23-24 SSW Psy
23-24 SSW Psy
23-24 SSW Psy
Tasks for the SIW and the schedule for the implementation of the SIW
An essay is a kind of essay , small (in terms of volume) in size, presented in free form. The essay
expresses the author's own thoughts, his experience and his opinion on any issue or subject, not claiming
to be the full truth or definition. In the process of completing the essay, the student will have to perform
the following types of work: draw up an essay plan; select sources, collect and analyze information on the
problem; systematize and analyze the collected information on the problem; present the analysis carried
out with their own conclusions and suggestions. Essay forms may vary depending on the topic. This can
be an analysis of available statistical data on the problem under study, an analysis of materials from the
media and a detailed analysis of the problem situation with detailed opinions, selection and detailed
analysis of examples illustrating the problem, etc. However, it is important here not only to express one’s
attitude and judgments about that or another topic, but back up your position with some arguments. Often
teachers ask an essay in order to conduct a kind of survey about the topic covered. How well the students
understood the material and whether they will be able to answer correctly on the exam. Thus, the task of
an essay at the university is to show that the student has learned the information, processed it
independently and is now ready to express his personal understanding.
Scientific a report is a detailed public speech on a specific topic, based on data from theoretical
or practical research. A scientific report is a detailed public presentation on a specific topic, based on data
from theoretical or practical research. Decide on a topic for a scientific report . If the teacher offers you
several topics to choose from, choose the one that seems most interesting to you. Select and study
materials on the topic. Compile a bibliography. When working on a report, it is recommended to use 8-10
sources. You can get the necessary literature in the library or find it on the Internet. If you use electronic
sources, take care of the reliability of the data they provide. Amateur sites and Wikipedia may contain
factual errors. Resources with publications of scientific conferences and websites of scientific journals
deserve complete trust.
Plan your report. It must include such items as "Introduction" and "Conclusion" or "Conclusions".
The main part of the report can also consist of several parts, which must be stated quite briefly , since the
report involves an oral presentation 10-15 minutes long. Write the text of the report. Adhere to the
scientific style of presentation. Properly format citations from scientific literature. Remember that a
scientific report is not an abstract, so it should be based not only on citing the works of recognized
scientists, but also reflect your view of the problem.
Review, abstract
Usually students acquire the skills of taking notes while still in school. For those who did not
develop the valuable ability to quickly and systematically take written notes on the merits in high school,
problems arise in the first months of study at a university: three to four one and a half hour lectures a day
or working with sources in preparation for a seminar turn into protracted torture. It turns out that it is not
always necessary to write down everything that the lecturer says, or copy huge fragments of educational
materials into a notebook: writing a summary correctly is a real art, which, if desired, can be quickly
learned. The result of taking notes is a well-structured record that allows its author to easily and fully
restore the necessary information in memory over time, and any other reader to get a holistic view of the
briefly outlined topic.
The rules for writing a lecture summary are very arbitrary, but to make it as complete and understandable
as possible, you must: Start recording only after understanding what the teacher said, without trying to
take notes verbatim. Develop a system of standard abbreviations. Highlight important points (topic,
terms, formulas) with colored pens or markers. Logically structure the information by at least breaking it
down into paragraphs, and leave several lines empty between them - the free space can later be useful for
clarifications, deciphering unfamiliar concepts and terms. Before proceeding with the compilation of a
summary of a literary source, it is worth at least once to carefully read the text in its entirety. This will
reveal the main features of the material, the style and nature of the presentation, the main idea, and deal
with unfamiliar terms. Further work is related to the analysis of information. At this stage, it is necessary
to separate the main from the secondary, to structure the material, placing it in a logically correct order.
Diagnostic Protocol
Testing is a psychodiagnostic method that uses standardized
questions and tasks tests that have a certain scale of values. Allows with a certain probability to determine
the current level of development of the necessary skills in an individual,
knowledge, personal characteristics, etc.
Testing assumes that the subject performs a certain activity: it can be solving problems, drawing,
telling a story from a picture, etc., depending on the technique used; a certain test takes place, on the basis
of the results of which the psychologist draws conclusions about the presence, features and level of
development of certain properties.
Thanks to a qualitatively compiled psychological portrait of a person , interested parties can better
know a person, his character, temperament, abilities, emotions, and understand the motives of his
behavior. With the help of such a description, it is possible to identify lies, a tendency to conflict, strong
and weak character traits. The main components of the psychological portrait of a person. Before
describing the psychological portrait of an individual, you should find out what criteria make it up. Each
person inhabiting the planet is an individual. Any individual has basic and programming characteristics.
The basic criteria are the temperament, character, as well as the abilities of the individual. Programming
criteria - orientation, intelligence and self-awareness.
The main sources for preparing the abstract are :
title page containing output data;
content (table of contents and descriptive part of the original);
author's notes;
graphs and tables in the text.
According to their content, annotations are of the following main types:
pedagogical and others.
Educational literature :
1.Dzhakupov S.M. General psychology: an introduction. Tutorial. Almaty : "Kazakh University ", 2014. -
162 p .
2.Kamzanova A.T. Trends in the development of psychological science: a textbook. - Almaty , Kazakh
University , 2016. - 138 p .
3.Nurkova V.V., Berezanskaya N.B. General psychology: Textbook. - Lyubertsy: Yurayt , 2017. - 524 p.
4.Kireeva Z.A. Psychology of cognitive processes. Tutorial. - M., 2020. - 137 p.
5.Nemov R. S. General psychology: textbook and workshop for academic Bachelor's degree : Vol. 2: -
6th ed., Revised . and additional - Moscow: Yurayt , 2017. - 302 p.
6.Maklakov , A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities / A.G. Maklakov . - St. Petersburg .:
Peter, 2013. - 583 p .
7.Romanova M. V. General psychology: cognitive processes: textbook - method. allowance. -Penza :
Publishing House of PGU, 2019. - 64 p .
1.E. Bruce Goldstein. Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience. -
5th Edition. – USA, 2018.
2.Badanina , L.P. Diagnostics and development of cognitive processes. - M.: Flinta: NOU VPO "MPSI",
2012. - 264 p.
3.Ananiev B.G. Psychology of sensory knowledge. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - 277 p .
4.Vecker L.M. Mind and reality: a unified theory of mental processes. - Online Library http :// www .
koob . ru or http :// socd . univ . kiev . ua / LIB / PUB / V / VEKKER / vekker . pdf
Internet resources:
1. http://elibrary.kaznu.kz/ru
2. Questions of psychology http://www.voppsy.ru
3. Psychology .r at http://www.psychology.ru
4. http://psychology-online.net - site "Scientific and popular psychology