Restaurant Marketing Ebook - Upserve
Restaurant Marketing Ebook - Upserve
Restaurant Marketing Ebook - Upserve
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We are restaurant loving geeks that spend all
of our time analyzing restaurants like yours.
We want to help you provide the best
hospitality you can. Here we share some of
our insight about restaurant marketing from
working with over 4,000 restaurants across
the United States.
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Successful, highly profitable restaurants don’t happen
by accident. They develop a great concept, cultivate
signature menu items, garner an impeccable reputation,
and constantly promote their business... They’re analyzed
and deliberate.
Whether you manage 1 or 100 locations, this is your
complete guide to how the best restaurants market
themselves and how to build your own successful strategy.
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7 Back To Basics: What Is 39 Less Is More: Twitter For Restaurants
Restaurant Marketing? 41 5 Ways To Use Twitter To Build
Customer Loyalty
Marketing: An Evolution You RESTAURANT MARKETING
11 Making The Most Of Your Guests: Word Of 46 Take Control Of Online Reviews In
Mouth 3 Steps
12 3 Tips To Ignite Your Loyalty Program
16 Your Menu Is The Best Marketing Tool You 47 How Can I Get More Online Reviews?
48 Read Minds With Yelp (Seriously)
19 Your Staff Is Your Marketing Team:
Top 2 Ways To Help Them Win Today 52 Something To Chew On: Your
Social Media Menu
20 Bringing It To The Screen:
Online Marketing Tactics For 53 How To Develop YOUR Restaurant
The Restaurateur Marketing Strategy
22 Your Website Is Your First Impression: 56 Big Brands Have Lessons
5 Tips To Make It Stand Out To Teach You, Too
24 Is Social Media The New Word of Mouth? 57 Measuring Restaurant
Restaurant Social Media 101 Marketing Effectiveness
26 3 Ways To Leverage Social Media To
Increase Guest Loyalty
28 So Many Networks, So Little Time 61 How Upserve Helps With
29 Why Facebook, Why Now? How To Get On Restaurant Marketing
Facebook Today
31 Don’t Set It And Forget It: 3 Benefits
Of Facebook For Restaurants
33 Advanced Social Media:
Promoted Facebook Posts
36 Measuring The Success Of Paid
Facebook Posts
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You need to be able to tell your guests why they
should dine with you in 140 characters or less.
Welcome to the
“Screen Generation”
56% of your guests will use some type of
technology to interact with (and about)
your restaurant.
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This is your ultimate guide to restaurant
marketing in the digital age.
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“Restaurant Marketing”.
Sounds easy enough doesn’t it? Host some events, buy some
billboards and send some tweets and you’re in business.
Not quite...
Effective restaurant marketing can increase
your visibility to your guests - both new and
loyal regulars. It has the power to increase
revenue and bring guests in the door. But
what does it include?
The good news is that if you have a blended We can turn that bad news around.
strategy of online and offline marketing
tactics focused on menu, staff and guests, Let’s dive in, shall we?
you’ll stand out among the crowd. The
bad news is that without a well informed
understanding of the various components of
restaurant marketing, you can’t create that
strategy… and your budget will likely suffer.
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The restaurant industry is It is also one of the most challenging,
one of the largest in the with failure rates as high as 95% in
United States. the first year of business.
Nowadays, all anyone seems to Restaurants are using
talk about is online marketing. social media now to
engage with guests
more than ever before…
and guests are seeking
restaurants out online.
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Making The Most Of Your Guests:
Word Of Mouth
The most effective (and cheapest) form of marketing is always going to be
word of mouth marketing. Some argue that online marketing is an extension
of this (more on that later) but we’d be doing you a disservice not to talk about
how to leverage good old face-to-face chatting.
The bottom line is this: the only way to bring about positive word-of-mouth
marketing is to provide great service and food. However, there are some ways
you can make the most of it.
1. Talk to your guests: Next time you’re 3. Tell me something good: Just
walking around the restaurant asking as it’s important for your guests’
how the meal was, if you find a guest to share positivity about your
that is particularly happy, ask them if restaurant, you should do the
they’d mind telling their friends. Get real same. The more you practice what
and tell them how much your restaurant you preach the more it becomes a
depends on people like them spreading norm in your atmosphere. Say you
the word. Guests will appreciate that don’t offer italian ices as a dessert
more than you think. but you know a great place that
does, send the guest over. You
2. Set up a referral program: This doesn’t don’t lose out and now you’ve
have to be a formal program with entry got a friend in the italian ice joint
forms and prizes. It can be as easy as that will send folks your way for
offering your loyal regulars a free dessert chocolate cake.
every time they bring in a new friend to
the restaurant.
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3 Tips To Ignite Your Loyalty Program
Who wants empty seats in their restaurant on a Friday night? Not you.
That’s why customer loyalty is so important to you… and that’s why we’ve
got 5 tips here to ignite your loyalty program. It’s time to move from
traditional to exceptional.
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Tip 1: The Case For A Formal Loyalty Program
Did you know that data suggests that
a 5 percent increase in your restaurant
customer retention can produce as much as
a 100 percent increase in annual profit? As a
restaurateur, how are you building customer
loyalty to increase customer retention?
Customer loyalty programs ARE a quick win for The average American
restaurant owners who integrate into a larger household is a member
customer retention strategy.
of 18 loyalty programs
– with the restaurant
Customer loyalty programs allow you to collect
customer data and target effective restaurant industry claiming 9.7
marketing tactics to improve customer million of those members.
retention. But when it comes to marking a
program as a “success” or “failure”, it’s about
more than collecting the customer’s information
– it’s about getting them to come to your
restaurant and actually use that program.
58% of loyalty program
members prefer to
dine at restaurants with
a rewards program;
Could that be why data shows that over 50% of however, the one
rewards cards go unused?
argument is that the
offerings are sometimes
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tip 2: What Do Your Customers Want?
Think of your customers as if they are playing a game
– your loyalty program is their challenge, and rewards
are the prize they are seeking. The biggest reason for
customer loyalty program churn (quitting the game):
customers become unengaged – they don’t want to
play the game anymore.
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tip 3: Getting Your Customers To Play The Loyalty Program Game
So how can you get your Let’s borrow from everyone’s
customers to play the loyalty game favorite game of Monopoly as we
– and ensure that your best players go through 3 quick tips to keep
get the rewards and don’t ditch the customers playing (and winning).
game like a Monopoly game gone
too long?
Limit Barriers To Entry Tear Down Hurdles Along Incentivize With Bonus
The Way Points
Pro Tip: “We only play Pro Tip: When you collect Pro Tip: Worried about loss of
Monopoly on Mondays.” You customer information at sign revenue from discounts and
can’t imagine such a strange up, consider adding their “freebies”? Try these ideas instead:
restriction on game play, so why phone number into the game, Come in this week and you’ll
put it on earning and redeeming so you can look them up with get 50 extra rewards points, or
loyalty rewards. that information if they forget buy dessert tonight and you get
their card. 50% of an appetizer during your
next visit. All of these incentives
encourage a repeat visit.
The best part about a game of Monopoly? It can go on FOREVER! Just like your customer
loyalty program if you focus on building customer loyalty first and the nuts and bolts second.
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Your Menu Is The Best
Marketing Tool You Have
How much thought have you put into engineering your restaurant/bar
menu? Yes, we used engineering (not designing) because a menu needs
to function and perform at a high standard; it needs to be profitable!
In fact, the right engineering is the key to your most coveted marketing
tool being successful: your menu.
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Organize Your Menu Like a
Think about it, these publications
are engineered to sell. Did you know
that people almost always look to
the upper right hand side when they
open your menu? Put your most
profitable (and ideally delicious) items
in this section. If you really want these
dishes to stand out, maybe even put
a box around them. The image shows
the common path of glances on a 2
column menu. You want to place the
profitable entrées in section 1 and 2
(then move to 3 for appetizers etc.). If
you have 3 columns, people generally
first look at the top half of the middle
page and then the path/formula
remains the same.
Less Is More
Too many different items in a specific
category can be overwhelming and will
often result in the guest going for the
cheapest or most familiar. Gregg shared a
short story of a woman who was selling 30
different flavors of jelly at a market. When
she cut the flavors down to her 6 best,
sales went up 30%! 5 items is the optimal
number with 7 being the max. Therefore,
choose your best and most profitable items
and slash the extras off the menu.
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Bonus tips....
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We talked a bit about word of mouth and your guests, but we
didn’t talk about word of mouth and your staff…
Have you ever thought about how valuable your staff is when it
comes to marketing your restaurant. Not only do people trust
their friends’ reviews of everything (including your menu) but
they are seeking out “experts” to give them those reviews.
Skillful up-selling is the least expensive way to increase
check averages. This is good for your server and for your
bottom line. But it is also a great “marketing” tactic.
Teach This: As long as the server doesn’t come off as pushy,
the customer won’t know they are being marketed to.
I think...”
2. Referral Marketing
Just like you might offer an incentive to loyal guests
who refer a friend, consider doing the same to your
staff. Their networks are wide and you should be
feeding those folks, too! “Come by!”
Teach This: New guests might be more willing to stop by
if they know their friend is working. Talk to your staff about
broadcasting their shift schedules to the world, either on
social media or in conversation. “Visit me tonight at The
Dorrance from 8-10PM. I’ll be at the bar!”
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Sure, millennials are more likely than any other age group
to use technology for learning about and talking about
restaurants, but they are not the only demographic doing this.
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In this day in age, if you don’t have a website, you might as
well not exist.
Where are you located What does your menu Do you take
and when are you open? look like? reservations?
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5 TIPS That Make Your
Restaurant Website Stand Out
Acquaint Your Guests With Your Style Make It Easy To Contact You
A good restaurant website gives Your website is a great place for guests
guests an idea of the kind of to understand everything about your
atmosphere your restaurant provides. restaurant. But that does not mean they
Are you a formal dining location won’t want to call you (especially if you
(perhaps not the best for kids)? Your take reservations or allow large parties).
website should reflect that by being Make it easy for guests to get in touch by
formal in nature. You can do this with listing your phone number and email…
images that depict that. and consider a contact form.
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Nine out of 10 restaurants use social media to connect and
engage with their guests. For restaurateurs, the idea of using
social media marketing to reach guests may feel like a big
time commitment - especially when you are already focused
on managing your reputation via Yelp and OpenTable.
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The Taste Of Social Media Success
As a restaurateur, right now you might be thinking
“How will I find time for that?” And “How can I
stand out against brands like Dunkin Donuts that
already dominate the food social media space?”
1. How can you get 2. How can you 3. What are your …. and we’re
started managing use social media to peers doing that’s going to answer
social media for engage with your above the cut and those questions.
your restaurant loyal regulars, guests, how can you mimic
with limited time? and potential guests? those strategies?
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Social media for restaurants is no longer about
who has the greatest marketing spend, it’s about
who has the better understanding of their guests
and what they want from the brand.
• Listen: What are you guests saying about you, The bottom line is it’s a blend of being
your competitors and the industry? Take the where your guests and knowing
time to listen before you engage. what’s important to them. Once
• Learn: Identify the influencers and trends. Who you’ve researched your audience
is driving the conversation and how can you enough to figure out where they are
take those insights and turn them into action? online and what makes them tick,
• Adapt: Just as social channels are changing you’re ready for the next crucial piece
rapidly, so are the guests using them. Always of advice our experts provided.
keep your key brand loyalists in mind when you
explore new strategies and tactics.
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Step 2: Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
For restaurateurs, there are 5 social networks that
are tops with diners: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Yelp and OpenTable. However, just because there
are 5 networks ideal for restaurants, that doesn’t
mean you have to start all 5 at once.
Always Respond. Don’t play favorites to Capture Attention: Food not only tastes
those with a large social network. The average and smells delicious — it looks beautiful,
Facebook user has 130 friends, but just too. Pictures and video are key (especially
because someone has more or less doesn’t on Instagram), but if photography isn’t your
mean they’re any more or less valuable to thing, sometimes a sensory description will
your business. Respond to everyone in a do the trick.
timely manner.
Don’t Forget: At the end of the day, social
Be Transparent. You want fans on your media is a free resource that restaurateurs
Facebook Page to be engaged with you, but need to engage with to stay relevant and
you also need them to know that you are increase guest loyalty. Build a strategy that
engaged, too. Answer questions, address works for you, measure it and test it. Rinse
concerns, and acknowledge when people and repeat.
take the time to post on your page.
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3 in 5 small business owners say that social
media has helped them acquire new customers.
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80% of US social media users prefer to connect with brands through Facebook.
Here’s a quick checklist to ensure that your Facebook page helps drive new
customers through the door and serves as a resource for raving reviews..
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Facebook For Reputation Management:
Star Reviews
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Let’s take a minute to explore three tangible benefits to regularly updating
and strategically using your Facebook page to market your restaurant:
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2. Make Slow Times Busier With
Restaurant Promotions
Most restaurants have a night of the week
where they wish they could get a couple
more seats filled - Facebook is a great way
to incentivize and bring in business on
your slow nights.
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Advanced Social Media: Promoted Facebook Posts
Strategic promotion on Facebook increases
repeat customers, fills in the gaps during
slow hours, and serves as a hub for your
restaurant’s activities. It’s one of the most
valuable (and cost effective) tools you can
have in your restaurant marketing toolbox.
Ex: Monday Late Dinner Special: Free dessert with dinner between 8-10 PM!
Once you feel settled on your post, publish as usual. Keep in mind that if you
have uploaded an image with your post that it must have less than 20% text.
If you do include a link you will be able to see how many users clicked it.
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Boosting the Post
Once you have refreshed the page you will
see a “boost post” option below the post.
Click the button and this screen will appear:
• From there choose your location: You can adjust the amount of
mileage based on how large of a city you live in and how far you
feel your customers are traveling to come to your restaurant.
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Choose Budget & Duration
In the Budget section put in the total amount of money you are willing to
spend for the whole exercise. You can also adjust the duration of how long this
post will be boosted. Notice how the size of audience you will reach adjusts
when you change these variables.
Once you are happy with your boosting, input a payment method (it will ask
you for one if you don’t already have one saved), and hit Boost! Keep in mind
that it might take up to an hour before Facebook approves the boosting. If
you refresh your page you can check on it’s status by clicking on the post on
your home feed.
Check in on your post while it’s live and see how people are responding. Don’t
be surprised if it gets a lot more engagement than your usual updates.
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Now that you’ve launched your restaurant’s first
“boosted” (paid promotion) Facebook post surely you
want to know how it’s impacting your restaurant…
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Which Metrics for Which Goals
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Also Concerned with ROI?
Don’t Forget: It’s not just the sales on the day or week of promotion that count
(actually those sales could be down because you are offering a discount of some
sort), but how much that promotion paid off over the course of the year. For example,
losing $10 on a new customer’s total bill is more than made up for if they come visit
your restaurant 8x throughout the rest of the year.
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67% of Twitter users are more likely to make a
purchase from a brand they follow on Twitter.
1. Location
When setting up a profile, make sure to
share your restaurant’s location in your bio.
2. Bio
Many users struggle to create a
compelling bio, but restaurants have
it easy. This is the place to share the
type of food served as well as the
atmosphere to expect.
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3.Website 4. Header Photo
When creating your Twitter account you This is the large photo that spans the
will be prompted to add a URL. This is top of your profile page. It’s a great
the featured link on your profile so make place to showcase a delicious dish or
sure it takes user straight to your site! highlight a promotion.
5. Profile Photo
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By now you already know that you Here are 5 ways to Tweet like you mean it.
need to craft compelling messages
in 140 characters or less in order to 1. Use Hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to
capture the attention of your guests… search for meaningful content on Twitter.
Consider creating one general hashtag for your
… But what if your goal is to make restaurant and encouraging your loyal regulars to
them loyal regulars, not one time use it when talking about you… and don’t forget
guests? to join relevant conversations using them, too!
#restaurants #PVDEats
Well here’s the secret to that: the best
restaurants are not just posting at
random. They’re using the tool with a
targeted effort.
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3. Integrate! (With
Instagram): Photos are
appreciated on any social
network - Twitter included.
Make it easier on yourself
and integrate your Twitter
account with Instagram.
This allows you to opt into
sharing on Twitter every
time you post a photo or
video on Instagram.
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Let’s be real here: food photographs really well.
And while we’re being real let’s talk about #foodporn. Yes, you
read that right. The latest craze hitting social media is #foodporn.
A hashtag foodies and casual restaurant-goers tag to photos of
delicious meals to share with everyone they know.
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Have A Visual Conversation
It’s not just the guests of restaurants that are posting their photos to
Instagram. Chefs themselves have become celebrities and the #foodporn
movement is creating a whole new culture.
… but of course it’s about more than posting a filtered photo of tonight’s
special. Here are 3 tips to having a share-worthy Instagram account.
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What restaurateur wouldn’t want 142 million eyes seeing their
menu every month? That’s the potential Yelp has to offer you,
for free,… if you’re using it right.
A ‘one star’ increase in Yelp rating (based on Yelp’s five star rating
system) leads to a 5-9 % increase in revenue for your restaurant.
• Complete Contact Information: Address, Pro Tip: Reviewers are allowed to leave
phone, website photos of your restaurant and food, but
• Restaurant Genre: Are you American, you can, too. Start by posting a shot of
Italian, Peruvian? your best dish. After all, a picture is worth
• Price Range: Users are looking to know if a thousand words.
you are more fine dining or a QSR - easily.
• Upload Your Menu: For those Yelp users
visiting your listing on their App, this is a
huge benefit as going to your website to
find this forces them to leave the app.
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Take Control Of Online Reviews In 4 Steps
Now that you have your Yelp profile set up for success, here’s how you can
really take control of Yelp (and your bottom line!).
1. Encourage Guests to Leave Reviews: Pro Tip: You’ll want to focus on the 5 factors of
What’s the point of a Yelp listing if it has reputation management when thinking about Yelp
nothing to show for itself? You can make Reviews (Volume, Velocity, Sentiment, Recency and
Keywords). Learn more about that here.
the most of Yelp by having a listing of
strong, positive reviews. To do that, there
is no harm in asking your loyal regulars to
pop in and drop a review.
2. Respond To Reviews: Whether the Pro Tip: Responding to a negative review positively
review is positive or negative, it’s will go a long way in enhancing the experience of the
important to respond positively. This guest. You can choose to respond publicly or privately,
but as long as you are diplomatic about it. Read more
shows guests you genuinely care about
about how to respond to negative reviews.
their business and your restaurant.
3. Use Your Reviews Everywhere: Once Pro Tip: Leverage your other social media networks as
you claim your Yelp listing, the possibilities well. Re-post your Yelp reviews on your Facebook page
are infinite for what you can do with those to call attention to them and your Yelp profile. This may
reviews. Take advantage of the positive also encourage loyal regulars to go check out your Yelp
listing and leave a review of their own.
ones and put them on your website.
4. Take Advantage of Yelp Metrics: Yelp Pro Tip: Pay attention to mobile vs. web traffic as well
offers great insight into your restaurant as organic search results. You can better tailor the
by providing insights on various different information on your profile when you know how people
are viewing it and what they are looking to learn.
things such as how customers found you
and what they did with the information on
your page.
Bottom Line: There are virtually no other marketing methods out there for your
restaurant that brings guests to you rather than you going after the guests. If you
manage no other social media platform for your restaurant reputation besides Yelp
(which is arguably the hardest one to manage), you’ll be in great shape.
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Now that you’ve taken charge of your online reviews… how can
you get more of them to really benefit from your strategy?
1. Own Your Profile On Review Sites 2. Ask Your Guests For Reviews
Be sure that you have claimed your Why would you ever ask your guests for online
business on Yelp, Opentable and reviews? Here’s why: the more online reviews
Tripadvisor. you get, the more your average rating will be a
fair representation of your business.
Then, make sure that users can see that
you look at those sites by replying to For instance, if you have five 4-star reviews
reviews when necessary. Even a one- on yelp, and a cranky guest comes along
liner thank you note can go a long way. and gives you a 1-star review, your average
This way people will know that you are will drop from 4 to 3.5. But if you have twenty
listening to your guests, and you also 4-star reviews, and the same cranky guest
have an opportunity to gently respond gives you a 1-star review, your new average
to unfair comments. This will show will be 3.85, which Yelp will round up to 4.
you have personality, which is always Having many reviews will protect you from the
appreciated. In fact, this response to an occasional bad review, so asking your guests
angry guest on Yelp was so well crafted to review you will help you maintain a good
that it got liked by over one million online presence.
Facebook users!
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It’s no secret that running a restaurant is different
now than it was 10 years ago. Thanks to advances in
technology, your guests have shifted how they get
information about your business, and their idea of a
perfect meal out changes more frequently than ever
before. You want to provide your guests with exactly
what they want, but sometimes that can be hard
to know for certain - trends and desires change so
frequently (and you’re not a mind reader!)
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Yelp: More Than Reviews
Surely you’ve heard a thing or two about Yelp, right? It’s a
powerful deciding factor for consumers and restaurants are no
stranger to that with 78% of the searches on Yelp pertaining to
dining choices. But with all of that user-generated content comes
power beyond a 5-star review. Over the last 10+ years, Yelp has
been able to collect real-time data on consumer preferences.
You can literally gauge what your guests want, for free.
How can use Yelp to learn what your guests want from your
menu (for no cost)? Well you could take one of three approaches,
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Pro Tips For Using Yelp Trends
Not sure how you’re going to use Yelp Trends? Start here.
Boston and New York... close in location, but perhaps different in menu preferences?
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Looks as if sustainable menu items are on the rise on the
east coast.
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Something To Chew On:
Your Social Media Menu
Despite the differences in the various social
media channels we just discussed, there are some
commonalities in what your guests are looking for.
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How To Develop YOUR Restaurant
Marketing Strategy
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Let’s be honest, this is a TON of information.
How are you supposed to distill down to
what’s important and dive in today?
1. Listen 3. share
Everything starts with listening to what your You know where to go and what you
guests want. generally want to say, but now you need
a specific idea of what you’ll be sharing.
Ask yourself:
Where are your guests most commonly Ask yourself:
congregating? What content are you going to share to
Is it online? engage with your audience?
Do they read a certain newspaper or listen to Are you going to post photos of your
a specific radio station? menu on social media?
What are they asking for? Are you offering discounts in a local
Prepare to go where your guests are and Are you starting a photo contest online?
deliver what they want to hear from you.
Guests will want different things of you at
different times, prepare to switch up what
you share based on that knowledge.
2. strategize
Listening only gets you so far. Now it’s time
to turn that knowledge into a plan.
Ask yourself:
Where are you going to dedicate your time?
If it’s social media, which networks are you
going to choose?
How much time will you devote to your
restaurant marketing?
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You’ve got the where, what and when The ultimate goal, of course, is new
down. Now you need the how. guests or more loyal regulars.
Purchase your ad space How many new guests did you see this
Revamp your menu week?
Create and claim your social media profiles Is it more or less than usual?
and set them up for success Could you tie that back to an increased
marketing presence.
Whether it’s online or offline, you’ll need Measure your engagement and reiterate
to do some prep work and then get right on the most successful initiatives.
down to business. Action is only as strong
as your level of commitment to it. You can’t benefit from what you can’t
measure. And once you are measuring,
do more of what’s working and less of
what’s not!
Now it’s time to get talking to those guests.
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Big Brands Have Lessons To Teach
You, Too
While important, a large audience alone isn’t
enough to guarantee a strong social media
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Measuring Restaurant Marketing
Here’s the question everyone always asks when it
comes to marketing: what is the ROI?
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Accurately measuring your marketing efforts is critical to
understanding which promotions really build your business or which
ones needlessly cost you money and distract you from your business.
The good news is this: there is a ton of insight inside your restaurant
that can tell you exactly which restaurant marketing efforts you should
be spending your time on.
• Increase in one time sales: You may • Margin: Margin is how much you get
know that your normal Tuesday night to keep after paying your expenses.
after 9:00pm generates about $2,000 in For example, you wouldn’t spend $10
sales for you. If you start running a trivia to earn $10 in sales because you’d also
night or live music on Tuesday night have to pay for the food, labor, etc.
at 9:00pm and sales are now $3,000, Most restaurants run between a 20-40%
you have increased your one time sales margin. After all costs involved in the
by $1,000. In other words, what is the promotion, what is your margin?
increase in sales as a direct result of the • Cost to run promotion: In the case
promotion? of live music, you may have to pay the
• Increase in repeat business: Now, if band. For trivia night, you may have pay
you are successful with bringing new the MC or you may pay to advertise the
people into your restaurant during this event. You need to add up all the money
promotion, you’ll want to know if any you pay to run the promotion.
of them turned into repeat guests and • Cost of discounts: In the case of
how much they spent. If after 90 days, happy hour, for example, you may be
trivia night turned 10 guests into repeat discounting your drinks to help attract
guests, who made a total of 24 visits business. Or if you participate in
and spent $1,350, that is your increase restaurant week, you may offer a Prix
in repeat business. After all is said and Fixe menu for 30% off; you’re not just
done, how much did repeat guests, that discounting it for new people, you’re
came in as a result of this promotion, discounting it for everyone. You need to
spend annually? factor in how much money you’re losing
on discounts when measuring the
effectiveness of your promotions.
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That probably feels like a ton of information. This makes
it understandable that may restaurant owners make
assumptions about their restaurant marketing efforts rather
than looking at the dollars and cents...
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Benefits Of The Promotion Score
Once you’ve run this calculation, you will usually see a
number between 0 - 3 or even higher. That tells you
exactly which marketing promotions are worth your time.
• Anything above one is technically profitable and the
promotion is potentially worth doing.
• Anything two or higher is definitely worth doing.
• Anything below one is costing you money and you
can safely stop doing it.
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ONGOING IMPACT less expense on your end and less hassle for
Upserve’s restaurant management software the guests, increasing the chances for them
and restaurant POS allows you to track the to sign up and stay with it.
return on investment for your restaurant
marketing. Track sales during promotions, CONSOLIDATE YOUR REVIEWS
and long after, to see which campaigns are With Upserve, you have the ability to
best at bringing guests back over time. It’s monitor reviews on multiple social sites
ROI at your fingertips. ( Google, Yelp, OpenTable & TripAdvisor),
and to respond to those reviews
PROMOTION MONITORING accordingly. Upserve reads every online
With Upserve you can easily set up a review so you don’t have to, so you can
Marketing Campaign - just pick the start and keep your finger on the pulse of what your
end time and we’ll do the rest and reveal customers want.
the impact your campaign had on total
sales, visits, average sale as opposed to your LINK REVIEWS TO CAMPAIGNS
typical averages, a day- by-day breakdown Businesses that use Upserve can monitor
of sales performance. their reputations within the context of their
sales results. Want to know how your trivia
night performed? We can overlay that data
ONLINE ORDERING with sales information and tell you!
Upserve integrates with your restaurant
POS, eliminating costly workarounds and
ballooning commissions. With Upserve online RESTAURANT GUEST BOOK
ordering, your restaurant can capture insights Imagine having the information to
and market directly to your customers, confidently ask this question, right as
regardless of whether they ever step foot in customers walk through your door.
your restaurant. Upserve grows the guest Upserve’s guest book guest software
profile pie into a delicious, insightful story makes it a reality. Collect data from every
that you can read in one place. customer visit, arming yourself with
information to ensure that they continue to
come back for years.
Turn more guests into regulars with the best
restaurant loyalty program – no punch cards ENDLESS VALUE
or apps needed. With Upserve, the guest’s Did you know? The average return on
credit card serves as the loyalty card so it’s investment for a CRM (like Upserve’s Guest
Book feature) is $8.71 for every dollar
spent. By using these restaurant marketing
features, you can figure out what works
(what does not) and decide which knobs
to turn up or down and continuously
improve your ROI.
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Restaurant POS and management
software that does it all.
A single restaurant management system with everything
you need to run smoother shifts, grow your business, and
provide remarkable hospitality.
U P S E R V E .C O M | 8 5 5 - 6 6 4 - 3 8 8 7
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