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Predictive - Huawei-Noah & CUHK-SZ-1

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Verified as the Innovation Award and Honorable Runner-up in the Predictive World Model by the Organizing Committee.

D2 -World: An Efficient World Model through Decoupled Dynamic Flow

Haiming Zhang1,2 , Xu Yan1 *,

Ying Xue2 , Zixuan Guo1 , Shuguang Cui2 , Zhen Li2 , Bingbing Liu1
Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, 2 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
[email protected]

Abstract uses all historical frames to predict all future frames in

an autoregressive manner. To address this, we designed
This technical report summarizes the second-place so- a solution that divides the entire training process into two
lution for the Predictive World Model Challenge held at parts. The first part trains an occupancy prediction model
the CVPR-2024 Workshop on Foundation Models for Au- for single-frame prediction, while the second part uses past
tonomous Systems. We introduce D2 -World, a novel World occupancy data to predict future point clouds. Specifically,
model that effectively forecasts future point clouds through in the first stage, we utilize an existing occupancy network,
Decoupled Dynamic flow. Specifically, the past semantic such as BEVDet [4], which predicts semantic occupancy
occupancies are obtained via existing occupancy networks by encoding both occupancy states and semantic informa-
(e.g., BEVDet). Following this, the occupancy results serve tion within a 3D volume. In the second stage, a generative
as the input for a single-stage world model, generating fu- world model takes the past occupancy results as input and
ture occupancy in a non-autoregressive manner. To further generates the future occupancy states, which are then ren-
simplify the task, dynamic voxel decoupling is performed in dered into point clouds via differentiable volume rendering.
the world model. The model generates future dynamic vox- Through this training paradigm, we increased the training
els by warping the existing observations through voxel flow, speed by 200%.
while remained static voxels can be easily obtained through Given the significant development of occupancy net-
pose transformation. As a result, our approach achieves works in the autonomous driving community recently [4, 7,
state-of-the-art performance on the OpenScene Predictive 14], for the aforementioned Problem II, we focus on how
World Model benchmark, securing second place, and trains to construct a world model that maps past occupancy re-
more than 300% faster than the baseline model. sults to future ones. Our framework leverages the advan-
tages and potential of single-stage video prediction [9], en-
abling the prediction of multiple future volumes in a non-
1. Introduction autoregressive manner. Moreover, we found that directly
predicting the occupancy of each frame results in unsatis-
The predictive world model aims to forecast future states factory performance due to the majority of the voxels being
using past observations, playing a crucial role in achiev- empty. To address this issue, we use the semantic informa-
ing end-to-end driving systems. In the CVPR 2024 Pre- tion predicted by the occupancy network to decouple vox-
dictive World Model Challenge, participants are required to els into dynamic and static categories. The world model
use past image inputs to predict the point cloud of future then only predicts the voxel flow of dynamic objects and
frames. This challenge presents two main difficulties: The warps these voxels accordingly. For static objects, since
first is how to effectively train on large-scale data. Given their global positions remain unchanged, we can easily ob-
that the OpenScene dataset [2] contains 0.6 million frames, tain them through pose transformation. By leveraging the
the designed model must be efficient. The second challenge above components, D2 -World surpasses the baseline model
is how to predict faithful point clouds through sore visual by a large margin, achieving a chamfer distance of 0.79 with
inputs. a single model and securing 2nd place in this challenge.
To address these issues, we designed a novel solution
that extends beyond the baseline model. Regarding the 2. Proposed Method
Problem I, we found that the official baseline model (i.e.,
ViDAR [13]) requires very long training times because it Our method comprises two stages, and the overall architec-
ture is depicted in Fig. 1. Given historical N camera im-
* Project Lead. ages with T timestamps, the first stage predicts occupancy
Occupancy Stage I Stage II Future ego
Head poses queries
2D-to-3D view
Multi-view images Voxel features
Pose Future
poses Future Point Cloud


Positional Encoding

Positional Encoding

Flow Decoder

Warping &


Past occupancy Spacetime tokens

Past ego poses Enc Encoded tokens

Pose tokens Feature from current frame Occupancy

Figure 1. The overall pipeline of D2 -World. In the first stage, we train a single-frame occupancy network, and in the second stage, we
train a world model that takes past occupancy as input, forecasting future point clouds.

frame-by-frame, aiming to recover a rich 3D dense repre- are concatenated to aggregate information. Finally, a linear
sentation from the 2D images. In the second stage, we ap- projection is utilized to map the features into C0 dimen-
proach this as a 4D point cloud forecasting task. Instead sions, where C0 is the number of classes.
of forecasting the future point cloud in an inefficient au- Losses. To alleviate the class-imbalance issue in occupancy
toregressive manner like ViDAR [13], we design a novel prediction, we utilize class-weighted cross-entropy and Lo-
and versatile 4D point cloud forecasting framework that op- vasz losses. Our multi-task training losses are a combina-
erates in a non-autoregressive manner with decoupled dy- tion of occupancy prediction loss and depth loss.
namic flow.
2.2. Stage II: 4D Occupancy Forecasting
2.1. Stage I: Vision-based Occupancy Prediction
In this section, we introduce the process of future point
In this section, we introduce the architecture of the occu- cloud forecasting. The framework consists of an occupancy
pancy network, which takes visual images as input and pre- encoder, a flow decoder, flow guided warping and refine,
dicts the occupancy state and semantics for a single frame. and a rendering process.
Image Encoder. The image encoder is designed to encode Initially, the 3D occupancy data is preprocessed into
the input multi-camera 2D images into high-level features. spacetime tokens. The spatial-temporal transformer effec-
Our image encoder comprises a backbone for high-level tively captures the spatial structures and local spatiotem-
feature extraction and a neck for multi-resolution feature poral dependencies within these tokens. Following the en-
aggregation. By default, we use the classical ImageNet pre- coding of historical tokens, the flow decoder is employed
trained ResNet-50 as the backbone in ablation studies, and to predict future flow in each voxel grid. Then, warping
Swin-Transformer-B [8] as the backbone for submission. and refinement generate the final occupancy density. To
Although employing a stronger image backbone can en- fully leverage the temporal information across the entire
hance prediction performance, we considered the trade-offs sequence, we utilize a non-autoregressive approach for de-
between resource usage and training time, and ultimately coding, which achieves impressive forecasting performance
decided against using huge backbones such as InternImage- alongside high efficiency. Finally, a differentiable volume
XL [11]. rendering process is used to generate the point cloud from
View Transformation. We utilize LSS [4] for view trans- the predicted occupancy.
formation, which densely predicts the depth of each pixel 3D Occupancy Encoding. Given a sequence of historically
through a classification method, allowing us to project the observed Nh frames 3D occupancy OT −Nh :T , where each
image features into 3D space. Moreover, to introduce the occupancy Oi ∈ RH0 ×W0 ×D0 , we first encode the occu-
temporal information in our model, we adopt the technique pancy sequence into spacetime tokens. Here, H0 , W0 and
proposed in [6], dynamically warping and fusing one his- D0 represent the resolution of the surrounding space cen-
torical volume feature to produce a fused feature. tered on the ego car. Each voxel is assigned as one of C0
Ocupancy Head. We adopt the semantic scene comple- classes, denoting whether it is occupied and which semantic
tion module proposed in [12] as our occupancy head, which category it is occupied with.
contains several 3D convolutional blocks to learn a local ge- To reduce the computational burden, we transform the
ometric representation. The features from different blocks 3D occupancy in the BEV representation. Take a single-
Refined relations between tokens. This approach allows for the
Conv3D feature learning of temporal correlations while preserving the spa-
tial information of the sequence. Furthermore, we replace
MatMul the traditional feed-forward network (FFN) layer with a 3D

: Matrix Multiplication
convolutional neural network (3DCNN) to introduce local

: Dynamic
temporal clues for enhanced sequential modeling.

: Static
q feature Decoupled Dynamic Flow. As illustrated in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2(b), we design a decoupled dynamic flow to sim-
Warping plify the occupancy forecasting problem. Specifically, the
k v flow decoder—which comprises multiple stacked SALT
Conv2D blocks—processes the encoded historical BEV features and
Feature from Forecasted forecasts the absolute future flows with respect to the cur-
Input tokens current frame future flow rent ego coordinate. Utilizing the occupancy semantics, we
(a) Inner structures of SALT (b) Warping & Refinement decouple the dynamic and static grids, forecasting the fu-
ture voxel features via the warping operation. For the dy-
Figure 2. Inner structure of SALT & warping and refinement. namic voxels, we transform the absolute flow for each fu-
(a) The detailed structures of SALT, which replace the MLP and
ture timestamp using the future ego poses, ensuring align-
FFN (Feed Forward Network) in vanilla transformer with 2D con-
ment with the current frame. For the static ones, we directly
volutions and 3D convolutions respectively for capturing spatial-
temporal dependencies. (b) We decouple the flow with the dy- transform them through future ego poses. Finally, we apply
namic and static flow and warp the feature of current frame for a refinement module composed of several simple CNNs to
forecasting the future frame. The refinement module refines the enhance the coarse warped features.
coarse warping features. Rendering & Losses. We utilize the same rendering pro-
cess and losses as ViDAR [13] for optimizing the point
frame occupancy as an example, it first uses a learnable cloud forecasting, which is a ray-wise cross-entropy loss
class embedding to map the 3D occupancy into occupancy to maximize the response of points along its corresponding
embedding ŷ ∈ RH0 ×W0 ×D0 ×C . Then, it reshapes the 3D ray. For pose regression, we use L1 loss during the training.
occupancy embedding along the height dimension to ob-
tain a BEV representation ỹ ∈ RH0 ×W0 ×DC . The BEV 3. Experiments
embedding then is decomposed into non-overlapping 2D
′ 3.1. Experimental Setups
patches yp ∈ RH×W ×C , where H = H0 /P , W = W0 /P ,
C ′ = P 2 · C0 , and P is the resolution of each image patch. Dataset. We conduct our experiments on the OpenScene
After that, a lightweight encoder composed of several 2D dataset [2], which is derived from the nuPlan dataset [1].
convolution layers, i.e., Conv2d-GroupNorm-SiLU, is fol- Due to some scenes in OpenScene lacking corresponding
lowed to extract the patch embeddings. After considering occupancy labels, we ignore these scenes during our ex-
the sequence of patch embeddings, we obtain the historical periments. For submission, the challenge utilizes an online
occupancy spacetime tokens y ∈ RNh ×H×W ×C . server that provides historical images along with normal-
Ego Pose Encoding. We represent the ego pose as relative ized ray directions for point forecasting.
displacements between adjacent frames in the 2D ground Metric. For this challenge, model evaluation is con-
plane. Given the historical ego poses, we employ multiple ducted using the Chamfer Distance (CD) [5]. The Cham-
linear layers followed by a ReLU activation function to ob- fer Distance quantifies the similarity between predicted
tain the ego tokense ∈ RNh ×C . and ground-truth point clouds by computing the average
Spatial-Temporal Transformer. The spatial-temporal nearest-neighbor distance from points in one set to those
transformer jointly model the evolution of the surrounding in the other set, in both directions.
scene and planning the future trajectory of the ego vehicle. Training Strategies. During the training process, both
Inspired by previous works on video prediction [3, 9, 10], stages are trained with AdamW optimizer with gradient
we incorporate several spatial-aware local-temporal (SALT) clipping and a cyclic learning rate policy. The initial learn-
attention blocks within the Spatial-Temporal Transformer. ing rates a 2e−4 and 1e−3 for stage I and stage II, respec-
As shown in Fig. 2(a), in each SALT block, 2D convolution tively. In stage I, we utilize a total batch size of 24, dis-
layers are first utilized to generate the query map and paired tributed across 24 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. In stage II, the
key-value embeddings for the spacetime tokens, effectively total batch size is reduced to 16, leveraging 16 NVIDIA
preserving structural information through this spatial-aware V100 GPUs. For the ablation studies, stage II is trained us-
CNN operation. Subsequently, the standard multi-head at- ing 8 NVIDIA V100 GPUs with a total batch size of 8. Both
tention mechanism is employed to capture the temporal cor- stages are trained for 24 epochs.
Table 1. Poin cloud forecasting performance. Best results for each setting are highlighted in bold. D2 -World vanilla denotes the model
without decoupled dynamic flow.
Chamfer Distance (m2 ) ↓
Method Training Split Test Split
0.5s 1.0s 1.5s 2.0s 2.5s 3.0s Avg
ViDAR [13] (baseline) 1/8 Mini Mini 1.34 1.43 1.51 1.60 1.71 1.86 1.58
D2 -World vanilla (ours) 1/8 Mini Mini 0.51 0.83 0.87 0.94 1.01 1.10 0.89
D2 -World (ours) 1/8 Mini Mini 0.39 0.74 0.73 0.75 0.80 0.87 0.71
ViDAR [13] (baseline) Mini Online Server 1.32 1.41 1.49 1.60 1.73 1.93 1.59
D2 -World vanilla (ours) Mini Online Server 1.19 1.47 1.50 1.57 1.65 1.79 1.53
D2 -World vanilla (ours) Full Online Server 0.57 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.97 0.87
D2 -World (ours) Full Online Server 0.56 0.69 0.78 0.84 0.89 0.99 0.79

Table 2. Training efficiency comparisons. All experiments are Table 3. Results analysis. The effects of occupancy prediction
trained in 8 GPUs with 24 epochs on 1/8 mini training set. † indi- performance.
cates the efficient version of ViDAR with inferior performance.
Method mIoU ↑ IoU ↑ Chamfer Distance (m2 ) ↓
Method Hours GPU Mem. ViDAR [13] (baseline) - - 1.54
ViDAR [13] (total) 23.50 63G Version A - 38.29 1.68
ViDAR [13] (total) † 18.50 38G Version B - 38.76 1.64
D2 -World (stage-I) 2.00 23G Version C - 40.41 1.50
Version D - 47.68 0.89
D2 -World vanilla (stage-II) 3.10 28G
Version E (use GT) - 100.0 0.88
D2 -World (stage-II) 5.14 32G
Version F 17.06 40.41 1.09
D2 -World (total) 7.14 32G Version G 18.48 47.68 0.71
Proportion 30% 51% Version H (use GT) 100.0 100.0 0.69

Network Details. For stage I, the input image resolution is 28 GB of GPU memory under the same conditions. Addi-
512 × 1408 incorporating common data augmentation tech- tionally, our model, even with the decoupled dynamic flow,
niques such as flipping and rotation, applied to both the im- maintains reasonable training hours and GPU memory.
ages and the 3D space. The resolution of the generated 3D The Effects of Occupancy Performance. The results
voxel grid is 200 × 200 × 16. Prior to feeding the predicted using different occupancy performances are presented in
occupancy into stage II, we apply grid sampling operations Tab. 3, where only 1/8 mini dataset are used to train. We
to align the occupancy annotations from the range of [-50m, first train our world model with binary occupancy predic-
-50m, -4m, 50m, 50m, 4m] to the LiDAR point cloud range tion (empty and occupied) as inputs. The results from Ver-
of [-51.2m, -51.2m, -5.0m, 51.2m, 51.2m, 3.0m]. sion A to Version E denote the performance of the world
3.2. Quantitative Results model when the occupancy performance changes. We find
that the world model performs better when the occupancy
Main Results & Ablation Study. The main results are pre- performance is improved.
sented in Tab. 1. In addition to showing the overall per- Furthermore, introducing decoupled dynamic flow with
formance of our model (D2 -World), we also demonstrate semantic occupancy inputs yields additional performance
the performance of our model without decoupled dynamic enhancements, as shown in Versions F to H. Interestingly,
flow (D2 -World vanilla). Our method demonstrates su- the performance does not significantly improve even when
perior performance across all timestamps when compared ground truth occupancy with 100% mIoU and IoU is used
to the baseline model, with further performance enhance- as input. Our analysis indicates that this is due to the inher-
ments observed upon the introduction of the decoupled dy- ently sparse nature of point cloud forecasting, which pri-
namic flow. Our best submission ranks 2nd on the leader- marily requires predicting the foremost visible surfaces of
board, achieving a Chamfer Distance (CD) of 0.79, with objects in the 3D space, whereas IoU evaluation for occu-
both stages trained on the full dataset. pancy encompasses the entire dense space.
Training Efficiency. To further validate the efficiency of
our approach, we compare training hours and GPU memory 4. Conclusion
usage across different models, as shown in Tab. 2. The base-
line method, ViDAR, requires up to 63 GB of GPU memory In this report, we present our 2nd solution (D2 -World) for
and 23.50 hours for training. Even its efficient version [13], the Predictive World Model Challenge held in conjunction
which does not supervise all future frames, still demands with the CVPR 2024 workshop. By reformulating the visual
high GPU memory (38 GB) and considerable training time point cloud forecasting predictive world model into vision-
(18.5 hours). In contrast, although our method necessi- based occupancy prediction and 4D point cloud forecasting
tates pre-training an occupancy prediction model, our world via decoupled dynamic flow, our solution demonstrates ex-
model can be trained in approximately 3 hours with only emplary forecasting performance and significant potential.
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