Programming & Data Structures 2

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8. Explain Parameter Passing Methods. (16 Marks)
PROGRAMMING AND DATASTRUCTURES I 9. Explain Expression using Operators in C. (16Mark)
10.Explain in detail about Dynamic Memory Allocation.(16)

1. Define global declaration?
2. Define data types? PART-A
3. Define variable with example?
4. What is decision making statement? 1. Compare arrays and structures.
5. What are the various decision making statements available in C? 2. Compare structures and unions.
6. Distinguish between Call by value Call by reference. 3. Define Structure in C.
7. What is an array? 4. Rules for declaring a structure?
8. What is two dimensional array? 5. Define structure pointers
9. Define is function? 6. Define union?
10. What are the various looping statements available in ‘C’? 7. Define file?
11. What are the uses of Pointers?
8. Define binary files?

12. What is a Pointer? How a variable is declared to the pointer? (MAY 2009) 9. Define opening a file?
13. What is the difference between if and while statement? 10. Define fseek ()?
14. Define pre-processor in C.
11. Functions of bit fields?
15. Define recursive function?
16. What is the difference between while and do….while statement? a 12. What are the ways to detecting End of File?
13. What are key functions required to process a file?
17. Define Operator with example?
m 14. List out the file handling functions

18. Define conditional operator or ternary operator? 15. Define Nested structure in C.
19. Compare of switch () case and nested if statement 16. Define typedef.

20. What are steps involved in looping statements? 17. What are the Mode’s available in using file concept?
21. Define break statement? 18. Define EOF.

22. Define null pointer? 19. What are Binary Files?
23. Define macro with an example. 20. List out the file of records.
23. Define Local and Global variable.
24. What is a Ternary Operator? tu
25. What are the types of operators available?


1. Explain in detail about Structure with suitable program. (16 Mark)

1. Explain the concept of Conditional statements with example program. (16 2. Explain in detail about Union with suitable program. (16 Mark)
Mark) 3. Explain in detail about File handling concept with suitable program. (16
2. Explain the concept of Control statements with example program. (16 Mark)
Mark) 4. Explain the concept of File read and write with suitable example program.
3. Explain the concept of Functions with example program. (16 Mark) (16 Mark)
4. Explain the concept of Arrays with example program. (16 Mark) 5. Explain in detail about File Manipulations. (16 Mark)
5. Explain in detail about Preprocessor with example program. (16 Mark)
6. Explain in detail about pointers with example program. (16 Mark)
7. Explain Managing Input and Output statement. (16 Mark)
1. What is meant by an abstract data type?
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of arrays? 1. Write down the algorithm for solving Towers of Hanoi problem?
3. What is an array? 2. What is a Stack?
4. What is a linked list? 3. What are the two operations of Stack?
5. What is singly linked list? 4. What is a Queue?
6. What is a doubly linked list? 5. What is a Priority Queue?
7. Define double circularly linked list? 6. What are the different ways to implement list?
8. What is the need for the header? 7. What are the postfix and prefix forms of the expression?
9. Define Polynomial ADT 8. Explain the usage of stack in recursive algorithm implementation?
10. How to search an element in list. 9. Write down the operations that can be done with queue data structure?
11. Define Dqueue? 10. What is a circular queue?
12. How to implement stack using singly linked list 11. Give few examples for data structures?
13. What are the types of Linear linked list?
12. List out Applications of queue

14. What are advantages of Linked lists? 13. How do you test for an empty queue?
15. What is an advantage of ADT? 14. What are applications of stack?
16. Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List.
15. Define recursion?
17. What are the types of Linear Linked List available?
18. Define ordered singly linked list. a 16. What are types of Queues?
17. Define double ended queue.
19. Define circular linked list.
m 18. Define Insert/Push Operation.

20. What are the operations on singly linked list? 19. Define Delete/Pop Operation.
20. What are the categories of Expressions available?


1. Explain in detail about Abstract Data Types (ADT) with suitable program. PART-B
(16 Mark)

2. Explain in detail about List ADT with suitable program. (16 Mark)
3. Explain in detail about Singly Linked Lists with suitable program. (16
1. Explain in detail about Stack ADT with suitable program. (16 Mark)
2. Explain in detail about Arithmetic Expressions with suitable program (16
4. Explain in detail about Doubly Linked Lists with suitable program. (16
3. Explain in detail about Queue ADT with suitable program (16 Mark)
4. Explain in detail about Circular Queue with suitable program.(16 Mark)
5. Explain in detail about Circularly Linked Lists with suitable program. (16 5. Explain in detail about Double ended Queue with suitable program(16
Mark) Mark)
6. Explain Infix, Prefix and Postfix expression with an algorithm.


1. What is meant by Sorting and searching?

2. What are the types of sorting available in C?
3. Define Bubble sort.
4. Mention the various types of searching techniques in C
5. What is linear search?
6. What is binary search?
7. Define merge sort?
8. Define insertion sort?
9. Define selection sort?
10. What is the basic idea of shell sort?
11. What is the purpose of quick sort and advantage?
12. Define quick sort?
13. Advantage of quick sort?
14. Define radix sort?
15. List out the different types of hashing functions?
16. Define hashing? a
17. Define hash table?
18. What are the types of hashing?
19. Define Rehashing?

20. What is the time complexity of binary search?
21. List the sorting algorithms with time complexity.

22. Define Static Hashing.
23. Define Dynamic Hashing.

24. What are the steps to be followed in Quick sort?
25. Define Hash Function.


1. Explain any two Sorting algorithms with suitable program. (16 Mark)
2. Explain any two Searching algorithms with suitable program(16 Mark)
3. Explain in detail about Hash function(16 Marks)
4. Arrange the following number 38, 27, 43,3,9,82,10 using Merge sort
Algorithm.(16 Mark)
5. Arrange the following number 8,3,25,6,10,17,1,2,18,5 using Quick sort
Algorithm.(16 Mark)

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