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Promoting family farming

in West Africa

Promoting family farming

in West Africa
For increased domestic consumption
of local quality products
MONDAY, 13 MAY 2024

Background the capitalization side of the Pafao program and The

Réseau des organisations paysannes et de produc-
In West Africa, in the face of rapid urban growth and teurs d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Roppa, Network of
increased demand from urban and rural consumers, food Farmers' and Agricultural Producers' Organizations of
systems based on family farming are already strengthening West Africa) which is a member of the monitoring and
in many places the capacity of a country or region to feed orientation committee.
its populations through local production, processing, Since its origins in 2009, the Pafao program has
supported more than 330 projects (annual “general”
call for proposals and 6 "Coup de pouce" calls).
West African farmers’ organizations and NGOs must, with
their cooperation partners, take up a fourfold challenge: Objectives
guarantee the availability of healthy, locally produced
food; ensure a dignified income for farmers and other The general objective of the Pafao program is to:
stakeholders in local food chains and systems; meet • Promote local initiatives strengthening the access to
the requirements of sustainable management of natural healthy and qualitative food produced by viable and
resources; influence public policies at both national and sustainable West African family farms and processed
international levels. in either the country itself or in adjacent regions, all
while ensuring an equitable distribution of the added
value, produced throughout the value chains (this is
The program the present call for proposals);
In 2009, the Fondation de France and the Comité • Capitalize (produce knowledge) by drawing useful
Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI) joined lessons beyond the projects, serving both organiza-
forces to launch a new program with the aim of tions and advocacy actors. The objective is to contri-
reinforcing family farming in West Africa. The program bute to the already existing documentation on topics
which is called “Promoting family farming in West such as agriculture and food system-sustainability.
Africa” (Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique Subsequently, the newly acquired knowledge can then
de l’Ouest – Pafao) receives financial support from be used by decision-makers when deciding upon
both the Fondation JM.Bruneau (under the auspices of public policies;
the Fondation de France) and the Agence française de • Support the construction of strategies for change of
développement (AFD, French Development Agency). scale so that successful initiatives do not remain
Additional important contributors are the Joint action marginal but occupy more economic space.
for West-Africa (Jafowa)- program which takes part in

With contribution of
Fondation JM.Bruneau and AFD.

Set in a context where national productions are com- • each year, around 10 to 15 projects are funded. For
peting against global market prices, the Pafao program the conclusions of Pafao’s call for proposals in 2023,
promotes «local consumption», understood as «the consult the following link.
local and national consumption of the products of West
African family farming». Priority question of the 2024 call for
The program articulates an economic approach with proposals
projects carried out at territorial and value chain levels, The 2024 call for proposals targets initiatives that help
aiming to influence the political and legislative environ- to improve people’s resilience in the event of crises by
ment on national and regional levels to promote the supporting sustainable local food chains and compete
sustainability of family farming (notably via the alliance with imported products.
with Roppa and several advocacy projects).
Accordingly, the initiatives are obliged to respond to the
following prioritized question: How can we increase
the consumption of local products deriving from
What initiatives are sustainable family farming while ensuring that far-
mers and other actors in the value chain receive a

being supported? fair income?

If your initiative does not provide a clear and concise

Themes response to this question, or if it focuses on produc-
tion issues, it will not be taken into consideration.
The program provides financial support for local and
farmer-led initiatives in West Africa to respond in a Initiatives must target one or both of these challenges:
sustainable way to the growing demand of domestic
• marketing local products consumed by as many people
markets, and to ensure a better distribution of added
as possible, including vulnerable groups;
value. These initiatives meet two challenges:
• marketing local products from the most isolated areas
• Strengthen and/or maintain the availability of local
and/or those suffering from insecurity.
quality products from sustainable family farming in
rural and urban markets - for mass consumption In addition, priority will be given to proposals based on
How can sustainable family farming continue to supply one of the following two approaches:
domestic markets and better satisfy the most vulnerable
populations, thereby increasing resilience in the event • accessing major, formalized markets such as contracts
of a crisis? How can producers, processors, traders and with public institutions and businesses (school canteens,
consumers organize themselves to better respond to prisons, hospitals, hotels, supermarkets, etc.).
each other’s needs and benefit from a better distribution
• targeting the role of West African consumers and
of the added value? How can the income generated by
their representative organizations in promoting local
family farming strengthen the resilience of actors in the
sector in the event of a crisis?

• Developing sustainable farming practices/sustai- Actions

nable food systems How can family farming adapt to
climate change and prepare for future crises (e.g. war Priority will be given to projects focusing on the
in Ukraine and rising input prices in 2022)? How can it downstream part of the value chain (processing, mar-
contribute to the preservation of natural resources and keting). Projects in which the focus are given to capita-
biodiversity, whether in the production, processing or lization and/or advocacy may also be selected.
marketing phases? How can we guarantee the diversi- The selection committee will prioritize projects that
fication of production and the variety and nutritional respond to the prioritized question of the call for pro-
quality of local products? posals and:
Please note that: the Pafao program selects projects • build on past initiatives while taking into consideration
that consider the 3 dimensions of sustainable develop- lessons learned by your or other organizations, working
ment (environmental, economic and social), in particular on similar topics or in the same territory;
through an agro-ecological approach;

• encourage cooperation between several of the concer- • admissibility of the application file: complete grant
ned territorial actors; application forms, filled out correctly and including all
required documents; error-free Excel budget files, cor-
• which are articulated with similar and/or complementary rectly named files in the required formats, etc.
initiatives, and whose positioning in relation to these
other initiatives and other actors (e.g. farmers’ organi- • eligibility of applicants, partners and projects;
zations, national platforms, national or foreign support
organizations, local authorities, government services, • precision of the problem and relevance of the indicators
private-sector actors, consumer associations, media, for monitoring the effects on the consumption of local
international organizations, donors, etc.) is explicitly products from sustainable family farming within rural
explained. and urban consumer markets, and on income generation
within the value chains, particularly for populations living
in landlocked and/or insecure areas. In concrete terms,
Important: these indicators should measure the contribution to
• the program’s committee will only select initiatives the preservation/conquest of formalized outlets or the
that demonstrate a real capacity for innovation, change capacity to involve consumers if your initiative targets
or replication of successful experiences to boost the these challenges
consumption of quality local products from sustainable
• quality of the project: its impact on the management
family farming.
of natural resources; adaptation to climate change; the
• projects with a main objective of purchasing equipment maintenance of rural employment and the creation
or subsidizing inputs cannot be financed by this fund. of economic activities that increase the resilience of
Therefore, equipment and supplies expenses should not industry actors against crises; the participation of citizens
exceed 40% of the total project budget. in the governance of local food systems and that of
producers in the management of economic sectors; the
establishment of skill-based, territorial and international
To whom is this call for proposals addressed? partnerships, etc. ...;
To non-profit legal entities:
• taking into account former experiences or experiences
• West African farmers’ organizations registered for led by other actors on similar themes and/or on the
more than one year; same territory;

• “support NGOs” active in West Africa or in European • feasibility: relevance of project’s budget and action plan,
Union (to the extent that they work with local partners); coherence of the general objective, specific objectives,
planned activities, expected results and the indicators
• Research and/or training organizations. of these same results, coherence between estimated
Important: this call is only open to projects carried out budget and financial planning;
in partnership by a minimum of two organizations, one • criteria for inclusion of scaling-up and scaling-out
West African and the other European (must be an EU (measures to ensure the continued benefits over the
member state). If the project leader is a West African long run, capitalization, dissemination and valorization,
organization, then the main partner must be European. replication of the innovations, advocacy, etc.).
Conversely, if the project leader is a European organiza-
tion, then the main partner must be West African. The
partnership between the two organizations must be
formalized and pre-existing to the project for which the
grant is requested. Other organizations may be involved
as «other partners».

Selection criteria
After verifying that the project answers at the priority
question of the 2024 call, the selection committee will
make a selection according to the following criteria:

Support modalities How to reply?

In order to encourage applicants to develop diversified
partnerships, especially local ones, the Pafao program
Please download the guidelines and the application
will not finance the whole project (maximum at 70%).
file (Word and Excel files) on
The financing plans will mention the other solicited/
(section “Trouver un financement”) or
acquired financial partners, as well as the self-financing
(section “Actualités”).
part which is forecast.
Your application folder completed in French or English
Two kinds of initiatives will be supported:
should be sent to us using the following e-mail address
short-term projects (one-year duration), with a granted (a Word file, accompanied by the
amount of 10,000€ to 18,000€; Excel file for the budgets, and the annexes requested).
The documents may be sent in several emails, each one
multi-year projects (3 years maximum), with a maximum
amount of 36 ,000€ for a two-year project and a not exceeding 8 Mo.
maximum of 60,000€ for a three-year project (paid in Deadline for the reception of your application folder
annual tranches in light of the progress of the project). by email is Monday, 13 May 2024.
The supported projects can already be under way, or be
specific parts of wider projects, whether under way or The admissibility and the eligibility of the applications
new. will be examined by the program secretariat, put in place
The financed actions must unfold after January 1st, by CFSI. Eligible applications will then be examined by
2024 and begin before December 31st, 2024. the program grant committee. Should you have any
questions left unanswered after having carefully read
the guidelines, please contact us via the following e-mail

Program contacts
Fondation de France
40 avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris - France
Chikomborero GONESE
Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI)
17 rue de Châteaudun - 75009 Paris - France

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