel including suitable Primers
• BS4165 Specification for Electrodes, Wires and Fluxes for the Submerged Arc
Welding of Carbon Steel and Medium Tensile Steel
• BS4190 ISO Metric Black Hexagon Bolts, Screws and Nuts

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• BS4232 Specification for Surface Finish of Blast Cleaned Steel for Painting
• BS4320 Specification for Metal Washers for General Engineering Purposes
• BS4360 Specification for Weldable Structural Steels
• BS7613 Specification for Hot rolled Quenched and Tempered Weldable
Structural Steel Plates
• BS EN10025 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels: Technical delivery
• BS EN10029 Specification for Tolerances on Dimensions, Shape and Mass for
Hot-rolled Steel Plates 3mm thick or above
• BS EN10113 Hot-rolled Products in Weldable Fine Grain Structural Steels
• BS EN10113-1 General Delivery Conditions
• BS EN 10210-1 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain
structural steels - Part 1: Technical delivery requirements
• BS4848 Hot-rolled Structural Steel (Parts 2 & 4) Sections
• BS EN287-1 Qualification test of welders. Fusion welding. Steels
• BS4872 Specification for Acceptance Testing of Welders when Welding
Procedure Acceptance is not required
Part 1 : Fusion Welding of Steel
• BS EN1011 Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials
• BS EN970 Non-destructive examination of fusion welds. Visual examination
• BS5493 Code of Practice for Protective Coating of Iron and Steel Structures
against Corrosion
• BS5950 Structural Use of Steelwork in Building
• BS EN ISO 9934
Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle testing. General principles
• BS6323 Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Tube for Automobile,
Mechanical and General Engineering Purposes
• BS6399 Loading for Buildings (Parts 1 & 2)
• BS CP3 Loading Chapter V (Part II)

• Swedish Standard SIS 05 59 00

• Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Surfaces

• AWS American Welding Standard


2.1 The Contractor shall submit a method statement accompanied by working drawings and
calculations as applicable, supplementing the Specification where required and fully
describing the following:

(a) Fabrication and assembly procedures and sequences in addition to those described
in this Specification. Particular attention shall be given to the means of ensuring
accurate fitting of members and the avoidance of excessive distortion stresses in
(b) Lifting and control procedures.
(c) Quality control procedures.
(d) Corrosion protection system.
(e) An outline time programme of the works which shall be satisfactorily elaborated within
2 weeks of the award of the Contract.
(f) All connection details for any steel bridges, steel working platforms and any
structures constructed by use of structural steel.

2.2 The Contractor shall supply to the Project Manager a summary list of the rolling mills and
manufacturers from which it is proposed to obtain the steel sections, plates and fixings to be
used in the Works.

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2.3 Nothing contained in the Contractor's proposals shall be inferior to or in any other way conflict
with this Specification. In the event of any discrepancy between them, this Specification shall
over-ride, unless otherwise accepted by the Project Manager in writing beforehand.

2.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply and fixing of all temporary works
required to execute the steelworks on site in a safe and efficient manner.


3.1 Drawings shall be read in conjunction with all related drawings issued by the Contractor or
any other Specialist Contractor or Consultant.

3.2 The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and levels shown on the drawings and shall bring
any errors, omissions or conflict of information to the notice of the Project Manager before the
work is put in hand.

3.3 The Contractor shall not substitute any other sections for those shown on the drawings
without prior acceptance in writing from the Project Manager.

3.4 After fabrication details have been submitted and accepted, no alterations are permitted
unless submitted for subsequent acceptance or otherwise authorized by instruction from the
Project Manager.

3.5 Alterations consequent upon changes or work necessary at site, when accepted, shall be
added to the appropriate drawings and record copies made available, without delay.


4.1 The Contractor shall prepare all the necessary workshop and erection detail drawings and
shall submit duplicate copies of the same to the Project Manager free of cost for acceptance
at least 14 days before acceptance is required.

4.2 The Contractor’s workshop drawings shall give complete information necessary for the
fabrication of joints and component parts of the structure, including the location, type size and
extent of bolts and welds. They shall clearly distinguish between:

(a) Different grades and qualities of steel;

(b) Grades of bolts;
(c) Types and positions of welds;
(d) Manual and automatic welding; and
(e) Shop and site welds.

4.3 The drawings shall show weld preparation, the welding process, filler metal and all joints
design and details.

4.4 On all working drawings, welding procedure sheets, etc., terms and symbols relating to the
welding shall be in accordance with the relevant British Standard.

4.5 Methods of jointing other than those shown as typical on the drawings may be employed
subject to the Project Manager’s acceptance.

4.6 The design and details of all joints and connections, butt and fillet welds and the permissible
working stresses to be used therein shall comply with Code of Practice for Structural Use of
Steel, BS5950 and BS5135 except as may be otherwise specified or shown on the Contract

4.7 Single bolt connections will not be allowed.

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4.8 All shop details and erection drawings shall have been accepted in writing by the Project
Manager 2 weeks prior to fabrication. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the
correctness of his shop details, notwithstanding acceptance by the Project Manager.

4.9 The Project Manager’s acceptance shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of responsibility
for any errors subsequently discovered in the details.

The Contractor shall not sublet any fabrication or other work without prior acceptance in
writing by the Project Manager. The Contractor shall not sub-contract any work to any other
firm who is tendering for the steelwork without prior agreement and acceptance in writing from
the Project Manager.

6.1 Except where otherwise shown on the drawings, all structural steel shall comply in all
respects with BS4360, unless specifically stated otherwise.

6.2 All steel shall be new and shall be well and cleanly rolled to the dimensions, sections and
weights specified. It shall be sound and free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations and
other Defects and shall be finished in a workmanlike manner.

6.3 The mechanical and chemical properties of each batch of steel supplied shall be submitted for
the Supervisor’s acceptance with original certificates from the mills of origin permitting clear
identification of the various steel sections.


7.1 Rolled Steel and Hollow Sections

All steel sections shall comply with BS4848 (Parts 2 and 4). The rolling or manufacturing
tolerances shall be such that the actual weight of sections does not differ from the theoretical
weight by more than -2.5% or +5%. Sections of sizes or thickness outside of these
specifications shall be subject to the tolerance clauses of an equivalent nominal size.

7.2 Bolts and Nuts

Unless otherwise noted, all bolts shall be Grade 8.8 bolts with Grade 8 nuts and shall comply
with BS3692.

Dimensions, tolerances and thread length shall comply with BS4190.


8.1 Members shall be free from twists and localized deviations from true line. The deviation from
straightness of members shall not exceed 1/1000 of the length of the member.

8.2 When two or more such lengths are joined the deviation from straightness shall not exceed
1/1000 of the completed length unless otherwise agreed by the Project Manager.

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9.1 All structural steel shall be stored and handled so that members and their coatings are not
subjected to any damage.

9.2 Open ends of tubular members at all times shall be securely protected from the ingress of
water or deleterious materials.

10.1 General

All steelwork before and after fabrication shall be straight and free from twist. All component
parts shall be assembled in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor otherwise
damaged. Forcible connection to fit the members together shall not be used. All steelwork
shall be cut and fabricated to a tolerance of +1.5mm in its length unless otherwise agreed by
the Project Manager. End plates shall be truly at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the

No work shall be painted, packed or dispatched from the manufacturer’s works until it has
been inspected, and complies with, or has been certified to comply with, all the tests and
requirements of the standard applicable to the materials specified, and passed by the

10.2 Fabrication

Construction and fabrication of the structural steelwork shall comply in all respects with the
requirements of Code of Practice for Structural Use of Steel 2011 with the relevant additional
requirements specified hereinafter.

10.3 Joint Tolerance

Plates, shapes or pipes which are to be joined by butt welding shall be accurately cut to size
and, where forming is necessary, this shall be done by pressure and not by blows.

The Contractor shall take care, especially in the manufacture of welded steelwork, to ensure
that flanges are accurately at right angles to webs and that completed parts and members are
accurate both in sections and in elevation so as to ensure correct registration in the members
and in completed units when assembled and/or erected. Allowances shall be made in
dimensions wherever necessary for contraction caused by site welding. Members shall be
set up so that the differences in dimensions are matched as evenly as possible at the joints.

10.4 Erection

Before delivery the steelwork shall, if required by the Supervisor, be temporarily erected at the
manufacturer’s works either wholly or in such portions to ensure that site erection can be
carried out without major amendments. After the fabrication work has been completed and
before it is dismantled, each part shall be carefully marked for erection with distinguishing
marks, and stamped with durable markings.

During erection, the Works shall be securely bolted or otherwise fastened, and if necessary
temporarily braced, so as to make adequate provision for all erection stresses and conditions
including those due to the erection equipment and its operation. Neither permanent bolting
nor field welding shall be done until the proper alignment has been obtained.

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Any damage to materials on the site due to inadequate precautions being taken during the
erection of the steelwork shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Supervisor at
Contractor's expense.

10.5 Safety during Assembly and Erection

The Contractor shall pay due regard to the stability and safety of the temporary works and
plant during all stages of the work of assembly and erection.

The Contractor shall design and provide all necessary temporary bracing and/or to resist all
erection loads and stresses, sidesway, wind and other temporary loads during construction.

10.6 Site Dimensions

The Contractor shall check the site dimension related to the building in which the steelwork is
to be erected and he shall verify all dimensions given on the drawings and inform the Project
Manager of any errors or omissions in them before the work is put in hand.

10.7 Joints and Connections

No variation of the number, type or position of the joints or connections shown on the
accepted drawings shall be made without the consent of the Project Manager.

10.8 Bolts & Nuts

All nuts shall fit hand-tight on the bolts. All bolts shall be fitted with washers which shall be
tapered wherever necessary to give the heads and nuts a true bearing.

The washers shall be steel and fitted under the nuts. The length of the bolt shall be such that
the threaded portion is clear of the parent hole in the steel members joined. All bolts shanks
shall project at least one thread and not more than three threads beyond the nuts shall be
tightened securely in the finished work.

11.1 General

Welding of structural steelwork shall be by an accepted method. The procedure to be

followed, plant and equipment to be used and the testing and inspection to be applied shall all
be to the satisfaction of the Project Manager and shall conform generally to the requirements
of BS EN 288 and to the further requirements contained in the Specification.

All welding shall be carried out by fully trained and experienced welders tested in accordance
with BS4871 Part 1 or BS4872 Part 1 appropriate to the type of welding they are to perform.

The sizes and lengths of welds shall not be less than those shown on the drawings nor shall
they be substantially in excess of those requirements without acceptance. The locations of
welds shall not change without acceptance by the Project Manager.

All welds shall be finished full and made with the correct number of runs, the welds being kept
free from slag and other inclusions.

No joints or welds shall be made in any position except where shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Project Manager.

Preheat and interpass temperatures and post-weld heat treatment of welding sites shall be in
accordance with the requirements of BS5135.

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11.2 Shop and Site Welding

Shop welding shall be carried out under specified welding procedures and continuous
supervision exercised.

All welding shall where possible be carried out under cover in the workshop. Site welding will
only be permitted with the Project Manager’s prior written acceptance.

11.3 Welding Procedures

The Contractor shall develop welding procedures which in conjunction with the overall
fabrication methods will produce members and structures meeting the quality requirements of
these specifications.

The Contractor shall obtain the Project Manager’s acceptance of his proposed welding
procedures before commencing work.

Welding procedures shall be such that distortion is reduced to the minimum practicable and
local distortion is rendered negligible in the final structure.

11.4 Assembly

Structures shall be assembled in jigs or on suitable surface plates on which shall be drawn
out the whole section of the structure. Members shall be correctly aligned. When correctly
aligned the structure shall be tack welded in accordance with BS5135.

11.5 Electrodes for Welding

Electrodes used for welding shall conform to BS EN ISO 2650 with strength and toughness
equal to the grade of steel (to BS EN 10025) to be welded, as recommended by the

Any electrodes which have areas of flux covering broken away or damaged shall be

The Contractor shall ensure that the electrodes are kept dry in order to maintain the flux
covering in good condition.

11.6 Fusion Faces and Preparation for Welding

Fusion faces shall be free from irregularities and properly prepared such that accuracy of the
specified size of welds can be maintained. Fusion faces and the surrounding surfaces shall
be free from heavy scale and oil, paint or any substance which might affect the quality of the

Butt welds shall be prepared by manual flame cutting and shall be in accordance with
BS5135, either single bevel or double bevel full penetration butt welds with a maximum
misalignment of parts of 3mm. Use of a backing bar is optional. Flame cut edges shall be
substantially smooth and regular and shall be left free of slag, the faces shall be ground, filed
or dressed to remove irregularities and to maintain the tolerances specified. Defects in
otherwise satisfactory flame cut edges shall be limited to occasional notches and gouges not
more than 5mm deep. Correction of Defects shall be to the acceptance of the Supervisor.

The weld site shall be thoroughly cleaned of all slag and oxides between runs.

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11.7 Fillet Welds

Fillet welds shall be in accordance with Hong Kong Code of Practice for Structural Use of
Steel 2011.

Parts to be fillet welded shall be brought into close contact and the gap due to incorrect fit up
shall not exceed 1.5mm.

The minimum leg length of a fillet weld as deposited shall not be less than the specified size,
and the throat thickness as deposited not less than 0.7 of the leg size where the fusion faces
are at right angles to each other.

11.8 Butt Welds

The faces of butt welds shall be at all places proud of the surfaces of parent metal. Where a
flush surface is required, the surplus metal may be dressed off by an accepted method.

Butt welds for thicknesses of more than 12mm shall be welded from both sides.

When welding from both sides the root of the initial weld shall be gouged, chipped or
otherwise removed to sound metal and sealed with root passes before welding is started on
that side.

Butt welds made with the use of backing shall have the weld metal thoroughly fused with it.
The backing shall be fitted so that a minimum space between it and the parts to be joined
exists. Splices in backing shall be made with full penetration butt welds.

Butt welds shall be terminated at the ends of a joint using extension bars or run-off plates to
ensure sound welds. Such bars or plates shall be removed after the welds have cooled.

The ends of the welds shall be ground smooth and flush with edges of the abutting parts.

11.9 Welded Tubes

Tubular steelwork shall be continuously welded and the interior of all tubes shall be kept
clean, dry and free from loose scale, etc., and shall be completely sealed, other than blow
holes where required for galvanizing.

All welds shall be full penetration butt welds and, with the exception of continuous tube-
making processes, longitudinal welds shall be made with extension plates at the starting and
finishing points of each seam.

11.10 Arc Strikes

Arc strikes outside the area of permanent welds are prohibited. Cracks or blemishes resulting
from arc strikes shall be ground to a smooth contour and checked to ensure soundness.

11.11 Control of Distortion and Shrinkage Stresses

In assembling and joining parts of structure or of built-up members and in welding reinforcing
parts to members, the procedure and sequence shall be such as will minimize distortion and

11.12 Dimensional Tolerances

The dimensions of welded structural members shall be within the following specified

(a) Deviation from straightness of welded members where there is no specified camber
or sweep:

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• 1mm x No. of metres of total length but not over 9mm

(b) Deviation from straightness of welded members:

• +1mm x No. of metres of total length/3 or

• +6mm whichever is greater

11.13 Weld Profiles

The faces of fillet welds may be slightly convex, flat or slightly concave. Except at outside
corners, the convexity shall not exceed the value 0.1S + 1mm where S is the actual size of
the fillet weld in mm.

11.14 Quality of Welds

Welds shall be uniform and of the specified sizes. They shall fuse thoroughly with the base
metal and with successive layers of weld metal, and shall be free from overlaps or abrupt
edges or grooves and from incomplete penetration, slag inclusions, undercutting, burn
troughs, voids, cracks, porosity and other Defects.

The surfaces of welds shall be visually inspected and shall be regular and uniform with a
minimum amount of reinforcement and reasonably free from overlap.

All craters shall be filled to the full cross section of the welds.

11.15 Corrections

A piece or member containing welding which is unsatisfactory or which indicates inferior

workmanship shall be rejected or corrected by measures accepted by the Supervisor.

Defective or unsound welds or base metal shall be corrected, by removing and replacing the
entire weld.

The removal of weld metal or portions of the base metal may be done by machining, grinding,
chipping, oxygen gouging, or air carbon-arc gouging and in such a manner that the remaining
weld metal or base metal is not nicked or undercut. Defective portions of the weld shall be
removed without substantial removal of the base metal.

Additional weld metal to compensate for deficiency in size shall be deposited using an
electrode smaller than that used for making the original weld, and in any case not more than
4mm in diameter. The surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly before welding.

Improperly fitted parts shall be cut apart and re-welded as directed.


12.1 Quality Control Procedure

The Contractor shall implement his own quality control procedures to ensure the quality of his
materials and workmanship and shall submit to the Supervisor his proposals in this respect.

The cost of carrying out any material tests, providing material/mill certificates and implementing
the Contractor's own quality control programme and procedures, shall be deemed to be
included in the Contract rates for materials/workmanship.

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The Contractor shall also allow in his rates and prices for the steelwork for the cost of the testing
of his operators, for the provision of all additional labour, material and apparatus and for the
preparation and destructive testing of test specimens.

12.2 Test Certificates

The Contractor shall supply manufacturer’s test certificates, analyses and mill sheets for all
structural steel to the Supervisor. The certificates shall state the process of manufacture and
shall include a test sheet signed by the manufacturer giving the results of the mechanical tests
applied to the steel purchased and its chemical composition. Should the Supervisor require
structural steel to be tested, samples shall be tested at an independent testing station for
compliance with Code of Practice for Structural Use of Steel 2011.

Should the results of either test be unsatisfactory the whole consignment of steel which the
sample represents shall be rejected and shall be replaced by other materials of specified

12.3 Other Tests

Tests on other materials and parts, bolts and other prefabricated fixings shall be carried out or
arranged by the Contractor whenever required by and under the direction of the Supervisor or
the Inspector.

12.4 Inspection and Testing Generally

The Contractor shall have all the welding inspection and testing required by this specification
carried out by an accepted independent HOKLAS-accredited laboratory, referred to herein as
the Inspector, and shall submit all signed test certificates to the Supervisor, all at Contractor's

The Supervisor shall have the right to inspect and/or test at any stage the manufacturing and
other processes, and shall at all reasonable times be given free access to the Contractor's
workshop and to the Site. The Contractor shall provide such attendance, samples and other
facilities as may be necessary for inspection and quality control during any stage of the
fabrication and other operations and for witnessing the required tests. The Contractor shall
supply free of charge all labour and tools required in connection with the inspection and testing
of the steelwork.

12.5 Rejection

Any steelwork which, in the opinion of the Supervisor and/or the Inspector, is not in accordance
with the Specification shall be rejected either before or after delivery to the Site, and if delivered
shall be removed from the Site at the Contractor's expense within 24 hours from receipt of such
notice of rejection. Any delay caused by such rejection shall not in any way relieve the
Contractor from his responsibilities with regard to the provisions of the Contract.

In the event of any materials proving defective subsequent to delivery, such material shall be
rejected notwithstanding any previous certificate of satisfactory testing.

Rejected material or workmanship shall be remedied or replaced by the Contractor without extra
cost and without affecting the time of completion of the Contract.

Inspection and acceptance of material, sections and fixings, etc., by the Supervisor /Inspector
shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of any of his own responsibilities for ensuring that the
materials, parts and fixings are sound and of requisite quality.

12.6 Supervision by Contractor

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The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all materials and workmanship comply
with this Specification and shall provide all the supervision necessary to fulfill this requirement.

The steelwork shall be erected and fixed in accordance with the agreed programme under the
direct supervision of competent staff.


13.1 All welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with BS EN ISO 17638: 2009. Unless
otherwise stated, non destructive testing shall be carried out after visual inspection in
accordance with the table below:-

Weld Type Frequency of Non-destructive Testing

All types of butt welds 100% ultrasonic examination and magnetic
particle flaw detection.

Fillet welds with leg length exceeding 20% ultrasonic examination and magnetic particle
and including 10mm flaw detection.

Fillet welds with leg length not 20% magnetic particle flaw detection.
exceeding 10mm

Secondary attachment welds, e.g. for 5% of attachments by magnetic particle flaw

fixing purlins, side rails detection and ultrasonic examination if leg length
exceeds and includes 10mm

13.2 The standard of acceptance for butt welds shall be in accordance with Table 18 Quality
Category A of BS5135. The standard of acceptance for fillet welds and secondary attachment
welds shall be in accordance with Table 19 Guidance on Acceptance Levels for Fillet Welds
Category A of BS5135.

13.3 Ultrasonic examination shall be carried out in accordance with BS3923: Part 1 Level 2B.
Magnetic particle flaw detection shall be carried out in accordance with BS6072. Examination
shall be carried out not less than 16 hours from the time of completion of the weld to be
inspected, or not less than 40 hours in the case of butt welds thicker than 40mm or any welds to
Grade S355 steels.

13.4 The testing programme shall be accepted. Any welds which will be rendered inaccessible by
subsequent work shall be examined prior to the loss of access.

13.5 Employ an accepted independent HOKLAS-accredited laboratory to carry out and interpret the
inspection and testing, and provide any necessary labour and attendance. Submit evidence
proving that operators carrying out the inspection and testing have been trained and assessed
for competence in the inspection and testing of welds. In addition, submit certificates of
competence from a recognized authority for operators carrying out ultrasonic examination.

13.6 Should test results indicate that welds are below the standard of acceptance, carry out accepted
remedial measures and further acceptance tests.

13.7 Should magnetic particle inspection equipment not be available, dye penetrate inspection (DPI)
in accordance with the recommendations given in BS6443 may be adopted if accepted by the

13.8 Where a welding procedure requires an inspection after initial weld runs before further welding
is performed, such inspections may be carried out when the weld metal has cooled to ambient

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14.1 General

All steelwork corrosion protection systems shall conform to BS5493, as noted on relevant
drawings. Corrosion protection systems should be submitted to the Project Manager for
acceptance prior to application.

No paint shall be applied to any surface which is not thoroughly dry nor where humidity
conditions are such that condensation can occur on the surface before or during the application
of the paint, nor until the surface has been prepared and cleaned to receive the paint in
accordance with the Specification. No further paint coat shall be applied until the previous paint
coat has dried or cured sufficiently to receive it and has been accepted by the Supervisor and/or
the Inspector.

Workshop surface preparation, priming and coating operations shall be carried out in a
protected area under cover and such work which must be carried out at the Site shall not be
carried out in wet or damp conditions. The coatings shall be protected where the drying or
curing process is not sufficiently advanced to withstand any imminent deposition of moisture,
windborne dirt, dust, sea spray or other pollutants. Such surfaces shall be further cleaned and
prepared before additional coatings are applied or where sea spray, dust or other pollutants are
contaminating the surface.

Any relevant requirements not covered by the Specification shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s data sheets and instructions. All painting shall comply with statutory
requirements as to health, environment and safety.

All steelwork shall be handled, transported, stacked and erected in such a way as to avoid
damage to the applied paintwork and due precautions taken to ensure that erection tackle,
equipment and methods minimize the risk of such damage. Where damage occurs the
Contractor shall take appropriate remedial action to provide a surface preparation and painted
finish conforming to the requirements of this Specification.

14.2 Protection System

Steelwork surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by means of galvanizing and/or accepted
painting system from an accepted manufacturer. For galvanized steelwork, refer Section 15 of
this Specification and for the extent of galvanizing and painting, refer to the drawings.

14.3 Surface Preparation

After inspection and acceptance and before leaving the workshop, all steelwork shall be
thoroughly cleaned of all loose mill scale, rust, spatter, slag, or flux deposit, oil, dirt and other
foreign matter by abrasive blast cleaning to BS4232 2nd quality (equivalent Sa 2 1/2).

Any surface laminations, shelling, cracks, crevices, inclusions, surface flaws, burrs or sharp
edges shall be removed before coating.

Contact surfaces shall be cleaned by effective means, before assembly, but not painted.

Coating system shall be applied within 2 hours of blast cleaning. If rusting occurs after the
completion of the surface preparation, the surface shall again be blast cleaned as specified.
Blast cleaned surfaces shall not be left overnight before painting.

14.4 Coating System

The coating system shall be chosen by the Contractor from the relevant tables in BS5493, as
noted on the drawings. Proposals to be submitted to the Project Manager for acceptance. All

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parts shall be to BS5493 and applied in strict accordance with the manufacturers written

Each coat shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer at an interval that ensures the
proper hardening or curing of the previous coat provides the specified dry film thickness without
detriment to the surface finish.

14.5 Internal Surfaces of Sealed Tubes

The internal surfaces of hermetically sealed steel tubes shall be exempt from the specified
requirements for corrosion protection, except where galvanized, but shall be protected against
ingress of water or other corrosive substances prior to sealing and at all other times.

14.6 Painting at Site

Before assembly of the steelwork at the site, the Contractor shall clean, prepare and prime all
components or connections not otherwise treated and touch up all areas of previously primed
members damaged during delivery.

After assembly of the steelwork, all exposed bolt heads shall be cleaned and painted as
specified. The paintwork wherever damaged, deteriorated or affected by site welding shall be
repainted, touched up and made good by the Contractor.

Painting of site welded galvanized members is to be carried out in accordance with Section 16
of this specification.

14.7 Acceptability and Inspection of Coatings

The finished coating shall be generally smooth, of a dense and uniform texture and free from
sharp protuberances, voids, bubbles, pin holes, sags, dimpling or curtaining.

Any coat damaged by subsequent processes or which has deteriorated to an extent such that
proper adhesion of the coating may not be obtained or maintained shall be re-cleaned to the
original standard and recoated with the specified sequence of coats.


15.1 Galvanized steelwork must be chemically descaled and cleaned, so that all rust, mill scale, oil,
grease and other foreign matter is removed leaving clean surface of metal or a tightly adhering
is coating of zinc or iron phosphate.

15.2 All hollow sections to be galvanized shall have adequate blow holes in end plates to allow
complete galvanizing without air pockets.

15.3 All transport and erection abrasions, site welds etc. are to be reinstated.


16.1. General

All structural steel members should be coated with solvent based intumescent fire resistance
coating in accordance with BS 476 Parts 21:1987 and BS8202 Part 2 : 1992 to achieve the
required Fire Resistance Period (FRP).

16.2 Quality

PS (Part C)-Structural Steelworks MCS-PS(C)-P.13

Information Class: CONFIDENTIAL

Full fire test/assessment report shall be submitted to demonstrate that the concerned product
or material has been tested in accordance with or assessed against BS 476: Parts 21: 1987
by a laboratory accredited by Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) or by
other laboratory accreditation bodies which have reached mutual recognition
agreements/arrangements with HOKLAS, or one of the assessing organizations listed in
PNAP 251.



Provide paints and others materials which are in the List of Fire Protection Materials for
Structural Use of Buildings Department and comply with BS 476: Parts 21: 1987and BS8202
Part 2 : 1992.

Do not combine paints from different manufacturers in a paint system.

Storage and Handing

The material shall be delivered in clearly labeled original unopened containers, clearly marked
with the manufacturing batch number. The components shall not be stored in direct sunlight.

16.4 Paint System

16.4.1 Paint system description

The application of fire resistance coating shall strictly comply with the manufacturer’s
specification. Details of application such as surface preparation, application of primer, top
coats etc, shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications/recommendations and are compatible with those adopted in the fire tests. The
coating system is as follows:

Coating System Description D. F. T. Micron

Primer: Epoxy Alloy Primer or accepted equivalent 25
Fire Resistance Intumescent Fire Resistance Coating According to
Coating manufacturer’s
Middle Coat Epoxy Primer, White or equivalent 40
First Topcoat Polyurethane Coating or equivalent 50
Second Top Coat Polyurethane Coating or equivalent 50

16.4.2 Working Procedure

Epoxy Primer Application or equivalent

a) Mix base and hardener according to the mixing ratio and stir thoroughly, then setting
10~20 mins.
b) Avoid applying the paint in rainy or humid weather, particularly, a wet surface must be
thoroughly dried.
c) Over coating Intervals for Intumescent Paint : Minimum 8 Hrs.

Fire resistance coating Application or accepted equivalent

d) Intumescent Fire Resistance Coating shall be used totally original. No thinner or other
material shall be mixed to the Coating for application.
e) Thickness shall not beyond D.F.T 500 microns (0.5mm) per coat.
f) Before applying the middle coat, take a dry film thickness (D.F.T) reading

Middle Coat Application or accepted equivalent

g) Mix base and hardener according to the mixing ratio and stir thoroughly, then setting
10~20 mins.

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Information Class: CONFIDENTIAL

h) Avoid applying the paint in rainy or humid weather, particularly; a wet surface must be
thoroughly dried.
i) Over coating Intervals for Topcoat: Minimum 8 Hrs.

First and Second Polyurethane Coating Topcoats or accepted equivalent

j) Mix base and hardener according to the mixing ratio and stir thoroughly, then setting
10~20 mins.
k) Avoid applying the paint in rainy or humid weather, particularly; a wet surface must be
thoroughly dried.
l) Thickness Measurement
The thickness may be taken using equipment such as an Elcometer permanent magnetic
typeor an electronic electromagnetic type Recorder

16.5 Statutory Submission

The Contractor shall prepare the full set of submission and allow all necessary time in his
Works Programme for all statutory submissions, acceptances and consents that are required
by the Buildings Department (BD) relating to the Contractor proposal on fire resistance

17.1 The Contractor shall adopt an erection procedure such that all members can be placed and
fixed in position without distortion.

17.2 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the safety and stability of the steelwork during
erection and until such time as it is finally completed and handed over, must take all precautions
including temporary bracing necessary to ensure stability of the partially assembled structure
against wind forces, and those stresses exerted due to erection equipment and its operation
tending to distort or deform the framework.

17.3 The Contractor shall allow for the cost of temporary erection bracing required and any
professional advice required in connection with such bracing.

17.4 As each section of steel is erected, all members shall be lined, levelled and plumbed before final
bolting up commences. The ties, jacks braces etc. used in lining, levelling and plumbing the
steelwork shall be left in position until all bolts have been finally tightened.

17.5 The Contractor shall mark every separate member with paint to show its mark, position and
direction. Such markings shall, where no finish coat is subsequently applied, be in a position
not visible after completion of erection and cladding work.

The Contractor shall erect, fix, adjust and maintain all members in their intended vertical and
lateral alignment and level. Members which do not meet the specified tolerances shall be liable
to rejection. Where no specific tolerances are specified herein, they shall comply with
applicable British Standards.


19.1 Holding down bolts shall be set in position by the Contractor and agreed by Project Manager
before casting in place.

19.2 The bolts shall be preset in their correct position using templates in a true vertical line and firmly
held by an accepted method before casting in place.

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Information Class: CONFIDENTIAL


20.1 Where steelwork is supported by concrete, masonry or like material, it shall be set up on
packing or wedges to facilitate alignment and permit subsequent grouting. Such packs, if
permanent, shall be of grout of similar strength to the permanent grout. All other packs shall be
removed before completion of grouting.

20.2 All grouting shall conform with methods in BS5950 Part 2 Clause 2.6 and this section unless
shown otherwise on the drawings.

20.3 Permanent grout shall be cementitous non-shrink type and of accepted quality with a minimum
strength of 45N/mm2 at 28 days. The Contractor shall obtain acceptance from the Project
Manager for the type of non-shrink grout to be used.

20.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the grouting of all base plates, bearing plates and for
end connections where shown on drawings. Grout shall be neatly finished and tapered at the
edges by steel trowelling.


During erection steel members shall not be cut, burnt welded or drilled without acceptance.
Drifting may only be used for bringing parts into position, not to match unfair holes, or enlarge
holes, or distort metal.


Strength tests of the drilled-in anchors/bars shall be carried out by an accepted individual
laboratory independent of the Contractor. A method statement on the anchor/bar tests shall
be submitted to the Supervisor for acceptance and to the Buildings Department prior to the
actual commencement of the drilled-in anchor/bar works.

Upon completion of the drill-in anchor/bar works, a report including the following information is
required to submit to the Supervisor within 1 month after the completion of the strength tests:

(a) All results of the strength tests of the drilled-in anchors/bars; and
(b) A discussion on any problems encountered during the installation of the anchors/bars
and how they were overcome.

Strength tests of the drilled-in anchors/bars should satisfy the following criteria:

• Sampling rate should be at least 5% or 5 numbers, whichever is more, of each type

and size of the anchors/bars installed;
• Each representative anchor/bar should be tested for tensile load by pull-out test
and/or shear load by shear load test as directed by the Supervisor;
• Test load should not be less than 1.5 times the recommended load of the anchor/bar
as specified by the anchor/bar manufacturer;
• Upon the maximum test load is reached, the load should be maintained for at least 1
hour with recordings of load and deformation being taken at the beginning and end of
this period to establish whether the tested anchor/bar is subject to creep and
relaxation of load at higher load condition; and
• Recovery of the deformation after removal of all load should be least 80% of the total
deformation at the maximum test load condition and the tested anchor/bar should not
show any signs of separation, plastic deformation or deleterious effect.

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Information Class: CONFIDENTIAL

The testing procedures for drilled-in anchors/bars including apparatus set-up, load application
and results presentation shall be in compliance with the current British Standard
BS5080:Parts 1 & 2.

The test report shall be kept on site and made available for inspection.

At the connection location of existing building, a comprehensive cover meter survey shall be
carried out by an independent laboratory in the Contractor's expense to locate the existing
rebar to ensure that the proposed anchor/bar location does not clash with the existing
reinforcement prior to the drilling for anchor/bar and fabrication of steel members.

PS (Part C)-Structural Steelworks MCS-PS(C)-P.17

Information Class: CONFIDENTIAL

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