Liquidity and Profitability Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
Liquidity and Profitability Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
Liquidity and Profitability Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
Submitted To
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University (T.U.)
Kathmandu, Nepal
Lalitpur, Nepal
I hereby declare that the project work entitled, LIQUIDITY AND PROFITABILITY
ANALYSIS OF NABIL BANK LIMITED submitted to the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan
University, Kathmandu is an original piece of work under the supervision of Mr. Nirmal Tiwari,
faculty member, Pinnacle College, Lagankhel,Lalitpur, and is submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Studies(BBS). This project work report
has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree or
Name: Prerana Udas
The project work report entitled submitted by Prerana Udas of Pinnacle college,
Lagankhel, Lalitpur is prepared under my supervision as per the procedure and format
requirements laid by the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, as partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS).
I, therefore, recommend the project work report for evaluation.
Nirmal Tiwari
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to several individuals and organizations for
supporting me throughout my research study. First, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my
supervisor, Nirmal Tiwari, for his enthusiasm, patience, insight comments, helpful information,
practical advice and unceasing ideas that have helped me tremendously at all times in my
research and writing of this report.
I would also thank my friends for helping me throughout the study with their guidance and
Name: Prerana Udas
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………i
Declaration……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ii
Supervisor’s Recommendation……………………………………………………………………………….iii
Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER1: INTRODUCTION……………………………..…. 1
Profile of Nabil Bank Limited………………………..……………………………… 2
Objectives……………………..……………………………………………….. 3
Rationale…………………………..…………………………………………… 3
Review…………………………………………………………………………. 4
Research Methodology………………………………………………………… 5
Limitation of the Study………………………………………………………… 6
Table 1 Current Ratio……………………………………………………………7
Table 2 Cash and bank balance to current assets ratio…………………………..8
Table 3 Cash and bank balance to total deposit ratio……………………………9
Table 4 Earning per share……………………………………………………….10-11
Table 5 Return on Assets………………………………………………………..11-12
Table 6 Return on equity………………………………………………………...12
Table 7 Net profit to loan and advance ratio…………………………………….13
Table 8 Correlation coefficient between cash balance and deposit……………...14-15
Figure 1 Current ratio……………………………………………………..…………..8
Figure 2 Cash and bank balance to current assets ratio……………………………….9
Figure 3 Cash and bank balance to total deposit ratio………………………………...10
Figure 4 Earning per share…………………………………………………………….11
Figure 5 Return on Assets …………………………………………………………….12
Figure 6 Return on equity……………………………………………………………...13
Figure 7 Net profit to loan and advance ratio………………………………………….14
AGM: Annual General Meeting
CCD: Cash Concentration and Disbursement
EPS: Earning Per Share
NGIB: Nilgiri Bikas Bank Limited
NIBL: Nepal Investment Bank Limited
POL: Position of Liquidity
ROE: Return on Assets
ROA: Return on Equity
Background of the study
Liquidity is the word that the bankers use to describe their ability to satisfy demand for cash, in
exchanging of deposits. Liquidity simply means ability to meet cash demands. It is characterized
by the use of converting an asset into money at a little cost. In the assets side of the balance sheet
of the commercial bank, will be liquid assets, which can be easily converted into cash-such
assets are called liquid assets. In another words, a liquid asset is one which can easily
expandable, marketable (transferable)and has capital certainly. Hence, managing and
maintaining sufficient degree of liquid assets is termed as liquidity. Liquidity can also be defined
as the bank’s ability to meet immediate maturing liabilities. Liquid assets mainly include, money
at call and short deposit. Investment in government securities such as treasury bills,
developments bonds, saving bonds etc. Among these, first two the most liquid assets and next
two are termed as near-liquid assets. But both of these assets are maintain to meet the liquidity
needs of bank. But, however one difference among these is that, the most liquid assets don’t earn
same returns whereas the near-liquid assets do.
According to Nepal Commercial Bank Act 2031,1(f),"Liquidity is supposed to include bank
cash in vault, amount deposited in current account, amount deposited in Nepal Rastra Bank and
those assets which are specified as liquid. The liquidity management function of a bank is regular
one. Each and every bank attach with great importance of liquidity for maintaining confidence of
customer and its survival. The importance of liquidity is considered very sensitive because if it
can’t maintain the liquidity, it has to pay fine. The commercial banks and financial institutions
should keep the stock of liquid assets in the ratio of their deposit liability as fixed by the Nepal
Rastra Bank. For the bank, the words liquidly and profitability come again and again. They are in
no possibility of profitability without liquidity and also there is no growth in liquidity without
profitability. These are complement to each other of high liquidity in bank; the bank cannot gain
profit because most part of the liquidity is reserved in the bank. It is not possible to hope
profitability without investment. The bank should be aware of the excess supply of found excess
demand of fund in order to move nearest toward the accuracy of tradeoff between the liquidity
and profitability.
The principality of liquidity and profitability are very much crucial. In the lack of liquidity, the
bank can’t give payment to the depositors and the creditors. The bank becomes unable to face
any economic rise and fall occurring in coming days. So, to keep liquidity is very important. It is
very difficult for the bank to discharge both of these functions together, to keep liquidity and
earn profit are compulsory for the bank. The bank should maintain understanding between these
two principals. If the attempts to run its transaction ignoring these two principals, certainly the
bank will bear an economic disaster. Hence, the bank gives emphasis upon the necessarily of
internal co-ordination between liquidity and profitability because liquidity is necessary to make
payment of all sorts of deposits. The liquidity and profitability have their peculiar importance in
the bank. So, from the business point of view, it is necessary to maintain balance between
principalities of liquidity and profitability.
Statement of the problem
The company is currently facing challenges concerning both liquidity and profitability. On the
liquidity front, there has been a noticeable decline in cash reserves and a strained ability to meet
short-term financial obligations. This is exacerbated by mounting short-term debts and current
liabilities outweighing current assets. Concurrently, profitability has been impacted by stagnant
revenue growth and diminishing profit margins. Operational inefficiencies and rising expenses
have further eroded profitability, resulting in consecutive periods of negative net income. These
issues stem from a combination of internal factors, such as ineffective cost management and
strategic misalignment, as well as external market pressures. The main focus of the study is to
deal with the following problems-
To know about the statement position of Nabil Bank using various ratios.
To know what has affected financial performance of the Nabil Bank
Review of literature
It would not be exaggeration to tell that the bank is the base of economic development of a
country. We can’t imagine the economic development of a country without development of bank
and any other financial institution. The profitability position of NABIL Bank is comparatively
better than other joint venture banks. Its profit is increasing steadily and must maintain its high
profit margin in future. Liquidity position measures the firm’s ability to satisfy its short-term
commitment out of current or liquid assets. Liquidity ratio analysis employs financial data taken
from the bank or firm’s balance sheet and income statement. Thus, the ratio analysis helps in the
accounting numbers. It helps in the standardizing financial information and making meaning
comparison of the firm’s financial data at different points in time and over time with other firms.
study tries to focus on financial performance of NBL and NABIL Bank Limited, it is clear that
there was no research work on comparative study of these banks. This is the comparative study
of commercial banks which were not cleared in previous studies.
Research methodology
Research methodology refers to the different techniques and tools under to make the study
significant and efficient. There are varieties of techniques and tools available to accomplish the
study. The financial analysis is useful to reflect the liquidity position of the concerned bank.
Research design
It is a descriptive research design with using secondary data’s which are available through the
annual report published by the concerned bank.
Method of Analysis
Various financial analysis tools have used in this study. The analysis of the data will be done
according to pattern of data available. The relationship between figures related to study topic will
be drawn out using ratio analysis. The various calculated results are tabulated in a chronological
order under different headings, which are later compared with each other to interpret the results.
Sources of Data
The source of data means the place or materials from which the required data have been found.
There are mainly secondary data are available for the study for the student i.e. the main source of
data is Balance sheet of the concerned bank.
Secondary Data
The source of secondary data is those, which has been collected by the other people. Here the
secondary data include AGM’s report of NABIL Bank Limited. Covering fiscal year 2075/78 to
2079/80, journal publish by various institutions.
Tools Used for Analysis
The collected and observed data is tabulated after adjusting necessarily amount of each overhead.
However, for the analysis of the data, following financial tools were used.
Financial tools
Under financial tools, the study has used two different types of ratios in order to know about
liquidity situation and profitability situation of the institution. The two ratios and further sub-
divided into multiple branches. They are presented below:
Liquidity ratio
1. Current ratio
2. Cash and bank balance to current assets ratio
3. Cash and bank balance to total deposits ratio
Profitability ratio
1. Earning per share (EPS)
2. Return on Assets (ROA)
3. Return on Equity (ROE)
4. Net profit to loan and advance ratio
Statistical tools
1. Mean
2. Standard deviation
3. Coefficient of variation
Limitations of the study
1. The study period will cover only from 2075/76 to 2079/2080.
2. The main focus is given to the quantitative aspect rather than qualitative aspect.
3. The case study is confined to only on organization, which is NABIL Bank ltd.
4. The case study is mainly based on secondary data through annual report of bank
brochure and newspaper. So, validity of the findings depends on the reliability of
those data.
Presentation of Data
The main aim of this chapter is presentation and analyzing data according to research
methodology to attain the objective of this study. This chapter is basically concerned with
presentation and analysis of data and the effort had been made to analyze the liquidity and
profitability of five years of the NABIL Bank Ltd. The study has used various financial tools to
measure the liquidity position of commercial banks.
Liquidity ratio
The liquidity ratios are calculated from total deposits, total liquid fund cash in hand, total assets,
cash and bank balance and current liabilities of the NABIL as well as using the formula as given
in the methodology. The liquidity of business firm is measured by its ability to satisfy its short-
term obligation as they come due. Liquidity refers to the solvency of firm’s cover all liquidity
position of NABIL Bank Ltd. with the help of financial data of five years of the bank is as
Current ratio
The current ratio, one of the most commonly cited liquidity ratios, measures the firm’s ability to
meet its short-term obligations. It tells investors and analysis how a company can maximize the
current assets on its balance sheet to satisfy its current debt and other payables. The formula for
current ratio is:
current assets
Current ratio=
current liabilities
Table no. 2.1 current ratio in Rs(million)
Year Current assets Current liabilities Current ratio
2075/76 1971.69 925.02 2.13
2076/77 2835.75 426.21 6.65
2077/78 3699.81 502.53 7.36
2078/79 1215.011 571.34 2.126
2079/80 3436.30 420.74 8.16
Noted from: Annual Report of Nabil Bank Ltd.
Similarly, the figure for above data is presented as:
Figure 2.1 Current Ratio
The above table and figure shows that the current ratio of the bank has the highest & better
current ratio of 8.16 in 2079/80 and the lowest & worse current ratio of 2.126 in 2078/79 and
average ratio is 5.29. In general, it can be said that the bank is able to shore-team obligate.
Cash and Bank Balance to current Assets
Cash and bank balances are the most liquid form of the current assets. The cash and bank balance
ratio indicates the percentage of readily fund with in the bank. It can be calculated by using
following formula:
cash∧bank balance
Cash and bank balance ratio=
current assets
Table no. 2.2 Cash and balance to current Assets in Rs (million)
Year Cash and bank balance Current assets Current ratio(%)
2075/76 286.89 1971.69 14.55
2076/77 630.24 2835.75 22.23
2077/78 1399.83 3699.81 37.83
2078/79 988.02 1834.011 53.87
2079/80 1980.79 3436.30 57.64
Noted from: Annual Report of Nabil Bank Ltd.
Similarly, the figure for above data is presented as:
rati o
4.75 4.78
1.88 1.94
Figure 2.3 Cash and Bank balance to total deposit ratio
The above table and figure shows that cash and bank balance to total deposit ratio of the bank
varies from maximum 5.99 in year 2077/78 and minimum 1.97 in year 2075/76 and average ratio
is 4.085.
Profitability Ratio
Profitability ratio measures the overall performance of the firm by determining the effectiveness
of the firm in generating profit. A company should earn profit to service and grow over a long
period of time. Beside management both creditor and owners are interested in the profitability of
the principal regularly while owners want to get a reasonable return on their investment. The
following ratios are used to measure the profitability position of NABIL Bank Ltd. With the help
of financial data of the past five year of the bank are as follows.
Earning Per Share (EPS)
EPS simply shows the profitability of the firm on a per share basis. It is calculated from the point
of view of the ordinary shareholders.
net profit after tax
EPS= ∗¿100%
no . of common share
Table no. 2.4 Earning per share in Rs (Million)
Year Net profit after tax No. of common share EPS (%)
2075/76 520.11 491.654 105.49
2076/77 635.26 491.654 129.21
2077/78 674 491.654 137.09
2078/79 452.755 491.654 92.08
2079/80 425.602 491.654 86.56
Noted from: Annual report of Nabil Bank Ltd.
Similarly, the figure for above data is presented as:
2076/77 635.26 223.299 2.84
2077/78 674 272.53 2.47
2078/79 417.188 291.238 1.432
2079/80 596.14 419.818 1.42
Noted from: Annual Report of Nabil Bank Ltd.
Similarly, the figure for above data is presented as:
2079/80 573.26 491.654 11.66
Noted from: Annual report of Nabil Bank Ltd.
Similarly, the figure for above data is presented as:
Noted from: Annual report of Nabil bank Ltd
Similarly, the figure for above data is presented as:
rati o
4.75 4.78
1.88 1.94
2077/ 1399.83 23342 (342.6 117426.841 734.39 539340.4224 (251660.5
78 76) 8 69)
2078/ 988.02 23422 69.134 4779.51 654.39 428236.7424 45241.151
79 8 33
2079/ 1980.79 39684 (923.6 853103.4605 15607. 243597240.2 (14415743
80 36) 602 .08)
Σ(X)=528 Σ(Y)=12038 2 2 ΣX'Y'
ΣX ' =175687 ΣY ' =356984
5.77 1.99 2.773 600.1 =7706371.
Mean means the number of the value divide the sum of all the observation, in other words, mean
is the arithmetic average of total observation or values.
∑ of variables
Average CBB (A) =
Average TD (B) =
= =24076.398
Therefore, the average of the CBB of NABIL Bank Ltd. for the last five years is Rs. 1057.154
million and the average of the TD of NABIL Bank Ltd. is Rs.24076.398 million.
Standard deviation
Standard deviation is the measure of the amount of variation and dispersion of a set of values. In
other words, standard deviation is used to measure the risk of company.
SD= ∑ X
SD OF CBB (σ)=
√ 1756872.773
SD OF TD (σ)=
√ 356984600.1
Therefore, the SD based on CBB of NABIL Bank Ltd. for last five years is Rs. 592.768 million
and SD of TD is Rs. 8449.6698 million.
Coefficient of variation (CV)
The coefficient of dispersion based on standard deviation multiplied by 100 is known as
coefficient of variation. It is independent unit.
σ of CBB 592.768
CV of CBB = = = 56.072%
Mean of CBB 1057.154
σ of TD 8449.6698
CV of TD= = =35.0952%
mean of TD 24076.398
The coefficient of variation measures that can sentiency (variability) of the observation with
reference to above calculations; there is uniformity in the changes of CBB as compared to the
total deposit because CV of CBB is greater than CV of TD i.e. 56.072% >35.0952%.
Chapter III
So, it is utterly important to find out whether or not the banks are serving an importance
contribution to developed difference sector of the economy. In this record this study has
been based upon the objective to evade liquidity and profitability position of NABIL
Bank ltd.
Basically, the data are of secondary nature. Time and resource are the constraints of the
study. Therefore, the study may not be generalized in all cases. I have tried my best to
analyze and interpret the financial status of Nabil Bank limited. However, this study
cannot be considered as a complete. Others may interpret it in different ways since the
perspectives of analysis differ widely.
Other reference
Annual report of Nabil Bank Ltd. (from FY 2075/76 to 2079/80)
Summary of the Financial Transactions of NABIL from FY 2078/76 to 2079/80 (Rs in
Details 2075/2076 2076/77 2077/78 2078/79 2079/80
Current 1971.69 2835.75 3699.81 1215.011 3436.30
Current 925.02 426.21 502.53 571.34 420.74
Cash 286.89 630.24 1399.83 988.02 1980.79
Total 14586.6 19347.39 23342 23422 39684
Net Profit 520.11 635.26 674 452.755 425.602
After Tax
No. of 491.654 491.654 491.654 491.654 491.654
Total Assets 170.640 223.299 272.53 291.238 419.819
Net Income 344.16 417.91 442.49 224 573.26
Shareholder 491.654 491.654 491.654 491.654 491.654
Loan and 109.47 132.79 159.03 221.909 115.65
Noted from: Annual Report of Nabil Bank Ltd