Interaction of Lean and Building Information Modeling in Construction
Interaction of Lean and Building Information Modeling in Construction
Interaction of Lean and Building Information Modeling in Construction
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4 authors, including:
Bhargav Dave
Aalto University
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Abstract: Lean construction and building information modeling 共BIM兲 are quite different initiatives, but both are having profound
impacts on the construction industry. A rigorous analysis of the myriad specific interactions between them indicates that a synergy exists
which, if properly understood in theoretical terms, can be exploited to improve construction processes beyond the degree to which it might
be improved by application of either of these paradigms independently. Using a matrix that juxtaposes BIM functionalities with prescrip-
tive lean construction principles, 56 interactions have been identified, all but four of which represent constructive interaction. Although
evidence for the majority of these has been found, the matrix is not considered complete but rather a framework for research to explore
the degree of validity of the interactions. Construction executives, managers, designers, and developers of information technology systems
for construction can also benefit from the framework as an aid to recognizing the potential synergies when planning their lean and BIM
adoption strategies.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲CO.1943-7862.0000203
CE Database subject headings: Computer aided design; Construction management; Information technology 共IT兲; Lean construction.
Author keywords: Computer aided design; Construction management; Information technology; Lean construction.
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sense, BIM is expected to provide the foundation for some of the the similarities in underlying principles and technologies. Here
results that lean construction is expected to deliver. too, results from a case study confirmed that the application of
Lean construction and BIM are not dependent on one another VDC enhances the lean project delivery process when applied at
共i.e., lean construction practices can be adopted without BIM, and the correct stages. The writers reported that there was hitherto no
BIM can be adopted without lean construction兲. This is illustrated literature on linking BIM to the lean construction process, and so
by the numerous cases of separate adoption of each in design and provided an initial set of guidelines.
construction companies within the past decade. However, we hy- Sacks et al. 共2009兲 discussed the potential contributions of
pothesize that the full potential for improvement of construction BIM to visualization of the product and process aspects of con-
projects can only be achieved when their adoption is integrated, struction projects in terms of lean construction principles. They
as they are in the integrated project delivery 共IPD兲 approach. A provided examples that illustrate the use of BIM and related tech-
similar notion is expressed in the American Institute of Architects nologies to enable a “pull flow” mechanism to reduce variability
document on IPD 共Eckblad et al. 2007兲, “Although it is possible within the construction process.
to achieve IPD without BIM, it is the opinion and recommenda- IPD and VDC are emerging techniques that leverage BIM to
tion of this study that BIM is essential to efficiently achieve the provide an integrated project management and collaboration plat-
collaboration required for IPD.” form. The first places emphasis on engendering collaboration
The following sections of this paper provide a formal exposi- through a central common contract, while the latter focuses pri-
tion of this idea by defining the interrelationships between the marily on skilled use of information technology. Both are still in
two. This is achieved by means of a framework that juxtaposes their infancy, but they are being developed and their adoption
BIM functionalities and lean principles, establishes the theoretical within the industry is increasing. Some of the major process
relationships between them, and identifies the constructive and changes that have been documented are 共Eastman et al. 2008, Ch.
destructive interactions between them in implementation. 1; Khemlani 2009兲 the following:
1. Increased engagement of construction knowledge and skill
upstream in the design process;
Emerging Research and Empirical Evidence Linking 2. Development of detailed design earlier than has been com-
BIM and Lean Thinking mon with traditional systems;
3. Collocated teams;
Liker 共2003兲 has pointed out that Toyota remained flexible 共in 4. Contractual arrangements to share pain and gain; and
comparison with its competitors兲 by selecting only those informa- 5. Introduction of new roles, such as BIM managers or
tion and communication technology 共ICT兲 opportunities that were consultants.
needed and which could reinforce the business processes directly Khemlani 共2009兲 reported a detailed case study of a project in
and by ensuring through testing that they were an appropriate which IPD was implemented. The Sutter Health Castro Valley
“fit” to the organizational infrastructure 共people, process, and Medical Center project, a $320 million hospital building facility,
other ICT兲. BIM provides this opportunity to the construction builds on the project team’s earlier experience implementing BIM
industry because it reinforces the core construction processes. and lean on projects such as the Camino Medical Center 共East-
However, to date, the results of much of the construction indus- man et al. 2008, p. 358兲. Each design and construction partner
try’s investment in ICT have been less than satisfactory for a uses the BIM system of their choice for design and/or fabrication
number of reasons 共Dave et al. 2008兲. The main factors are the detailing. The discipline models are then integrated using collabo-
following: ration software for coordination and the design is tested for code
• Too much emphasis has been placed on solutions which focus compliance using Solibri model checker. The team also uses lean
mainly on peripheral issues 共such as enterprise resource plan- tools such as value stream mapping to monitor and improve the
ning systems兲 rather than core processes. project processes, which aims to minimize the cycles of iteration
• The three core organizational issues—people, process, and as the design converges. On this project a unique professional
technology—have not been addressed with the required role, defined as “lean/BIM project integrator,” has been created.
balance. The positive results reported to date demonstrate how the new
The individual areas of lean construction and BIM have been project management process combines the areas of lean and BIM
researched extensively in recent years. However, there seems to to leverage maximum benefit.
be much less research that exploits both of these areas collec- Gilligan and Kunz 共2007兲 reported that the use of VDC in an
tively. The following paragraphs describe efforts that explore the earlier project was considered to contribute directly to the imple-
synergy between the areas of BIM and lean construction. mentation of lean construction methods: “Early interaction be-
In an attempt to evaluate the impact of what they termed tween the design and construction teams, driven by the owner
“computer advanced visualization tools” 共CAVTs兲, Rischmoller et Sutter Health’s Lean Construction delivery process, used 3D
al. 共2006兲 used a set of lean principles as the theoretical frame- models to capitalize on true value engineering worth nearly $6
work. They placed key emphasis on value generation during the million.” Khanzode et al. 共2005兲 provided additional descriptions
design stage of the construction project. Based on a case study of the project and the use of VDC and lean methods in its con-
conducted over a four-year period, they concluded that applica- struction.
tion of CAVT results in waste reduction, improved flow, and bet- Eastman et al. 共2008, Ch. 9兲 provided 10 detailed case studies
ter customer value, indicating a strong synergy between the lean of BIM implementation, two of which focus on projects in which
construction principles and CAVT. prefabrication was used extensively. In the context of detailed
In another effort to integrate lean construction processes with design for fabrication and delivery by subcontracted suppliers of
BIM, Khanzode et al. 共2006兲 attempted to provide a conceptual prefabricated elements, they comment that “Lean construction
framework to link virtual design and construction 共VDC兲 with the techniques require careful coordination between the general con-
lean project delivery process 共LPDS兲. As with CAVT, the VDC tractor and subs to ensure that work can be performed when the
concept can be taken to represent BIM or aspects of BIM due to appropriate resources are available on site. … Because BIM pro-
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vides an accurate model of the design and the material resources is roughly equivalent to inventory reduction. In construction, re-
required for each segment of the work, it provides the basis for duction in cycle times should be focused on several levels of
improved planning and scheduling of subcontractors and helps to analysis: total construction duration, stage of construction, flow of
ensure just-in-time arrival of people, equipment, and materials.” It materials 共from factory to installation兲, and task 共Koskela 2000兲.
emerges from this review of existing literature and research ef-
forts that even if many interesting connections have been pin- Reduce Batch Sizes. Or striving for single piece flow is an
pointed, there is a lack of systematic exploration between BIM effective technique for reducing the expansion of cycle times due
and lean construction and that further efforts are needed to bridge to batching. In construction, abstract conceptualizations of “prod-
this gap in knowledge. ucts” that can be counted in a batch are needed. These are com-
monly predefined as packaged sets of tasks performed in distinct
spaces, such as apartments 共Sacks and Goldin 2007兲.
Relevant Lean Construction Principles
Increase Flexibility. Here flexibility may be associated with
Several authors have provided lists of lean principles, both in the work station capability and capacity, routings, etc. Flexibility re-
general lean production literature 共Liker 2003; Schonberger 1996; duces cycle times simplifies the production system. In construc-
Womack and Jones 2003兲 and the lean construction literature tion, multiskilled teams provide an example. Reduced setup or
共Koskela 1992, 2000兲. In this context, it is also worth mentioning changeover times increase routing flexibility with short cycle
Deming’s 14 points that are based on the quality approach 共Dem- times.
ing 1982兲. In the following, we present a list that has been spe-
cifically compiled for the analysis of interconnections between Select an Appropriate Production Control Approach. In a
lean and BIM. pull system, a productive activity is triggered by the demand of a
In selecting such principles, a number of criteria were used. downstream work station 共or customer兲, whereas in a push sys-
Regarding the focus of the principles, it is interesting to consider tem, a plan pushes activities into realization. The pull system has
the four types of principles, as defined by Liker: philosophy; pro- come to be closely associated to lean. However, in reality most
cess; people and partners; and problem solving. From these, only production control systems are mixed push-pull systems, and the
principles relating to philosophy are assumed not to relate to task is to select the best method for each stage of production
BIM. Another choice concerns whether the principles should be 共Huang and Kusiak 1998兲. Leveling of production facilitates the
descriptive or prescriptive. For example, Hopp and Spearman operations of a pull system. In construction, the push system is
共1996兲 presented a number of descriptive manufacturing laws, realized through plans and schedules. The look-ahead procedure
whereas most lean authors have prescriptive principles. Here, the in the last planner system of production control provides an ex-
mainstream approach has been adapted, and the applicable de- ample of pulling.
scriptive laws have been transformed into prescriptive principles.
A further choice is about the meaning of “process.” As it has Standardize. Standardization of work serves several goals.
been contended elsewhere 共Koskela 2004b兲, popular accounts, Both temporal and product feature variability can be reduced, and
such as Womack and Jones 共2003兲, may confound the two in- continuous improvement is enabled. Employees are also empow-
volved concepts, namely, flow and value generation, and thus blur ered to improve their work.
the existence of two conceptualizations from which principles are
being derived. Historically, lean was initiated based on the flow Institute Continuous Improvement. Through continuous im-
concept, and the value concept, cultivated by the quality move- provement, variability can be reduced, and also technology incre-
ment, was later merged into lean. Here, principles are explicitly mentally improved. The foundation for continuous improvement
derived from both concepts. With the exception for some key was provided by the scientific experimentation method for im-
relationships, the complex interrelations between the principles provement 共Shewhart 1931兲 and is now known under the name of
are not discussed in this short account. Each principle is presented Deming cycle. Continuous improvement is a deliberate, institu-
in generic terms, but if its application in construction deviates tionalized, and systematic form of improvement and thus in many
from the mainstream, the construction-specific features are briefly ways goes beyond mere learning 共as addressed by the concept of
commented upon. the learning curve兲.
In the following paragraphs the principles are listed in bold,
with detailed prescriptions noted in italics: Use Visual Management. Visual management is closely con-
nected to standardization, where visualization of production meth-
Reduce Variability. This is a foundational principle that has ods offers easy access to standards and supports compliance with
been derived through two domains, industrial engineering and them. It is also closely connected to continuous improvement in
quality engineering. In statistical quality theory 共Shewhart 1931兲, that visualization of production processes enables perception by
the target is to reduce the variability in the significant product workers of the process state and of measures of improvement.
characteristics. In queuing theory based understanding of produc-
tion 共Hopp and Spearman 1996兲, the target is to reduce temporal Design the Production System for Flow and Value. This
variability of production flows. These two types of variability in- principle stresses the importance of production system design
teract in a complex way. 共this phrase is also intended to cover the product development and
design stage兲. Generally, criteria derived from the two concepts of
Reduce Cycle Times. Because variability expands cycle production should be used in this endeavor. Another important
times, this principle can be used as a driver toward variability issue is that production system design should support production
reduction. However, reduction in cycle times also has intrinsic control and continuous improvement. There are several heuristics
value. Due to the definitional connection between work in for production system design, advising toward simplification, use
progress and cycle time 共expressed in Little’s law兲, this principle of parallel processing, and use of only reliable technology. From
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the viewpoint of value, ensuring the capability of the production class and have different attribute values but the same basic struc-
system is important. ture. Inheritance of class attributes and methods in a hierarchy
makes it possible to build extensive taxonomies of objects, with
Ensure Comprehensive Requirements Capture. This is the complex behaviors, fairly efficiently. Parametric constraints,
first principles addressing solely the value generation concept. For which are applied to the resulting model object instances, enable
obvious reasons, value generation requires comprehensive re- expression and application of rules that govern the way the ob-
quirements capture—in practice, this is a notoriously problematic jects behave when manipulated, so that they can be programmed
stage 共Kamara et al. 2002兲. to respond to actions on them in the way that we would expect
their real-world counterparts to behave. For example, when a wall
Focus on Concept Selection. Designing divides into concept is moved in a BIM design tool, we naturally expect a door within
design and detail design. The development of different concepts it to move with it. In summary, it is this technology that enables
and their evaluation should be addressed with necessary empha- BIM tools to model building’s form, function, and behavior 共Tol-
sis, as there is a natural tendency to rush to detail design. Set man 1999兲 and that makes all of the aspects of functionality listed
based design is an application of this principle that is useful for below possible.
building design 共Parrish et al. 2007兲. For the purposes of the analysis, we focus on the exhibited
functionality rather than the core technology. The items listed in
Ensure Requirements Flow down. The next challenge from the following text have been phrased with care to express bare
the point of view of value generation is to ensure that all require- functionality, avoiding a priori assumptions concerning the poten-
ments flow down to the point where the smallest parts of the tial benefits or drawbacks of their use in relation to lean construc-
product are designed and produced. tion principles. They are drawn primarily from Eastman et al.
共2008兲 and Sacks et al. 共2004兲.
Verify and Validate. Also in the realm of value generation,
this principle, well known from the V model of system engineer- Visualization of Form (for Aesthetic and Functional Evalu-
ing 共Stevens et al. 1998兲, reminds us that intent is not enough. All ation). All BIM systems provide the ability to render the designs
designs and products should be verified against specifications and with some degree of realism, making building designs more ac-
validated against customer requirements. cessible to nontechnical project participants and stakeholders than
is possible with technical drawings.
Go and See for Yourself. This “going to Gemba” principle
stresses the importance of personal observation instead of reports Rapid Generation of Multiple Design Alternatives. Design-
and hearsay 共Liker 2003兲. Although traditionally in construction ers can manipulate design geometry efficiently by taking advan-
the tendency has been to solve problems in situ, this principle tage of the parametric relationships and behavioral “intelligence,”
tends to stress the importance of site visits of those who usually which maintain design coherence, and of automated generation
do not practice them, for example, estimators and managers. and layout of detailed components 共e.g., automated connection
detailing in steel construction兲. This was not possible with CAD
Decide by Consensus, Consider All Options. This principle systems.
derives from the practice of Toyota 共Liker 2003兲. By extending
the circle of decision makers, a wider knowledge base can be Use of Model Data for Predictive Analysis of Building Per-
ensured for the decisions. By extending the number of options formance. This has three aspects:
considered, the probability of finding the practically best solution 1. Some BIM software products have engineering analysis tools
is increased. 共such as finite-element and energy analyses兲 built in and
most can export relevant preprocessed data for import to ex-
Cultivate an Extended Network of Partners. This principle ternal third-party analysis tools. Varying degrees of human
implies that an extended network of partners should be built, chal- effort are needed to adapt the exported data to the forms
lenged, and helped to improve. In construction, this can either required by the analysis tools, and different degrees of re-
happen in the framework of one project 共alliancing兲 or on a longer work are required to change the analysis models whenever
term basis 共framework agreements兲. the building model is changed. Nevertheless, the procedures
are more productive, less error prone, and quicker than com-
pilation of the analysis models from scratch.
BIM Functionality 2. Automated life cycle and construction cost estimation with
links to online sources of cost data.
We next identify the relevant key aspects of functionality that 3. Automated evaluation of conformance to program/client
BIM technology provides for compiling, editing, evaluating, and value and code compliance checking using rule processing. A
reporting information about building projects. The fundamental recent comprehensive review 共Eastman et al. 2009兲 shows
technology that is the basis of most of the functionality shared by that while this functionality is still limited in scope, its de-
all BIM tools is parametric object modeling and application of velopment is well beyond the proof of concept stage.
parametric constraints 共Sacks et al. 2004兲. Object modeling im-
plies the use of software objects, which group data and the meth- Maintenance of Information and Design Model Integri-
ods to manipulate them, to represent real-world concepts 共Galle ty. This capability is achieved because BIM tools store each
1995兲. The concepts may be physical, such as parts of a building, piece of information once, without the repetition common in
or abstract, such as a cost estimate or a structural analysis result drawing systems where the same design information is stored in
共Turk et al. 1994兲. The adjectives “parametric object” imply the multiple drawings or drawing views 共such as on a plan, an eleva-
possibility to reuse object “class” definitions to represent multiple tion, and a detail sheet兲. Geometric integrity is also enhanced
occurrences of similar things; these are termed “instances” of a where the automatic clash-checking capabilities of model integra-
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tion software tools are used to identify and remove physical construction projects is also possible on the basis of product
clashes between model parts. specifications that originate in building models.
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Table 1. Lean Principles
Principal area Principle Column key
Flow process Reduce variability
Get quality right the first time 共reduce product variability兲 A
Focus on improving upstream flow variability 共reduce B
production variability兲
Reduce cycle times
Reduce production cycle durations C
Reduce inventory D
Reduce batch sizes (strive for single piece flow) E
Increase flexibility
Reduce changeover times F
Use multiskilled teams G
Select an appropriate production control approach
Use pull systems H
Level the production I
Standardize J
Institute continuous improvement K
Use visual management
Visualize production methods L
Visualize production process M
Design the production system for flow and value
Simplify N
Use parallel processing O
Use only reliable technology P
Ensure the capability of the production system Q
The BIM functionalities that have the highest concentrations actions that is apparent from Tables 3 and 4 should not lead read-
of unique interactions are “aesthetic and functional evaluation” ers to assume that their achievement in practice is straight-
共1兲, “multiuser viewing of merged or separate multidiscipline forward. Realization of the benefits in practice cannot be taken for
models” 共10兲, “4D visualization of construction schedules” 共13兲, granted. Numerous studies have shown that application of infor-
and “online communication of product and process information” mation technology in construction management has in certain cir-
共15兲. Although the distinction between these and the other func- cumstances failed to provide a positive return on investment. In a
tionalities is not as sharp as it is for the leading lean principles, Scandinavian study, Howard et al. 共1998兲 found benefits in design
we note that three of these four are concerned with fabrication and administration but not in construction management per se.
and construction management despite the fact that BIM is per- Rivard’s results for Canada were similar 共Rivard 2000兲, and Gann
ceived by many to be primarily a design tool. pointed out that the costs could outweigh the benefits in certain
The principles that appear to be served least or even negatively circumstances 共Gann 2000兲. Underutilization and interoperability
impacted are “reduce inventory” 共D兲, “simplify production sys- issues have been identified as key problems with BIM adoption
tems” 共N兲, and “use only reliable technology” 共P兲. BIM can in- 共Fox 2008兲, and lack of conceptual understanding can be a barrier
crease information inventory if not used in a process that actively to lean construction initiatives.
streamlines information flow. Because BIM tools are technologi- In analyzing this situation, Koskela and Kazi 共2003兲 started by
cally sophisticated, if not properly implemented and managed introducing the notion that realizing information technology ben-
they can make a process more complicated and unstable if the efits in general is dependent on compatible realignment of busi-
applications are not mature or if the users are not competent. ness processes. They then build on this in the construction context
Similarly, consumers of model information may place undue trust to suggest that such realignment is itself predicated on the need
in the accuracy of models; models are often incomplete and have for a fundamental understanding of the peculiarities of construc-
different degrees of detail in different zones or buildings systems. tion. In the current context of lean construction and BIM, we
The BIM functionality that offers least in terms of support for propose that for comprehensive realization of benefits, not only
lean principles is the single information source 共6兲. should changes in information and material processes be coher-
The preponderance of positive interactions over negative inter- ently based on these two but that all three—process changes, BIM
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Table 2. BIM Functionality
Stage Functional area and function Row key
Design Visualization of form
Aesthetic and functional evaluation 1
Rapid generation of multiple design alternatives 2
Reuse of model data for predictive analyses
Predictive analysis of performance 3
Automated cost estimation 4
Evaluation of conformance to program/client value 5
Maintenance of information and design model integrity
Single information source 6
Automated clash checking 7
Automated generation of drawings and documents 8
tools themselves, and of course lean construction principles— by Star and Griesemer 共1989兲, BIM technology has been identi-
should be rooted in conceptual understanding of the theory of fied as a boundary object in business and social interactions be-
production in construction. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. tween construction professionals that requires, but can also
By way of example, consider the significant shortening of facilitate organizational change 共Forgues et al. 2009; Taylor
cycle time that is commonly achieved when quantity takeoff is 2005兲. As such, BIM technology could also be used as an enabler
extracted from a building model, as compared with traditional or catalyst for lean transformation. However, at present little is
measurements from drawings. This can be exploited to improve known about this issue.
the value generated through iterative design refinement, but only Dimensional tolerances are not managed well in construction
if managers recognize 共a兲 that the shortened cycle time shifts the 共Milberg 2006; Tsao et al. 2004兲. BIM may provide an opportu-
bottleneck in the process to other activities and 共b兲 that the overall nity for improved control of spatial tolerances through advanced
design management approach can be realigned to bring designers tolerance analysis and management capabilities, which were pre-
and estimators to work together. Thus cycle time is reduced by viously unavailable in two-dimensional CAD software. It can also
BIM whether project participants are aware of it or not, but com- support prefabrication and assembly of high tolerance compo-
prehensive benefits can only be achieved when its meaning is nents. Higher precision tolerances would contribute to leaner pro-
perceived clearly. cesses as they arguably reduce variability and the resultant waste
A second note of caution in interpreting the interaction matrix from the construction process as well as generally diminish the
is that despite the analytical method inherent in the interaction losses due to deviations from target values 共Taguchi 1993兲. How-
matrix—i.e., subdivision of the whole into parts 共cells of
ever, the potential impact is broad and indirect and remains to be
interaction兲—the interaction of lean principles and BIM in con-
proven through experimentation or empirical evidence.
struction should be seen as a whole and complex process rather
than the sum of the isolated parts. Each functionality supports
multiple lean principles and vice versa, and these presumably
have a synergistic effect. For the same reason, expert reasoning Conclusions
cannot determine all of the interactions and their impacts; some
will only emerge through exploration and trialing by practitioners. At the outset, the different ways of conceptualizing lean construc-
The topics of BIM as a boundary object and construction tol- tion 共including the whole project life cycle兲 and BIM as presented
erances, neither of which is included in the interaction matrix, are in prior literature were examined. Based on this, a framework or
examples of such holistic interactions. Based on the seminal work taxonomy of analyses was created for assessing the interconnec-
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Table 3. Interaction Matrix of Lean Principles and BIM Functionalities
Lean principles
Select an the Decide Cultivate
appropriate production Ensure Focus Ensure by an
Reduce Reduce production Institute Use system for comprehensive on requirements consensus extended
Reduce cycle batch Increase control continuous visual flow requirements concept flow Verify and Go and see consider network
variability times sizes flexibility approach Standardize improvement management and value capture selection down validate for yourself all options of partners
functionality A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X
Visualization of 1 1,2 3 4 11 5 6 4
Rapid 2 1 22 7 7 8
generation of
Reuse of model 3 9 9 22 51 1 16 5
data for
4 10 12 8 16 5
analyses 5 1,2 1 12 1 1 1 5
Maintenance of 6 11 11 11
information and
design model 7 12 12 22 12
Automated 8 11 22 共52兲 53 54 54
generation of
drawings and
Collaboration in 9 23 36 36
design and
construction 10 2,13 24 33 43 56 46 49
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Table 4. Interaction Matrix: Explanations of Cell Contents
Evidence from practice
Index Explanation and/or research
1. Due to better appreciation of design at an early stage, and also due to the early functional evaluation Eastman et al. 2008, p. 390;
of design against performance requirements 共such as energy, acoustics, wind, thermal, etc.兲 the Manning and Messner 2008
quality of the end product is higher and more consistent with design intent. This reduces variability
commonly introduced by late client-initiated changes during the construction stage.
2. Building modeling imposes a rigor on designers in that flaws or incompletely detailed parts are Dehlin and Olofsson 2008;
easily observed or caught in clash checking or other automated checking. This improves design Eastman et al. 2008, p. 422
quality, preventing designers from “making do” 共Koskela 2004a兲 and reducing rework in the field as
a result of incomplete design.
3. Building systems are becoming increasingly complex. Even trained professionals have difficulty Eastman et al. 2008, p. 382
generating accurate mental models with drawings alone. BIM simplifies the task of understanding
designs, which helps construction planners deal with complex products.
4. As all aspects of design are captured in a 3D model the client can easily understand; the Eastman et al. 2008, p. 378;
requirements can be captured and communicated in a thorough way already during the concept Manning and Messner 2008
development stage. This can also empower more project stakeholders to participate in design
decision making.
5. Virtual prototyping and simulation due to the intelligence built in the model objects enable Eastman et al. 2008, p. 390;
automated checking against design and building regulations, which in turn make verification and Khanzode et al. 2008
validation of the design more efficient.
6. With BIM, Gemba can be augmented because it is now possible to virtually visit the project and the Whyte 2002
worksite 共Whyte 2002兲. With objects that contain intelligence and parametric information, problem
solving is also more efficient.
7. BIM provides the ability to evaluate the impact of design changes on construction in a visual Eastman et al. 2008, p. 378
manner that is not possible with traditional 2D drawings. Rapid manipulation is a key enabler for
repetition of this kind of analysis for multiple design alternatives 共see also Item 40兲.
8. It is now possible for multiskilled teams to work concurrently in order to generate various design Eastman et al. 2008, p. 329;
alternatives at an early stage using integration platforms such as Navisworks, Solibri, etc., as Khemlani 2009
exemplified in the Castro Valley project case study 共Khemlani 2009兲. Also, at a later stage during
manufacturing/construction; for any design change, changing the model will automatically update
other relevant information such as cost estimating, project planning, production drawings, etc.
9. Testing the design against performance criteria ensures that the design is appropriate for the chosen Eastman et al. 2008, p. 390
function, reducing the variability and improving the performance of the end product.
10. Automated quantity takeoff which is linked to the BIM model is more accurate as there are less Eastman et al. 2008, p. 425
chances of human error; hence, it improves flow by reducing variability. Also, changing the design
at a later stage also changes the linked quantity files; this ensures that the quantities are always
11. In sets of 2D drawings and specifications, the same objects are represented in multiple places. As Eastman et al. 2008, p. 422
design progresses and changes are made, operators must maintain consistency between the multiple
representations/information views. BIM removes this problem entirely by using a single
representation of information from which all reports are derived automatically.
12. Use of software capable of model integration 共such as Solibri/Navisworks/Tekla兲 to merge models, Eastman et al. 2008, p. 431
identify clashes, and resolve them through iterative refinement of the different discipline specific
model results in almost error free installation on site.
13. Multidisciplinary review of design and of fabrication detailing, including clash checking, enables Eastman et al. 2008, p. 362;
early identification of design issues. Khanzode et al. 2008
14. Automated task generation for planning helps avoid human errors such as omission of tasks or work Eastman et al. 2008, p. 409
15. Discrete event simulation can be used to test and improve production processes and to run virtual Eastman et al. 2008, p. 429
first-run studies which in construction are often impossible or impractical.
16. At the conceptual design stage, rapid turnaround to prepare cost estimates and other performance Eastman et al. 2008, p. 445
evaluations enables evaluation of multiple design options, including the use of multiobjective
optimization procedures 共such as genetic algorithms兲.
17. Animations of production or installation sequences can be prepared. These guide workers in how to Eastman et al. 2008, p. 429
perform work in specific contexts and are an excellent means for ensuring that standardized
procedures are followed, particularly where turnover of workers from stage to stage is high, as is
common in construction.
18. When up-to-date product information is available online, the opportunities for identifying conflicts Eastman et al. 2008, p. 422
and errors within short cycle times, when their impact is limited, are enhanced.
Downloaded 27 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright. Visit
Table 4. 共Continued.兲
Evidence from practice
Index Explanation and/or research
19. Direct transfer of fabrication instructions to numerically controlled machinery, such as automated Khanzode et al. 2008;
steel or rebar fabrication, eliminates opportunities for human error in transcribing information. Tekla 2009b
20. Direct delivery of information removes waiting time, thus improving flow. Khemlani 2009
21. Provision of a model background and context for scanning bar codes or RFID tags and display of Vela 2009
the process data on model backgrounds enable accurate reporting and rapid response to work flow
22. Quick turnaround of structural, thermal, and acoustic performance analyses; of cost estimation; and Eastman et al. 2008, p. 386
of evaluation of conformance to client program, all enable collaborative design, collapsing cycle
times for building design, and detailing.
23. Parallel processing on multiple workstations in a coordinated fashion 共with locking of elements Khemlani 2009
edited on each machine兲 collapses cycle times of otherwise serial design activities. Where design
was previously 共i.e., with CAD兲 performed in parallel on different parts, the time needed for
integration and coordination of the different model views is removed.
24. Model-based coordination between disciplines 共including clash checking兲 is automated and so Eastman et al. 2008, p. 422
requires a fraction of the time needed for coordination using CAD overlays.
25. All three functions serve to reduce cycle time during construction itself because they result in
optimized operational schedules, with fewer conflicts.
26. Where process status is visualized through a BIM model, such as in the KanBIM system, series of Sacks et al. 2010
consecutive activities required to complete a building space can be performed one after the other
with little delay between them. This shortens cycle time for any given space or assembly.
27. Direct computer-controlled machinery fed directly from a model can help shorten cycle times by Eastman et al. 2008, p. 333
eliminating labor-intensive data entry and/or manual production, thus shortening cycle times. This
does not guarantee shortened cycle times if the time gained is then wasted through batching or
28. Removal of data processing steps for ordering or renewing material deliveries, removal of time Vela 2009
wasted before ordering, etc., improve cycle times.
29. In this case the functionality can be said to increase inventory of design alternatives. This can be Khemlani 2009
considered beneficial in terms of making broader selections, delaying selection of a single alternative
until the last responsible moment.
30. Online visualization and management of process can help implement production strategies designed Sacks et al. 2009
to reduce work-in-process inventories and production batch sizes 共number of spaces in process by a
specific trade at any given time兲, as in the KanBIM approach.
31. Automated generation of tasks for a given model scenario and project status drastically reduces the Eastman et al. 2008, p. 345
setup time needed for any new computation or evaluation of a construction schedule alternative from
any point forward.
32. For numerically controlled machinery, data entry represents setup time. Direct electronic Tekla 2009b
communication of process instructions from a model essentially eliminates this setup time, making
single piece runs viable.
33. Design coordination between multiple design models using an integrated model viewer in a Khanzode et al. 2006;
collaborative work environment, such as those described by Liston et al. 共2001兲 and Khanzode et al. Liston et al. 2001
共2006兲, enables design teams to bring multidisciplinary knowledge and skills to bear in a parallel
34. Process visualization and online communication of process status are key elements in allowing Sacks et al. 2009
production teams to prioritize their subsequent work locations in terms of their potential contribution
to ensuring a continuous subsequent flow of work that completes spaces, thus implementing a pull
flow. This is central to the KanBIM approach, which extends the last planner system.
35. Where BIM systems are integrated with supply chain partner databases, they provide a powerful Vela 2009
mechanism for communicating signals to pull production and delivery of materials and product
design information. This also helps make the supply chain transparent.
36. Multiple users working on the same model simultaneously enable sharing of the workload evenly Not yet available
between operators.
37. Discrete event simulation can reveal uneven work allocations and support assessment of work Li et al. 2009
assignments to level production.
38. Online access to production standards, product data, and company protocols helps institutionalize Hewage and Ruwanpura 2009;
standard work practices by making them readily available and, within context, to work teams at the Sacks et al. 2010;
work face. This relies, however, on provision of practical means for workers to access online Sriprasert and Dawood 2003
Downloaded 27 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright. Visit
Table 4. 共Continued.兲
Evidence from practice
Index Explanation and/or research
39. Where BIM interfaces provide a context for real-time status reporting, measuring performance Not yet available
becomes accurate and feasible. Measurement of performance within a system where work is
standardized and documented is central to process improvement.
40. BIM provides an ideal visualization environment for the project throughout the design and Eastman et al. 2008, p. 429;
construction stage and enables simulation of production methods, temporary equipment, and Li et al. 2009
processes. Modeling and animation of construction sequences in “4D” tools provide a unique
opportunity to visualize construction processes for identifying resource conflicts in time and space
and resolving constructability issues. This enables process optimization improving efficiency and
safety and can help identify bottlenecks and improve flow.
41. Detailed planning and generation of multiple fine-grained alternatives can be said to increase Not yet available
complexity rather than simplify management.
42. These applications cannot be considered mature technology. Manning and Messner 2008
43. Where clients or end users are engaged in simultaneous reviews of different system design Eastman et al. 2008, p. 349
alternatives they can more easily identify conflicts between their requirements and the functionality
the proposed systems will provide.
44. Rapid generation of production plan alternatives can allow selection among them to be delayed Kong and Li 2009
共making the last responsible moment later than it would be otherwise兲. This can be considered to be
a set-based approach to production system design and to production planning.
45. Online access helps to bring the most up-to-date design information to the work face 共although it Hewage and Ruwanpura 2009
cannot guarantee that the design information reflects the user requirements兲.
46. Clash checking and solving other integration issues verify and validate product information. Li et al. 2009
47. Visualization of proposed schedules and visualization of ongoing processes verify and validate Dehlin and Olofsson 2008
process information.
48. Where managers can “see” process status with near to real-time resolution, this may substitute for Sacks et al. 2009
the need to see processes directly on site. However, it cannot substitute for seeing a process with
one’s own eyes.
49. These functions can support and facilitate participatory decision making by providing more and Dehlin and Olofsson 2008
better information to all involved and by expanding the range of options that can be considered. Of
course, they cannot in and of themselves guarantee that senior management will adopt a consensus
building approach.
50. Integration of different companies’ logistic and other information systems makes working Not yet available
relationships that extend beyond individual projects worthwhile and desirable.
51. Use and reuse of design models to set up analysis models 共such as energy, acoustics, wind, thermal, Not yet available
etc.兲 reduce setup time and make it possible to run more varied and more detailed analyses.
52. Abuse of the ease with which drawings can be generated can lead to more versions of drawings and Not yet available
other information reports than are needed being prepared and printed, unnecessarily increasing
drawing inventories.
53. Automated generation of drawings, especially shop drawings for fabrication 共of steel or precast, for Not yet available
example兲, partly enables review and production to be performed in smaller batches because the
information can be provided on demand. Unlike Item 52 above, this and the following item are
positive interactions of automated drawing production.
54. Automated drawing generation improves engineering capacity when compared with 2D drafting, and Sacks and Barak 2008; Tekla
it is a more reliable technology because it produces properly coordinated drawing sets. 2009a
55. Animations of production or installation sequences can be prepared. These guide workers in how to Dehlin and Olofsson 2008
perform work in specific contexts and are an excellent means for ensuring that standardized
procedures are followed, particularly where turnover of workers from stage to stage is high, as is
common in construction.
56. Sharing models among all participants of a project team enhances communication at the design Not yet available
phase even without producing drawings, helping ensure that the requirements are understood and
transmitted throughout the team and on to builders and suppliers.
Downloaded 27 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASCE license or copyright. Visit
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