12 Chakras

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Position Archangel Divine Ray Divine Color







7 Yellow
(Beauty of god)
6 (He Who Seeks Green
Michael (He
5 Blue
Who Is As God)
Raphael (God
4 Pink
Uriel (God's
Purple and Gold with
3 Light or Fire of
2 (Righteousness of Violet
1 (God is my White / Copper

0 Sandalphon
Jophiel is the Archangel of Illumination and Beautiful thoughts.
Jophiel can support one in keeping their thoughts positive and
focused on creating and manifesting beauty within the heart and
in their surroundings. Archangel Jophiel brings wisdom and

This Archangelic energy is said to assist artists or anyone working

in any field related to the arts. When called upon, the energies of
Jophiel can bring more calm into one's life, helping them to slow
down and enjoy the present moment. Jophiel can also help one to
tame the negative ego, to heal any conflicting energy or chaos
one may be experiencing, and to assist in bringing organization
into one's environment, or in a particular life situation.

One can connect with Archangel Jophiel whenever they are

seeking spiritual understanding and inspiration, or are in need of a
change of perspective. Summoning this Archangel's energies will
help to uplift the spirit, encouraging one to see things from a
different and more positive point of view.
Chamuel is the Archangel of Love and Harmonious relationships.
Chamuel's energy and mission is to bring more peace into the
world, as well as spiritual protection. These energies assist with
protecting this world from negative and lower vibrating energies,
such as fear. Archangel Jophiel represents compassion, mercy,
creativity and forgiveness.

Chamuel brings the energies of all-knowing vision, assisting one is

seeing the interconnectedness between all things. Summoning
this energy can also help with finding or restoring important parts
of one's life, and also reparing relationships and healing
misunderstandings or conflicts with others.

When called upon, Chamuel can help to bring one strength and
courage to face adversity, as well as restoring hope and bringing
inner peace. In addition, Chamuel can help one with issues
concerning self-esteem. It is also said that this archangelic energy
can assist one in finding lost items, as well as finding solutions to
difficult problems.
Archangel Michael is known as the most powerful angel of
protection and a patron angel of rightousness, mercy and justice.
He is often depicted as a warrior carrying a sword on religious and
ancient spiritual artwork. Archangel Michael represents physical
and spiritual protection. He is also considered the leader of all the
Holy angels.

Archangel Michael can be called upon during situations where

one might feel afraid, confused or concerned for their physical or
spiritual safety or well being. When the energy of Archangel
Michael is summoned, it can help one to release any doubts and
fears, or any issues that may be affecting self-worth. His energy
can bring strength, courage, energy, vitality and motivation. He
can be called upon to help support us in making major life
changes, or when in need of direction or purpose in life.

It is said that this angelic energy works closely with those who are
spiritual teachers or healers. Archangel Michael can also asist us
with releasing any negative energies and to release spirit
Raphael is the Archangel representing physical and emotional
healing. Raphael is often depicted as a warrior carrying a sword on
religious and ancient spiritual artwork. This Archangelic energy is
especially beneficial to healers or those who work in any healing
related profession.

When called upon, Archangel Raphael can assist with helping to

heal injuries and illnesses. Raphael's energy can also help reducing
or healing addictions or harmful cravings. Raphael can help one
with restoring and maintaining balance, harmony and peace, and
is also associated with joy and laughter.

It is said that this angelic energy also watchers over travels to

ensure a safe and harmonious journey. Summoning this
Archangelic energy can also help to clear away fears, as well as
physical and emotional stresses that may be affecting health,
often working in conjuction with the Archangel Michael.
Uriel is the Archangel of Peace and Wisdom, and is regarded as
one of the wisest of archangels. In Genesis of the Holy Bible, Uriel
is the angel that warned Noah of the impending flood. Archangel
Uriel is also the bringer of knowledge and spiritual transformation.

Calling upon Archangel Uriel can help to bring one intellectual

information, practical solutions, and creative insight. Uriel is also
considered the archangelic energy that helps avert, heal or
recover in the aftermath of natural events on earth, such as
earthquake, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornados, and other natural
disasters, as well as earth changes. This Archangelic energy also
can assist with solving conflicts, ending wars and resolving court
or legal issues.

Archangel Uriel can also be seen as a mentor that when

summoned can assist one in their life lessons and spiritual growth,
assisting with problem solving and also helping us to make
informed decisions with clarity, as well as bringing the gifts of
spiritual awareness and understanding. Calling upon Uriel can
help to bring one inner peace, traquility and hope. Uriel's energy
can also assist students or anyone involved in studies of any kind.
the Archangel of Freedom, Joy and Mercy. This Archangel is also
associated with the Violet Flame of transmutation, used for
cleansing and healing on all levels. Zadkiel is regarded as the
"angel of memory" who can help assist students or those in study
with remembering facts and figures. This Archangelic energy also
helps us to remember our Divine spiritual origin and current life

Archangel Zadkiel's energy can also assist one with emotional

healing and clearing negative energies from our lives. Calling
upon Archangel Zadkiel can help one to heal painful past
memories, remove old grudges, and to release feelings of anger
or victimhood. Zadkiel helps one to release negative energies that
no longer serve their highest good. Zadkiel helps us cultivate
forgiveness for self and others, bringing also freedom, mercy and

Archangel Zadkiel, when summoned, is also a great healer of the

mind and can assist one in taking responsibility for their own
happiness, helping to shift one's focus to more beautiful
memories and life moments. His energy also brings unconditional
kindness and love, inspiring one to live their life on purpose.
Archangel of Spiritual Guidance and Revelation. Gabriel is the
patron angel representing communications and is known as the
messenger angel of God. This archangel is often depicted holding
or playing a trumpet is religious and spiritual artwork. Gabriel also
represents protection and discipline, also providing vision and
clarity to follow a chosen path in life.

When called upon, Archangel Gabriel can be beneficial for helping

teachers, writers, speakers, journalists and artists. The angel
energies of Gabriel also provide one with motivation,
encouragement and clarity with conveying their own messages or
ideas to the world. Calling upon this Archangel can assist one in
overcoming procrastination in areas related to communication
and involving children. Gabriel can also assist one in areas of
money and physical resources.

The energy of Archangel Gabriel brings divine love, joy, purity,

wisdom and guidance, helping one to tune into spiritual
messages, and also assists with new beginnings, and helping one
to find their highest calling. This archangelic energy can also help
to clear any energetic blocks that are in the way of receiving their
spiritual gifts and guidance. Gabriel is also associated with
intuitive insight and often brings messages and guidance through
dreams or dream work.
Yantra (Principle)

Star Tetrahedron / Merkaba
Geometrical Shape Mandala (Expression)

You / Your Being


Sanskrit Name Common Name Meaning

Divine Gateway Universal Consciousness

Galactic Divine Knowledge

Universal Pure Consciousness

Spirit Star Spiritual Wisdom

Seat of the Soul Connection to Higher Self,
Soul Star
(All pervading, or Spiritual Awakeness
reaching through)

Sahasrāra Crown Spiritual Connection

Ājñā Third-Eye Imagination and Intuition
(Vishuddha - Throat Communication
Holiest of the Holy)
Heart Compassion and Kindness
(Unbeaten, Unhurt)
Solar Plexus (Celiac
Maṇipūra Power and Strength
Sacral (Naval or Wari
Svādhiṣṭhāna Pleasure and Sexuality
Mūlādhāra Root Stability, Safety, and Comfort

(Daughter of the Earth Star Foundation and Grounding
Power Balanced

It’s a transpersonal chakra

associated with enlightenment,
cosmic energy, and spiritual

It’s where your subtle body is

and connects to different
realities, dimensions, realms,
and consciousness.
Activates your Higher Powers
A person with a healthy root
chakra feels safe in their
environment and comfortable
Meeting basic needs such as
in their physical identity. They
food, shelter, and survival.
will often have strong ties to
their family, friends, and the
wider community.
This is one of the most
If the root chakra is important chakras to focus on,
unbalanced, you may suffer as everything begins with a
from leg or lower back strong foundation. You can’t
problems or feelings of progress to the next stage in
anxiety. your self-growth journey if you
feel unsafe or ungrounded.
Power Responsibility Location

It puts you in the Zen Mode

Chakra with transcendence,
compassion, love, empathy, 12" above the head
telepathy, divination, and
cosmic consciousness.
The Soul Star Chakra means
cosmic elevation because it
gives you access to the Akashic
Records. The 11th chakra
6" inches above the
opens when all the chakras
align together. It’s great for
The seat of theMerkaba
masculine, the 10th chakraand
reality-shifting, is
astral travel.
linked to Sun Gods and deities
in different cultures. It
Located between the
The Solar Star Chakra means empowers your skills,
Solar Plexus and
luck, courage, and health. willpower, and intentions to
Sacral Chakras
bring transformation, vitality,
and creativity. If your aura is
golden, your Solar Star Chakra
is active.
Represents the Divine
Feminine. Associated with silver
crystals, this is the chakra that
fills you with the power of Below the Navel
The meaning of the Lunar Moon Goddess’s energies. It’s between the Sacral
Chakra is wisdom. good for finding balance, and the Root
knowledge, emotional Chakras
intelligence, intuition,
awareness, and higher
consciousness. Located between the
The Higher Heart is activated Throat and the Heart
when all the lower or higher Chakras, the Higher
chakras are clear. If your 8th Activating your Thymus Chakra Heart Chakra is
chakra is open, you’ll find brings prosperity, immunity, located at the
cosmic support to move love, compassion, and fortune. thymus gland
on, self-love, forgiveness, between your
nurture, and harmony. breastbone and

Wisdom, Enlightenment,
Top of the Head, Top
Mental Clarity, Decisiveness,
of the Forehead
and Focus.
The sixth chakra activates
Pineal Gland,
psychic abilities by cleansing
Mental Clarity, Intuition, Between the Eyes /
and charging the dormant
Wisdom, and Psychic Vision. Eye Brows, Center of
areas of your spirit, mind, and
the Forehead
Throat Chakra liberates your Confident,Expressive, Creative, Over the Voice Box,
inner voice and reveals your Quick-witted, Decisive, and Thyroid, or Center of
most authentic self. Rational the Neck
It connects your physical body Mean Unconditional Love and
to your spirit, others around Brings Love, Heals Deep
Center of the Chest
you, nature, the subtle body, Emotional Scars, and Sets your
and the cosmos. Spirit Free
Physical health, energy,
The seat of your inner sun,
balance, willpower, financial 6 inches Below the
which means Power, Luck, and
luck, self-respect, Belly Button
manifestation, and creativity.
Power, Strength, Confidence,
this energy center in the body
Self-esteem, emotional Below the Navel,
is located on the same level as
balance, manifestation, and Perineum
your reproductive organs.
The first chakra clears toxins
and chakra blockages to
strengthen and empower your Stability, Relief, Health,
personal powers. It’s also good Comfort, Support, Courage, Base of the Spine
for stress, obsession, anxiety, Confidence, and Harmony
overthinking, insecurity, and

Grounding, Psychic Connection,

Tethers you to Mother Earth, it
Safety, Support, Higher
protects you from missteps, Under your Feet
Consciousness, & Mental
mistakes, and psychic harm.
Blockage Intention
Acts that cause
destruction and
harm to the planet,
such as littering,
overconsuming its
resources, causing
harm to life on earth,
and so on will lead
to a tightly closed
earth star chakra.

Think about yourself

for a moment and
consider whether or
not you consciously
make an effort to
take care of the
planet. Do you
recycle? When
possible do you
choose to walk
instead of drive? Do
you reuse what you
can or do you
purchase everything
Set the intention that you would like to connect with the earth star
These are only a few chakra. Take 4 deep breaths and bring your focus to the bottoms of
examples of taking your feet. Feel each foot as its energy expands down into the earth
care of the planet star. Like the roots of a tree. Connecting to a beach ball. Feel the
and there are so energy and deepen your connection. You are starting to awaken a new
many ways to live as energetic point in your field.
an eco-friendly
traveler in the time
that you are here.

You can tell your

chakra is blocked off
because first and
foremost you won’t
feel a special
connection to the
earth. Other feelings
or moments may
present themselves
when this chakra is
Focus your attention on the area above your head, visualize a brilliant white light radiating from the chakra
this light expanding and connecting you to the divine, allowing the energy of the Soul Star to flow through
Sit quietly and visualize your column of light coming down from the cosmos through your higher chakras g
down into the top of your head, through the center of your body, and out the base of your spine to the ea
chakra. Imagine your earth star chakra becoming brighter and brighter as you bring energy and light to thi
Then allow the column of light to go through each layer of the earth until it reaches the iron core. Notice
new connection has anchored your entire energy system into the earth. Now that you're plugged in, feel ho
more light you can hold in and around your body.
Create a earth star crystal grid in the shape of a merkaba.
Walk barefoot on the earth (concrete does not count!)
Create a grounding chord to connect your root chakra or feet to the
earth and release stuck energy.
Meditation in nature, with trees or connecting with trees.
Accepting ALL feelings as they are and be ok with not being ok.
Learn to manage stress in a healthy way.
Set energetic and physical boundaries- and stick to them!
Yoga Pose Mantra / Affirmations
I am one with the divine",
or "I am connected to my
soul", or "I am allowing my
spirit to shine"
” I am loved by Mother
Earth, she keeps me safe.”

Mountain Pose - stand with both feet planted firmly on “I am a part of all that is, all
the ground. Lift from the top of your head and ground that was and all that will
through your feet; firm up your thighs, spread your toes ever be.”
gently and press your shoulders back. Stand like this for
about 30 seconds to a minute. Feel or imagine your “I am open to receiving
energy connecting to the Earth Star chakra. guidance.”

“I travel with the earth in

Chant Mudra Color Planet

White and Silver Moon

Gold and Clear Sun

Gold Sun
Silver Moon

Pink, Rose, Magenta, and


Purple, Violet, and White Saturn

Indigo Saturn
Sky Blue, Cyan, Turquoise,
and Aqua
Green & Pink Venus
Yellow Sun
Orange Venus
Red, Black, & Brown Mars

Brown & Black Earth

Element Freuency (Hz) Associate Symbol

Air, Water, and Ether 864 Hz

Light and Spirit 819 Hz

Fire and Ether 470 Hz

Water and Ether 420 Hz

Fire and Air 341 Hz

Thought 768 Hz
Lotus Flower with 2
Light 720 Hz
Lotus Flower with 16
Air & Ether 672 Hz
Lotus Flower with 12
Air 639 Hz
Lotus Flower with 10
Fire 528 Hz
Lotus Flower with 6
Water 480 Hz
Lotus Flower with 4
Earth 432 Hz

Earth 68.05 Hz / 194.18 Hz N/A

Crystals Placement of Crystals

Mystic Topaz, Rainbow

Moonstone, Labradorite, Fire
Opal, and Aura Quartz.

Pyrite, Hematite, Optical

Calcite, and Clear Quartz

Goldstone, Sunstone, Bronzite,

Above the Naval between the
Pyrite, and Golden Healer
Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
Moonstone, Hematite, Below the Navel between the
Obsidian, and Satin Spar Root and Sacral Chakras

Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite,
Fuchsite, Watermelon Thymus Gland
Tourmaline, and Pink Kunzite

Lepidolite, Clear Quartz,

Under the Head, or on Top of
Amethyst, Selenite, Howlite,
the Head, High Forehead
and Lolite
Blue Sapphire, Amethyst,
Apatite, Celestite, Tanzanite,
and Chalcanthite
Aquamarine, Turquoise,
Sodalite, Amazonite, and Blue
Lace Agate
Emerald, Rose Quartz, Green
Aventurine, Prehnite, and
Amber, Agate, Carnelian, Pyrite,
Citrine, Honey Calcite, Tiger’s Waist
Eye, and Yellow Jade
Carnelian, Sunstone, Orange
Calcite, Coral, Amber, Hips
Aragonite, and Tiger's Eye.
Red Jasper, Garnet, Smoky
Quartz, Bloodstone, and Black Between the legs

Bronzite, Chiastolite, Sardonyx,

Smoky Quartz, and Mookaite 18" - 4' Under your feet
Activation Food

Take a hot water bath and

sleep longer than usual.

Play a Tibetan singing bowl on

moonlit nights for a month.

Switch off the lights, light a

candle, and gaze into the fire
energy for a few moments.
Gaze at the Full Moon or New
Moon for a few minutes.

Waft incense smoke over your

chakras and the corners of your

Visualize and meditate under

the moonlight.
Meditate facing the morning
sun for a few minutes
Chant mantras, prayers, or
positive affirmations
Smudge yourself in sacred
scents of sage
Watch the sunrise with joined
hands for a minute
Lie down and place charged
crystals on your body
Place the crystal on top of the
soil overnight.

Bury crystals under three inches

of soil overnight.
When the Crown Chakra is open, you’ll feel all-aware or
drained from accessing the cosmic secrets. The Crown
Chakra eases shifting realities, communicating with
astral beings, and finding spiritual guidance for your
karmic debts.
Pro Tip: Opening the Third Eye Chakra isn’t an easy task
and may drain you emotionally, physically, and
spiritually. Don’t forget to keep grounding stones.
The fifth chakra is called the Vishuddha, or the holiest
of the holy. Psychics and spiritual scholars say opening
the Throat Chakra liberates your inner voice and reveals
your most authentic self.
Located at the junction of 72,000 Nadis and aptly called
Celiac Plexus Chakra. Activating this chakra helps you
get ahead in your studies or career by staying
The Sacral Chakra is responsible for kundalini
awakening? The Sacral Chakra awakens the life force
energy in the body and increases users’ passion,
wisdom, creativity, success, courage, patience, and
It’s how the physical body connects to Mother Earth
and draws metaphysical benefits: The first chakra clears
toxins and chakra blockages to strengthen and
empower your personal powers. It’s also good for
stress, obsession, anxiety, overthinking, insecurity, and

The foundation of all chakras, marked under the Root

Chakra and flows into the Earth Star Chakra to tether to
Mother Earth. Popular as the Brown Chakra, it protects
you from missteps, mistakes, and psychic harm.

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