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Fin Plate

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Project no:

Project data
Project name
Project number
Date 09-05-2024
Code IS

Steel E 250 (Fe 410 W) A

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Project no:

Project item CON1

Name CON1
Analysis Stress, strain/ simplified loading



β – Direction γ - Pitch α - Rotation Offset ex Offset ey Offset ez

Name Cross-section
[°] [°] [°] [mm] [mm] [mm]
C 3 - SHS270X270X16(RHS270x270) 0.0 90.0 0.0 0 0 0
B 4 - SHS150X150X4(RHS150x150) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0

Supports and forces

Name Support Forces in
C / begin N-Vy-Vz-Mx-My-Mz Node 0
C / end N-Vy-Vz-Mx-My-Mz Node 0
B / end Bolts 0

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Project no:

Name Material
E 250 (Fe 410 W) A
E 250 (Fe 410 W) A

Diameter fu Gross area
Name Bolt assembly
[mm] [MPa] [mm2]
M16 8.8 M16 8.8 16 800.0 201

Load effects (Equilibrium not required)

N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
Name Member
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LE26 B / End 50.6 0.0 0.7 0.5 0.0 0.0
LE27 B / End -3.4 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0
LE28 B / End 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0
LE29 B / End 0.1 0.0 -0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0
LE30 B / End -1.2 0.0 0.5 -0.1 0.0 0.0
LE31 B / End -1.2 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0
LE32 B / End 3.9 0.0 0.8 0.6 0.0 0.0
LE33 B / End 3.9 0.0 0.8 -0.9 0.0 0.0
LE34 B / End 0.0 0.0 0.8 -0.1 0.0 0.0
LE35 B / End 0.0 0.0 0.8 -0.1 0.0 0.0
LE36 B / End 0.0 0.0 0.8 -0.1 0.0 0.0
LE37 B / End 0.0 0.0 0.8 -0.1 0.0 0.0


Name Value Check status
Analysis 100.0% OK
Plates 0.1 < 5.0% OK
Bolts 47.2 < 100% OK
Welds 98.3 < 100% OK
Buckling Not calculated

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Project no:

fyd tp σ εPl σc,Ed
Name Loads Status
[MPa] [mm] [MPa] [%] [MPa]
C-w 1 227.3 16.0 LE26 149.0 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 1 227.3 16.0 LE26 60.7 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 2 227.3 16.0 LE26 66.4 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 3 227.3 16.0 LE26 69.4 0.0 0.0 OK
C-w 2 227.3 16.0 LE26 63.3 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 4 227.3 16.0 LE26 17.8 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 5 227.3 16.0 LE26 18.7 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 6 227.3 16.0 LE26 19.0 0.0 0.0 OK
C-w 3 227.3 16.0 LE26 18.1 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 7 227.3 16.0 LE26 18.8 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 8 227.3 16.0 LE26 18.5 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 9 227.3 16.0 LE26 17.6 0.0 0.0 OK
C-w 4 227.3 16.0 LE26 60.0 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 10 227.3 16.0 LE26 65.1 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 11 227.3 16.0 LE26 62.2 0.0 0.0 OK
C-arc 12 227.3 16.0 LE26 57.2 0.0 0.0 OK
B-w 1 227.3 4.0 LE33 165.8 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 1 227.3 4.0 LE33 132.6 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 2 227.3 4.0 LE33 124.8 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 3 227.3 4.0 LE33 120.9 0.0 0.0 OK
B-w 2 227.3 4.0 LE33 111.3 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 4 227.3 4.0 LE33 118.6 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 5 227.3 4.0 LE33 123.4 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 6 227.3 4.0 LE33 132.0 0.0 0.0 OK
B-w 3 227.3 4.0 LE33 159.8 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 7 227.3 4.0 LE33 152.5 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 8 227.3 4.0 LE33 147.0 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 9 227.3 4.0 LE33 142.0 0.0 0.0 OK
B-w 4 227.3 4.0 LE33 132.2 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 10 227.3 4.0 LE33 143.4 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 11 227.3 4.0 LE33 148.5 0.0 0.0 OK
B-arc 12 227.3 4.0 LE33 153.9 0.0 0.0 OK
CPL1a 227.3 10.0 LE26 227.5 0.1 25.8 OK
CPL1b 227.3 10.0 LE33 199.7 0.0 28.6 OK

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Project no:

Overall check, LE26

Strain check, LE26

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Project no:

Equivalent stress, LE26

Tb Vsb Vdpb Utt Uts Utts
Shape Item Loads Status
[kN] [kN] [kN] [%] [%] [%]

B1 LE26 4.5 27.4 121.5 4.9 47.2 22.5 OK

B2 LE26 11.9 23.2 121.5 13.1 40.1 17.8 OK

Design data

Tdb Vdsb
[kN] [kN]
M16 8.8 - 1 90.4 58.0

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Project no:

Detailed result for B1

Tension resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.5)
Tnb Tb =
Tdb = =

90.4 kN ≥ 4.5 kN

​ ​

γmb ​

Tnb = min{0.9 ⋅ fub An , fyb As } = 113.0 kN – nominal tensile capacity of the bolt

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

γm0 ​

fub = 800.0 MPa ​

– ultimate tensile strength of the bolt
fyb = 640.0 MPa ​ – yield strength of the bolt

An = 157 mm2 ​ – net tensile stress area of the bolt

As = 201 mm2 ​
– cross-section area at the shank

γmb = 1.25 ​ – partial safety factor for bearing type bolts

γm0 = 1.10 ​
– partial safety factor for resistance governed by yielding

Shear resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.3)

Vnsb Vsb =
Vdsb = =

58.0 kN ≥ 27.4 kN

​ ​

γmb ​

Vnsb = ⋅ An = 72.5 kN – nominal shear capacity of the bolt

​ ​ ​

fub = 800.0 MPa ​ – ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

An = 157 mm2 ​ – area for resisting shear in shear plane intercepted by the threads

γmb = 1.25 ​
– partial safety factor for bearing type bolts

Bearing resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.4)

Vnpb Vsb =
Vdpb = =

121.5 kN ≥ 27.4 kN

​ ​

γmb ​

Vnpb = 2.5 ⋅ kb ⋅ d ⋅ t ⋅ fu = 151.9 kN ​
– nominal bearing strength of a bolt ​ ​

e p fub
kb = min{ , − 0.25, , 1.0} = 0.93 – factor for joint geometry and material strength

3 d0 3 d0
​ ​ ​ ​

fu ​ ​ ​

e = 50 mm – end distance of the fastener along bearing direction

p=∞ – pitch distance of the fastener along bearing direction

fub = 800.0 MPa ​
– ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

fu = 410.0 MPa
​ – ultimate tensile strength of the plate
d = 16 mm – diameter of a bolt

d0 = 18 mm

– diameter of bolt hole
t = 10 mm – plate thickness

γmb = 1.25 ​
– partial safety factor for bearing type bolts

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Project no:

Interaction of tension and shear check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.6)

Vsb 2 Tb 2
( ) +( ) = 0.23 ≤ 1.0
​ ​

​ ​

Vdsb Tdb
​ ​

Vsb = 27.4 kN ​ – factored shear force

Vdbs = 58.0 kN – design shear resistance ​

Tb = 4.5 kN

– factored tensile force
Tdb = 90.4 kN ​ – design tensile capacity of the bolt

Detailed result for B2

Tension resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.5)
Tnb Tb =
Tdb = =

90.4 kN ≥ 11.9 kN

​ ​

γmb ​

Tnb = min{0.9 ⋅ fub An , fyb As } = 113.0 kN – nominal tensile capacity of the bolt

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

γm0 ​

fub = 800.0 MPa ​ – ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

fyb = 640.0 MPa ​ – yield strength of the bolt

An = 157 mm2 ​
– net tensile stress area of the bolt

As = 201 mm2​ – cross-section area at the shank

γmb = 1.25 ​
– partial safety factor for bearing type bolts
γm0 = 1.10 ​ – partial safety factor for resistance governed by yielding

Shear resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.3)

Vnsb Vsb =
Vdsb = =

58.0 kN ≥ 23.2 kN

​ ​

γmb ​

Vnsb = ⋅ An = 72.5 kN – nominal shear capacity of the bolt

​ ​ ​

fub = 800.0 MPa ​ – ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

An = 157 mm2 ​
– area for resisting shear in shear plane intercepted by the threads

γmb = 1.25 ​ – partial safety factor for bearing type bolts

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Project no:

Bearing resistance check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.4)

Vnpb Vsb =
Vdpb = =

121.5 kN ≥ 23.2 kN

​ ​

γmb ​

Vnpb = 2.5 ⋅ kb ⋅ d ⋅ t ⋅ fu = 151.9 kN ​
– nominal bearing strength of a bolt
​ ​

e p fub
kb = min{ , − 0.25, , 1.0} = 0.93 – factor for joint geometry and material strength

3 d0 3 d0
​ ​ ​ ​

fu ​ ​ ​

e = 50 mm – end distance of the fastener along bearing direction

p=∞ – pitch distance of the fastener along bearing direction

fub = 800.0 MPa ​

– ultimate tensile strength of the bolt

fu = 410.0 MPa ​ – ultimate tensile strength of the plate

d = 16 mm – diameter of a bolt

d0 = 18 mm ​
– diameter of bolt hole

t = 10 mm – plate thickness
γmb = 1.25 ​
– partial safety factor for bearing type bolts

Interaction of tension and shear check (IS 800:2007 – 10.3.6)

2 2
( ) +( ) =
Vsb Tb
0.18 ≤ 1.0
​ ​

​ ​

Vdsb ​Tdb ​

Vsb = 23.2 kN ​
– factored shear force
Vdbs = 58.0 kN – design shear resistance

Tb = 11.9 kN​
– factored tensile force
Tdb = 90.4 kN ​ – design tensile capacity of the bolt

Weld sections
tt lj lje fe fwd Ut
Item Edge Electrode Loads Status
[mm] [mm] [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [%]
C-w 1 CPL1a E 250 (Fe 410 W) A ◢ 4.0 ◣ 174 9 LE26 186.1 189.4 98.3 OK
E 250 (Fe 410 W) A ◢ 4.0 ◣ 174 9 LE26 184.0 189.4 97.2 OK
CPL1b B-w 1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A ◢ 4.0 149 12 LE33 185.7 189.4 98.0 OK
CPL1b B-w 1 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A ◢ 4.0 149 12 LE33 185.7 189.4 98.0 OK
CPL1b B-w 3 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A ◢ 4.0 149 12 LE33 185.6 189.4 98.0 OK
CPL1b B-w 3 E 250 (Fe 410 W) A ◢ 4.0 149 12 LE33 185.7 189.4 98.1 OK

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Project no:

Detailed result for C-w 1 / CPL1a - 1

Weld resistance check (IS 800:2007 –

fe =

fa2 + 3 ⋅ q 2 =
​ ​
186.1 MPa ≤ fwd =

189.4 MPa

fe = 186.1 MPa
​ – equivalent stress in weld
fa = 171.4 MPa

– normal stresses, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending moment

q = 41.9 MPa – shear stress due to shear force or tension

fwd = 189.4 MPa – design strength of a fillet weld

fwd = , where:

3 ⋅ γmw
​ ​

​ ​

fu = 410.0 MPa – smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld or of the parent metal

γmw = 1.25 – partial safety factor for welds

Detailed result for C-w 1 / CPL1a - 2

Weld resistance check (IS 800:2007 –

fe =
​ fa2 + 3 ⋅ q 2 =
​ ​
184.0 MPa ≤ fwd =

189.4 MPa

fe = 184.0 MPa
​ – equivalent stress in weld

fa = 147.1 MPa
​ – normal stresses, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending moment

q = 63.8 MPa – shear stress due to shear force or tension

fwd = 189.4 MPa – design strength of a fillet weld

fwd = , where:

3 ⋅ γmw
​ ​

​ ​

fu = 410.0 MPa – smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld or of the parent metal

γmw = 1.25 – partial safety factor for welds

Detailed result for CPL1b / B-w 1 - 1

Weld resistance check (IS 800:2007 –

fe =
​ fa2 + 3 ⋅ q 2 =
​ ​ 185.7 MPa ≤ fwd =

189.4 MPa

fe = 185.7 MPa

– equivalent stress in weld
fa = 80.6 MPa
​ – normal stresses, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending moment

q = 96.6 MPa – shear stress due to shear force or tension

fwd = 189.4 MPa – design strength of a fillet weld

fwd = , where:

3 ⋅ γmw
​ ​

​ ​

fu = 410.0 MPa – smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld or of the parent metal

γmw = 1.25 – partial safety factor for welds

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Project no:

Detailed result for CPL1b / B-w 1 - 1

Weld resistance check (IS 800:2007 –

fe =

fa2 + 3 ⋅ q 2 =
​ ​
185.7 MPa ≤ fwd =

189.4 MPa

fe = 185.7 MPa
​ – equivalent stress in weld

fa = 81.4 MPa

– normal stresses, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending moment
q = 96.3 MPa – shear stress due to shear force or tension

fwd = 189.4 MPa – design strength of a fillet weld

fwd = , where:

3 ⋅ γmw
​ ​

​ ​

fu = 410.0 MPa – smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld or of the parent metal

γmw = 1.25 – partial safety factor for welds

Detailed result for CPL1b / B-w 3 - 1

Weld resistance check (IS 800:2007 –

fe =
​ fa2 + 3 ⋅ q 2 =
​ ​
185.6 MPa ≤ fwd =

189.4 MPa

fe = 185.6 MPa
​ – equivalent stress in weld
fa = 79.5 MPa
​ – normal stresses, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending moment

q = 96.9 MPa – shear stress due to shear force or tension

fwd = 189.4 MPa – design strength of a fillet weld

fwd = , where:

3 ⋅ γmw
​ ​

​ ​

fu = 410.0 MPa – smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld or of the parent metal

γmw = 1.25 – partial safety factor for welds

Detailed result for CPL1b / B-w 3 - 1

Weld resistance check (IS 800:2007 –

fe =
​ fa2 + 3 ⋅ q 2 =
​ ​ 185.7 MPa ≤ fwd =

189.4 MPa

fe = 185.7 MPa

– equivalent stress in weld

fa = 82.5 MPa
​ – normal stresses, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending moment

q = 96.1 MPa – shear stress due to shear force or tension

fwd = 189.4 MPa – design strength of a fillet weld

fwd = , where:

3 ⋅ γmw
​ ​

​ ​

fu = 410.0 MPa – smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld or of the parent metal

γmw = 1.25 – partial safety factor for welds

Buckling analysis was not calculated.

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Project no:

Bill of material

Manufacturing operations
Plates Welds Length
Name Shape Nr. Bolts Nr.
[mm] [mm] [mm]

Double fillet: a = 4.0 175.0

CPL1 P10.0x175.0-110.0 (E 250 (Fe 410 W) A) 1 Fillet: a = 4.0 300.0 M16 8.8 2
Fillet: a = 4.0 300.0

P10.0x260.0-170.0 (E 250 (Fe 410 W) A) 1

Throat thickness Leg size Length
Type Material
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Double fillet E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 4.0 5.7 175.0
Fillet E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 4.0 5.7 300.0
Fillet E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 4.0 5.7 300.0

Grip length
Name Count
M16 8.8 20 2


CPL1 - CPL1a

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Project no:

P10.0x110-175 (E 250 (Fe 410 W) A)

CPL1 - CPL1b

P10.0x170-260 (E 250 (Fe 410 W) A)

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Project no:

Symbol explanation
Symbol Symbol explanation
fyd Design yield strength
tp Plate thickness
σ Equivalent stress
εPl Plastic strain
σc,Ed Contact stress
Tb Factored tensile force
Vsb Factored shear force
Vdpb Design bearing capacity of the bolt - IS 800:2007 – 10.3.4
Ut Utilization
Uts Utilization in shear
Utts Utilization in combined tension and shear - IS 800:2007 – 10.3.6
Tdb Design tensile capacity of the bolt - IS 800:2007 – 10.3.5
Vdsb Design shear capacity of the bolt - IS 800:2007 – 10.3.3
◢ Fillet weld
tt Fillet weld throat thickness
lj Weld length
lje Weld element length
fe Equivalent stress in the weld
fwd Design strength of a fillet weld

Code settings
Item Value Unit Reference
Friction coefficient - concrete 0.45 - IS 800:2007 – 7.4.1
Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0.30 - IS 800:2007 – 10.4.3
Limit plastic strain 0.05 -
Detailing No
Distance between bolts [d] 2.50 - IS 800:2007 – 10.2.2
Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1.50 - IS 800:2007 – 10.2.4
Limit grip length of bolts as a multiple of bolt diameter - IS 800,
Bolt maximum grip length [d] 8.00 -
Local deformation check Yes
Local deformation limit 0.03 - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes Analysis with large deformations for hollow section joints
IS800, Cl
Concrete in compression check
Braced system (EC stiffness
No EN 1993-1-8 –

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