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Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

by Premkumar
Krishnaprasath Hari,
Sarat Nagabhirava,
and Samta Bansal

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Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
About This Book.................................................................................... 1
Icons Used in This Book........................................................................ 2
Beyond the Book................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 1: Embracing New Opportunities through

Modernizing Your Digital Core........................................... 3
Adopting a Cloud Perspective.............................................................. 4
Prioritizing an Always-On Mentality.................................................... 5
Availability is essential for modernization.................................... 6
Migrating to cloud isn’t a complete modernization strategy...... 6

CHAPTER 2: Adopting a Digital Mindset................................................... 9

Providing New Services to Internal and External Consumers....... 10
Everything-as-a-service business opportunities........................ 10
Providing services to your own organization first..................... 11
Taking advantage of established patterns.................................. 12
Modernizing People, Processes, and Technologies........................ 12
Defining the modern in modernization...................................... 13
Focusing on foundational needs over
specific technologies..................................................................... 14
Turning Individual Initiatives into Action.......................................... 14
Creating a value realization roadmap......................................... 15
Evolving your roadmap to ensure continual progress.............. 16

CHAPTER 3: Migrating and Modernizing................................................ 17

Choosing the Right Approach to Digital Modernization................. 18
Understanding the approaches................................................... 18
Choosing the right approach........................................................ 20
Migrating at Scale................................................................................ 20
Migrating is part of all modernization approaches................... 21
Automating migrations to make them repeatable.................... 21
Making Value-Driven Modernization Decisions............................... 22
Establishing clear value criteria.................................................... 22
Cloud-native tradeoffs................................................................... 23
Iterating Over Your Modernization Decisions................................. 24

Table of Contents iii

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CHAPTER 4: Managing and Operating Hybrid
and Multicloud Environments......................................... 25
Managing Your Cloud Seamlessly..................................................... 26
Deploying changes instead of applications................................ 27
Automating cloud management.................................................. 27
Building an Always-On Business....................................................... 29
Moving from routine maintenance to scalability....................... 29
Broadening operations................................................................. 29
Planning for Volatility.......................................................................... 30
Reacting to customer needs......................................................... 30
Prototyping without fear............................................................... 31
Reducing cost by reducing waste................................................. 32

CHAPTER 5: Innovating to Grow New Business Streams......... 33

Enabling a Product-as-a-Service Model............................................ 34
Monetizing Data and Technology...................................................... 34
Treating data as a commodity...................................................... 35
Turning data into customer insights........................................... 35
Reacting faster to your customer................................................ 36
Designing digital experiences....................................................... 36
Discovering New Business Models................................................... 37

CHAPTER 6: Ten Digital Modernization Tips for Success.......... 39

Get and Keep the Right People.......................................................... 39
Understand Your Digital Portfolio..................................................... 40
Secure Your Data................................................................................. 40
Train Data Models............................................................................... 40
Avoid Data Fallacies............................................................................ 41
Set Realistic Cost Expectations.......................................................... 42
Monitor Everything............................................................................. 43
Keep Architecture Current................................................................. 43
Avoid Chasing Shiny Objects.............................................................. 44
Look for the Next Big Thing............................................................... 44

iv Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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igital modernization is at the very heart of some of the
most forward-thinking organizations’ strategies for
growth and success. By focusing on foundational strategic
improvements to an organization’s data, infrastructure, and
application programming interfaces (APIs), later improvements
can move radically faster. Operational efficiencies are gained,
which opens new markets for these organizations with new prod-
ucts and services that are technologically modern and primed for

The most successful modernization efforts provide outcome-

oriented, cross-organizational improvements through the inter-
connection of data with business applications, and the effective
use of infrastructure. But more than that, digital modernization
is meant to be disruptive: It creates outsized value that’s much
greater than the sum of individual upgrades to a cloud environ-
ment or application stack.

In Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edi-

tion, you discover how to drive better business outcomes with a
roadmap that encompasses your technology properties. By using
the cloud effectively, migrating applications, refactoring and
cross-hosting, managing edge to core to cloud data, and more are
all treated. However, the consistent focus is on the sum of these
changes transforming a business to not just exist in the modern
technology ecosphere but to thrive within it.

About This Book

This book is about modernizing your organization’s digital foot-
print and strategy. It can be your roadmap to the variety of com-
ponents that fall into a comprehensive digital modernization

Consider this book as a jumping off point. Each chapter, and even
each section, can generate questions and notes that lead you into
potentially deeper exploration of the topic at hand. You get a clear
understanding of how modernizing your business can be accom-
plished through embracing new technology trends.

Introduction 1

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Icons Used in This Book
Throughout the book, I occasionally use special icons to call
attention to important information. Here’s what to expect:

Keep this information always at the forefront of your mind. It

informs important decisions and helps keep you focused on your

These short bits of information can save you time, money, or

headaches. They are also great for giving you other resource sug-
gestions to explore.

Ignore these at your peril! These warnings call out common mis-
takes and provide you pithy solutions to help avoid them.

Sometimes you just have to get into the details! These brief defi-
nitions ensure you’re current on technical details relevant to your
goals without forcing you to read a 500-page programming or
infrastructure book.

Beyond the Book

There’s only so much I can cover in 48 short pages, so if you want
information beyond what’s offered in these pages, check out the
following resources:

»» “Your Data Fabric, Your Way”:

»» “The New ‘Art’ of Data Modernization”: www.hitachivantara.
»» “Modernize Applications, Your Way”: www.hitachivantara.

2 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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»» Understanding the role of digital
modernization in your organization

»» Avoiding common cloud misconceptions

»» Ensuring technological and strategic


Chapter 1
Embracing New
Opportunities through
Modernizing Your
Digital Core

igital modernization is the process of building, operating,
and optimizing the applications and data in your ­organization
to provide greater business agility and adaptability. The
business world is increasingly competitive, and markets are chang-
ing and evolving at an unprecedented pace. You’ll need to update,
upgrade, and modernize your applications and data not only to keep
up but also to ensure a continually modern approach to the evolving

To be agile, adaptable, and responsive for your customers, you

must ensure your business can operate where your customers are:
operating from anywhere at any time. Digital modernization gives
you a proven process to accomplish this transformation in your
own organization.

CHAPTER 1 Embracing New Opportunities through Modernizing Your Digital Core 3

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Adopting a Cloud Perspective
The first major milestone, and a common one across modern-
ization initiatives, is shifting from a localized infrastructure per-
spective to a hybrid cloud perspective. To be clear, this doesn’t
necessarily mean you’ll first relocate all your services and appli-
cations into a cloud hosting environment. Instead, it reflects dif-
ferent approaches to thinking about your entire effort based on
cloud principles:

»» The cloud is a service-first paradigm. Instead of thinking

about servers, think about services. What are you exposing
to your customers, to their customers, and to your own
internal systems? This will shift focus from virtual hardware
to value-providing components.
»» The cloud is about usable parts, not building wheels. You
shouldn’t think about servers and instances because you
really shouldn’t think about building up those same compo-
nent stacks that everyone else has built. Instead, the cloud
gives you packaged, usable options that you can employ
quickly to solve problems.
»» The cloud favors higher-level components. The cloud
doesn’t give you “hired help” to manage servers. Instead, it
promotes thinking about business problems and trusting a
virtual ecosystem — which you don’t manage secondhand,
by the way — to give you facilities to solve and expose
insights and actions related to those business problems.

Think about your entire organization — your infrastructure, your

data, and your applications — as integrated and interconnected.
Modernizing your organization means taking a holistic and inter-
connected look at your entire technology estate, as shown in
Figure 1-1.

Most organizations have a cohesive modernization plan but then

silo the work. The data team works on its program, the appli-
cation development team designs applications that will consume
the data through application programming interfaces (APIs), and
the DevSecOps teams build and deploy the workloads (data and
apps) to support these other two teams. However, these ventures
are far more interconnected.

4 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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FIGURE 1-1: A holistic and interconnected approach to modernizing your

First, you want to tie together milestones in each team. You don’t
want your data team releasing new models and algorithms if the
infrastructure isn’t in place to support those models. Your appli-
cations should also be releasing functionality based on both at
the same time. Second, plan initiatives across your organization.
If the data team doesn’t design APIs in concert with the applica-
tion team, and the infrastructure isn’t supporting it, change the
plan. This is a perfect example of digital modernization: Move out
of individual team planning and into fuller planning that coordi-
nates and even integrates teams into a cohesive whole.

Prioritizing an Always-On Mentality

As you begin to place value on various modernization initiatives,
you should significantly prioritize anything that moves your
business closer to being always-on. This always-on mentality
sets your business up to respond to your market and ­stakeholders’
needs, when those needs occur.

CHAPTER 1 Embracing New Opportunities through Modernizing Your Digital Core 5

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Availability is essential for
Many conversations around cloud begin and end with scalability
and cost-efficiency. However, an essential element of the cloud
is its always-on nature. The definition of “On” changes based on
your business needs: Websites are always available, data is always
flowing, logs are always being generated, notifications are always
flowing, and so on.

Business continuity, disaster recovery, data protection, and high

availability all become options within most cloud environments,
private and public. Your strategy should incorporate valuing each
of these elements of modernization just as highly as you value
reductions in cost or increases in scalability.

Migrating to cloud isn’t a complete

modernization strategy
Migrating to the cloud is part of modernization; however, just
moving to the cloud isn’t a complete solution. Your job goes
beyond simple migration and involves evaluating your data and
applications and then evolving them to function as your business
needs them to.

Consider an application that uses data that’s sensitive with respect

to a certain geography and has strict compliance and regulatory
needs. A good modernization strategy may determine that the
application and its data are best hosted on private infrastructure
to increase data control and security. Your strategy — whether
you use cloud and in how you choose to use cloud — must be
developed with the assumption that data is being accessed glob-
ally, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The data is “always on,” and
includes the governance, compliance, and regulatory require-
ments that apply to that data.

In this scenario, it’s overly simplistic to say that moving the data
and the application to a cloud — private or otherwise — is a com-
plete modernization strategy. You also need to decide how and
where to host the application, whether to refactor or rearchitect it
to use cloud services that may enable better data compliance, and
how to make safe updates to both the data and its accompanying

6 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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Unfortunately, terms like digital modernization are often used broadly
and as buzzwords. This usage can dilute their meanings rather than
sharpen them.

One easy way to dispense with a lot of fluff is to constantly bring your
digital modernization strategy back to your overall business strategy.
If they don’t align, make changes. When thinking about your strategy
at a high level, consider the following questions:

• Are you always thinking digital? It’s not an accident that the
word “digital” is a part of the term digital modernization strategy. If
you’re not thinking about digital delivery, presentation, and inter-
actions, you’re not driving the right type of modernization or creat-
ing new business value.
• Are you unlocking new opportunities with data? Are you
exposing data that wasn’t previously available? Do you have the
availability of new data that has been difficult to expose because
of infrastructure limitations? If your digital modernization strategy
isn’t revealing new data opportunities, you likely have more work
to do.
• Are you reimagining your business? You should be thinking
about your entire business in new ways. Are you unlocking new
revenue streams? Does a set of lowered costs due to moderniza-
tion open up new avenues of exploration or execution?

Ask yourself these questions throughout your modernization process

and ensure you can continually answer “yes” to each.

CHAPTER 1 Embracing New Opportunities through Modernizing Your Digital Core 7

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8 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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»» Moving toward XaaS and service-
oriented thinking

»» Making good choices around your people

and processes

»» Using a roadmap to define and guide


Chapter 2
Adopting a Digital

hen building your own organization’s digital modern-
ization strategy, you need to focus and widen your lens.
While moving to the cloud, prioritizing always-on ini-
tiatives, and better integrating your data and applications are
critical, they aren’t all that’s required. Look for new opportunities
that only exist through the lens of a digital mindset.

You need to think about your various assets individually rather

than collectively. How do your own applications talk to each
other, and to the data they consume and produce? Is your applica-
tion architecture conducive to inter- and intra-communication?

The more you can look at your entire digital estate as a collec-
tion of individually connected, value-producing pieces, the more
potential you’ll see in these individual pieces to produce value.
Your strategy then becomes about positioning those pieces in a
way that they interact and also provide value inside and outside
your own organization.

CHAPTER 2 Adopting a Digital Mindset 9

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Providing New Services to Internal
and External Consumers
Digital modernization is more than simply applying new prin-
ciples and approaches to existing data, applications, and cloud
strategies. It also creates new opportunities that require evolution
throughout your organization.

A good digital modernization strategy should redefine and

broaden your definition of technology in your organization. This
goes far beyond just taking advantage of the cloud; it also includes
a strong move toward service-driven architectures that expose
applications and data in new ways to existing and new consum-
ers. It’s assessing new opportunities alongside existing ones and
prioritizing them all based on overall business value that moves
you firmly into the realm of modernization as a strategy.

Everything-as-a-service business
If you’ve been involved with cloud initiatives much at all, you’ve
likely heard these common acronyms:

»» SaaS, or software as a service: Software running on a cloud

provider that isn’t downloaded or run locally is typically
considered SaaS. Ecommerce platforms like Shopify (www. and ( are good
»» PaaS, or platform as a service: A PaaS offers you a
cloud-hosted ready-to-use platform that you can build
applications on top of. Heroku ( is a great
example that makes application building easy without a lot
of plumbing work on the platform itself.
»» IaaS, or infrastructure as a service: When you have
virtualized servers, network routers, and hardware, you’ve
got infrastructure as a service. Amazon Web Services (AWS, and Microsoft Azure (
com/en-us) are common examples.

10 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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Digital modernization adds to these with the idea of XaaS: X as a
Service. The X in XaaS stands for “everything” and is a stand-in
for nearly any part of your digital estate:

»» Data as a service: Data itself is a massively important

commodity and often needs only to be exposed instead of
filtered through applications.
»» Storage as a service: More focused than a complete cloud,
storage as a service allows up- and down-scaling of storage
on demand.
»» Data protection (or data security) as a service: Like any
-aaS model, data protection and security are needed at
certain times and less so at others; sometimes to a greater
degree and sometimes to a lesser.

The goal isn’t to come up with as many words that fit into the X
in XaaS as possible. Rather, the key is the word “everything” that
the X stands for. If you view everything you host, refactor, and
rebuild as a service, you can make different choices that better
align with your modernization strategy and business values.

Providing services to your own

organization first
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the prospect of adopting
XaaS. That X-everything is pretty broad. However, begin with a
much nearer-term opportunity: Provide services to yourself. For
example, architect your billing engine to become a service (here,
the X would be billing) to your own components, such as a finance
application or a recurring billing front-end for your users. You
could move from your applications directly connecting to your
data stores to a model in which a data access layer over your data
stores provide data to any consumer — beginning with your own

By using your own applications as your first consumers, you’ll

better understand what those applications require. The work to
create services from data and applications prepares you to expose
those services to consumers outside of your organization.

CHAPTER 2 Adopting a Digital Mindset 11

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Taking advantage of established
Even when building services for yourself, it can be difficult to
know where to start. Just as important, it’s not always clear how
to start. You can reduce this difficulty by remembering that while
your business may be unique, the process of digital moderniza-
tion is not.

Spend time engaging great partners and be clear about important

criteria for what makes a partner great:

»» Knowledge: Good partners monitor what’s occurring across

the industry and are at the leading edge of how to effectively
»» Experience: Good partners go beyond knowledge and have
done similar things before and can leverage that experience
to speed up your own efforts.
»» Proven results: Good partners have knowledge and
experience that result in better and more consistent
outcomes for their clients. Make sure of this before
signing on.

The end result is less time and money spent on common tasks
that have been done before. You’ll be able to take those saved
resources and focus on what is unique to your business.

A cheaper proposal from a less-experienced partner may not in

fact cost you less. Knowledge, experience, and results can save
you thousands of hours and result in massive digital gains, all
of which are ultimately more cost-effective in the medium- and

Modernizing People, Processes,

and Technologies
It will be impossible to execute on a solid digital modernization
strategy without assessing your entire organization. Specifically,
you’ll have to likely upgrade in some fashion your people, pro-
cesses, and technologies:

12 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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»» Upgrade your people. The transition to a digital organiza-
tion often demands new talent and skillsets. You have to
assess whether the best path forward is to change staff out
or simply train those you have. Regardless, don’t make the
mistake of assuming everyone will simply “figure out what
they need to do.”
»» Review and refine your process. Process can be a dirty
word in growing technology organizations, but that can be
simply the result of bad processes (or, just as often, poorly
implemented processes). Successful implementations
consider how teams interact with new cloud infrastructures,
software that’s exposed through application programming
interfaces (APIs) in far more ways, and delivering new
opportunities for interaction through those APIs.
This is certainly an area where spending time with Agile
processes can pay off. While never a magic bullet, focusing
on delivery of value (and not just code), clearly defining use
cases, and extensive testing all within time boxed work
(sprints in Agile parlance) all help your strategic
»» Evaluate goals and adapt your technology. It’s far too
simple to just “upgrade technology.” Instead, your technol-
ogy needs to be assessed against the goals of your modern-
ization strategy. Also consider tools here: You may need
different analytics tools, different services in your cloud
estate, and even different quality assurance (QA)

Each of these focus areas takes a significant amount of time, both

in planning and execution. As you’re building out your plan, these
need to be important milestones that sit alongside things like
migrating to the cloud or testing your API. Don’t leave these out.

Defining the modern in modernization

Modernization has another less discussed but important aspect
when it comes to people: the people that use the results of the
modernization. These may be current customers, partners,
employees, suppliers, and others that interact with your business.
These are all your digital consumers.

CHAPTER 2 Adopting a Digital Mindset 13

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Digital modernization strategies will affect these consumers
through more current and efficient user interfaces, personalized
experiences, and a focus on operational excellence. These have
internal effects, but ultimately are focused on the experience of
that end-user.

Just as you should allocate time in your plan to internal process

and people, you should block out time to study and understand
your customers. What are their needs, and how will your modern-
ization approach respond to, anticipate, and fulfill those needs?

Focusing on foundational needs over

specific technologies
There’s one final consideration as you upgrade and assess: Avoid
spending disproportionate time on any one technology, even if
it’s extremely attractive. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML), for example, are great technologies that are abso-
lutely trending. Cloud architecture and data warehouses were the
same over the last decade.

You may have a need for AI and ML. However, ensure you allocate
the majority of your time to strong fundamentals: a solid cloud
architecture, effective process around delivering value through
technology tools and development, and relationships with your
digital consumers.

It will do you little good to embrace any one specific

technology — even if it is popular and powerful — if you don’t
have solid data models, clear and useful APIs, documentation
and planning around your architecture, and user interfaces that
delight and satisfy your customers’ needs. For all these reasons,
keep the fundamentals first.

Turning Individual Initiatives into Action

All initiatives — embracing XaaS, consuming your own services,
upgrading your skillsets, and prioritizing — will add value on
their own. However, to truly embrace the opportunities available,

14 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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you need to execute all these initiatives and do that in a way that’s
firmly focused on delivering measurable value.

Creating a value realization roadmap

One essential aspect of any good strategy is that it’s written down.
As simple as that sounds, you’d be surprised at how many deci-
sions and plans are made in meetings but never captured via doc-
umentation. When you prioritize value, the same is true: Write
down your desired outcomes.

In addition to documenting the desired outcomes of your various

initiatives and then prioritizing each, as part of a good value real-
ization roadmap, capture these additional things:

»» Where are your gaps? Beyond modernization of your

applications, are there holes in your overall cloud estate? Do
these holes hinder a move toward everything-as-a-service?
Identify these gaps and build in time and a plan to fill each of
»» How mature are your processes and principles? Your
roadmap should call exactly what needs you have with
regard specific training, hiring, and mentoring, and those
should be aligned with your targeted service offerings and
cloud evolution.
»» What new application and architecture paradigms do
you need to learn? In addition to individual application
modernization, there are best practices you may need to
learn: microservices, containers, and serverless are common
examples. Your roadmap should call out these in the same
way it calls out people and process improvement.

You can’t execute effectively without clear and careful evaluation.

Your roadmap is your opportunity to do just that: Build a blueprint
for what you want to do to achieve bold business outcomes. And
because you’ve already begun to think of prioritization in terms of
value, your roadmap will reflect that prioritization, emphasizing
value production over what’s technically interesting or cool.

CHAPTER 2 Adopting a Digital Mindset 15

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Evolving your roadmap to ensure
continual progress
Your roadmap will change. In fact, your roadmap should and must
change. As you execute, you will learn, and that will help you
refine and sometimes reverse prior decisions. This change isn’t a
reflection of poor planning, but of good planning.

In fact, set up regular roadmap reviews, every 30, 60, or at most,

90 days. Evaluate progress and integrate learnings back into the
plan. As you do more, you will know more, and as you know more,
your planning will evolve and improve.

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»» Understanding the different approaches
to modernization

»» Automating the process of cloud


»» Assessing when and how much

modernization adds value

»» Viewing cloud-native as a tradeoff, not a

simple win

Chapter 3
Migrating and

t this stage, you should have new models for thinking, new
people and processes underway or in place, and a clear
understanding of which portions of your organization and
applications are ripe for value maximization. Now it’s time to
begin the actual work of migrating and modernizing.

Adopting the cloud and migrating applications into the cloud

aren’t as binary as they may seem (check out Chapter 1 for more
information). You must consider multiple cloud models; not all
organizations will adopt the same model across all applications
and systems.

Uniformity is a great goal in a cloud and digital modernization

strategy, but it shouldn’t override value prioritization. Don’t
strive for a single cloud model for all your applications at the cost
of driving maximum value creation.

CHAPTER 3 Migrating and Modernizing 17

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Choosing the Right Approach
to Digital Modernization
Key to digital modernization is an “always-on” mentality. This
mentality also affects the approaches you take up for modernizing
your applications. Each approach has different requirements and
yields different degrees of benefit.

Understanding the approaches

Understanding the approaches available to modernization helps
you decide where to start and potentially how to progress through
different models over time. The approaches include the following:

»» Rehost (lift and shift): This cloud migration strategy quickly

and cost-effectively moves current applications into the
cloud. The downside is that it doesn’t leverage elasticity or
other native advantages of the cloud, so you may not gain
the operational savings you expect. Rehosting requires
proper configuration to ensure that data center applications
continue to communicate after they’re placed in the cloud.
Without proper configuration, updates may be lost, applica-
tions may not be optimized completely, and cloud migration
and modernization issues may arise both in the short and
long term.
»» Replatform (lift, tinker, and shift or containerize):
Replatforming is about moving applications to the cloud
without major changes to take advantage of the cloud
environment. It involves some up-versioning, such as
adopting a managed database or leveraging a dynamic
autoscaling functionality. The containerization aspect
effectively captures an application and its environment in a
“container,” which makes it easy to move the application to
another environment. Although this strategy takes longer
than “lift and shift,” replatforming provides a degree of
cost-effectiveness, functionality, and time-savings, without
the significant resource requirements of refactoring.
»» Refactor (cloud-friendly): Leverage the cloud environment
in this approach by modifying existing code and moving
applications to better suit new infrastructure. Proper DevOps
skills are critical to take advantage of this process. Although

18 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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refactoring is more complex and possibly more time-
consuming than the other approaches, the positive value far
outweighs the negative. Businesses typically see a higher
return on investment (ROI) after they’ve completed the
process of refactoring.
»» Rearchitect (cloud-native): This approach builds from
scratch. This cloud-native strategy may also incorporate
continuous delivery and microservices. The result is resilient,
agile apps that are portable across cloud environments. They
exploit the continuous innovation model of the cloud, which
provides improvements in functionality, operations, security,
resilience, and responsiveness. Rearchitecting allows you to
speed go-to-market efforts that build business success.

No “best approach” exists, although your business context will

give you insights into what may work best for your immediate
needs and how to potentially transition into more cloud-native
models over time. Figure 3-1 shows how each approach is a dif-
ferent investment in time and a different realized value.

FIGURE 3-1: The cloud modernization continuum.

CHAPTER 3 Migrating and Modernizing 19

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The effort and cost of modernization has a direct effect on the value
realized in your modernization. For more information, visit www.

View your modernization as a process rather than a single task.

You may choose to embrace lift and shift for a time and later move
to more cloud-native approaches. It’s acceptable and even normal
to progress through approaches over time.

Choosing the right approach

When evaluating the approaches to modernization and deciding
which is best for your business, consider a four-step approach:

1. Envision.
Think about the specific outcomes you want to achieve. You
also should keep your people and processes in mind to
understand which approaches fit your current organization
and goals.
2. Evaluate.
Identify the gaps between your organization and what you
want to achieve. Build a roadmap to fill these gaps. Assess
which models best fit this roadmap and your timelines.
3. Execute.
When you begin modernization, continue to measure and
assess, and don’t be afraid to make changes as you go. Your
approach can change to meet the outcomes you determined
in Step 1.
4. Evolve.
Continue to change, evaluating new approaches and the
expected value from those approaches. As you modernize,
this evolution should become faster and more cost-effective
as well.

Migrating at Scale
Migrating and modernizing are two connected actions, but they
aren’t the same. Your ability to clearly distinguish between the
two helps you choose the right approach for your current needs

20 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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and drive the most business value for your organization. As
good definitions to distinguish between the two, you can use the

»» Migrating is moving your infrastructure and applications

into the cloud. When you take advantage of cloud
instances — virtualized servers, shared databases, network-
ing and routers — you’re migrating. This is at the heart of a
rehost or lift-and-shift approach.
»» Modernizing is updating your infrastructure and
applications to take greater advantage of cloud best
practices. In the cloud, you have a huge array of services
and decisions that allow you take great advantage of cloud
services that reduce your maintenance and overhead. If you
use a database service instead of hosting on your own virtual
hardware or build an API without using a server instance,
you’re modernizing your infrastructure and applications.
Replatforming, refactoring, and rearchitecting all involve
modernization, in increasing degrees.

These definitions are focused on migration and modernizing in

a cloud context, but the general principles apply to any technical

Migrating is part of all modernization

Migration will be a part of nearly every modernization approach,
regardless of whether you rehost, replatform, refactor, or rearchi-
tect. Even in a complete rearchitecture, you will almost always
have at least some data and applications that need to be migrated
into the cloud as is. This means that regardless of approach, you
need a flexible and reusable strategy for migration. The degree of
migration may change — in a rehost, you’re migrating all your
infrastructure and applications, and in a rearchitecture, you may
be only migrating smaller data stores and older applications —
but the migration itself needs to be a careful and repeatable pro-
cess that’s well-tested and stable.

Automating migrations to make

them repeatable
Given that you’re going to likely have multiple migrations of
pieces of your infrastructure to the cloud, and that you could have

CHAPTER 3 Migrating and Modernizing 21

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10, 30, even 50 iterations of each of those migrations, you need to
start thinking early about automating everything you can in your
migration strategy. Automation simply means looking at each and
every individual step and trying to remove the “hands on the key-
board.” Write a script, use a tool, author a configuration file — do
whatever you can to build a repeatable set of steps.

For the record, a Microsoft Word document with a set of manual

steps that someone must follow is not automation. In addition
to making your migration repeatable, you’re building in scale to
your solution. You’re ensuring that you can do it the tens, or in
some cases, hundreds of times you’ll need.

Making Value-Driven Modernization

There was a time when the first step to any cloud migration or
digital modernization effort was to perform a rehost — straight to
replatforming and rearchitecting. Consider that one global bank
recently estimated it would take nearly 35 years to rewrite all its
applications at the rate of current transformation. Conversely, a
simple lift-and-shift approach didn’t give this bank the return
on its investment that it desired and didn’t move the bank far
enough toward the always-on mentality it desired.

This scenario is typical and reflects the choices that you and all
businesses must make. You need to prioritize the applications
that are worth refactoring, replatforming, and rearchitecting,
while keeping many other, less value-producing legacy applica-
tions running in a rehosting configuration. It’s critical, then, to
value applications individually than as part of a single “one size
fits all” modernization approach.

Establishing clear value criteria

You can quickly see that there is no “one way” to decide which
modernization approach to take, even when you do consider the
approach for applications one-by-one. You need to make clear
decisions within your business about what you value, and how to
rate those values.

22 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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To help determine which applications would benefit most from
more cloud-native approaches like refactoring and rearchitecting,
use the following key criteria:

»» Effort: The further you progress toward rearchitecting, the

more effort you will generally need to apply to
»» Initial cost: As with effort, the cost of modernization rises as
you move toward refactoring and rearchitecting and is
usually less for rehosting.
»» Ongoing cost: The ongoing cost of maintenance is often
inversely related with the initial cost. Cloud-native approaches
like refactoring and rearchitecting are typically more cost-
efficient in the long run, helping to offset the initial costs
»» Time and urgency: If you have to get your applications into
the cloud in a month, you have far fewer options than you
do if you have a year. Consider how this urgency affects each
initiative, and plan for both the short-term and the
»» People and skillsets. People play a large role in your
modernization strategy. You need to make decisions about
approach that align with the people you have available to
execute your plans.

Each business will value these factors differently and even change
the value of each in different contexts. Your planning and evalu-
ation should consider each of these and make decisions based on
the values you assign.

Cloud-native tradeoffs
It’s easy to tout the benefits of ditching server maintenance, tak-
ing advantage of refactoring, and generally embracing rearchi-
tecting when possible. However, all of these advantages require
tradeoffs that you need to consider.

»» Cloud native requires new skills and likely new people.

As has been said before, you can’t take a generic IT adminis-
trator and give them a DevOps responsibility without major
training and expect results. The more you dig into

CHAPTER 3 Migrating and Modernizing 23

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cloud-native models, the more you’re going to need to
allocate significant time and resources to bring in new skills
and people to support those models.
»» Cloud native requires different cost models. You’re going
to have to evaluate your cloud estate differently than your
local or hosted systems. Cloud-native operating costs are
typically lower but getting to cloud native may require more
upfront costs.
»» Cloud native requires different architecture. Beyond just
skills, the architecture of service-based, serverless systems is
very different than an n-tiered server-based architecture.
Beyond raw technical skills, you’ll be able to solve different
problems and provide different services, which will inevitably
change your business.

None of this should dissuade you from modernization. However,

if you plan for these tradeoffs, you can meet them and overcome
them. And if you prioritize against them, you’ll know when less
modernization is actually the right answer for your organization’s
business needs and strategy.

Iterating Over Your Modernization

At the heart of all your decisions is the envision-evaluate-
execute-evolve process. And this process isn’t static; it’s iterative.
This means that you may decide to rehost several legacy appli-
cations, replatform several more, and rearchitect your highest
value-producing application in your initial modernization plans.

But after that phase completes, you go back to envisioning again,

and evaluating again, so you can execute and evolve once more.
This gives you additional opportunities to further modernize, to
move more applications into a better “always on” posture, and to
drive additional value into your business.

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»» Adjusting from a single to multicloud

»» Deploying multiple applications to

multiple environments

»» Moving from IT to site reliability


»» Viewing repetition as value creation

Chapter 4
Managing and Operating
Hybrid and Multicloud

n earlier chapters, there’s been little distinction between a sin-
gle cloud provider, multiple cloud providers, and hybrid cloud
environments. That’s intentional: Much of your planning and
initial lift-and-shift migrations will look similar across these dif-
ferent providers.

However, as you move into refactoring and rearchitecting, and

even more importantly, operations, there are specific consider-
ations for handling multiple cloud providers and hybrid cloud

These differences are substantial, and, in many cases, require as

much adjustment and evolution as the initial shift from tradi-
tional hosting to cloud hosting thought. The way you choose to
use different providers affects your deployments, automation,
staffing, and even how you test and approach finding and cor-
recting bugs and errors in your applications.

CHAPTER 4 Managing and Operating Hybrid and Multicloud Environments 25

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While this chapter and most of this book treats cloud providers
uniformly, that’s at best a helpful abstraction in planning. In
reality, each cloud provider has significant differences, and you
should account for learning those differences in your detailed
planning and architecture.

Managing Your Cloud Seamlessly

Adding multiple cloud providers will increase the overhead and
complexity of managing your cloud estate. The same is true of
implementing a hybrid cloud strategy. So why would savvy
organizations not focus on one cloud provider to optimize these

You can look at using more than one cloud provider for a number
of reasons:

»» No magic bullet cloud provider: Each cloud provider is

different, and there’s no “better” that fits all situations. There
may be a “better” for a specific set of use cases, but those
use cases are often very specific. Larger organizations with
differentiated interests will typically find that multiple use
cases demand multiple cloud providers, each with particular
»» Redundancy at the provider level: Moving to the cloud
provides redundancy almost impossible to arrive at with a
local infrastructure. This redundancy is attractive as it
reduces risk dramatically. Adding additional cloud providers
can then further de-risk a modernization plan by providing
failover at the provider level — of the cloud itself, in addition
to failover within the cloud.
»» Uniformity of operations applied to application diver-
sity: That’s a mouthful, but an important one. Different
cloud providers can be managed in uniform ways at a high
level, while still providing different applications widely varied
»» Security and data compliance advantages: Some
organizations will look to hybrid cloud in particular to
manage data and compliance concerns. These organizations
place outsized value on “owning” segments of their data
locally while still valuing cloud services for the applications
that consume and expose that data.

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»» Vendor affinities for specialized use cases: There are
cases where a certain cloud vendor just really does a
particular task well. Microsoft’s Azure is better than competi-
tors at running and managing Citrix-based workspaces, and
Google’s cloud is exception at analytical and machine
learning workloads.

As a slight over-simplification, consider multi-cloud a tradeoff,

and these points to be items in the “pro” column. The additional
overhead of managing multiple environments is generally only
worth it if you need at least two of these major advantages. Less
than that and the overhead will likely outweigh the upside.

Deploying changes instead

of applications
This is less a cloud-specific technique as much as a practice that
has developed alongside an emphasis on cloud. The older model
of traditional whole application deployment is no longer ideal. It
brings with it greater risk and in many cases, extra time to run
tests and deploy.

A more modern approach is to deploy the portions of an appli-

cation that have changed. This will require you to have thorough
testing and a test or sandbox environment that mirrors produc-
tion, but allows you to deploy much smaller units of code. This can
be accomplished through more loosely connected code — often
using a microservices model — or by deploying various portions
of code in containers using Kubernetes.

Whether through microservices or containers, the less code you

have to deploy to update an application, the better. Your updates
and the accompanying testing are focused on delivering spe-
cific value while still avoiding the risk of whole-application

Automating cloud management

Automation is a key part of a modernization strategy. But, much
like lift-and-shift services, many common automation tasks are
nearly identical across organizations. Automation, then, is an
area where selecting a partner with proven solutions can yield
major cost and effort reductions.

CHAPTER 4 Managing and Operating Hybrid and Multicloud Environments 27

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You should look to automate in a number of essential areas:

»» Monitoring: Logs should regularly be ingested and filtered,

and alerts raised as needed.
»» Deploying: Deployment should not only be simple to
execute but also eventually an automatic part of the process
of committing reviewed code.
»» Scaling: Performance and usage triggers should cause your
applications to scale up or down as needed to both meet
demand and not overuse resources.
»» Security: Security is more than a static, one-time task in the
cloud. New data should be secured and, in some cases,
encrypted, just as new instances and services are automati-
cally permissioned.
In multi- and hybrid- cloud environments, automation is
even more important. The overhead of multiple providers
must be made manageable through common scripts and
process, as well as consolidated dashboards.


There’s a common fear that if automation is used heavily, it will cost
people their jobs. This is an ungrounded fear. Automation removes
the need for skilled labor to monitor logs and “watch lights,” leaving
that work to repeated, unmanned processes.

The reclaimed time for employees previously performing these tasks

should be used for actual skilled work. Cloud networks can be opti-
mized, scalability can be built out, and databases can be tuned. In
other words, your high-valued operations engineers can actually cre-
ate greater value by spending their time on more skilled work.

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Building an Always-On Business
You’ve certainly picked up by now that there is a significant shift
when moving from traditional IT to a cloud-based architecture.
This goes beyond skillset, though, and actually gets at the fun-
damental tasks involved for your operations teams. An “always-
on” mentality is critical, both in a maintenance and scalability

Moving from routine maintenance

to scalability
A significant amount of the “keep running” task involves the
underlying hardware: patching, compliance, security issues, and
with each change, ensuring the things that worked prior to the
change work after the change.

In the cloud, minimal effort is involved in keeping systems run-

ning. The majority of patching and security issues are resolved as
a matter of course and backward compatibility is rigorously tested
by the cloud provider.

The recouped time, then, goes to building a resilient and reliable

system that can scale up and down, ideally based on triggers and
automation. Your IT staff should transform into a group of cloud
engineers and site reliability engineers (SREs) who are looking to
tune your system, not just keep it running.

Broadening operations
In addition to pure scaling, your operations team should become
a much broader organization. Figure 4-1 shows a wide array of
activities. While many operations and SRE teams won’t do all
these, you should look to move into as many of these areas as
make sense for your organization.

This is more than just a simple adjustment in the skills for which
you look. Instead, it’s a shift in thinking: A site should be reliable,
and while that requires Site Reliability Engineers (SREs), it also
requires a mindset focused on stability and operational readiness.

CHAPTER 4 Managing and Operating Hybrid and Multicloud Environments 29

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FIGURE 4-1: Broaden your organization with a wide array of activities.

Planning for Volatility

There’s no organization that will succeed if it cannot handle
change. The more you assume change is a constant and plan for
it, the more responsive your organization will become. Respon-
siveness directly creates value by increasing customer satisfaction
and decreasing defects and waste. If you architect your applica-
tions smartly, you can support change more readily without sig-
nificant ongoing cost increases.

There’s a fairly significant element of cloud architecture that

actually encourages volatility. Your applications will need to run
on different servers without hard-coded network addresses, for
example. The sooner you embrace this sort of volatility, the better
your architecture will serve you.

Reacting to customer needs

There’s nothing about digital modernization that will reduce the
needs of your customers. However, there is a lot related to digi-
tal modernization that makes addressing customer needs more

First, begin with the premise that most customers interact with
your organization in two ways: through the standard operation of
your applications (purchasing an item or a service, for example),
and when that standard operation doesn’t meet their needs. The
second category could be any of a number of things:

30 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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»» There’s a defect in your application(s). In this case,
something legitimately isn’t working and needs to be fixed.
»» There’s a feature gap between what you provide and
what your customer wants. In this instance, what you have
works, but the customer wants some functionality or
workflow that you don’t have.
»» There’s a misunderstanding between your customer and
your applications. In this instance, you may have poor
documentation, a confusing workflow, or poor user experi-
ence. Things work, and the customer should be able to do
what they want, but are confused by how to do that task.

In all three of these instances, you should see decreased over-

all closure times on customer issues when you modernize. You
should measure ticket creation to closure time, use something
like Net Promoter Score (NPS,, and
usage metrics to determine if you’re being successful in meeting
customer needs with your modernized applications and platforms.

The goal of a good customer interaction isn’t met when a support

rep hangs up a phone or closes a digital chat. The goal is to actu-
ally resolve the issue — and this is where automated deployment,
only deploying changes, and making changes across multiple
resilient environments all comes into play.

Prototyping without fear

If you’ve ever been a part of a new application or product
launch — whether that’s a true MVP, a beta, or a full-blown pro-
duction launch — you know the risk involved with deployment.
No matter how much testing, there always seems to be something
that comes up when you push to that production instance for the
first time.

In the cloud, there is still risk, but it’s mitigated because you can
simply tear down and throw away a broken deploy. You can even
throw out the virtual instance itself and start from automation
scripts to rebuild the whole system.

Everything in the cloud is ephemeral, and you should build scripts

to rebuild anything you use — from a bare virtual instance to a
complex API gateway with multiple web application firewalls. If
you need it at all, then automate creation (and recreation).

CHAPTER 4 Managing and Operating Hybrid and Multicloud Environments 31

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Reducing cost by reducing waste
One often overlooked but important benefit of cloud architecture
is the recycling and reuse of virtual hardware. In traditional IT, if
you need to build a prototype, deploy a new version, or duplicate
a database, you need additional hardware. Then you push your
changes and updates, and (hopefully) retire the old hardware,
reclaiming resources and cost.

Of course, the reality is that older resources are often forgotten.

They are either left running and ignored (perhaps without a sin-
gle network route to the old applications), shut down but left to
collect dust, or in some cases, resold at a fraction of the original
cost. In all of these situations, there is cost associated with the
waste of the older resources.

In the cloud, it’s easy to either manually mark resources as unused

and available to be reclaimed, or to set policies that automati-
cally reclaim old and unused resources. Further, all major cloud
providers are constantly upgrading older hardware (virtual and
the underlying provider-owned systems), without passing those
costs on in most cases.

So this becomes yet another valuable avenue of change. If your

applications can run seamlessly on various hardware and soft-
ware stacks, they can easily be moved to newer resources. If you’re
deploying changes often, you’ll naturally build out a rhythm of
retiring unused application stacks as well. The result is a savings
of cost but an entire application estate more resilient to change.

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»» Converting applications into products
and products into services

»» Examining data through a

monetization lens

»» Exposing data through customer


»» Modernizing business by modernizing


Chapter 5
Innovating to Grow New
Business Streams

t’s actually quite easy to get deep into the execution of a digital
modernization strategy and lose sight of why you started the
process in the first place. There’s value in moving to the cloud
and refactoring and rearchitecting your applications, and there’s
cost savings in automation and moving away from traditional
IT. But these aren’t the core drivers of a good digital moderniza-
tion approach.

The goal is to grow your business — and ideally, to add new

streams of revenue. You’re not looking to just improve your tech-
nology stack or architecture but to make available new ways to
use your data and engage your customers. But, like every aspect
of digital modernization, you need to be intentional about making
this happen.

The digital modernization roadmap and value realization road-

map (I cover these in Chapter 1) — are great ways to maintain
this intention. Schedule specific meetings and milestones related
to creating and executing on new business streams in those road-
maps to ensure that it happens.

CHAPTER 5 Innovating to Grow New Business Streams 33

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Enabling a Product-as-a-Service Model
Platform as a Service is typically abbreviated PaaS, but that’s the
same abbreviation now cropping up for Product as a Service. You’ll
have to pay attention to context when you see PaaS to ensure you
know which is being discussed. As a rule of thumb, though, PaaS
still typically means Platform as a Service.

Product as a Service follows from another popular model, Service

as a Service (SaaS). (Yes, the “as a service” moniker may be get-
ting over used, but the gist is still important.) In both of these
models, value is provided on top of, or in addition to, another

For example, consider selling a digital banking account to a cus-

tomer. That’s an initial product sale that has ongoing revenue
attached through recurring fees. In the Service as a Service model,
you may provide an additional set of fraud protections and a
package for intentional wire transfers for an additional fee. This
additional set of services are “pluggable” and can be integrated
right into the original product, the banking account.

Product as a service goes even further: It offers entire product

lines. Here, you may offer another digital product, like a stock
trading dashboard for casual traders. But it integrates into your
original product deeply, and the sum of the two products is actu-
ally greater because of those integrations.

This is the idea of Product as a Service: Because you’re in the

cloud with interconnected data and applications, your products
can be provided as services — add-on integrations that are easy
to purchase and create new or increased revenue streams.

Monetizing Data and Technology

After you have a clear intention to examine new business streams,
you have to take practical steps. The first is to look at your data in
particular and see how it can be used in new ways. Then, you can
take those new approaches and turn them into viable products or
services (as-a-service, of course!).

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Treating data as a commodity
Your data is critical to your organization. By having it in the cloud
(or stored onsite but available through a hybrid cloud), that data
can be used by all your applications and integrated with your
other data. Good modernization architectures allow any data to be
accessible by any relevant application.

In that sense, then, your data doesn’t just drive applications.

It becomes the raw material on which applications, and more
importantly, all applications can build. Purchasing patterns from
one application can inform another, and usage logs from your
most popular applications can inform scaling patterns for less
used applications.

Further, look at cases where one application could use data from
another application . . . and do it! Unbound by being on the right
network or having easy routes to a different database, all your
data should be used as needed, in many more than just a singular

Turning data into customer insights

In addition to simply exposing new data to new applications, you
can add data analysis capabilities and services to your architec-
ture. In this case, you’re actually doing data analysis that may
not have been available due to cost or architecture in an off-cloud

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) come into

play here. However, don’t be put off if you don’t (yet) have ML
and AI experience on your team. Even basic data analysis —
filtering, sorting, and calculation — can yield benefits from a
large data estate.

Look for the following insights:

»» Trends exposed by combined data: Look across your data

supersets (combined data sets) to see if trends emerge
because you have larger sets to examine.
»» Purchasing patterns: This example is a specific trend but
an important one. Can you learn more about how your
customers engage with your products at purchase time? Do
they tend to buy item A and add items D and E? Maybe you
could group those items to increase total sale value.

CHAPTER 5 Innovating to Grow New Business Streams 35

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»» Purchasing funnels: Do customers tend to make more
purchases from one landing page than another? Do they buy
from offsite links or spend time browsing product pages? Is
your Contact Us form or your chatbot widget more effective?

Don’t get too worried about whether something is important

enough to be an “insight,” either. Just look for things that seem
actionable and try them out.

Chapter 4 covers automation and the ability to deploy changes

and applications quickly. This is where that pays off. If you can
experiment with data findings at low cost, you’ll almost certainly
find some of those findings yield real value.

Reacting faster to your customer

Chapter 4 discusses the planning for volatility that’s an essential
part of and benefit from digital modernization. In this context,
a key part of that increased reaction time is the data you have
available from individual customers as well as your larger cus-
tomer base.

A great way to begin applying what you know about your custom-
ers is through recommendation data. Designing cross-sell and
upsell opportunities based on a customer’s purchasing pattern
takes the data you have and puts it to work. This also feels “fast”
to a customer — decisions they make affect future decisions, even
when the “future” is only a few minutes later.

You can expand opportunities by responding to customers based

on patterns observed from similar customer cohorts. You may
glean insights that show midwestern customers prefer certain
styles or price thresholds, or that customers with accounts over a
year need to see less marketed items because they’re more famil-
iar with the core catalog. Applying these to an individual customer
creates more personalized experiences that generally return more

Designing digital experiences

All this work creates what are now often called digital experiences.
This is the idea that a customer is engaged with and interact-
ing with your application or website, rather than just browsing a
digital catalog.

36 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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Every time your site or application offers a different option, or
actively messages your customer (not just through SMS but even
in the application itself), or makes a suggestion at the point of
sale, you’re moving from a static site to a digital experience. You
want your customer to feel like they’re interacting with your site,
not just searching and clicking around.

Ask your digital modernization partner if they have user experi-

ence (UX) services that they can offer. Experienced UX designers
can help you quickly convert traditional applications into more
engaging ones and will spend less time getting your own digital
experiences up and running.

Discovering New Business Models

Ultimately, everything you’ve been doing has opened up new
ways to do business. You should now have several key facilities
that you likely didn’t before:

»» Automation to support rapid growth: New products can

be added and made available within days, and eventually
hours and even minutes, when data analysis exposes new
»» Digital delivery pipelines: The work you’ve done to
automate your applications and deployment of code can
also often be applied to delivering digital products to your
»» Always-on services: Your services — either used by
customers for purchasing or as products themselves — are
available 24/7 at a fraction of a cost of traditional IT.
»» Hosted products and services: If you’re only delivering
physical products, you now have opportunities to make
digital offerings and add-ons available. Your infrastructure
can support it and you should have data to understand what
your customers want.

This is another area where your partnership with an experienced

digital modernization service provider is critical. They can often
provide meaningful insight into what similar businesses may
have accomplished through their own modernization efforts.

CHAPTER 5 Innovating to Grow New Business Streams 37

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At this stage, with a stable application estate and iterative cloud
deployments, you should be able to take a metaphorical step
back and be creative. What data has been unavailable, but now
can be accessed by customers or your applications? What insights
might you make that inform new applications or new customer

This sort of thinking will ultimately multiply the value of your

investment in modernization. By looking at new ways to engage
with existing customers and new customers that are ready
for engagement, your entire business can be transformed by

38 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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»» Choosing the right people for the right

»» Managing security, data, and cost

throughout modernization

»» Using data without letting that data

mislead you

»» Keeping technology current while

avoiding wasted time

Chapter 6
Ten Digital
Tips for Success

ou may face many challenges on your digital modernization
journey, but this chapter helps you with tips for success in
your strategy.

Get and Keep the Right People

There’s no single factor that will make or break your moderniza-
tion more than the right (or, in some cases, the wrong) people.
But getting great people with modern technology skillsets isn’t

First, you need to upscale your hiring process. You want to expose
quality candidates to senior leadership, likely give them exercises
to complete and discuss, and insist on detailed explanations of dif-
ficult problems solved in the past. You also almost certainly have to
spend more than you expect to secure great architects and leaders.

CHAPTER 6 Ten Digital Modernization Tips for Success 39

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Second, you need to have a clear means of expressing your
organization’s problems — and cast them in light of a challenge.
Good people want to join and stay with organizations that are
solving hard problems. In fact, a well-expressed hard problem is
just as important as the compensation packages you offer.

Understand Your Digital Portfolio

In Chapter 1, I tell you that part of a good strategy is prioritization.
Don’t look for a one-size-fits-all approach to your applications
and data. However, to segment your modernization approach by
priority, you’re going to need to assess and catalog every bit of
your digital estate. Small, untracked support scripts or one devel-
oper’s personal sandbox or an ephemeral test environment used
by your deployment pipeline all need to be identified.

Also consider this catalog a living document. After you begin to

modernize, keep it current. At any given point in time, you should
have a current view of all your digital properties, the state that
they’re in, and links to any future modernization plans.

Secure Your Data

There are huge 800-page books written on security, so securing
your systems — and especially your data — is a major concern.
Build into your plan time to examine security options for your
data, both in structured form (databases) and unstructured form
(file and object storage).

In particular, devote time to securing your data at rest, meaning

when it’s not being used, and when it’s in transit, meaning when
the data flows to and from application programming interfaces
(APIs), front ends, and across networks. You need a strategy for
both to ensure data security.

Train Data Models

Like security, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learn-
ing (ML) are vast subjects unto themselves. Still, a couple of key
points are important. First, as you modernize and move into the

40 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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cloud, you’re going to have access to cloud-based AI/ML services
and massive processing power. Look to take advantage of these
facilities early and often.

When you have your data in the cloud — even while still migrat-
ing applications — look to form datasets that you can train ML
models on. These models can then be applied to your broader data
estate and form actionable insights that may inform the later
stages of your modernization plan.

Another subtle, but important, benefit of training data models

early in your modernization: You’ll create a data-driven culture.
The more you focus on data and insights from your data, the more
your decision making is grounded in empirical evidence. Yes, data
can be deceiving (check out the next section, “Avoid Data Falla-
cies”), but your ML models are generally better decision makers
than conjecture or unproven theses.

Avoid Data Fallacies

Although good data modeling is important, be careful to avoid
common fallacies. Here are a few principles to follow to avoid data

»» Start with a hypothesis; don’t apply one at the end. This

is as much scientific method as data principle. Don’t look at
patterns that emerge and then form theses that fit those
patterns. Instead, build your hypotheses, create tests to
validate it, and see what the data says. If you’re wrong, then
start from the beginning again. Use what you’ve learned, but
don’t simply look at the data outcomes and form new
»» Distinguish correlation from causality. Just because two
things happen together often doesn’t mean that one causes
the other (or vice versa). Use different datasets and also
examine what additional factors may be causing what you’re
seeing. This is also an area where you shouldn’t abandon
common sense; you should recognize that a decrease in
horse-drawn carriages is likely not the cause of a decrease in
communicable diseases over the same time span (as a poor
but obvious example of a non-causal relationship).

CHAPTER 6 Ten Digital Modernization Tips for Success 41

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»» Don’t overfit outliers. You’ll often find patterns that seem
to explain 85 percent or even 90 percent of your data,
leaving just a few outliers — data points that don’t fit a
pattern. Don’t stretch your pattern to make everything fit.
Instead, examine outliers. They could be genuine exceptional
cases that do not disprove the pattern you’ve found. In other
cases, they might help you find an entirely different pattern.
The only way to not get value from these outliers is to
completely ignore them.

Set Realistic Cost Expectations

Modernization has significant costs associated with the process.
Those costs should be measured against the return on investment
that a more modern, capable, scalable system can provide. And
of course, every business wants to minimize costs and maximize

That said, there are three key points of awareness you need to
realistically estimate:

»» Phased migration is more expensive but much less risky.

You often begin with a lift-and-shift approach and then later
refactor and re-architect. This means more expense than a
one-time massive modernization, and you should plan
accordingly. The realization of the extra cost is far less risk,
though, and almost always worth that extra cost. Check out
Chapter 1 and 3 for more info.
»» Cloud cost savings are realized over longer time periods
than often expected. You’re not going to get massive
savings back from migration until you’ve gone beyond
lift-and-shift, and even then, it may take 18 to 36 months to
see major decreases in costs. Be aware that you’ll often be
told this horizon is much shorter by vendors, so be wary of
overly aggressive estimates here.
»» An experienced migration partner will pay back their
expense multiple times over. You should budget signifi-
cant expenses for partnering. These will often be the largest
part of your budget, and also the first you’ll be tempted to
cut back on. Resist this urge! You can literally save millions of

42 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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dollars with a good partner helping you avoid mistakes.
There are thousands of stories of failed migration and
modernization efforts that then pull in a partner and spend
even more to undo a poorly planned strategy.

Monitor Everything
One major benefit of the cloud is that regardless of provider,
monitoring is woven into every aspect of the infrastructure. In
fact, in AWS, GCP, and Azure, you often have to turn off monitor-
ing. This should be something you spend significant time on.

So first, make sure you and your team learn where monitoring
and alerts are deposited. It’s often slightly different for different
services like a database, or an API gateway, or a storage bucket for
unordered data. Second, spend time building consolidated dash-
boards that relay critical information to you quickly. In the event
of a problem, you don’t want to have to look in 20 different places
to track down what’s gone wrong.

Finally, ensure that alerting goes beyond your cloud provider and
to your operations and support team proactively. There’s nothing
worse than an alert triggering but nobody receiving it.

Keep Architecture Current

There’s a certain finality to the idea of modernization: You mod-
ernize, and then you’re finished! Of course, that’s not accurate.
Modern in the year 2022 will be legacy in 2024, especially with
the blazingly fast advances being made in cloud services, data,
and machine learning. You should undertake modernization with
a commitment to continued improvement.

This begins with building a modular, or loosely coupled, architec-

ture. You can also employ paradigms like microservices to allow
you to upgrade, enhance, or transform portions of your architec-
ture without having to update everything at once.

More importantly, though, just keep reapplying your moderniza-

tion approach. Segment your digital portfolio, assess where older
components are costing you value, and then modernize. This

CHAPTER 6 Ten Digital Modernization Tips for Success 43

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repeated process of evaluating and executing will pay off over and
over, far beyond your initial modernization plan.

Avoid Chasing Shiny Objects

A shiny object represents a technology advancement that ­doesn’t
provide business value. Using new technology is a good use of
resources, as long as there’s something that adds to your business.

A simple example is moving from a REST API to a GraphQL

API. GraphQL is popular, very trendy, and offers a lot of flexibil-
ity. The deciding factor, though, shouldn’t be whether GraphQL is
“good” or “bad.” It should be: “what does it offer the business?”
If you have partners that use applications that can send to and
consume GraphQL, this could be a worthy investment. But if you
have 100 partners and 95 of them (when you ask them, because
you should ask them) prefer REST, then GraphQL, for your organi-
zation, is a shiny object.

Look for the Next Big Thing

You should be actively looking for areas where technology can add
additional value. In fact, if you’re getting and keeping the right
people, they’ll do this for you. Good architects and engineering
leaders are always checking out the latest developments in React,
object-oriented databases, or container technology.

React is a JavaScript-based framework for building dynamic

front-ends and communicating with APIs and other back-end
systems. Keeping up with new technologies like React will keep
your options open as your evolve your technology stack.

You should establish channels for these curiosities to become

organizational learnings. Regular lunch-and-learns where new
ideas and technologies are presented will push information out.
Then, leaders should be carefully listening. Perhaps a new trans-
fer protocol could reduce latency because of how your React-
based front-ends structure API requests. In those cases, an article
that one architect read on could end up being part of
a new technology initiative that significantly improves your busi-
ness and modernization efforts.

44 Digital Modernization For Dummies, Hitachi Vantara Special Edition

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