Chapter 2 - AC Circuit Power Analysis

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Steady-State Power Analysis

Electrical Circuits II

Author Al-Motasem Aldaoudeyeh, PhD

Institute Tafila Technical University

Date 15/06/2024

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Average Power of Periodic Waves
▶ Assume that we have a periodic
function of power such that
p(t) = p(t + T ) (1)

where T is the period

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▶ The average power P is simply the
result of integrating p(t) over the period
T then dividing the result over the
period [HKD12; p. 425]
1 T
P1 = p(t) dt (2)
x T
Px = p(t) dt (3)

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▶ The average power calculated by Eq. (2)
is exactly the same as the power
calculated by Eq. (3)
▶ Our choice of the starting limit of the
integral is entirely irrelevant as long as
we integrate over the entire period T of
the function
▶ We thus use a starting integration limit
that we feel most convenient with

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Average Power
▶ Assume that we want to calculate the average
power consumed by the network shown here
▶ The result is [HKD12; p. 426]

P = VM IM cos (θ − ϕ) (4)

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This is proven as follows
▶ The sinusoidal currents and voltages are
v (t) = VM cos (ω t + θ) (5)
i(t) = IM cos (ω t + ϕ) (6)

▶ The instantaneous power consumed by Z at any instance is

p(t) = VM IM cos (ω t + θ) cos (ω t + ϕ) (7)

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▶ Applying the identity
1 1
cos (α) cos (β ) = cos (α + β ) + cos (α − β )
2 2

on Eq. (7) yields

1 1
p(t) = VM IM cos (θ − ϕ) + VM IM cos (2ω t + θ + ϕ) (8)
|2 {z } |2 {z }
Constant Term A sinusoidal term
(Average Power) varying with a period of

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▶ The average value of the sinusoidal term in Eq. (8) is zero (why?) . Thus the
average power is
P = VM IM cos (θ − ϕ)

which is the same as Eq. (4)

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Instantaneous and Average Power Across an Impedance [HKD12]
An impedance has a voltage of v = 4 cos t across its terminals. The value of the
impedance is Z = 2∠60° Ω, calculate
▶ The instantaneous power consumed by the impedance
▶ The average power consumed by the impedance

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Instantaneous and Average Power Across an Impedance [HKD12]

▶ Converting voltage to frequency domain yields V = 4∠0° V. The current in the

impedance is thus
4∠0° °
I= = 2∠−60 A

thus, ϕ = −60◦ and θ = 0◦ . Applying Eq. (8)

1 1
p(t) = VM IM cos (θ − ϕ) + VM IM cos (2ω t + θ + ϕ)
2 2
1 1
p(t) = × 4 × 2 cos (0 − 60◦ ) + × 4 × 2 cos t + 0◦ + −60◦
2 2
π 3
=2 + 4 cos t − 60 W

▶ From the result above, the average power is 2 W

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Average Power Across a Resistor [HKD12; p. 428]
▶ The phase shift of the current ϕ and the voltage θ are exactly equal. When
substituting θ − ϕ = 0◦ in the equation above, we get
1 1
PR = VM IM cos (0◦ ) = VM IM
2 2

which could be rewritten as

PR =
1 2R
IM (9)
1 VM
PR = (10)
2 R

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Average Power Across a Resistor [HKD12; p. 428]
▶ Remember that IM and VM are real numbers representing the peak amplitudes of the
sinusoidal current and voltages across a resistor
▶ It is thus wrong to write, for instance, PR = 1 (5∠20° )2 × 17 to calculate the average
21 2
power. The correct way to calculate is PR = 2 5 × 17

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P = VM IM cos (θ − ϕ)

Average Power Across Reactive Elements For pure reactive elements

θ − ϕ 90◦ for pure inductive impedance
θ − ϕ −90 ◦ for pure capacitive impedance
when substituting θ − ϕ = ±90◦ in the equation above, we get
PX =0

▶ This means that the average power consumed by ideal inductor or capacitor (or combination
of both) must always be zero. However, the instantaneous power may not necessarily
be zero

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Average Power in a Resistor [HKD12]

Calculate the average power delivered to an impedance of

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Average Power in a Resistor [HKD12]
▶ Correct Way. The peak value of the current is IM = 5 A. Since only the resistive part
of the impedance consumes a power whose average is, generally, not zero, we take
only the real part of the impedance (RL = 8 Ω). Thus, applying Eq. (9) yields

PR =
1 2R

PR =
1 2 × 8 = 100 W

▶ Incorrect Way.

PR =
1 °
(5∠20 )
2 × 8 = [77 + j 64] W


PR =
1 2 × (8 − j 11) = [100 − j 137.5] W
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Power Balance in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

For the circuit shown in the adjacent figure

▶ Calculate the average power
delivered to each passive element
▶ Verify your answer by computing the
average power delivered by the two + +
sources - -

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Power Balance in Frequency Domain [HKD12]
▶ For mesh 1, we write
−(10∠50° ) + (j 45)I1 + (2)(I1 − I2 ) = 0
+(2 + j 45) I1 − (2) I2 °
= (10∠50 )
for mesh 2, we write
+(2)(I2 − I1 ) + (−j 100) I2 + (5∠0° ) = 0
−(2) I1 + (2 − j 100) I2 °
= (−5∠0 )

▶ Solving yields

I1 = 0.221∠−37.8
I2 = 0.0466∠−87.8
I1 − I2 = 0.194∠−27.2
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Power Balance in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

The Average Power Consumed by Passive Elements

▶ For the resistor, the average power is calculating using Eq. (9)

P2 Ω =
1 2R

× (0.1944)2 × 2 = 37.8 mW

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Power Balance in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

The Average Power Delivered by Voltage Sources

▶ The general form of average power is given in Eq. (4)
P = VM IM cos (θ − ϕ)
for the 10∠50° V voltage source, θ = 50◦ , ϕ = −37.8◦ . The goes from the source to the
positive terminal (i.e., active sign convention). Thus
P10∠50° = × 10 × 0.221 × cos (50◦ − −37.8◦ ) = 42.4 mW

for the 5∠0° V voltage source, θ = 0◦ , ϕ = −87.8◦ . The current enters the voltage
source from the positive terminal (i.e., passive sign convention). Thus
P5∠0° = × 5 × 0.0466 × cos (0◦ − −87.8◦ ) = 4.47 mW consumed
= −4.47 mW delivered

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Power Balance in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

The Average Power Delivered by Voltage Sources

▶ The total power delivered by both sources is thus
P10∠50° + P5∠0° = 37.93 mW

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Power Balance in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

▶ Using active sign convention, the average power delivered by the 20∠0° V source is
(note here that θ = 0 and ϕ = −64.4)
1 ◦
P20V source = 20 × 11.18 cos (0 − [−63.43◦ ]) = 50 W

▶ Using active sign convention, the average power delivered by the 10∠0° V source is
1 ◦ ◦
P10V source = (−10) × 7.07 cos (0 + [45 ]) = −25 W

▶ Thus, the total power delivered by power sources is 25 W

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Maximum Power Transfer
▶ Maximum power transfer in frequency domain
applies in a very similar fashion to the maximum
power transfer in DC circuits with pure resistive
loads [HKD12; p. 430]
▶ Assume that we have a load whose impedance is
ZL = RL + jXL connected to a network whose
Thevenin impedance is Zth = Rth + jXth and
Thevenin voltage is Vth
▶ The load ZL receives maximum average power
when it is equal to the conjugate of Thevenin
impedance or when ZL = Zth ∗

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Maximum Power Transfer in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

A circuit is composed of a sinusoidal voltage source

given as v (t) = 3 cos (100t − 3◦ ) V , a 500 Ω re-
sistor, and a 30 mH all in series with an unknown
impedance (load)
▶ Calculate the value of the load impedance that
receives the maximum average power from the
voltage source
▶ Depending on whether the impedance is
inductive or capacitive, determine the value of
the inductance/capacitance of the load

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Maximum Power Transfer in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

Convert all quantities to frequency domain

▶ The voltage source becomes Vth = 3∠−3° V
▶ The impedance of the inductor is
jωL = j 100 × 30 × 10−3 = j3Ω

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Maximum Power Transfer in Frequency Domain [HKD12]

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References - I

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