01 Reading - Ships

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(1) Since the dawn of history boats have been used in rivers, and ships have
been used to cross seas and oceans, to carry goods and people from one place to
(2) The volume of cargo carried by ships continues to increase, and ships
become larger and faster. (3) The variety of cargo is also widening. (4) For this
reason many ships are built for particular cargoes. (5) Tankers carry liquid cargo
such as petroleum, and refrigerated cargo is carried in reefers. (6) Other ships,
called bulk-carrier, carry certain cargoes such as iron ore, grains or timber in bulk.
(7) many vessels are built for certain duties: tugs for towing ships, dredgers for
deepening channels, and specialist craft such as gas carriers, ice-breakers and
floating cranes.
(8) New types of ships include container vessels and Ro-Ro ships.
(9) Container vessels carry large cases, or containers of a wide variety of goods.
(10) They have a high service speed and can be loaded and discharged very rapidly.
(11) “Ro-Ro” ships have doors in their bows and stern. (12) These doors allow
lorries, with cargo on them, to be driven on and off. (13) Another new type of ship
is the lash-ship. (14) The word “lash” stands for “lighter aboard ship”. (15) Lash-
ship carry lighters or floating containers. (16) Tankers known as VLCCs (Very Large
Crude Carrier) are designed to carry over 200.000 tons. ULCCs (Ultra Large Crude
Carries) can carry over 400.000 tons of cargo. (17) Although there is a wide variety
of ships at the present time, more new designs are expected.

Compiled by PIP Semarang
Untuk kalimat sederhana adalah :
Subject + Predicate (Verbs) + Object + Adverb
1. Subject (pokok kalimat) selalu berbentuk benda (noun), kata ganti orang
(pronoun) atau kata yang dibentuk menjadi kata benda (gerund, infinitive).

- The tentative stowage plan is on the table
- That ship’s officer is my friend
- Jogging is my habit
- To err is human

2. Verb yang dipakai sebagai predicate terjadi dari kata kerja murni (verb),
kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) atau kata linking verb (be come, seem).

- The master uses it for calculation.
- The man over there is a captain.
- The engineer will go ashore this evening.
- He becomes an engineer.

3. Object sama halnya dengan subject yaitu terjadi dari kata benda, kata
ganti orang atau kata yang dibendakan.

- He always smokes a cigarette
- She likes him
- I like smoking

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4. Adverb (kata keterangan kata kerja) yang biasanya ditambahkan pada
sebuah kalimat untuk menjelaskan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh object.

- The ships sails slowly
- The oiler works well
- The quartermaster steers the ship in the wheel house.
- M.V polux arrived yesterday

5. Adjective (kata keterangan yang menerangkan kata benda) yang biasanya

disisipkan sebagai complement sebuah kalimat.

- The roses are red
- The box is a heavy

6. Selain kata-kata tersebut diatas kadang-kadang juga ditemui conjunction

(kata penghubung), preposition (kata depan), article, dll.

Misalnya :
- The mate keeps watch on the bridge, but the engineer is in the engine
- The main engine is in the engine room.
- I saw a ship in the distance.
- Frida eats an apple. Frida eats the red apple.

Compiled by PIP Semarang
A. Study each of the following sentences carefully and state if it is true or
false according to the information in the text. Check your answer by
referring to the text.
1. Ships have been used only to cross seas. Land – continent. Sea – Ocean
2. Because the volume cargo has increased ships continue to become larger
and faster.
3. At present ships are built for special purposes.
4. Bulk-carries carry iron ore, grains or timber.
5. Ships are towed by dredgers.
6. Dregders are used to deepen channels.
7. container vessels can be loaded quickly and discharged slowly.
8. Ro-Ro ships allow loaded trucks to be driven on and off.
9. Lash stands for “lighter alongside ship”.
10. Lash ships are specialist ships.

B. 1. In sentences 10, ‘they’ refers to :

i. Tankers
ii. Goods
iii. Container vessels

2. In sentence 11, ‘their’ refers to:

i. Containers
ii. Ro-Ro ships
iii. New ships

Compiled by PIP Semarang
C. Re-arrange the following groups of words to form meaningful sentences.
1. Design, ships, of, types, shipbuilders, new. (shipbuilders design new
types of ships)
2. A, of, cargo, carries, a, kind, ship, special-purpose, certain.
A kind of cargo carries special-purpose certain a ship.
Cargo carries a kind of special-purpose
A kind of cargo carries a ship
A kind of ship
A special-purpose ship carries a certain kind of cargo
3. On, some, cranes, ships, board, have.
4. Time, the, ships, a, is, there, of, variety, present, wide, at.
5. High, service, have, containers, speed, a.
D. Give brief answer to the following questions.
1. What do tankers carry?
2. What do reefers carry?
3. What do bulk-carries carry?
4. What do tugs do?
5. What do dredgers do?
6. What does the world Lash stand for?
E. Rewrite the following sentences in the interrogative from.
1. The cargo carried by ships continues to increase.
2. We build ships for particular cargoes.
3. Tankers carry liquid cargo.
4. Container vessels carry containers.
5. Ro-Ro ships have doors in their bows.
6. “Lash” stand for “Lighter abroad ship”.
F. Observe the underlined parts in the following sentences:
A tanker carries liquid cargo.
Tankers carry liquid cargo.
An icebreakers breaks frozen water.

Compiled by PIP Semarang
Some ships have doors in their bows.
There are not any ship in the harbor.
The ship is in the dock.

Now complete the following senences using “a”, “an”, “the”, “some” and “any”
where necessary.
1. Man has used ships since. . . . . . . . dawn of history.
2. . . . . . . . . ice-breaker is a special purpose ship.
3. . . . . . . . . Ships are built for special purposes.
4. . . . . . . . . bulk-carrier carries iron ore.
5. This Lash ship has not. . . . . . lighters on board.
6. . . . . . . . Ship are becoming larger and faster.
7. We do not have. . . . . . . . floating cranes available.
8. . . . . . . . .dredger is used for deepening channels.
9. . . . . . . . . Ultra Large Crude Carrier carries over 400.000 tons of cargo.
10. . . . . . . . . VLCCs carry over 200,000 tons.
11. . . . . . . . . . ships have doors in their stern.
12. . . . . . . . . . ships astern of us is a tanker.

Compiled by PIP Semarang

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