CFAV Questions - Topic 4
CFAV Questions - Topic 4
CFAV Questions - Topic 4
2. Based on Exhibit 2, the job candidate most likely using a bottom-up approach to
model net sales is:
A. Candidate A. B. Candidate B. C. Candidate C.
4. Based on Exhibits 1 and 2, Candidate C's forecast for cost of sales in 2013 is
closest to:
A. $18.3 million. B. $18.9 million. C. $19.3 million.
5. Based on Exhibits 1 and 2, Candidate A's forecast for selling, general, and
administrative expenses in 2013 is closest to:
A. $23.8 million. B. $25.5 million. C. $27.4 million.
Stanza is also concerned about a new game console that was released in the final
quarter of this year. Although ENK has an exclusive agreement with the maker of the new
console, the XTF 2500, Stanza is concerned that the sale of the new console will reduce
sales of other consoles that ENK currently sells. A significant segment of ENK’s revenue
is currently generated by sales of consoles to both individual customers and also to
assisted living facilities (ALFs) that use the consoles as part of their rehabilitation
Question 8. Stanza is most likely wrong regarding the threat to profitability resulting
from the:
A. bargaining power of customers, because a highly fragmented group (i.e., a large
number of low-volume customers) complicates pricing strategy, which implies a high
threat to profitability.
B. threat of new entrants, as the high costs of setting up a distribution network and
new stores means there is a low threat to profitability.
C. bargaining power of suppliers, as the reliance of console suppliers on ENK gives
ENK a high level of bargaining power.
Question 10. Using the information in Exhibit 3 and 4, total estimated revenue from
consoles next year should be closest to:
A. $2,494 million.
B. $2,548 million.
C. $2,594 million.
Question 11. Regarding the choice of forecast horizon for a discounted cash flow
model, which of the following statements is least accurate? The forecast horizon:
A. for a highly cyclical company should be long enough to allow the company to reach a
mid-cycle level of sales and profitability. (DT phụ thuộc vào chu kì kinh doanh) -> liên hệ
rule 4 “comprehensive.”
B. should be independent of the investment strategy for which the stock is being
considered. Lựa chọn n bằng bn không phụ thuộc vào chiến lược đầu tư
C. should be long enough to allow the full benefits from an acquisition to be reflected in
the financial statements. (n đủ lớn thì sẽ cover benefits của thương vụ mua bán) -> cover
biến động sale, profit.
Question 12: Which of the following statements is correct when considering the
purpose of financial statement forecasts?
a. Financial statement forecasts assess the earnings, cash flows, and assets of a firm
b. Financial statement forecasts provide information on Risk and Profitability of a firm
c. Financial statement forecasts are comprehensive projections of future
operating, investing, and financing activities of a firm.
Question 14: Choose the best answer when talking about how helpful a realistic
financial statement forecasts to investors:
a. A realistic financial statement forecasts produce expectations of future payoffs
to make well-informed investment decisions -> forecast expected cash flow.
b. A realistic financial statement forecasts inform investors about assets and liabilities
of a firm currently -> financial analysis.
c. A realistic financial statement forecasts provide information to make a conservative
investment -> not the objective of forecasting.
Question 15: Which of the following statements best describes the characteristics of a
realistic forecast?
a. A realistic financial forecast should be based on the wishful strategy, comprehensive,
and consistent with changes in macroeconomics -> avoid wishful thinking.
b. A realistic financial forecast should be based on the actual strategy, comprehensive,
and consistent internally -> thiếu externally validity.
c. A realistic financial forecast should be based on the actually executed strategy,
comprehensive, internally consistent, and externally valid.
Question 16: To predict revenue for a growing firm at an early phase in technology
industry, which of the following statement is most likely appropriate?
a. Based on the profit margin of the industry -> phải bình quân những dn công nghệ lớn
(Apple, Del) -> không phù hợp.
b. Based on the growth rate of sales of last three years and the indicators of the
c. Based on the current asset’s turnover -> vòng quay vốn ngành công nghệ chậm -> phải
lấy current asset tại thời điểm start – up -> hard to predict revenue.
Question 17: Big Bear Corporation has been the fast mover in the construction industry
in about 20 years. The main product line of Big Bear includes high-rise buildings, luxury
residences, and complex shopping malls. For the next five years, BOD of Big Bear
Corporation found the construction industry mature, so they wanted to enter into bridge
building market (xây dựng cầu đường). The average profit margin of the bridge building
industry is 15%; the assets turnover of bridge building industry is 0.8. The average assets
of firms in this industry are about USD 500 thousand. Big Bear Corporation plans to put
USD 1.5 billion into the new investment. Which of the following statements is most likely
proper when considering ROA of Big Bear Corporation?
A. ROA of Big Bear Corporation would be less than 12%.
B. ROA of Big Bear Corporation would be equal to the industry.
C. ROA of Big Bear Corporation would be higher than 12%.
ROA bridge building = Profit margin x Total asset turnover = 15% x 0.8 = 12%
Xem xét Big Bear Corporation enjoy bridge building market có lợi thế nào?
- Có lợi thế về vốn ($1.5b > $500,000) → Capital competitive advantage → bridge building
→ capital intense industry (ngành thông dụng về vốn)
- Economy of scale (tính kinh tế theo quy mô) → Big Bear has too large-scale economy
→ revenue cover fixed cost -> production cost per unit ↓ (chi phí sx trên 1 đơn vị SP)
- Tận dụng những lợi thế sẵn có từ ngành xây dựng
+ ecosystem of construction -> bridge building
Question 18: To predict revenues for a stable grocery retail store, what is the most
relevant indicator?
A. The ratio between cost of goods sold and revenues of prior years.
B. The current assets turnover of last year
C. The growth rate of population in places where the store is located.
Stable firm in maturity industry -> Supply > Demand
To predict revenue must depend on demand.
Question 19: A food producer with a recognized brand and reliable products on the
market can increase its revenue in the future because of which?
A. It can increase the price compared to competitors DN có brand loyalty (có
thương hiệu, được người dùng tin cậy) -> might apply differentiation strategy.
B. It can increase the market shares due to the cheap price (↓giá để tăng thị phần)
C. It can increase the volume due to the mass distribution (phân phối với phạm vi,
quy mô lớn)
↑ revenue = sale vol x price
Question 20: Which of the following statements is most likely relevant when talking
about the forecast of revenue for pharmaceutical firms?
A. Analysts should base their results on the revenue of peer firms to predict.
B. Analysts should base the disclosure information on R&D and prediction of
specialists in pharmaceutical industry.
C. Analysts should base it on the historical growth rate of revenue.
Question 21: Eco-world Corporation is the leading Vietnamese steel manufacturer.
BOD of this corporation is worrying about the changes in this industry due to the trade
war between China and America. The Chinese market accounts for 15% (phần trăm DT
từ thị trường TQ) and the American market is 65% of total revenues (phần trăm DT từ thị
trường Mỹ). Which of the statements is most likely relevant when talking about the
forecast of revenue for Eco-world next year?
A. Equal to this year
B. Increase by 15% -> insufficient base (không có cơ sở để forecast con số 15%) ->
revenue uncertainty (không chắc chắn về DT)
C. Decrease by 65% (Estimate tốc độ giảm DT xuống 65%) -> too conservative and
insufficient base.
China is the steel supplier -> trên thị trường Mỹ thì VN sẽ có lợi xuất khẩu thép (take
advantages of supplying steels)
The Chinese market has over domestic supply -> disadvantage
Question 22: For a startup firm in a growing industry, when the projected assets are
higher than the projected liabilities and shareholders’ equity, which is the best
alternative to balance the balance sheet?
A. Issuing more long-term debt -> startup firm không huy động đc nợ dễ dàng mà phải
qua vốn chủ/ quỹ đầu tư mạo hiểm
B. Reducing cash and cash equivalent
C. Investing more in financial assets -> make asset ↑
Forecast can happen the case: Asset > L + E => use flexible account
Có 2 cách: giảm ts hoặc tăng liability/ owner’s equity
Question 23: Big Ben Corporation, a leading firm in the technology industry (xếp vào loại
cash cow), has a negative difference between projected assets and projected liabilities
and shareholders’ equity. To rebalance, which of the following statements is at least
likely correct?
A. Paying more debt -> Debt ↓
B. Reissuing treasury stocks on the open market -> Equity ↑
C. Increase payout ratio (hệ số chi trả cổ tức) -> Dividend paid ↑ -> Equity ↓
Assset < L + E
Có 2 cách: ↑ asset or ↓ L + OE
Nếu chọn đáp án đúng -> chọn B do Big Ben corporation trg giai đoạn cash cow.
Question 24: Which of the following reasons leads to biased and subjective financial
statement forecasts?
A. The ignorance of the changes in business environment
B. The risk and motivation of related stakeholders
C. The consideration of industry concentration
Stakeholders: chủ thể quản lí DN (BODs, managers, investors, shareholders)
Exercise 1. Projecting Income Statement
Big Pie Corporation has the following information:
- Revenues of year N is $10 billion
- Gross profit margin of year N is 30%
- Fixed cost (excluded depreciation): 10% of revenues
- Depreciation: $1.2 billion
Big Pie Corporation expects inflation of the year N+1 is 5% but the unit price increases
by 2%. The company also intends to invest $2 billion in machinery, which will be
depreciated in 10 years by a straight-line method. Because of an investment in fixed
assets, the gross profit margin of Big Pie Corporation is expected to increase to 35%.
Assuming that the volume of year N+1 is equal to Year N; the proportion of fixed cost (not
include depreciation) is 10% of revenues; income tax rate is 20%; no deferred tax.
Present the projected income statement for Big Pie Corporation in year N+1.
Revenue = sale volume x price
ReN+1 = ReN (1 + 2%) = 10 x (1 + 2%)
Gross profitN+1 = ReN+1 x 35% = 10.2 x 35% = 3.57
$2 billion chỉ là khoản đầu tư them => Depreciation expense = 1.2 + = 1.4
Fixed cost excluding depreciation (N + 1) = 10% x 10.2 = 1.02
Sale volume unchanged
Price ↑ 2% (If the firm adjust the price to increase by 5% -> cannot sell the product to the
→g = 2%
Interest expense = x
Interest rate = 10% of Debt
New debt = = 10𝑥
200 = 43 + 80 + 10x + 20 + 34 + 40 – 0.8x – 25
200 = 192 + 9.2x => x = 0.87
Thay x = 0.87 vào cột adjusted Year N + 1
Nếu hỏi L – T debt => 10 x 0.87 = 8.7