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Medical Caculation

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‫ﻣﺸﺮوع ﺗﻮﺳﻌﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ اﻟﻄﻮارىء واﻧﺸﺎء)اﻧﺠﺎز( ﻗﺴﻢ اﻟﻨﺴﺎء واﻟﻮﻻدة واﻻﻃﻔﺎل ﻓﻲ‬

‫ اﻟﺸﺎرﻗﺔ‬- ‫ﻣﺴﺘﺸﻔﻰ اﻟﻘﺎﺳﻤﻲ‬

Extension of Emergency Department & New Women and Children

Department in Al Qassimi Hospital -Sharjah

Tender Documentation
February 2009

Revision 0

2007/153/100202047091-100202047048/ ‫ ﻣﺐ‬-: ‫رﻗﻢ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﻗﺼﺔ‬


TITLE Medical Calculation

Medical Air System Source Sizing
Design flow for each Diversified
Occupancy count Formula
terminal unit l/min flow lpm
In-patient & out-patient rooms
Wards unit - Single and Terminals (n)
20 QW=20+(n-1)*10/3 23.3
multiple bed rooms 2
Each ward unit Wards (w)
20 QD=QW(1+W-1/2) 1446.67
departments comprising 123
Beds (nB)
Intensive Care rooms 80 QI=(nB-1)*80/2 1120
Dental department
Beds ( nB )
Dental surgery rooms 40 QDENT =40nB 80
Operating department
Rooms ( T )
Operating rooms 40 QT=40+10( T-1 ) 140
Beds ( nB )
Recovery rooms 40 QR=40+(nB-1)*10/4 72.5
Operating room for Rooms (T)
350 QT= 350+(T-1)*350/4 787.5
surgical air 6
Sterile disinfection Beds (nB)
units(SDU), ODA 350 QWS= 350 350
workshop for sergical air
Matemity department
Terminal ( n )
Normal delivery room 40 QM=40n 320
Adult acute day care
Major treatment Rooms ( T )
40 QT=40+( T-1 )*10 70
room,Endoscopy room 4
Accident and emergency
Major treatment/ Rooms ( T )
radiodiagnostic/special 40 QMT=40+10( T-1 ) 140
procedures 11

Total demand (lpm) 3395.0

Sizing of compressor
Consumption demand = 3904.25 L / min
138 ft /min
4 m /min
Head at source 7 bar

We select a triplex unit of Compressor

Type Oilless reciprocating Compressor

Number 3 ( 2 duty and 1 standby - Each 50% of load)
Connection parallel
Flow 69 ft / Min
Head 7.0 bar
Speed 1800 rpm
Power 20 HP

Sizing is based on HTM Code and BEACON MEDAES guide.
Vacuum System Source Sizing
Design flow for each
Occupancy count Formula Diversified
terminal unit l/min
flow lpm
In-patient & out-patient rooms
Beds (nB)
Treatment rooms 40 QT=40+(nB-1)*10 170
Department comprising Beds (nB)
40 QD=80+(nB-1)*1 298
several ward areas 219
Operating department
Operating room, Rooms ( T )
maternity, accident and
40 QT=80*T 1520
emergynce theater and 19
major treatment room
Beds ( nB )
Recovery rooms 40 QR=40+(nB-1)*10 170
Beds ( nB )
Intensive Care rooms 40 QI=40+(nB-1)10 320
Total demand 1858.50

Sizing of pumps :
Consumption demand= 2137.3 L / min
75.5 ft /min
2.1 m3/min
Head at source 0.64 bar

We select a triplex unit of pumps
Type Lubricated rotary vane pump
Number 3 ( 2 duty and 1 standby - each 50% of load)
Connection parallel
Discharge 37.7 ft / Min
Head 0.64 bar
Speed 1800 rpm
Power 5 HP

Sizing is based on HTM Code and BEACON MEDAES guide.
Anesthetic Gase Scavenage System Source Sizing
Design flow
for each Diversified
Occupancy count Formula
terminal flow lpm
unit l/min
In-patient acute care
Beds (nB)
Treatment rooms 40 QT=40+(nB-1)*10 140
Operating department
Rooms ( T )
Operating room,
maternity, accident and
40 QT=40*T 320
emergynce theater and 8
major treatment room

Beds ( nB )
Intensive therapy unit
(ITU) & coronary care 40 QI=40+(nB-1)10 70
unit (CCU)
Total demand 397.50

Sizing of pumps
Consumption demand = 457.125 L / min
16 ft /min
0.46 m /min
Head at source 0.33 bar

We select a duplex unit of pumps

Type Oil less rotary claw vacuum pump

Number 2 (1 duty and 1 standby - Each 100% of load)
Connection parallel
Discharge 16 ft / Min
Head 0.3 bar
Speed 3450 rpm
Power 3 HP

Sizing is based on HTM Code and BEACON MEDAES guide.
Nitrous Oxide Source Sizing

Number of anesthetizing locations = 26

use container manifolds with cylinder seconderies :
Sizing of Primary source:
Container capacity= 142547 liter
Cylinder capacity= 15800 liter
Consumption per week= 205400 liter/week

Number of primery container used per week= 1.4 ~ 2 container

Number of secondery cylinder used per day= 2 cylinder
Number of resever cylinders per day = 2 cylinder

Sizing is based on HTM Code and BEACON MEDAES guide.
Oxygen Source Sizing
Number of beds = 320 Bed
Consumption for a full specialty hospital = 1000 ft3 / Month.bed
Weekly consumption for a full specialty hospital = 80000 ft3/ Week

So, we use a bulk system and in this case the size of the secondery will be
determined primarily by the ability of the supplier to deliver liquied under
the most adverse circumstance.The secondery must be sized not smaller than
an average 24 houre supply, but may need to be significantly larger to ensure
refilling can be accomplished prior to running empty.

Sizing is based on HTM Code and BEACON MEDAES guide.

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