Learning Inside The Womb

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Learning Inside the Womb

Everything starts the day your mom’s egg meets your dad’s sperm. 4 weeks later, your little
brain begins to form. Epidemiologist David Barker says that whilst developing inside our mother,
we are receiving ‘postcards’ from the outside world. These postcards tell us if this world is
dangerous or safe if food is plentiful or scarce. Knowing nothing else, we learn from those
messages. Let’s watch what we experience and learn inside the womb from the fetus’

Month 1 (1st Trimester)

Only 24 hours alive, every bit of genetic information is already present in a single cell: from our
hair color to our talent as a future pianist. Then we divide ourselves again and again... After
around a week, we travel from the ovaries to the uterus, where we then undergo the great
divide, splitting into two. Half of which will become us, while the other half forms the placenta,
which brings us food and oxygen and carries away waste. By week four, we have developed
into a small being that is growing at a rate of 1 million cells per second. Our spinal cord, heart
and brain are now clearly visible even if we are just the size of a poppy seed.

Month 2 (1st Trimester)

At about week 4 to 5, our heart starts to beat and we are now 10,000 times bigger than we were
at conception. This is a crucial point in our neurological development, as our brain grows at a
rate of around 100,000 cells each minute. If our mother consumes alcohol and drugs, or
experiences extreme stress or trauma, our tiny brain can get damaged. This can lead to math
problems at school or even schizophrenia some 40 years later. If our mom stays healthy and
can relax, our brain can develop to its full potential. We are now the size of a raspberry.

Month 3 (1st Trimester)

At the beginning of month three, we start to react to stimuli. Our sense of smell is developing
and exposure to toxins can make us cringe. Our brain is continuing to grow very fast. Our ears
start forming and we can soon hear our mom’s heartbeat and voice speak. Still small enough,
we have plenty of space to move inside in the belly. Our mother’s womb becomes our sensory
playground. We learn to move our arms, stretch our fingers, smile or suck our thumb. 75% of us
are now showing a preference to use the right hand. We are now around the size of a lemon.

Month 4 (2nd Trimester)

Our head makes up about half our total size. We learn to kick, pee and how to swallow. Our
taste buds are developing. If our mother eats a wide variety of things, we learn to appreciate
different tastes and become less fussy eaters later in life. If we receive inadequate or poor
nutrients, we adapt our physiology to sustain our development. This process is also called fetal
programming. Some researchers have found that this can result in health problems such as
obesity, heart conditions and diabetes later in life. We are now around the size of a big tomato.
Month 5 (2nd Trimester)
While earlier our mom’s voice sounded muffled, now it is starting to become clear. We are also
experiencing a big growth spurt and we start the development of our teeth our first real hair,
fingernails, eyebrows, and eyelashes. We are becoming more active each day and enjoying
flexing our tiny muscles. As we wriggle, kick and turn, our mother will start to feel us moving. If
she responds, we learn that for every action, there is a reaction We are now around the size of a
dragon fruit.

Month 6 (2nd Trimester)

During this sixth month, a major mark of brain development occurs; our brain’s cerebral cortex
splits into two hemispheres. But it's also an exciting month for our eyes, which open for the first
time. Even though we see only blurs, we start to respond to light. Some say it’s good if our mom
now takes us into the sun. We are now starting to make simple facial expressions, such as
forming a “grin”. We probably learn to communicate, for the time when we are born when we
want to show our feelings. We are now around the size of a small cauliflower.

Month 7 (3rd Trimester)

We begin to develop regular intervals for sleeping and being awake. The hair on our head is
now clearly visible and our milk teeth have formed under our gums. When we hear our mom
speak, we may respond with an increased heartbeat and movement. Some researchers claim
that we now begin to learn language, from hearing the voices from outside. Because once born,
we seem to show a preference for our dad's and mom’s native language. If we were to be born
now, we would have a 90% chance of survival. and arrive at the size of a pineapple.

Month 8 (3rd Trimester)

We are now behaving like a newborn. Our brain is functional and our nervous system ready. Our
lungs are almost fully formed and we are practicing breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. We now
spend almost all of our time asleep, maybe dreaming about our near future. In preparation for
birth, most of us will have now turned upside down. To get through that tiny hole at the end of
the tunnel, our bones and skull are still extremely flexible. Only the immune system is still in its
infancy. It will take many months after birth until our internal bodyguards can fully protect our
health. We are now around the size of a melon.

Month 9 (3rd Trimester)

In the last month, we keep practicing our motor skills and kicks. When our Mom laughs, eats
sweets or drinks an ice tea, we might respond by bouncing up and down If we could already
understand research papers, we would now hope that our mom can bring us to the world
through natural birth, which protects us through a stronger immune system for life. The puzzle of
what is nurture and what is nature is now well underway and already shows the first image of
our character. The most important missing piece will be added in our early childhood. At the end
of the 9 months, we are around the size of a jackfruit.
After many hours of hard labour we will be welcomed into this world! Some will then be instantly
taken away, for various check-up procedures and bathing. But if we are lucky, we will first spend
some time with our mom. If placed on her belly, we will instinctively crawl to her breast and then
show our sucking skills. This makes us happy, full and feel safe. The foundation for all future




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