Health LP (Sanong)

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Teacher Irene May F. Sanong

Grade Level 2
I. Objectives:
At the end of class, students should be able to:
1. demonstrate empathy and understanding towards different family dynamics and
challenges related to maintaining healthy habits and practices;

2. identify and explain at least five key healthy habits and practices for families, including
nutrition, physical activity, proper hygiene; and

3. students will practice basic skills related to healthy habits and practices such as
performing simple exercises.

4. Subject Matter
a. Topic/Title: Healthy Family habits and Practices
b. References: Curriculum Guide in PE and Health
c. Materials: PPT, Flashcards
d. Strategy: Collaborative
e. Values to develop: Cooperation
II. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

a.1. Prayer
Teacher: Let’s start our day with a prayer, please (Pupils will stand)

In the name of the Father, the son, the Holy In the name of the Father, the son, the Holy
spirit. Amen. Dear God, thank you for giving us spirit. Amen. Dear God, thank you for giving
wonderful creations. Thank you for making us us wonderful creations. Thank you for making
special. Help us to learn and love and make us special. Help us to learn and love and
things in Jesus name, we pray, Amen. make things in Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Teacher: You may now take your sit. (Pupils will sit down)

a.2.Greetings Students: “Good morning teacher”

Teacher: Good morning class.
: How’s your day? Students: “Great teacher”

: That’s nice to hear that all of you are

doing great. Students: “Yes teacher”

a.3. Checking of Attendance

Teacher: Okay, now children teacher will check
the attendance with a twist. Instead of saying (The pupils listen to the teacher)
present, just say your favorite food. Got it?
Students: “Yes teacher”

Teacher: Karla Naranjo

Karla: macaroni salad teacher!

Teacher: Jumar Villasor

Jumar: Mango graham teacher!

Teacher: Mary Anthonette Gerigdig

Mary: Fried chicken teacher!

Teacher: Very Good class no one is absent for

todays class, kindly give yourselves 5 claps. Students: Clap their hands 5 times.

a.4. Energizer
Teacher: Now, let’s start our day with an
energizer, to energize and move our body. Is that Students: Yes teacher!

Teacher: All right I will play the video, and you

will follow the steps children understand class?
Students: Yes teacher!
(Stop, Wiggle, clap and tap)

(The pupils follow the steps in the video and



a.5. Classroom Rules

Teacher: As we go on to our formal discussion,
I want you to know first that we have an
agreement that should be followed:

1. Sit properly. Students: the students are listening to the

2. Listen and participate to the teacher’s rules.

3. Raise your right hand if you want to
ask question and clarification. Students: Yes teacher!

ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) 8 mins.
Teacher: Class I have here a video presentation.
I want all of you to watch these one because this Students: (the pupils listen to the teacher)
video will give you a hint about our new lesson
today, did you understand? Students: Yes teacher

Teacher: Now I want all of you to settle down,

keep Quit and focus on the vide because later on
I will asked you some questions related on the Students: (the pupils are settled down and
video presented, get it class ready to watch the video presented by the

Students: (the learners are watching the


Teacher: all right class based on the video

presented what have you observed? Anyone
who wants to answer?
Students: me teacher!

Teacher: Yes, Shan? Students: the people are doing exercise

together teacher.

Teacher: very good Shan, can we give Shan 3

Students: learners are clapping their hands
3 times

Teacher: what else?

Students: Me teacher!
Teacher: yes nice?
Students: The children share’s their
problems to their parent’s, teacher.

Teacher: very good can we give nice a very Students: yes teacher! 123, 123 very good
very good.
good clap?

Teacher: Last one, who can share what have

Students: me teacher!
you observed on the video presented a while
Students: all member of the family do the
house chores.
Teacher: yes?
Teacher: very good class! can we give ourselves Students: (the pupils clap their hands 5
5 claps?
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic) 5 mins.

Teacher: Today class, we will be having a game.

This game is called, “SUN and RAIN”. I will give
each one of you a SUN and Rain cards that we
will use to answer in our activity.
Direction: I will present here a different
picture and you will raise the SUN cards if it
shows good habit and RAIN if it doesn’t. Am I
clear class? Students: Yes teacher!

Teacher: Are you all ready to play the game Students: Yes teacher!
Teacher: then let’s start!
Students: Yes, teacher

Students: (the pupils clap their hands)

Teacher: Very good Class, some of your
classmates answer wrong but it’s okay since this
is just a motivation about our new topic. Can you
give yourselves 3 claps class?
EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience).17 min.
Teacher: now class I have here pictures and you
tell me what have you observed based on the Students: Yes teacher!
picture that I’ve presented understand class?

Teacher: Here is the 1st picture.

Students: That voice belongs to Mother.

Teacher: what is in the picture?

Students: (the pupils say that the boy is
eating a healthy food)
Teacher: very good the boy is eating healthy
-Who among you here eat healthy foods
like vegetables, fruits and fish? Students: (the pupils raise their hands and
say me teacher)
Teacher: very good, now may I have asked
eating vegetables and fish is a bad or good Students: (the pupil answer, good habit
habit? teacher)

Teacher: very good class, eating vegetables,

fruits and fish is good habit because vegetables,
fruits and fish gives our body nutrients that will
make us healthy away from any virus.

Teacher: how about this picture?

Students: (the pupils say me teacher!)

Teacher: yes jumar? Students: they are doing the house chores

Teacher: yes, very good Jumar the children are Students: (the pupils say washing the
doing the house chores. What house chores you clothes, washing the dishes, sweep the floor
know class? etc.)

Teacher: wow! very good class you know some Students: Yes, teacher!
simple house chores in your home I hope you
learn and practice that one because it helps you
to be independent

Teacher: how about this picture?

Students: (the pupils say a family that go to

Teacher: very good class, the picture shows a

family that goes to church.

Teacher: very good!

-Going to church with your family is it
a bad practice or good?
Students: (the pupils raise their hands)
-anyone who wants to answer?

Students: Good practice teacher

Teacher: Yes, Aljer?

Teacher: yes, very good Going to church with

your family is a good practice.
-where in your parents instilled to your
Students: the pupils listen to the teacher
minds that going to church every Sunday is very
important to asked forgiveness to God and
saying thank you for all the blessings that you’ve
received either it is small or big.

EXPLAIN (Should include interaction between teacher and students).10 min.

Teacher: Okay class, lets proceed to our Students: the pupils listen to the teacher
discussion for today.

Teacher: Do you have any idea what is Healthy

Family Habits and Practices?

Teacher: yes Sheila? Students: Yes teacher

Teacher: very good Sheila, healthy family habits Students: Healthy Family Habits and
and practices are those practices or routine that practices is all about practices or routines
that we used to do teacher.
we used to do with our family always.

- Here is the definition of Healthy

Family Habits and Practices.

-Healthy family habits and practices

are routines and behaviors that promote
physical, emotional, and relational well-being
within a family unit. This includes things like open
communication, spending quality time together,
Students: (the pupils listen to the teacher
maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, properly)
expressing love and support.

Teacher: now class what routine or practices

you used to do with your family?

-anyone can raise their hand to


-yes, April shine?

Students: Go to church every Sunday

Teacher: very good, going to church every

-what else?

Teacher: yes Karl, Students: (the pupils raised their hands)

Students: me teacher!

Students: eating together teacher

Teacher: eating together with the whole family is
one of the examples of healthy habits, very good
class here are some examples of healthy habits.

1. Practice do the house chores

2. Practice proper hygiene
3. Eat healthy foods
Students: the pupils listen to the teacher
4. Have a no phone zone
5. Practice a bedtime routine and
6. Exercise

Teacher: now class do you have any questions

related to our new lesson today?

Teacher: Very good, so did you understand Students: none teacher

what is Healthy Family Habits and Practices?

Teacher: really class? Students: Yes teacher

Teacher: Is Healthy Family Habits and Practices

helpful to you us a kid?

Teacher: very good those habits and Practices Students: Yes teacher
are very helpful because as a kid now adays it
helps you to be independent and it helps you to
be flexible. Students: the pupils listen to the teacher

ELABORATE (The teacher will give inputs to deepen the understanding of the students.) 10 min.
teacher: This time let’s have an individual
-Encircle if the picture shows
healthy habits and make a sad face if it’s not. Students: Yes teacher
Understand class?

Teacher: I will give you 10 minutes to answer

it and after that you will pass the paper in Students: the pupils listen to the teacher
front understand class?

Teacher: your 10 minutes start’s now! Students: the pupils answer the activity in
the activity sheet given by the teacher.


2. _________

3. _________


teacher: Class your 10 minutes ends are you all

done? Students: Yes teacher
-kindly pass the paper here
Infront in count od 1 2 3 4 5 all papers should be
here Infront. Understand class? Students: Yes teacher

-1 2 3 4 5. Very good all

papers are here.
Students: pass their paper on front

EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept) 5 min.
Teacher: This time let us have our Group Students: Yes teacher

-I will group you into two (2). Each Students: the pupils listen to the teacher
Group should Portrait based on the picture that
they received. Did you get it class?

Teacher: very good! Now these two (2) line Students: the pupils listen to the teacher
should be the Group 1 and these two (2) lines
should be the Group 2. Now settle down and

Teacher: Group 1 this would be your picture that Students: (the Group 1 get their picture)
you need to portrait.

Students: (the Group 2 get their picture)

teacher: and for the Group 2 this is the picture
that you need to portrait.

students: Yes, teacher

teacher: Now that you have the pictures that you

need to portrait I will give you 10 minutes to
prepare after that we will be going to start our
students: the group 1 present in front
activity. Understand class?

teacher: very good, your 10 minutes starts now!

students: Yes teacher
-Okay class times up. Group 1
please come here on front and present the
picture that you will gonna portrait.
students: clap their hands 5 times

teacher: very good Group 1, you’ve portrait

people who are doing exercise, is exercising is
important to us class?
students: the second group present Infront
-please give Group 1, 5 claps

teacher: Very good exercise is important for us

to have a healthy and flexible body. How about
students: Yes teacher
the second Group, please portrait your picture.

students: clap their hands 5 times

teacher: very good Group 2, you portrait
properly your assigned picture and that is doing
the different house chores. Can you give
yourselves class a 5 claps for a very good job for
todays activity?
EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context.) 5 min.
teacher: Class have you learn something today?
students: Yes teacher
- very good, do you have any
questions that is related to our topic today?
students: None teacher

teacher: since no more questions. Can you get

your assignment notebook and write your
assignment on the board? students: okay teacher!

Instruction: List 10 Healthy Family Habits and

Practices that you’ve see either in your
community or Home. student: the pupils listen to the teacher
teacher: Did you understand class what are you
going to do in your assignment?

students: Yes teacher

-Done writing class?

students: Yes teacher

teacher: Okay so Please all stand for our closing

students: the pupils stand for the closing

-Please sign of the cross for prayer.
those catholic and for those who are not you
may bow your head.

teacher: Goodbye and thank you class.

students: Goodbye and thank you teacher
teacher: see you next meeting.

students: Goodbye teacher.

Prepared by: Checked and Verified:
Irene May F. Sanong Angelica C. Laguitao
Student Teacher Instructor, T- Music

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