A Technologies Internship Programs For Colleges

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Internship/Research Internship for

Graduate Students

Under NEP-2020 guidelines


A Technologies

The National Education Policy 2020-(NEP-2020) views that the purpose of the education system is
to develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and
empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination, with sound ethical
moorings and values. It aims at producing engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building
an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by our Constitution. In accordance with the
NEP-2020, the UGC framed a new student-centric “Curriculum and Credit Framework for
Undergraduate Programmes” (CCFUP) incorporating a flexible choice-based credit system, multiple
entry and exit options, and a multidisciplinary approach. In an internship course students require to
participate in a work experience or professional activity, or cooperative education activity with an
entity external to the education institution, under the supervision of an expert from the given external
entity. A prime aspect of the internship/research internship is induction into actual work situations.

ABOUT A Technologies

A Technologies is a 15 Years old IT company and is a house full of experienced and skilled People
and is one of the emerging companies in Kolkata, India. We are popular for our reliable web
designing and web hosting services. We have solution for personal websites, blogs, forums and
enterprise client and we also develop automation system for companies. We also provide
Certification Courses and Industrial Trainings on: Full Stack development, Andriod app design, .NET
Technologies, Advanced Python, Google Go, R Programming, Advanced Java, Cyber Security and
Ethical Hacking, Robotics, etc. with 100% job assistances to College students and professionals
alongwith Internships with live project and add on courses opportunities according to NEP.

Internship Courses We Offer

Courses that are cutting-edge and help in finding meaningful career choices. Our courses across
our demographic presence are recognized by many good colleges and organizations throughout the
country.Our offered courses help students to get ready for present corporate world.

 BigData & Data Science

 Blockchain & Web3.0
 Cyber Security
 Digital Marketing
 IOT internship
 Machine Learning
 R programming
 Web Development using Python
 Advanced Excel
 Power Bi
 Basic Python
 Web Development
 Tableau

This is a formal proposal towards Executing minimum of 2-4 credits, out of the required minimum
120/160 credits, of a 3-year UG degree/4-year UG degree (Honours) which can be assigned for
Internship as per the National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF) and
Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programme (CCFUP). An internship of 30 to
60 hours duration as per mutually decided timeframe which is mandatory for the students enrolled
in UG degree programmes.

Each undergraduate student may complete an internship of 2-4 credits during after the 4th semester
of the UG degree programme focussing on Hands-on Training/Short Research Project.

Sno Courses Suggested Duration Suggested Activities Credit


1 ● 3-year UG degree During 30-60 New concepts/ 02-04

2nd/4th hours Hands on Training/
● 4-year UG degree Sem Short projects



1. The College will examine/evaluate the student’s performance following its evaluation method.

2. The evaluation of the internship will be carried out at the following stages:

a. The interns will be evaluated by internship supervisor based on their efforts and outcome.

b. The interns will be evaluated through Seminar/Project presentation and viva-voce at

the College (marks will be given by a group of experts from Institute).

Existing Collaborations
A technologies is already engaged & having MOU with many Institutes for various kind of Skill
Development initiatives for their Students. We have collaborated with many engineering
colleges through out the country and also conducted many internship and add-on courses in
different colleges within West Bengal.

Few Such engagements are listed below.

 Taradevi Harakhch And Kankaria Jain College
 Behala College
 Narula Institute of Technology
And lots more ….
Our Detailed Course Structures for 60 Hours Courses:

Course Structure for: “Advance Excel”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to Excel: Basics of Excel, Basic Formulas
5 hours

Excel Formulas & Functions: Review of basic Excel formulas (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, IF),
Introduction to advanced formulas (e.g., VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, SUMIF/SUMIFS, 10 hours

Logical Operators: Using logical functions (e.g., IF, AND, OR) for complex
calculations.Introduction to Excel's data analysis tools (e.g., Goal Seek, Solver, Data 10 hours
Tables),Using What-If Analysis to explore different scenarios.

Data Visualization with Charts: Creating advanced charts (e.g., combo charts, waterfall
charts, radar charts),Formatting and customizing charts for better presentation, Using 10 hours
Sparklines to create mini-charts within cells,Introduction to Excel's statistical functions

Excel Templates and Customization: Creating and using Excel templates for recurring
tasks, Customizing the Excel interface (e.g., ribbons, quick access toolbar), Using themes 5 hour
and styles for consistent formatting

Automation with Macros: Introduction to Macros

- Recording and running macros 10 hours
- Editing macros in the VBA editor
- Assigning macros to buttons and shortcuts
- Managing and troubleshooting macros

Introduction to VBA: - VBA basics (variables, loops, conditionals)

- Writing simple VBA code 10 hours
- Creating user-defined functions
- Debugging and error handling in VBA
Project: Project on the taught topics
13 hours

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hour
Course Structure for:
“Data Visualization With Python”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to python: Introduction to Programming and Python
- What is Python? 5 hours
- History and versions of Python
- Installing Python and setting up the environment
- Writing and running the first Python script
Basic Syntax and Data Types:
- Variables and data types 5 hours
- Basic operators
- Input and output functions
- Comments in Python

Loops : - `for` loop

- `while` loop 10 hours
- `break` and `continue` statements
- Looping through different data structures

Modules and Packages: - Importing modules

- Standard libraries in Python 5 hours
- Installing and using third-party packages (e.g., `pip`)

Data Visualization with Python:Importance of Data Visualization

- Why visualize data? 10 hours
- Basic principles of effective data visualization
- Overview of popular Python libraries for data visualization
Matplotlib Basics:
- Introduction to Matplotlib 10 hours
- Creating basic plots (line plot, bar plot, scatter plot)
- Customizing plots (titles, labels, legends)

Specialized Plots: - Histograms

- Pie charts 10 hours
- Box plots
Advanced Plotting with Matplotlib
- Advanced Customization 5 hours
- Subplots and multiple plots
- Styles and aesthetics
- Annotating plots
Project:A Project on data visualization based on python
13 hour

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hour
Course Structure for: “Cyber Security”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to Cyber Security: Overview of cybersecurity
concepts,Common cybersecurity threats and attacks.Importance of 6 hours
cybersecurity in today's digital world.

Basic Security Principles: Confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA)

triad. Principle of least privilege.Defense-in-depth approach.Cryptography 7 hours
Basics. Network Security.

Web Security: Common web security vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF),

Best practices for securing web applications, Introduction to OWASP Top 10 7 hours

Security Policies and Procedures: Importance of security policies, Types

of security policies (e.g., acceptable use policy, data protection policy), 7 hours
Incident response procedures

Introduction to Ethical Hacking: Overview of ethical hacking, Legal and

ethical considerations, Common tools and techniques used in ethical 7 hour
hacking, Overview of cybersecurity tools, Common mobile security threats.

Incident Response and Management: Incident response process

Handling security incidents 7 hours
Post-incident analysis and reporting

Cybersecurity Policy and Compliance: Cybersecurity policy development

Legal and regulatory compliance 6 hours
Privacy and data protection regulations
Cybersecurity Case Studies and Best Practices:
Real-world cybersecurity incidents and their impact 6 hours
Best practices for cybersecurity implementation

Data Security and Encryption: Data encryption basics

Encryption algorithms and protocols 7 hours
Data loss prevention (DLP) strategies
Project: Ethical hacking project
12 hours

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

3 hour
Course Structure for: “Digital Marketing”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to Digital Marketing: - - Overview of digital marketing
- Importance of digital marketing in today's business world 5 hours
- Digital marketing strategies and channels

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): - - Understanding SEO and its importance

- On-page and off-page SEO techniques 5 hours
- Hands-on: Optimizing website content for SEO

Social Media Marketing (SMM): - - Importance of content in digital marketing

- Creating compelling content for websites and social media 5 hours
- Hands-on: Writing a blog post or social media post
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:- - Understanding PPC advertising
- Google Ads and Facebook Ads basics 5 hours
- Hands-on: Setting up a PPC campaign
- Importance of analytics in digital marketing
- Google Analytics basics
- Hands-on: Analyzing website and campaign performance

Website Planning and Development: - - Importance of a website in digital marketing 15 hours

- Basics of website planning and development
- Hands-on: Creating a simple website using WordPress or Wix

Email Marketing:- Using Email for increasing views and increasing reach
5 hours
Linkdin Marketing And Account creation:- Creating account on Linkdin and
10 hours
increasing the Connections.
-Organizing the Linkdin profile for Job Postings

Google Adsense:- Basics of Google Adsense.

10 hours
- Usage of Google Adsense
- Understanding PPC advertising
- Google Ads and Facebook Ads basics
- Hands-on: Setting up a PPC campaign
- Importance of analytics in digital marketing
- Google Analytics basics
- Hands-on: Analyzing website and campaign performance

Project: Creating a demo website using wix or wordpress

13 hours

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hour
Course Structure for: “Knowlegde Engineering”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to Machine Learning: Overview of ML,Types of
Ml(Supervised,Unsupervised,Reinforcement Learning),Application of ML 10 hours

Python Fundamentals: Introduction to python for ML,Basic data-types , Introduction

to Libraries like Numpy ,Pandas for Data Manipulation. 10 hours

Data Processing: Data Cleaning,Data transformation, Handling missing data.

15 hours

ML Algorithms: Introduction to Different Machine Learning

algorithms(Regression,Classification,ANN,SVM) 15 hours

Libraries: Introduction to Scikit-learn, Building and evaluating ML using Scikit-Learn

10 hour

Project: House price prediction Project based on features such as area,no of

bedrooms etc 13 hours

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hour
Course Structure for: “Power Bi”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to Power Bi: Introduction to Power BI
- Installing Power BI Desktop 10 hours
- Getting familiar with the Power BI interface
- Loading data into Power BI

Data Transformation and Modeling: Understanding data types and formatting

- Data transformation using Power Query Editor 10 hours
- Introduction to data modeling in Power BI
- Creating relationships between tables

Creating Visualizations: Introduction to Power BI visuals

- Creating basic visualizations (e.g., bar charts, line charts, pie charts) 5 hours
- Using filters and slicers
- Customizing visuals and formatting
Advanced Visualizations and Reports: - Creating advanced visuals (e.g., maps, matrix,
cards) 15 hours
- Using bookmarks and buttons for interactivity
- Creating and formatting reports
- Introduction to Power BI Service
Interactive Dashboards
- Creating slicers and filters 10 hours
- Using drill-through and drill-down features
- Creating interactive dashboards
- Best practices for designing effective dashboards
- Creating and customizing advanced charts (scatter, waterfall, funnel)
- Using map visuals for geographical data

Data Storytelling with Power BI:

- Combining multiple visuals for storytelling 10 hours
- Using bookmarks and buttons for navigation
- Creating report themes and templates
- Tips for effective data storytelling
Project: Creating a dashboard using Power Bi technology.
13 hours

Exam: Exam based on previously taught topics.

2 hour
Course Structure for: “R Programming”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to R Programming: Overview of R and R-Studio. Installing R and R-Studio.
R environment and basic operations. 10 hours

R Fundamentals: Variables and data types. Basic arithmetic operations. Indexing and sub
setting. Exercise 15 hours

R Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operator, Logical Operator. Working with

vectors and matrices. 15 hours

Control Structures: Understanding if-else statements,For loops, While Loops, Repeat Loops
10 hours

Functions: Creating Functions,Function arguments and Return Values, Scope of variables,

Anonymous functions(lambda Functions), Exercise. 10 hour

Project: Project based on the previous topics

13 hours

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hours
Course Structure for: “Web Development”

Description 75 Hours
Overview of Web Development: Introduction to web development and the internet
- Understanding how websites work 5 hours
- Tools and software for web development (VS Code, browsers, etc.)

Introduction to HTML : - Basic structure of an HTML document

- HTML tags, elements, and attributes 10 hours
- Creating a simple webpage

HTML Fundamentals : - Headings, paragraphs, and text formatting

- Lists (ordered, unordered) 15 hours
- Links and navigation
- Images and image attributes
- Embedding videos and audio
- Creating tables and forms
Introduction to CSS: - What is CSS and how it works with HTML
- Inline, internal, and external CSS 15 hours
- Basic selectors and properties
- Font properties and text styling
- Color properties and backgrounds
- Box model (margins, borders, padding)
Introduction to CSS Frameworks: - Introduction to Bootstrap framework
- Setting up and using Bootstrap 10 hours
- Creating responsive layouts with Bootstrap grid

Bootstrap Components: Using Bootstrap components (navbar, buttons, cards)

- Customizing Bootstrap with custom CSS 5 hours

Project: Creating a simple web page using html css and bootstrap.
13 hours

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hour
Course Structure for:
“Web Development With Python”

Description 75 Hours
Introduction to Web Development: Overview of web development technologies (HTML,
CSS, Python), Setting up a development environment (text editor, browser), Introduction to 10 hours
basic HTML elements (e.g., tags, attributes)

Basic HTML Structure: Creating a basic HTML document (doctype, HTML, head, body),
Using headings, paragraphs, and line breaks, Creating forms to collect user input, Using 15 hours
different form elements (e.g., input, textarea, select)

Introduction to CSS: Understanding CSS syntax (selectors, properties, values), Using

inline, internal, and external style sheets, Applying styles to HTML elements (e.g., text, 15 hours
colors, background, Introduction to CSS box model (margin, border, padding), Working
with CSS positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed)

Introduction to Python for Web Development: Overview of Python programming

language, Setting up a Python web development environment, Running a simple Python 20 hours
web server,Creating a basic Flask application

Project:A Project using HTML CSS as front-end and Python Flask as back-end
13 hour

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

2 hour
Our Detailed Course Structures for 30 + 30 & 30 Hours Courses:

Course Structure for: “Cyber Security &

Advanced Excel”

Description 30 Hours
Introduction to Cyber Security: Overview of cybersecurity concepts,Common
cybersecurity threats and attacks.Importance of cybersecurity in today's digital 5 hours

Basic Security Principles: Confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) triad.

Principle of least privilege.Defense-in-depth approach.Cryptography Basics. 5 hours
Network Security.

Web Security: Common web security vulnerabilities (e.g., XSS, CSRF), Best
practices for securing web applications, Introduction to OWASP Top 10 10 hours

Security Policies and Procedures: Importance of security policies, Types of

security policies (e.g., acceptable use policy, data protection policy), Incident 5 hours
response procedures

Introduction to Ethical Hacking: Overview of ethical hacking, Legal and ethical

considerations, Common tools and techniques used in ethical hacking, Overview of 5 hours
cybersecurity tools, Common mobile security threats.
Projects: Python Password generator, Message Encrypter,Python file Encrypter

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for: “Advance Excel”

Description 30 Hours
Introduction to Excel: Basics of Excel, Basic Formulas
5 hours

Excel Formulas & Functions: Review of basic Excel formulas (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, IF),
Introduction to advanced formulas (e.g., VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, SUMIF/SUMIFS, 10 hours

Logical Operators: Using logical functions (e.g., IF, AND, OR) for complex
calculations.Introduction to Excel's data analysis tools (e.g., Goal Seek, Solver, Data 10 hours
Tables),Using What-If Analysis to explore different scenarios.
Data Visualization with Charts: Creating advanced charts (e.g., combo charts, waterfall
charts, radar charts),Formatting and customizing charts for better presentation, Using 5 hours
Sparklines to create mini-charts within cells,Introduction to Excel's statistical functions

Project: Project on the taught topics

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for: “Power Bi & Digital
Marketing ”

Description 30 Hours
Introduction to Power Bi: Introduction to Power BI
- Installing Power BI Desktop 5 hours
- Getting familiar with the Power BI interface
- Loading data into Power BI

Data Transformation and Modeling: Understanding data types and formatting

- Data transformation using Power Query Editor 5 hours
- Introduction to data modeling in Power BI
- Creating relationships between tables

Creating Visualizations: Introduction to Power BI visuals

- Creating basic visualizations (e.g., bar charts, line charts, pie charts) 5 hours
- Using filters and slicers
- Customizing visuals and formatting
Advanced Visualizations and Reports: - Creating advanced visuals (e.g., maps, matrix,
cards) 5 hours
- Using bookmarks and buttons for interactivity
- Creating and formatting reports
- Introduction to Power BI Service
Interactive Dashboards
- Creating slicers and filters 10 hours
- Using drill-through and drill-down features
- Creating interactive dashboards
- Best practices for designing effective dashboards
- Creating and customizing advanced charts (scatter, waterfall, funnel)
- Using map visuals for geographical data

Project: Creating a dashboard using Power Bi technology.

Exam: Exam based on previously taught topics.

Course Structure for: “Digital Marketing”

Description 30 Hours
Introduction to Digital Marketing: - - Overview of digital marketing
- Importance of digital marketing in today's business world 5 hours
- Digital marketing strategies and channels

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): - - Understanding SEO and its importance

- On-page and off-page SEO techniques 5 hours
- Hands-on: Optimizing website content for SEO
Social Media Marketing (SMM): - - Importance of content in digital marketing
- Creating compelling content for websites and social media 5 hours
- Hands-on: Writing a blog post or social media post
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:- - Understanding PPC advertising
- Google Ads and Facebook Ads basics 5 hours
- Hands-on: Setting up a PPC campaign
- Importance of analytics in digital marketing
- Google Analytics basics
- Hands-on: Analyzing website and campaign performance

Website Planning and Development: - - Importance of a website in digital marketing 5 hours

- Basics of website planning and development
- Hands-on: Creating a simple website using WordPress or Wix

Email Marketing:- Using Email for increasing views and increasing reach
5 hours
Project: Creating a demo website using wix or wordpress

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for:“Knowledge Engineering”
Description 30 Hours
Introduction to Machine Learning: Overview of ML,Types of
Ml(Supervised,Unsupervised,Reinforcement Learning),Application of ML 5 hours

Python Fundamentals: Introduction to python for ML,Basic data-types ,

Introduction to Libraries like Numpy ,Pandas for Data Manipulation. 5 hours

Data Processing: Data Cleaning,Data transformation, Handling missing data.

5 hours

ML Algorithms: Introduction to Different Machine Learning

algorithms(Regression,Classification,ANN,SVM) 5 hours

Libraries: Introduction to Scikit-learn, Building and evaluating ML using Scikit-

Learn 10 hours
Project: House price prediction Project based on features such as area,no of
bedrooms etc

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for: “Web Development”

Description 30 Hours
Overview of Web Development: Introduction to web development and the internet
- Understanding how websites work 5 hours
- Tools and software for web development (VS Code, browsers, etc.)

Introduction to HTML : - Basic structure of an HTML document

- HTML tags, elements, and attributes 5 hours
- Creating a simple webpage

HTML Fundamentals : - Headings, paragraphs, and text formatting

- Lists (ordered, unordered) 5 hours
- Links and navigation
- Images and image attributes
- Embedding videos and audio
- Creating tables and forms
Introduction to CSS: - What is CSS and how it works with HTML
- Inline, internal, and external CSS 5 hours
- Basic selectors and properties
- Font properties and text styling
- Color properties and backgrounds
- Box model (margins, borders, padding)
Introduction to CSS Frameworks: - Introduction to Bootstrap framework
- Setting up and using Bootstrap 10 hours
- Creating responsive layouts with Bootstrap grid

Project: Creating a simple web page using html css and bootstrap.

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for: “R Programming”

Description 30 Hours
Introduction to R Programming: Overview of R and R-Studio. Installing R and R-Studio.
R environment and basic operations. 3 hours

R Fundamentals: Variables and data types. Basic arithmetic operations. Indexing and sub
setting. Exercise 2 hours

R Operators: Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operator, Logical Operator. Working with

vectors and matrices. 5 hours

Control Structures: Understanding if-else statements,For loops, While Loops, Repeat Loops
10 hours

Functions: Creating Functions,Function arguments and Return Values, Scope of variables,

Anonymous functions(lambda Functions), Exercise. 10 hour

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for:

“Data Visualization With Python”

Description 30 Hours
Introduction to python: Introduction to Programming and Python
- What is Python? 3 hours
- History and versions of Python
- Installing Python and setting up the environment
- Writing and running the first Python script
Basic Syntax and Data Types:
- Variables and data types 2 hours
- Basic operators
- Input and output functions
- Comments in Python

Loops : - `for` loop

- `while` loop 10 hours
- `break` and `continue` statements
- Looping through different data structures

Modules and Packages: - Importing modules

- Standard libraries in Python 5 hours
- Installing and using third-party packages (e.g., `pip`)
Data Visualization with Python:Importance of Data Visualization
- Why visualize data? 5 hours
- Basic principles of effective data visualization
- Overview of popular Python libraries for data visualization
Matplotlib Basics:
- Introduction to Matplotlib 5 hours
- Creating basic plots (line plot, bar plot, scatter plot)
- Customizing plots (titles, labels, legends)

Project:A Project on data visualization based on python

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for:
“Web Development With Python”
Description 30 Hours
Introduction to Web Development: Overview of web development technologies (HTML,
CSS, Python), Setting up a development environment (text editor, browser), Introduction to 5 hours
basic HTML elements (e.g., tags, attributes)

Basic HTML Structure: Creating a basic HTML document (doctype, HTML, head, body),
Using headings, paragraphs, and line breaks, Creating forms to collect user input, Using 5 hours
different form elements (e.g., input, textarea, select)

Introduction to CSS: Understanding CSS syntax (selectors, properties, values), Using

inline, internal, and external style sheets, Applying styles to HTML elements (e.g., text, 10 hours
colors, background, Introduction to CSS box model (margin, border, padding), Working
with CSS positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed)

Introduction to Python for Web Development: Overview of Python programming

language, Setting up a Python web development environment, Running a simple Python 10 hours
web server,Creating a basic Flask application

Project:A Project using HTML CSS as front-end and Python Flask as back-end

Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Course Structure for: “Blockchain & Web 3.0”

Description 30 Hours
Understanding Blockchain Technology: Introduction to Blockchain
What is Blockchain? How does Blockchain work? 2 hours
Types of Blockchains: Public, Private, Consortium
Blockchain Components: Blocks, Transactions, Nodes, Consensus Mechanisms

Blockchain Networks and Platforms : Ethereum and Smart Contracts

Other Blockchain Platforms: Hyperledger, Corda, etc. Use Cases of Blockchain 5 hours

Blockchain Development Basics: Setting up a development environment (e.g.,

Ganache, Truffle), Writing and deploying a simple smart contract 3 hours
Interacting with smart contracts using Web3.js
Introduction to Web 3.0: Evolution of the Web: Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0
Key concepts: Decentralization, Privacy, User Control 5 hours

Web 3.0 Technologies: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)

Decentralized Identity (DID) 10 hours
DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)
Blockchain Security: Common security vulnerabilities in smart contracts
Best practices for secure smart contract development. Challenges with scalability in 5 hours
Solutions and projects addressing scalability (e.g., Plasma, Sharding)
Exam: Exam based on the previous taught topics

Industrial Training/Add-on Courses we are providing :

1. Python (Basic/Advanced/expert)
2. R Programming
3. Sagemath
4. Core Java
5. C and C++
6. Andriod
7. Website design by php+mysql
8. Full stack using PHP
9. Full stack using Java
10. React JS
11. Angular JS
12. Adbanced Excel
13. Power BI
14. SQL
15. Google Go
16. Robotics
17. PCB
18. Game Design
20. VHDL
21. Ethical hacking and Cyber Security
22. Data Science

NOTE:-Colleges can also tie up for stating add-ons course according to profit sharing basis.
Offline Industrial Training going on in the
presence of one of our Faculty Mr.
Tarasankar Maji and Business Manager
Mr. Narendra Desarkar at BCA
Department of EIILM Business School by A
Technologies. Thanks to EIILM for giving us
the opportunity.

Successfully completed internships

in many colleges through out West
Bengal. Few are :
R Programming internship in
Taradevi Harakhch And Kankaria
Jain College and Cyber Security
internship in Behala College

Internship on "Cyber Security" by A Technologies in association with for the UG

and Engineering Students.
Mock final semester Power Point presentation of College Software Project cum
Industrial Training by B. Sc. Computer Science Honours students.
We are greeting respected Director sir of IMS Business School from A
Technologies for giving us the great opportunity to arrange Webinar/Seminar on
"Career opportunities and Higher Education Options in Covid times and post
Covid times" by IMS Business School in Association with A Technologies and for
giving us the chance to launch some Career oriented Advanced IT and Industrial
Trainings with them for the career enhancements of the students.


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