Amor Et Al. - 2016 - Heterozygous Mutations in HSD17B4 Cause Juvenile P
Amor Et Al. - 2016 - Heterozygous Mutations in HSD17B4 Cause Juvenile P
Amor Et Al. - 2016 - Heterozygous Mutations in HSD17B4 Cause Juvenile P
From the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (D.J.A., A.P.L.M., G.G., M.B.D., K.P., R.J.L., P.J.L.), Royal Children’s Hospital (D.J.A., M.B.
D., R.J.L.), Parkville; Department of Paediatrics (D.J.A., A.P.L.M., M.B.D., C.B., R.J.L., P.J.L.), Department of Medical Biology (R.T., M.B.),
The University of Melbourne; Department of Medicine (Neuroscience) (E.S.), Central Clinical School, Monash University; and Population Health
and Immunity Division (R.T., M.B.), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, 1G Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
Funding information and disclosures are provided at the end of the article. Go to for full disclosure forms. The Article Processing
Charge was paid by the authors.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC
BY-NC-ND), which permits downloading and sharing the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used
2 Neurology: Genetics
Table 1 Summary of clinical details of affected individuals in this study and previously reported in the literature
Hearing loss 1 (8) 1 (4) 1 (3.5) 1 (2) 1 (34) 1 (5) 1 (8) 1 (10) 1 1 (,20) 1 (20) 1 (27) 1 (30) 1 (6)
Ataxia 1 (5–10) 2 1 (11) 2 1 (,18) 1 (12) 1 (10) 1 (14) NR 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (24) 1 (12)
Dysarthria 1 2 NR NR 1 1 1 1 NR 1 1 1 1 1
Nystagmus 1 NR NR NR 1 1 1 1 NR 1 1 1 1 1
Mobility aids (age required, y) WC (,23) None WC None WC (29) Walker WC (32) None NR Walker (60) None None WC (35) None
Weakness 1 1 1 NR NR 1 2 1 NR 2 2 2 2 2
Hyperkinesia NR NR NR NR NR 1 2 1 NR 1 2 2 2 2
Plantar responses NR NR Flexor NR Flexor Extensor Extensor Flexor NR Flexor Flexor Flexor Flexor Flexor
Cranial MRI, y
Cerebellar atrophy 1 (21) 2 (,16) 1 (12) 1 1 (14) 1 (21) 1 (25) 1 (24) NR 1 (45) 1 (39) 1 (30) 1 (25) 1 (25)
Neurology: Genetics
White matter lesions 2 (23) 2 (,16) 2 (12) 2 2 (35) 1 (39) 1 (25) 2 (24) NR 2 2 2 (30) 2 2
Amenorrhea 1° 1° NA NA NA 1° NA 2° 1° 2° 2° 1° NA NA
Azoospermia NA NA NR NR 1 NA NR NA NA NA NA NA 2 1
Abbreviations: [ 5 increased; Y 5 decreased; 1° 5 primary; 2° 5 secondary; ID 5 intellectual disability; LD 5 learning difficulty; NA 5 not applicable; NR 5 not recorded; WC 5 wheelchair.
pinprick perception was preserved and ankle jerks
Figure 1 Compound heterozygous mutations in HSD17B4 cause juvenile
peroxisomal D-bifunctional protein deficiency
were present.
Pedigree 3 includes 1 affected individual (II-1),
a 33-year-old man born to nonconsanguineous pa-
rents of Italian ancestry. His younger brother is unaf-
fected. He presented at age 6 years with bilateral
sensorineural hearing loss, for which he has used hear-
ing aids from age 7 years. Beginning at age 14 years,
he developed a very slowly progressive cerebellar
ataxia. A decline in gait was first noted in the early
teenage years, with incoordination and occasional
falls becoming gradually more evident. There have
not been any problems with vision, or with motor
weakness or sensory disturbance. He has never had
a tremor or involuntary movements, and there is no
history of myoclonus or seizures. His cognitive devel-
opment is entirely normal. Clinical examination re-
vealed gait ataxia, dysarthria, and limb ataxia,
consistent with cerebellar disease. Although his ocular
movements have a full range, visual pursuit was sac-
cadic, with saccades being hypermetric in the hori-
zontal plane, and there was marked gaze-evoked
nystagmus, particularly on left gaze. Tongue move-
ments were slightly slow. There was no evidence of
motor weakness or sensory loss. Serial brain MRI
demonstrated progressive pancerebellar atrophy with
normal brainstem appearance. Nerve conduction
studies did not show evidence of peripheral neuropa-
thy. He was infertile due to hypergonadotropic hypo-
gonadism with elevated FSH (33.8 IU/L N 1.5–12.4)
and normal LH (7.6 IU/L N 1.7–8.6). Serum testos-
terone was at the lower end of the normal range (9.6
nmol/L N 8.3–30.2). A semen analysis showed azo-
ospermia, and a testicular biopsy revealed no sperm
and germ cell arrest. Serum phytanic acid was normal.
4 Neurology: Genetics
filtering resulted in 20 candidate genes containing 40 DISCUSSION The reported phenotype of juvenile
potential causative mutations. DBP deficiency is characterized by childhood or early
Linkage regions from pedigrees 1 and 2 were then adult-onset sensorineural deafness, ataxia, and
intersected, and subsequent variant filtering and pri- hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and overlaps
oritization was undertaken using these regions. This with that of Perrault syndrome (sensorineural
analysis identified HSD17B4 as a promising candi- deafness and, in females, ovarian dysgenesis).3–7
date, with 2 mutations identified in the male sib. Here, we describe 5 patients with juvenile (type
The first variant (NM_000414(HSD17B4_v003): IV) DBP deficiency from 3 different families,
c.661C.T, p.(Leu221Phe) is a missense mutation, bringing the total number of reported patients to
absent in population databases, that is predicted to be 14, from 8 families. We previously classified the
possibly damaging/deleterious by PolyPhen-2 and family reported here as pedigree 1 as being affected
SIFT, respectively. The second variant (c.1132 by “Cerebellar ataxia with hypergonadotropic
G.T, p.Gly378*) is a nonsense mutation, most hypogonadism” (OMIM #605672)12; however, it is
likely resulting in nonsense-mediated decay or a trun- now clear that this is the same disorder as juvenile
cated protein product. The 2 variants were confirmed DBP deficiency.
by Sanger sequencing in both siblings, and each par- This report broadens and consolidates the pheno-
ent was found to carry one of the variants, consistent type associated with juvenile DBP deficiency. The 3
with a compound heterozygous disease model. cardinal manifestations of juvenile DBP deficiency
Sanger sequencing was then undertaken in the 2 are ataxia associated with cerebellar atrophy on
sisters from pedigree 1 and their unaffected mother. MRI, sensorineural deafness, and hypergonadotropic
The same 2 variants were identified in both affected hypogonadism. The disorder is slowly progressive
sisters. The first variant (c.5811 G.A) is predicted with the onset of hearing loss and ataxia typically in
to cause loss of the exon 1 donor splice site. The the first decade of life; however, symptoms may
second variant (c.293A.AG, p.Asn98Ser) is a mis- escape recognition until the second or even the third
sense mutation predicted to be damaging/deleterious. decade. Peripheral neuropathy, affecting large diame-
The mother of the sisters was sequenced and found to ter sensory fibers clinically, typically develops some
have the c.293A.AG, p.Asn98Ser variant but not years after the onset of deafness and ataxia. Ambula-
the c.5811 G.GA variant. The father was not avail- tion is progressively impaired, with some patients
able for the study. requiring the use of a wheelchair between the third
Sanger sequencing of HSD17B4 was then per- and sixth decades. Notably, our oldest patient was
formed in pedigree 3. Two variants were identified ambulant with a walker in her 60s.
in the affected male. The first variant in exon 4 Gonadal dysfunction in juvenile DBP deficiency
(c.186_187del:pIle62Metfs*12) is a 2-base pair dele- shows greater variability. Of the 8 females identified
tion (AA) causing a frameshift and a premature stop with this disorder, 5 have had primary ovarian insuf-
codon. The second variant is a missense mutation ficiency, whereas 3 have undergone spontaneous
Neurology: Genetics 5
6 Neurology: Genetics
Neurology: Genetics 7
8 Neurology: Genetics
Neurol Genet is an official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published since April 2015, it is
an open-access, online-only, continuous publication journal. Copyright © 2016 American Academy of
Neurology. All rights reserved. Online ISSN: 2376-7839.
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Neurol Genet is an official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published since April 2015, it is
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